100% Bleach: Primordial Jaune / Chapter 4: Shinigami? Pluses are just better!

章 4: Shinigami? Pluses are just better!

"Is that all?" Kisuke handed the various Shinigami tools to Rukia.

Rukia didn't reply as she started to leave Kisuke's shop. "Hey, stop!" After hearing the voice, Rukia turned around and stared at Kisuke. Wanting to know why he stopped her.

"You forgot to pay." Kisuke gestured to the tools in Rukia's hand.

"Those things are not free." He continued, waiting for her to pay up.

"What?" Rukia didn't understand what he was trying to say.

"Money! You need to give me money in exchange for the tools you want to buy!" Rukia started to understand what Kisuke meant and took out a purse.

Seeing the purse, Kisuke told her the price. "The total is 5.000 Yen." Rukia nodded her head as she took out the money and gave it to Kisuke.

After handing the money, she started leaving the shop.

"Why can't I have normal customers?" Kisuke thought aloud. 'She said that her mission was to kill hollows, didn't she? I wonder if she will meet Carrera.'

* * *


"Where are the strong hollows?!" Carrera was frustrated, she was killing hollows for a week straight with her baits. But she still hasn't seen a hollow that can give her a hard time.

'Am I not making something right? Why are they so weak...They started to appear lesser than before too.' Carrera went to take a look at her precious baits.

'They are still here, good.' After checking them, she decided to search for different locations that could have hollows.

She wandered the streets of Karakura, looking at the sun that was about to set. She was rather disappointed with hollows, she wondered if they had more powerful forms.

After coming to this world, the only thing she did was wandering to different places. Searching for a way to unseal her strength. For the past 50 years, she ran away from the Shinigami's that tried to send her to their Soul Society, killed some weak hollows that tried to feast on her and met some new faces.

'Maybe I should enjoy myself for some time...It's not like I'm on a mission.' Carrera thought as she kept walking.

She decided to not think of anything and just take in the sight of Karakura Town.

* * *

-Rukia Kuchiki-

'It's coming from there.' Rukia thought as she moved towards the place where she sensed the Hollows.

'It disappeared?! Is another Shinigami here?' Rukia thought as she kept moving to the location.

After some time, she arrived to a park. She decided to search the park for hollows or their remnants, keeping her guard up at all times incase of an ambush.

She was surprised that she didn't find any trace of Hollows. When hollows attacked, normally there would at least be some traces of a fight happening. But there was nothing here! The ground didn't have craters, no claw marks and not even a footprint of a hollow!

She was more stupefied by the scene of 6 Pluses tied on a tree. They were acting as if they were a well-behaved dog waiting for their owner.

'What's going on here?!' This park was just too strange. After comprehending the situation, she decided to interrogate the Pluses and send them to soul society.

Rukia slowly approached them. When she entered their vision, a young boy suddenly yelled.

"Someone is coming!" He took the attention of the other tied Pluses as they looked at the approaching figure of Rukia. At least some of them could since some were tied at the other side of the tree.

"Hello, I'm a Shinigami and I will pass you onto the afterlife if you answer my questions." Rukia said as she cut the rope that tied them.

"Are we finally saved?" The old ugly man asked in joy. "That big sister was rude, leaving us like that!" The young boy finally re-obtained the luxury of standing up after a week.

"Thank you." The middle aged man said with gratitude. "I thought I would be tied to that tree forever." The teenager stood up and thanked Rukia.

The young girl didn't say anything, she was still wary of Rukia. Last time she accepted someone to take her somewhere, she was tied to a tree.

"Thank you!" The baby announced his gratitude.

After looking at Rukia for awhile, the young girl decided to speak. "What are your questions?" The young girl asked Rukia.

"How did you all managed to get tied to a tree?" Rukia started her interrogation

The young boy lifted his hand into the air to answer the question. "I can answer! While I was in the park, I was attacked by a hollow! But a big sister came over and saved me, defeating the hollow. After that I asked her if I could pay her back for saving me.

She told me that I could by leading her to the location of other Pluses, so I did. After she told all of them to follow her to a place that is safer, she led us here and tied us to this tree!"

"Was that big sister a Shinigami like me?" Rukia asked after listening to the boy.

"No, she was a Plus like us." This time, the young girl answered. "After she tied us, she said that we were bait for her to attract Hollows."

"Why would a Plus want to attract Hollows?" Rukia thought out loud. After hearing Rukia, the girl continued.

"She said that she was going to fight them. We were tied to that tree for at least a week. She kept fighting the Hollows attracted to us."

Rukia had many doubts about the answers she was getting. 'A plus wanting and actually beating Hollows? This is too strange to ignore.'

"Where is she now?" Rukia asked as she was curious about this strange Plus.

"She left a a few minutes ago. She didn't tell us where she was going." The young girl replied.

"She shouldn't have gone too far." The young boy said. He was still grateful for Carrera saving him, but he was indeed angry for being tied to a tree for a week.

After getting all the answers she wanted, she started to take out her zanpakutou and hit the ugly old man's face with the behind of the sheath.

The old man got engulfed by blue energy as he started to disappear. The young girl widened her eyes at the phenomenal sight before her.

The Pluses didn't resist and waited for their turn. After all of them were sent to soul society, Rukia tried to sense the strange Plus that could defeat Hollows.

* * *


She kept wandering the streets of Karakura Town. Not knowing that she had a Shinigami on her tail.

She kept walking as she didn't mind the disappearance of the baits. She put her own energy in them to know if they got into trouble when she was not with them.

'Maybe I should eat something.' Carrera thought as she saw the restaurant she previously stole from. They were closed since it was getting late. She went inside the restaurant and tried to find something edible.

After searching, she found some snacks and decided to steal them. She quickly left the restaurant and ate them while walking aimlessly.

She took in the sights of the houses, trees and a clinic near the road. She saw an orange haired teenager in front of the clinic that was staring at her weirdly. Without minding or questioning how the human could see her, she kept walking.

After a while, she was disturbed by a claw that was approaching her face.

Carrera tilted her head, dodging the claw and jumped towards the Hollows mask.

She took a hold of the Hollows Mask, put it on fire and ripped it off. The hollow screamed in agony for some seconds and finally died.

"I'm not in the mood." Carrera looked at the snacks that she dropped on the floor because of her actions of dodging the Hollow. As she looking at it, she felt enraged. 'How dare this low-life cause me to drop my snacks.'

She threw a fireball at the Corpse of the Hollow and left.

'If I wasn't sealed, I would give it the torture of it's pathetic life.' Carrera thought as she went to get more snacks.

Unknown to her, she had a Shinigami watching her while she dealt with the Hollow.

'Is she really a Plus?' Rukia thought as she witnessed Carrera's fight with the Hollow.

'How did she even generate fire?' Rukia was too focused on her thoughts to notice that Carrera already left.

'I need to ask her how- Where is she?!' Rukia looked around and couldn't see the figure of Carrera. She couldn't sense her either. 'How did she get so far that I can't even sense her?! Did she somehow use shunpo?' Rukia continued her thoughts, thinking about the strange Plus.

After Carrera dealt with the Hollow, she decided to return to her self-proclaimed home. Not forgetting to steal a huge amount of snacks on the way. Her mood was complicated. After so many years, it was the first time she didn't want to fight.

* * *

After finishing the snacks she stole, she exited the training grounds. "Haah~ I feel so relaxed, I really should take a break sometimes."

The light rays of the sun hit her face. "How much time did I stay in there?" She wondered, the training grounds was underground and Kisuke didn't bother buying a clock. So it was impossible to tell the time.

"What should I do today? Hunting for hollows is a hassle and they're weak anyways. I should go bother Kisuke, maybe he has something fun to do." Carrera started to walk towards the location of Kisuke's shop.

It didn't take long since the training grounds were just under Kisuke's shop.

"Kisuke! The Hollows are too weak, so keep your promise and fight me!" Carrera yelled outside Kisuke's shop.

'Shit! She is back!' Kisuke thought and quickly went to hide. After not hearing a response, Carrera went inside the shop and searched for Kisuke.

She used magic sense and found Kisuke hiding behind what seems like a normal wall.

She approached the wall and comically walked through it, breaking it in the process. The broken wall embraced her body like a dress and didn't fall off of her body.

Kisuke had a series of mood swings after getting found out by Carrera. At first he was curious about how Carrera could find him, then it dawned upon him that Carrera would most likely bother him with her difficult-to-deal-with antics, but after he saw how the wall got stuck to her and didn't fall he wanted to laugh.

"Pfft" Kisuke put his hand on his lips to stop his laugh. "What you laughing at, huh?!" Carrera got pissed after seeing Kisuke's effort to keep himself from laughing. She used her fire and burned the wall that was still stuck on her body.

"Nothing, Nothing~ Anyways, why are you here?" Kisuke asked after making sure that he wouldn't laugh.

"The Hollows were too weak, so keep your promise and fight me!" Carrera demanded with a goofy smile.

"If they were too weak, you didn't search hard enough!" Kisuke replied, not wanting to deal with Carrera. If he decided to fight with her, how many weeks would it take until she tired out?

"Stop your excuses and fight me!" Carrera urged, she didn't have anything else to do except fighting. Of course she would be stubborn.

"You were wearing those clothes for the past 50 years, don't you want to change them?" Kisuke tried to change the subject.

"Don't even try changing the subject, and I can say the same to you! You were wearing the same clothes since I met you!" Carrera retorted.

"Tch, didn't work." Kisuke wanted to get out of the situation he was in. He wanted to get rid of Carrera, but he couldn't do anything that would upset her. Yes, she was annoying but she would be an awesome ally if she fully "unsealed" the seals she always talks about.

*Knock Knock Knock*

While Kisuke was thinking about how he could escape Carrera, a knocking sound came from the door of Kisuke's shop.

'My saviour!' Kisuke thought as he went to open the door. He really didn't need to open the door himself, but he was happy that he could possible distract Carrera with the arrival of someone new.

"H-hello, I came here to ask if you know anything about the Plus that can defeat Hollows." Rukia was startled at first, she didn't expect that the first thing she would see when opening the door was Kisuke's face.

"You need to pay extra for that information!" Kisuke blocked the door with his body so Rukia wouldn't see Carrera. He took out a paper that had "Hide" written on it and directed it to Carrera.

Carrera complied with Kisuke's request as she went to hide where Kisuke did previously. She quickly made a wall of earth and gave it a shape similar to the one before.

"How much do you want?" Rukia asked. It was her responsibilty to direct Pluses into soul society. She would do it at any cost, even her life.

"Only I know about her whereabouts, so that will cost you extra. How about 30.000 yen?" She didn't have anywhere else to ask and she seemed quite determined to find Carrera. Of course Kisuke would scam her.

"W-what?! It's just information! Why is it so expensive?!" What was wrong with this shop owner?! He was trying to scam her in broad daylight.

"Of course it is! As a wise man once said: "Information is power." And I am the only one you can earn this one from." Kisuke let her inside the shop after confirming that Carrera was hidden.

After being found out by Carrera so many times, he decided to cover the shop with a stealth gigai. No one could sense any Reishi in his shop.

"Fine, take it! Take it all!!!" After thinking about it for a while, Rukia threw her precious purse into Kisuke's face.

Kisuke took the purse and confirmed the money. "I'm glad doing business with you-" before he could finish, Carrera kicked the wall she made into Kisuke's direction.

Having the wall hit directly into him, Kisuke comically collapsed with it.

"You are the Plus that defeated that Hollow!" Rukia pointed her finger towards Carrera.

Carrera ignored her and took the purse from Kisuke's hands. "29.000 of it is mine because you used me to gain it. And 1.000 of it is yours because of the idea, you should be happy because of my generosity!" Carrera took the money and left 1.000 yen in it. She proceeded to shamelessly give the purse back to Kisuke.

But just as she was going to give the purse, she thought about something. "And I am keeping the purse." She took out the money in the purse and handed it to Kisuke.

Kisuke, who just started to get up, reluctantly took it. After giving the money to Kisuke, Carrera turned towards Rukia.

"What do you want with me? You want to fight?" Carrera asked as she took a fighting stance.

"N-no! I came here to send you to soul society!" Rukia didn't know what to think of this situation. First, she got scammed. Second, the Plus from before came in kicking a wall before she could sense her.

And third, the Plus was asking for a fight. Rukia didn't know how to feel about this.

"Huh? Why would I go there? Isn't that place full of Shinigami?" Carrera was confused, numerous Shinigami chased her in the past. They all had the same answer to her question. "Because it is my job and you should go there."

Carrera didn't know why they would keep trying to send her there. Of course she never got the full explanation because she either didn't listen or ran away without waiting for them to speak.

"Because if you stay in the human world for long, you will turn into a hollow or get erased!" Rukia explained.

"Kisuke said the same thing! I will never turn into those big ugly things. So you can go away now." Carrera care about their warnings. How could the beautiful her, turn into those ugly things?

"Kisuke? Do you mean Urahara Kisuke? The one that was banished from soul society?" Rukia asked, confused.

Carrera turned towards Kisuke and asked. "Have anyone in mind with a name like that, Kisuke?"

"Doesn't ring a bell." Kisuke replied.

Rukia didn't know how to react. She got scammed by a criminal? And the Plus doesn't want to go to soul society?

"W-wait...What?!" Rukia screamed at them. She was really confused right now.

"Stop screaming!" Carrera told her to stop screaming with a scream.

"No! You stop screaming!" Kisuke also told Carrera to stop stopping someone scream with a scream with a scream.

What is Rukia's reaction? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!


If you are trans and you are gay, does that mean you are straight? Man, I don't get these sexuality things. It makes my life harder.

next chapter
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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


