Seeing the reports was slightly comforting as most people in the comments section or just in the general media space seemed sympathetic towards myself and gave lots of words of encouragement.
However, it did remind me of a concern about the case. Unlike last time where the whole thing could be swept under the rug and dealt with privately, this was no such case.
At school there was easy access to see who saw the incident, who was on campus, and because we were minors no media got involved. However, this happened in public. People saw and there was some video footage floating around mainly of the aftermath. This could and would not be swept under.
Also, according to the rumors, the other impacted party wishes to take the woman to trial due to some stalking and harassment charges on top of assault and attempted murder. For now our identities were safe but if and most likely when this goes to trial, I would have to be present.
Going to court is not an easy feat, even when you have many resources such as lawyers and time to take off work. Your entire person is stripped when you are grilled by a lawyer. They want their client to win which means that for the people to trust them, you have to make them trust the other person less.
Even though my legal team and I have not met to discuss the particulars, I already had some ideas of what was to come. Because she admitted to everything, there could be a plea deal or some type of settlement which is ideal. Very little court time is required as it would be solved civilly.
However, if she chooses to defend herself, and chooses to not plead guilty despite admitting to her crimes, then we might have to go to trial. Because she is within her rights to request to.
I had already dressed myself and was just sitting in the bed phone in hand with the articles. My media team had compiled a list of the news outlets sharing the story so we can stay on top of what was being said and see if anything changed.
So because I was so engrossed with "You ready?" Dean had came back as promised in the evening to help coordinate me leaving without creating a frenzy of people trying to see what happened.
But after this night he would not come see me again until a few days later as some logistics stuff was needed to be discussed between himself and my parents.
"Yeah lets go." We left and thankfully since it was so late in the night, very few people were out and we managed to get to my house fine. Dean helped me get some of my stuff to my room when my phone went off with notifications.
I initially expected it to be Irene since she sent a barrage of messages after the first night and a few trickled in after I blocked her. But when I checked it was Dante. He had not messaged or called me since he left me at the restaurant.
I had wanted to block him but another part of me wanted to ask him why. Why did he leave me? Why did he not say anything about what was going on when it involved me?
I know I cannot turn back time, but if I had known of the looming danger I would have invited him to my house to at least have more eyes and ears and places to hide if necessary. His messages were like paragraphs. Just long winding lines of words, it seemed he had alot on his mind.
"Dean come look at this." Dean who was in my closet had come back out and read the messages with me.
'Dearest Celeste, I know this message is late but I have been wrestling with what to say for a while. Partially because I have no excuse or reasoning to explain what happened and that my words will not do anything but satisfy my own ego. I cannot take away the pain I caused you and your family and for that I am deeply sorry.'
'You might have heard already but I figured me telling you would be better. Irene Peterson had been stalking me and harassing me for years. Long before you and I even met. I have been trying everything in my power to find out her name and who she was but I could not turn up anything.'
'I never anticipated her to escalate the way she did and for that again I am truly sorry. I should have been better and I failed you. At this point, as much as I want you by my side, even I can see that this won't do. I have not shown how capable of a man I could be and you have only seen me at my worst. You deserve better.'
'In light of the case and us, I have decided to let you go. Meeting you was the best thing to happen to me and even if we cannot work out as marriage partners, I would still like to have a business relationship. If you would consider it, that is.'
'In terms of the case itself, I need to take ownership for her actions. I figured this could be my parting gift to you as well as an extension of an olive branch. I have contacted the Italian Consulate and we have a warrant for her arrest in Italy. So I will be bringing her to Italy where she will be taken care of rather than have you go to court. I spoke to her and it was very clear she would stop at nothing to hurt you. So to keep you safe I am taking her away.'
'Your countries prosecution team will see the injunction and by the time I send this to you. She will be gone and away. You will never hear from her again. I hope this provides some comfort. I again am deeply sorry. Thank you for the time we spent, may you find happiness even if its not with me.'
new chapter! again so sorry for the missed release on the normal schedule!