53.03% Bleach: Another Story / Chapter 105: Baraggan Louisenbairn

章 105: Baraggan Louisenbairn

"So there's platonic love and romantic love. Platonic love is a type of love in which sexual desire or romantic features are nonexistent or have been suppressed or sublimated, but it means more than simple friendship.

While romantic love is a type of love in which intimacy and passion are prominent features Did I get those right? " Harribel tilted her head at Rangiku. Rangiku giggled.

" You did! But there's also familial love which is the kind of love that exists within a family. " Rangiku added. Harribel hummed.

" Disgusting. " Ulquiorra told them bluntly. Rangiku and Harribel glared at him. Ulquiorra remained stoic.

" I just can't see Hollows showing those emotions. They seem... like an obsession of some sorts." Ulquiorra muttered. Rangiku smiled.

" What you are talking about is called a crush. It is a brief but intense infatuation for someone, especially someone unattainable." Rangiku explained intellectually.

" Like I said, disgusting. " Ulquiorra told them. Rangiku groaned.

" Then why did you come here? " Tatsuki asked him. Ulquiorra pointed at Harribel.

" She dragged me here. Starrk was too lazy to follow us so she told me I'm here so I could listen and tell him what you two explained to us. " Ulquiorra answered truthfully. Harribel glared at him.

" Fucking snitch... " She grumbled.

" What was I supposed to do? Lie to them? " Ulquiorra asked her with a confused tone.

" Yes you buffoon! " Harribel growled with narrowed eyes. Ulquiorra looked away.

" Why are you so angry all of the sudden? Is this because of this monthly period that women have? " Ulquiorra asked her. He was met by a slap in the face from Harribel herself.





'So King! When are you gonna make this Nel girl go back to her original form again? ' Zangetsu asked as they were running.

'As soon as we regroup with the rest, Zangetsu. Rest assured, she won't be stuck like this forever.' Ichigo promised. Zangetsu stayed silent.

They arrived at an open clearing in the building. He looked around and found no one.

"You're finally here, Kurosaki Ichigo." Ichigo looked forward and saw an elderly man sitting on a throne-like chair.

"Ah.... I know you. Baraggan Louisenbairn. The Segunda (2nd) Espada and the ex-God-King of Hueco Mundo." Ichigo grinned at him.

Baraggan has the appearance of an elderly man, with a left olive green eye, a white mustache and white hair. His face is lined by large scars on the left side of his chin that goes down to his neck and across his right eye.

Despite his aged appearance, Baraggan is quite stocky and muscular, and when standing (albeit with the slouch of an elderly person), he is of a fair size. He wears a regal white leather coat with black fur lining, short sleeves, and three black fur stripes running along the bottom.

He wears a golden wristband on both wrists, and a belt consisting of three thick chains attached to a large metal disk with a sun emblem.

Overall, he resembles a barbarian lord (of Viking origin). The remnants of his Hollow mask take the form of a five-pointed crown just above his forehead. The location of his Espada tattoo is unknown. His Hollow hole is in the center of his chest.

When he was the King of Hueco Mundo, his crown had four elegant protrusions, which were ornately decorated and he had the skeletal appearance of his Resurrección.

"Nel. Go hide." Ichigo whispered. Nel who thankfully got the point started running away.

"Oh? It seems I'm famous." Baraggan was amused. Ichigo snorted.

"It's actually quite the opposite. I think only old man Yama and I know of your existence." Ichigo mocked. Baraggan narrowed his eyes.

" You dare mock me?" Baraggan threatened. Ichigo grinned manically at him.

" Of course I dare. You're an easy target. Mocking a senile old man is as easy as pie." Ichigo answered with more mocking. Baraggan growled and snapped his fingers. His six Fracción appeared kneeling in front of him.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?" They said in sync. Baraggan pointed at Ichigo.

"Kill him until what's left of him is just ash." Baraggan ordered. They nodded and got up.

They faced Ichigo who was looking at them with a very bored and unenthusiastic face.

" Hiding behind your Fracción? I knew it, you are a coward. " Ichigo mocked again. Baraggan growled angrily.

" What are you idiots doing! Kill him already! " Baraggan shouted impatiently. The Fracción started running towards him. Ichigo smirked.

" As if I would let you make the first move, old fart. " Ichigo mumbled. He used Sonído and disappeared.

He appeared beside the row of Fracción within a millisecond. The Fracción didn't even realize he was gone until a second had passed.

They all looked to their left to see Ichigo grinning like a madman. He was holding up his hand and was facing his palm towards them.

[Flame Compression Lvl 50

Current Color: Purple]


A jet of purple flames blasted out of Ichigo's hand like a rocket booster. Baraggan's Fracción were engulfed by the blazing purple flames.

The sea of flames lasted for a few seconds before Ichigo absorbed it again. All that was left was a destroyed ground and dust.

Baraggan was horrified by Ichigo's raw strength. Ichigo turned towards him and started laughing.

"You should've seen your face! Look how easy it was to defeat your Fracción! I bet you will be just as easy to defeat as they were!" Ichigo shouted. Baraggan finally had enough of Ichigo's mocking and stood up.

"You fool! You are all bark and no bite! I will show you why I'm called the God-King of Hueco Mundo!" Baraggan declared and held up his Zanpakutō, Arrogante.

Unlike most Arrancar whose Zanpakutō takes the form of a sword, Baraggan's Zanpakutō takes the form of a large, double-headed battleaxe.

The battle axe has a pair of rounded blades that are black with silver edges. There is a red slit-eye pendant in the middle of the focal point holding both blades together.

The focal point is attached to a long handle, which has 3 white raised studs in a row on all four sides of its base for a total of 12 studs. The end of the handle is wrapped in gold.

"This is the weapon of a true King!" Barragan shouted arrogantly. Ichigo snorted.

"Oh yeah? That's the weapon of a mindless idiot who doesn't know how to swing a sword properly. " Ichigo mocked back. Barragan's sanity was quickly lowering every second.

" Arrghh!!!" Barragan shouted and appeared in front of Ichigo in a flash. Ichigo widened his eyes a little.

'He's as fast as me right now.' Ichigo thought to himself and jumped away to dodge his axe's downwards slash. The axe cratered the ground.

Ichigo knew that Barragan can dilate time around him, thereby reducing the speed of any target which comes near him, giving him sufficient time to counter incoming attacks.

'I have to worry about him aging me. I could just cut off whatever body part he aged. I'm just worried about the time he dilated around him. I can't hit him with him activating this." Ichigo thought to himself. He smiled.

" Shit... I might really die today.....

To be continued....

(Tell us how Ichigo can defeat Barragan cuz I have no fucking clue.)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C105
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


