Everyone was disgruntled as each girl was woken up and asked to pack to leave right away. We got more information just before boarding the flight. One of the men in the party got injured heavily so they were bring brought back home to recover.
Of course Rebecca, Noemi, and I knew who it was already and how it happened. What was missing is the why. Alan had still not responded and I was hesitant to text Dean about it directly. I debated in my mind as we headed to the airport. If he was still angry he may not want to talk about.
He also turned his head when he saw I was watching. He could have been embarrassed about what he did which I know was how I felt when I got caught doing something I should not have done.
As the flight crew got everyone situation I decided on asking him directly. I knew if I was in his shoes I would not want others to ask about me indirectly but hear it from the person themselves. If he did not want to tell me at least I gave him the option than make the choice for him.
I went into the bathroom in the plane and grabbed my headphones to keep the conversation as private as possible. Based on what Rebecca knew the guys still are in Bangkok as they are waiting on a medical crew to tend to Greg that could fly out.
I dialed Dean up and to my surprise on the first ring he answered. "Hello?" His voice quiet and there was slight reverb to it. He seemed to be in a room alone. "Hey." I whispered back glancing back at the door as if someone could barge in.
"I will be frank with you. What happened?" He sighed and I heard running water from a faucet. 'He must be in the bathroom.' He sighed heavily. "To be honest I do not want to, not because I am ashamed but because I do not want to make you sad or make you upset."
"All I need you to know is that... that guy.. crossed a line he should have respected and I taught him a lesson. I was drunk so I was not really controlling my strength. He is fine just needs some stitches, he will still look respectable for the wedding if he is still invited."
"Speaking of, did you end up inviting your little Italian boy?"
He fluidly switched the conversation which told me he was done sharing for the time being. 'For it to upset me he must have said something gross or made comments about Felix and I.' But unfortunately it switched to a conversation I was not sure I was ready to have.
"Ahhh well he had other plans and its for the best. He would not know everyone and that can be uncomfortable for people. I think I thought too far ahead of myself." I hid my doubts about Dante to Dean. I wanted to think for myself first and collect my thoughts before telling others. I did not want to cloud the water in hopes of getting clarity.
"If you don't mind I can accompany you, consider it a thanks for the jacket you gave me back at opening for the art exhibition as well as a thanks for dealing with me showing up drunk at your house. I am a good person at keeping the wolves at bay."
I laughed at that. He was good at keeping the wolves at bay because he was a bigger threat, he was a bear. He was just big and bad and fearless. Unlike wolves who hunt in packs he can do so alone.
"I appreciate the offer and I will strongly consider it. But I need to think about it because I am not sure if our families odd little rule will apply to that. Right now we are heading back home so I will see once we get this sorted out."
Just having the joint exhibition was something my dad nor grandfather was not too ecstatic about. It was allowed because of why I needed to collaborate with him but the taboo still stands. I also wanted to know just how far the bounds on this 'rule' stood. And why it was even a thing in the first place.
"Ok get home safe, I think the medical team arrived so I am heading out. So see you home." He hung up first. I sat in the bathroom a bit longer before heading out. Thankfully everyone was asleep in their seats.
I sat down and opened my messages app. All the texts from Dante were left unopened until now. I did not even look at the previews. He was asking how I was doing and letting me know he picked up his parents.
The last message was just him asking me to call him when I got back. As much as I wanted to get home and resolve whatever mixed feelings I had right now about him, doing so when I was a mess mentally was not a good idea.
So I just texted him letting him know I was going to be home tomorrow even though I was arriving today. The flight home was uneventful and the ride home even more so. I pulled the strings from my hoodie tight to scrunch the hood closer around my face.
Unlike the heat from the island, here at home especially in the evening right now was cooler. The wind bit into my face so I covered myself more. I walked into the house to find my Dad awake and my mom not around.
"Hey dad why are you up right now? And where is mom?" He was sitting on the couch 'watching' a game but he was not super focused like he usually is. "Ah she is here just sleeping already." I found it odd because they liked to be together, not apart.
"Honey, want to go on a walk with me?" It was then I understood something was up. When I wanted his advice I would ask him to walk with me. We would walk in the garden and just talk when I needed too. My mom was my biggest advocate but sometimes she felt too strict, so when I wanted a more open minded response I looked for my dad.
"Sure let me set this inside." I placed my luggage by the stairs so our staff could take them to my room and my Dad walked me out. We walked slowly around the garden stopping at the willow tree. The long soft branches swayed in the light breeze. He fiddled with his watch for a bit before speaking his mind. "Are you doing ok?"
new chapter!