63.21% Blood And Iron GoT) / Chapter 51: The floating fortresses

章 51: The floating fortresses


Small naval combat with the use of Greek fire


Johann von Rügen POV

Three more days had passed in our mission, and we had finally sold all our cargo, the numbers were extremely good, everything in the summer islands is sold quite expensive, since almost everything we sell they must import from far away which leaves us with huge profit margins.

Because mainly a galley trip to the summer islands takes about a moon, while it only takes us 13–15 days, we are much more efficient than any merchant who wants to compete with us, which increases our profits a lot more, since we have to pay less wages.

This knowledge will be very vital for my king because this expedition is just to see if it is profitable to trade with the summer islands and luckily, it was incredibly profitable

For the moment I had let my men go out to the taverns so that they could have fun and relax because I was preparing everything to set sail very soon, I had told my men that we would set sail in another 6 days, but the reality was different.

I hate to have to lie to my men, but I had decided to set sail today at night, I had scheduled a training session in the afternoon to have everyone reunited and set sail under the cover of the night to return to our home.

This way if the pirates got any information from my men or the prince's assistants they would not have the exact date of my departure and that could affect any attempt to try to steal our huge profits, since this lack of information may cause any attempt to attack us to end badly for not knowing when we leave port because they think we will leave in several more days and thus ensure the king's wealth.

I had arrived in these lands with 35 million golden dragons, but now I was leaving with almost 40 million golden dragons and holds full of spices, gems and ivory, now my convoy is a bag of gold that floats for the huge amount of gold dragons and gold ingots I had obtained, but above all the spices according to Baldric I carry the equivalent of 120 million golden dragons in spices if I sell it in the seven kingdoms and in essos he says that amount could be doubled, without considering the uncut gemstones according to the gemologist we can multiply their value almost 10 times, but it will not be immediate it will take time to sell them, as they are luxury items that only the richest seek.

And because of our full ships I am too good a target to pass up, the amount of loot they could get from me was enough to convince the sanest of the mission to attack us because even a pirate sailor under the command of the stingiest captain would come out of this attack very rich.

Luckily, I had gotten everything Aleksanteri needed, it just left my hair standing on end, the woman who sold them all my senses told me danger when I was near her and Baldric was pale when we negotiated the plants that were needed for the poisons our white devil was looking for, although I still don't know what he would use them for.

I stopped thinking about a possible attack and I got up and went to our hold and with the help of my men on the ship I had planned to take out chests with gold to pay the taxes, so I could leave with total freedom it will only be a pity not to say goodbye to the prince I had enjoyed his company.

''Admiral, orders'' said my sailors.

''We must gather the gold to pay the tax to the prince, his retinue is outside to receive the gold'' I said seriously to my men.

''Whatever you order Admiral'' said my men.

After that, I went up on deck and let the captain and her men in, so they could count the tax payment in a calm manner, for the next 4 hours the captain and her men were counting the coins until she nodded to me and her men started to take out the chests with gold.

I was handed a document that says something in the language of the inhabitants of the summer islands, I already knew how to speak a little, but not to read, maybe Baldric can tell me with more accuracy what this document is.

For the rest of the time I stood watchful looking around until the sun began to set and watch as slowly my sailors returned to the ship after a fun time for what they believe will simply be a bit of training to keep skills sharpened

Baldric returned to the ship a, and he looked with a frustrated face.

''What's wrong Baldric you have a bad face'' I said smiling.

''Nothing lord Johann, I'm just very nervous'' said Baldric serenely.

''Come on, tell me what's wrong, you are an important part of this expedition, I can't let anything happen to you'' I said with a big smile

''It's because of personal problems at home'' said Baldric.

''Explain yourself'' I said seriously

''It's not something I want to talk about, Lord Johann, it's personal'' said Baldric.

''I understand if you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you, by the way, what does this paper say'' I said serenely.

Baldric looked at the paper that had been given to me earlier.

''It is a document that validates your tax payment to the prince'' said Baldric.

''Thank you, Baldric, that's all, you can go and rest'' I said calmly.

Baldric went to his room, leaving me waiting for my sailors for training.

After this conversation, my officers and I were making a list to verify that all the sailors were on the ships to start with our plan.

''Admiral, all 9231 men are already here, all the men we brought with us'' said my deck assistant.

''Good, that's excellent, give the order to the officers to set sail we're leaving'' I said seriously.

''Admiral, but you said we could rest for more days'' said my assistant

''I lied, it was so no information about our departure would leak out, so give the order we set sail now'' I said seriously

''Yes Admiral'' said my assistant while communicating with the rest of the officers.

My orders were fulfilled although reluctantly by many, as some did not reach their turn to have fun in the city, but this departure will take many people by surprise.

In less than 10 minutes we weighed anchor and set sail and began to leave this harbor.

Baldric came out of his room and had come up to talk to me.

''Lord Johann, what is going on, why are we sailing?'', Baldric asked frightened.

We sail now to avoid problems in the future with unwanted guests, any problem with that?'', I said, looking at Baldric.

''No.no.. This is very good, I needed to get back soon'' Baldric said almost mumbling.

''Well Baldric, I hope this helps with your mood'' I said smiling

''I just wanted to go home early, that's all,'' said Baldric, very relaxed.

Baldric went back to his room, as it was quite late, and he hadn't slept at all.

We had sailed for the next 3 hours without inconvenience until our mast watchman started shouting

''Ships, ships are following us'' said the watchman.

Shit they caught up with us

''How many ships are there'' I shouted to the watchman.

''28 ships'' said the watchman while observing them with the spyglass.

Having this information I approached the back of our galleon and watched our pursuers with my spyglass, I saw how several ships were approaching us, there was no uniformity in these ships, there were ships from different areas, galleys of the seven kingdoms, ships of the iron born and other ships that worked with sails, but they were modified to use oars.

The wind was not very strong by this time, so they have been rowing without rest to catch up with us.

''well boys, the moment we have been waiting for has arrived, it's time to demonstrate your training, prepare the crossbows, arm the scorpions'' I said to my men with a strong tone.

''give the order to the other ships to get ready and start heating the Greek fire liquid and place them in the ceramic containers in case they try to board us'' I said to my assistant who went to get his lantern to start communicating with signals to the other ships.

For the next 30 minutes, we were sailing at the same pace, only that I moved my boat back, so I could observe everything in a better way and be attentive to the tactics of these pirates.

They had come quite close, and I was already within range of our scorpions.

''Aim for the oarsmen, without them, they will never catch up with us'' I said to the sailors who were handling the scorpions.

''Yes Admiral'' said my men.

I was watching with my spyglass how the first projectile came out of our scorpion and how it impaled 3 oarsmen with a single projectile.

For this, result, the users of the scorpion were celebrating.

''Forget about celebrating, reload fast, damn it'' I said in a serious manner.

The sailors stopped celebrating and started to reload unfortunately we only had 2 scorpions at the back of the ship, so we could only fire 2 projectiles every 20 seconds, but they were causing a lot of casualties among the rowers who were in range from our position.

For the next 10 minutes, we were firing the scorpions relentlessly and several boats following us had slowed down, but some were already very close to us at the range of the crossbows.

I gave the order and all available sailors approached the edge of the galleon and aimed their crossbows at the rowers, we waited for the perfect moment to cause heavy casualties.

''Loose'' I said to my men.

With that order, several dozens of crossbows were fired and hit their targets, causing many deaths among the rowers

But finally some ships managed to get next to the ships that were closer to them and began to throw hooks to hook our ships, among those ships was my galleon.

''Quickly cut the ropes to prevent them from boarding us, be careful with their projectiles, keep your heads down'' I said as I took my mace.

There were very few boats that had arrived, the rest had given up and withdrawn when they suffered many losses among their oarsmen.

There were only 6 boats left, which seemed to be the most desperate or the craziest that were trying to get on the boats

in my case, we cut the ropes of our pursuers, we liquidated them with more crossbow shots until they stopped pursuing us, or they were all dead like porcupines from so many projectiles.

I was already ending the combat when I saw how a pirate galley caught fire in a very fast way.

Practically in seconds, the whole galley was covered by fire

I saw first hand how the pirates threw themselves into the sea to avoid being burned to death, but some did suffer that fate, as the smell of burning flesh began to fill the air.

''Ha, ha, ha, ha look how that scum burns'' shouted a sailor.

My men began to laugh at the spectacle

after witnessing this carnage happen, I decided to check if there were any wounded among our ships.

After a quick communication between ships I determined that we had no wounded, these pirates were desperate and paid for their stupidity with their lives, if they had a plan with my idea of sailing at night, it had worked excellent, since most likely the pirates should have joined together to attack us and could not coordinate with my abrupt departure and only some of them had participated.

I decided to go to the hold to check Baldric's condition and found him hiding among the cargo.

''It is all over now Lord Johann," asked Baldric sticking his head out of his hiding place.

''Ha, ha, ha, ha, all is over Baldric you can go back to hiding quietly, ha, ha, ha, ha'' I said laughing looking at Baldric's hiding place.

''Tt's not funny, I was so afraid of the same thing happening again'' said Baldric angrily

''Baldric it was carnage, they couldn't do anything, we were practically practicing with our scorpions with moving targets'' i said smiling

''That's good, I guess it'll make for a smooth journey back'' said Baldric sighing

''Yes we will be back to Neu Danzig very soon'' I said smiling

''I'm going to go to King's landing, I have things to settle there'' said Baldric while showing a thoughtful face

''Could you please explain to me what is wrong with you the last few days you have been acting like someone else'' I said seriously.

Baldric sighed and sat down on a barrel.

''Well, well, what happens is that I took a loan at an abusive interest rate, I had full confidence this would work out, but every day that goes by my debt increases and I wanted to be able to pay it all off soon'' said Baldric looking me in the eyes

''And why did you ask for this loan'' I said seriously.

''When the pirates robbed me, I sold my goods, but I still had many debts, you know debts that I was supposed to be able to pay if everything went well, but it wasn't, so I was forced to ask for a loan offering my house and my ship as guarantee, the trade with only one ship was barely enough to pay the interests, so I bet everything I had on this and every day that passed my debt increases if I don't pay the interests I will lose my house, and they will throw my family to the street that is why I was so interested in when we would leave port'' said Baldric embarrassed

Why didn't you tell me we would have sailed earlier'' I said annoyed.

''I didn't want to bother, but I started to worry when you didn't tell me the date of our departure because if we delay more than 3 moons, maybe the gold I leave to my wife won't be enough to pay the interest of those sharks'' said Baldric looking at the ground.

''Baldric, if you had told me, I would have helped you'' I said with concern.

''If you knew my problems, it would have affected your decision?'', said Baldric with a serious tone.

''of course it would have affected my decision, we would have left several days ago, it was a matter of you letting me know, I would have given the rest days to my men in the King's landing ports and Neu Danzig'' I said sincerely

''But why would you do that? I don't understand Lord Johann, why do you care so much about me'' said Baldric a little annoyed.

''we are friends, of course I would do everything I could to help you'' I said smiling.

Baldric was surprised at my answer

''But... but... but... But'' said Baldric, hesitating

''Well calm down Baldric everything is fine, we will arrive probably in 15 more days, and you will have almost a full moon to pay your debts'' I said smiling

''Yes, thank you, I am more relaxed now, I apologize for the way I acted, but I didn't want to interfere with your plans, since the pay is good and that you let me trade on my own under your protection I will always appreciate it'' said Baldric

''Baldric you earned every golden dragon we are going to pay you'' I said laughing.

After that conversation, we went back to sailing quietly without any inconvenience, the problem of the pirates was just a minor problem, and now I feel stupid because this problem will take away my sleep for several days.

When we saw land and confirmed that it was Dorne where we were supposed to separate the fleet, 15 ships would go to Neu Danzig and the other 15 to King's Landing

we stayed for a while moving Baldric's merchandise, as the king had given him permission to use part of our hold as payment plus a fixed payment.

''well Baldric it was a pleasure to meet you, I hope we can meet again soon'' I said smiling.

Baldric sighed and flashed a huge grin

''Same here Johann, I hope to see you soon'' said Baldric laughing.

''Take your payment, the king gave me the freedom to decide your payment, since you had to go to king's landing and the king would not be there to give you the payment'' I said handing him a small chest

''How much is there'' Baldric asked

''1000 golden dragons, I know we agreed on 50 dragons, but your help and contacts were very helpful Baldric you've earned it'' I said smiling

''Thank you, Johann, I hope we meet again soon'' said Baldric shaking my hand

''Leave that house of yours, come and live in Neu Danzig, you can work for the king in Prussia, as a translator or teaching the king's diplomats, he will pay you generously for your services and if you don't want I can help you to work in the king's trade routes you will have all the protection of the Prussian navy'' I said with a smile.

''Mhh thank you, Johann, I don't know what to say, but I must discuss this with my wife, she is used to a life and I don't want to change it'' said Baldric smiling.

''Come on Baldric king's landing is a stinking city with my recommendation you can buy a good house inside the city walls, and you will enjoy a good life, and you can trade without the problem of pirates or iron born'' I said tapping his shoulder as I smiled

''Thank you for everything, Johann'' Baldric said as he passed to another galleon on the bridge.

''You take care of him, don't let anything happen to him,'' I said to the captain of the galleon Baldric had boarded.

''Yes admiral'' said the captain returning to his ship.

''Well boys let's go to Neu Danzig, now I will give you the rest I promised you'' I said to my men.

We slowly sailed back to our destination


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Chill_ean_GUY Chill_ean_GUY

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next chapter
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