Achey and mildly exhausted, Malachi sat in the corner of a room while he watched his mother and a small crowd form around Abaddon's newborn baby.
Now... he felt a bit on the outskirts.
It wasn't anyone's fault, but whenever he got to witness moments like this it kind of stung... because he had already missed the most important birth of all.
With that thought in mind... He began to feel more than a little homesick.
Hadn't he already missed enough time with his family?
As if she could senses his thoughts, Nyx looked at him from across the room. She smiled faintly and nodded.
Abaddon was standing at her side. She gave him a slight nudge on the arm and together the two of them came up to Malachi.
"You look weary. I guess we should work on getting you home now." Abaddon said.
Malachi smiled wryly.
ANOTHER big thank you to Darkxion for sponsoring this bonus chapter.
guys you gotta chill. if somebody looks in the comments they might think I’m running yall pockets like Deebo