"We will be right back honey, I just want to discuss some safety stuff with Dean regarding the hospital." I figured if he wanted me out of the room to talk it must be sensitive information.
As soon as we walked out I gave a sharp look to the other staff in the hallways who immediately took note and walked away to give some privacy. "So I promised I would update you on my findings. The woman you say watching Celeste is indeed the same woman who attacked her and landed her here."
I knew it. I fucking knew it. My gut is never wrong and like a shark I can smell blood in the water. That woman unsettled me and though I felt a rush of pride in the fact that I was right, that soon became a heavy pile of guilt. I had the chance before she acted out but I hesitated. Something I never do and the one time I do this happens.
I must have been obvious with my emotions because her dad squeezed my arm lightly. "Don't feel bad Dean, I don't blame you at all. In fact I have to thank you immensely. This would have slide under my nose for a long time, and I would not have taken the steps I needed to take to keep my daughter safe. At least you gave me a warning."
Though the way he said it did not sit right with me. I thought back to when I arrived at the hospital. Celestes father said something about Dante knowing she was in danger. "Did Dante know that woman?"
His frown which had just relaxed scrunched up again. His knitted them deeper and rubbed his eyes and massaged his temples. "Don't even remind me of that. Again lets keep this between us but yes he knew of her. He claim that the woman has been stalking him for some time but that he had it under control." He pulled out air quotations at that last bit clearly mocking him as he had no control over the situation.
"She supposedly made some threats against Celeste but to make it worse, he had men watching her for God knows how long." He crossed his arms angrily. "He had multiple opportunities to do the right thing and chose not to out of pride. In addition to that, Ms. Peterson personally admitted to everything but it is looking like a facility is where she will stay as she has been showing signs of mental distress."
I understood that those with mental issues that directly caused them to do harm would not be safe in a prison but she needed a straight jacket or go into a severely strong facility to ensure she never gets to even breathe the same air as Celeste.
I thought back to the hell I made for her first attacker. I could easily repeat that event but if she was involved with the other guy as well it would be tricky to just make her disappear like I would like. He would want to ensure he knew where she was at, and for this to work he would have to never know and I doubt he would be ok not knowing.
"Damn." I figured that if I wanted a more clear idea of how to move I would just ask Celeste to see what she wants to do. If she asks I will deliver. And she does not want to do that then no harm no foul. I could still nudge the judge in the best direction for her safety if we have to go the legal route.
"Let me ask your opinion on this. You know my daughter and how she is. I want to get her a personal body guard to watch her at least until the woman is safely put away. But she does not want to have someone who she is not aware of who they are. The last company we used she had a fit and after their performance at the house I can't trust them."
I cocked a brow to see where he was going with this. "Do you have any contacts that would be able to watch her until I find a better security model." I knew what he implied. It was not the first time someone has asked for more 'select' services.
My family has deep ties much like Celestes family. However, my family had some 'special' friends where if you needed something done but wanted clean hands. These people were the way to go.
My family hires them as their security detail. They keep us safe. No questions asked. However, while offering the security detail for the house was not going to be an issue. It will be for her personal guard.
"I can get the detail for the house but not for her. Their brand of protection would not be good for Celeste. That specific task has a very particular model they follow which means that no one can know they are watching. Their identities are very sensitive. So you would run into the same issue as before."
"However let me make some calls and see if I have a better solution. Otherwise I don't mind watching her until then since we still have the exhibition. I trained in military school so I am capable of keeping her physically safe, and it will not be odd for me to be near her since we work together." The idea came in my head like lightning. I was nauseous from worrying about this lingering danger but if I could have her at my side; I could guarantee that no harm will come her way.
Her dad thought about it before chuckling. "Well lets see if she is ok with it. I want to run it by my wife and see what she says."
He left to make the call and I all but ran back into the room. Once I knew the door was shut behind me I ran over and kissed her hands. "You always have me running to you huh." Her eyes were wide from my sudden actions before turning into crescent moons from her smile. That beautiful blush I adore crept back into her cheeks. "Even when I am in this state you still find a way to be flirty huh?"
new chapter!