The journey to the new reality was uneventful. I didn´t meet anyone, spoke with Azathoth or found new places.
Ii chose one of the several universes and looked for a planet with sentient life. While looking around, I noticed that there were actually several dimensions across the universe. I will check them out at some point.
The first thing I noticed when I arrived at an inhabited planet was how beautiful it was and how many different races there were. Many places looked straight out of a fantasy, I could see floating islands, castles, gigantic trees and what looked like columns made by stacking stones on top of each other.
I saw one race that looked perfect to blend in with. The giants not only had a strength-based hierarchy but also were just as tall as me. I was initially worried that my 8 meters would stand out too much but this was actually the average height of a giant male.
I was still going to stand out more than the average giant due to my extra limbs and skin color not too much either because I could see a giant with similar features. In fact he looked strangely familiar, a giant amongst giants at 25 meters, light blue skin and four arms like me. Where have I seen him before?
A right, the giant king from one of my favorite animes, Nanatsu no Taizai. It´s been so long that I almost forgot about it.
Considering that he is still with the giants that mean that this before the Holy War and before the immortal love drama begun.
I flew to the highest mountain I could see and willed my body to manifest around me. I took a moment to appreciate being able to feel everything and not having to get used to a new body before sitting down at the peak.
The sight was truly beautiful, I could see some other mountains pierce the clouds below me and occasionally see the forest and lake when the clouds parted.
After enjoying the sight for a bit I went into meditation to remember everything about this World and started making plans.
The power level here was actually way below my current one but there were still many things I could get here. Everyone here was born with their own unique magic power but could also learn new magic by studying and experimenting.
Some being here actually had abilities that made even me a bit jealous. Merlin had Infinity, a power that even the Demon King and the Supreme Goddess desired, the Demon King had The Ruler that reversed the effect of any magic on him, an ability that would have caused him to easily win against the Sins if they didn´t know about it beforehand, and the Supreme Goddess had an Unknown ability that was the opposite of the Demon King, namely reverse all Physical attacks on her.
With the last two combined I would be a real nightmare to fight and with the first one I would have Infinite lifespan, Infinite Stamina, Infinite NE, Infinite everything.
Besides the Unique magic that everyone is born with, there are inherited magic and Racial magic.
I didn´t have any Interest in any of the Inherited magic but the racial magic of Vampires and Demons, namely The Darkness and Hellfire, did interest me greatly. In fact they could be said to be just as important to me as the previously mentioned magics.
Hellfire was able to negate regeneration and kill Immortals while The Darkness was more of a utility I wanted. It could boost power, form extra limbs, regenerate and most importantly, make me decent clothes.
I wasn´t interested in the Graces because I could do most of these things better already, I did however want the Ten Commandments. Not only because some of their abilities were mildly broken but also because they could be the embryonic form of Skills.
If you are confused by this statement let me explain, I had plans to create Systems in the far future and give them to 'Lucky' beings and reincarnate them so that they would go on murder sprees, also called Leveling Up, in realities I haven´t been to and provide me with souls. The commandment could be the key to being able to grant powers to someone and also take them away later.
The last thing that I wanted was to get the Sacred Tree. For once, I didn´t want a tree to increase my World Tree but to plant it in my Greenhouse.
The Sacred Tree was not only the third most powerful being created by Chaos but also the birthplace of all Fairies. Fairies were born from the plants around the Tree and loved nature. They would be perfect for tending my plants.
After sitting and planning here for a few days, I felt someone approach me. I wasn´t all that surprised about the fact that I was found, the beings here were surprisingly sensitive to powers and I wasn´t really hiding as well.
A/N- I´m really happy that Nanatsu no Taizai was chosen. Its one of my favorites and there are too little ff about it.
Also sorry about the late update, not only had technical problems that I still haven´t fixed but also had to do some research because I read the manga years ago.
I could feel two beings approach me from different direction. One by foot and the other one flying in the far distance.
Shortly after, I could see a huge four-armed figure climb up the mountain. As if he felt me looking at him, he stopped climbing and looked at me.
We spend several seconds just looking at each other without moving. I could tell that we were somewhat similar personality wise as we both didn´t talk much.
He was the first to break the silence ''Hello, my name is Drole. What are you called?'' just as polite as I remembered him.
''Kravas'' this might not be my actual name but it was the closest thing to it.
Silence between us started again but it wasn´t one of these awkward ones but it didn´t last long before the other being arrived.
''Hey, Drole your here too. Who is this?'' the first Fairy King cheerfully asked. The disaster didn´t happen yet so he still had his cheerful personality.
We spend am hour talking, mostly them asking me questions. I simply made up a backstory similar to Sun Wukong, I was born from this mountain. They actually believed it but I guess it wasn´t that farfetched considering Giants connection to earth and fairies being born from plants themselves.
During the talk, Drole told me that his magic eye never saw so much power and that it was actually making him nauseous. I simply told him that I wasn´t that strong and this was just my unique magic creating an illusion of immeasurable power. Guess that was credible as it was indeed hard to believe that someone stronger than the Demon King and the Supreme Goddess combined appeared out of nowhere.
They mentioned that we should probably move as many strong beings were coming here after feeling my arrival. I used some magic to conceal my strength so that I wouldn´t be chased wherever I went.
When we moved down the mountain, Drole actually invited me to join the Giant Clan. I didn´t mind for the time being so I agreed.
A few years later and I could feel the rivalry between Demons and Goddesses escalate and it wouldn´t be long before it would become the first Holy War.
Knowing that the War was imminent, I spend the last few years searching for the entrance to the afterlife, also known as the capital of the dead.
I could just teleport in but I wanted to use the proper entrance, after all the deceased souls weren´t going to run away.
There wasn´t much I knew about the entrance, only that it was a field of flowers and was located near a village that was going to be build in the next 3000 years. So with my only clue being the flower field, I had a hard time finding it. This was a fantasy world for gods sake, there were flower fields everywhere. At least I got to explore this beautiful world.
Finally, I found it. I was currently standing in a world made up entirely of green crystals, this was the capital of the Dead. I had to admit that it didn´t look anything like the previously visited afterlives.
Well, doesn´t matter anyway, I´m here to plant a tree and not to give reviews on the afterlives.
I planted the Tree somewhere far from the entrance just to be sure. The tree spread its root across this multiverse like intended. Seeing that everything worked as intended, I left the now empty dimension.
The Holy War had already officially started a few months ago and many souls were coming in as I walked out.
The War has been going on for two years now and I even participated a little. I mostly did it to capture some high-ranking demon and a vampire because I knew that they were going to get sealed soon due to rebellion.
I didn´t use even a fragment of my power and mostly just stood there, letting any attack land on me with no effect, and when I did attack then only with by slapping anyone away like a fly. Due to me never even receiving a scratch or taking a step back, I got several nicknames, like the moving mountain, the titan and the rock.
The War was slowly getting more brutal, Stigma was already forming and it wouldn´t be long before Meliodas betrayed his clan.
I had already achieved my goal in capturing a demon and a vampire and it was time for me to exit the stage. I needed time to possess them and integrate their DNA and traits into me and I would be weakened, even more so when possessing the vampire that could die by simply being in the sun.
I simply walked away during a battle and jumped into the Sea and swam to the deepest and darkest part.