/ Anime & Comics / Beyond the Spiderverse: The Absolute Spider-Man
Years of peace under Spider-Man veterans Peter Parker and Miles Morales are shattered. Following a devastating loss, a dystopian New York City descends into chaos. Enter Norman Osborn Jr, a shrouded figure with a dark past and a bold plan to restore order.
Unlikely hero Tariq Smith emerges. A bright college student discovered by Norman Jr., Tariq becomes entangled in a web of intrigue. Together, they forge an alliance to revive the symbol of Spider-Man.
Armed with high-tech gadgets and a symbiote of unknown origin, Tariq navigates a brutal city as the new Spider-Man. He juggles the responsibilities of a guardian to his baby sister during the day, and a masked protector by night. But can Tariq maintain this delicate balance? Or will the weight of loss and a city's hope prove too much to bear?
レビューを書く作者 Golden_Liger