It never felt so good to put a hoe in her place.
I had my fun but I was feeling some more agents surrounding the door, waiting for new orders, so I just asked Leo to take over as I didn't want to deal with any more of them.
The shit outside has also settled and the space stone was taken by Gojo to his home reality, dooming Thanos' plan before it even began. Remember, work smarter, not harder.
With the Chitari decimated and most of my customers back home to rest after the small workout, peace returned, at least if you weren't a politician or one of the many people who got their houses destroyed and families killed.
Sadly Location-Not-Found was discovered by the many organizations of Marvel and there was always at least one agent inside to monitor us and report the location of new doors. They were a bit annoying but no threat, if anything their attempts to control my place were adorable, so I didn't throw them out.
Soon 2015 came around again and everyone's greatest nightmare happened. Another Deadpool was born and instinctively found his way here like he knew where to annoy the most people. So, now we have two walking tumors that made Jabba the Hutt look handsome flirting with each other and harassing people together.
After my own place was taken over by these chaotic but still enjoyable twins, I decided to take a few days off and leave the rest to Leo and my other kids.
The moment I stepped out of my room for the first time in years, portals opened and the TVA walked out.
"Halt, you're under arrest for crimes against the sacred timeline."
Jeez, these guys never give up, do they? Or maybe they just had their previous failures erased from their memories or these are guys that left before the other teams in the past, who knows. Well, I do but I'm not curious enough to care.
"Do you never give up? When will Kang learn? You would think that someone who had the combined knowledge of all his variants would have some of their wisdom as well, no matter how small it was."
The humans from all across time just looked at each other confused, not knowing what I was even talking about.
"I swear, Kang could have caught and brainwashed anyone from across time so why did he choose morons like you guys. And what are you going to do with these glowsticks and plastic armor? You realize that you would never actually catch someone who was a bit stronger than these you dealt with before, do you?" I vented some of my frustration on them as I continued to rant about their uselessness for several minutes.
"…And that's why it makes no sense how you captured or erased some people who could tank nukes and run across the world before you even had enough time to swing your fancy glowstick. Just one cancer-boy was enough to kill several of your squads."
During that time, the enforcers of the sacred timeline just stood there motionlessly while looking at each other confused as I continued my rant. They couldn't even understand a tenth of what I was saying but it still made strangely sense to them.
"Alright, time's up, I ain't wasting my free day with you lot." With a snap, they all turned into golden statues, forever to be admired by the citizens or stolen by a villain or organization.
Just two blocks away from where I left the statues, I was surrounded by black vans and armored soldiers jumped out, attacking me with tasers and sedatives without a single word.
"Are you guys fucking serious?" I wasn't ignorant and knew that they were here after the agents that watched the doors 24/7 alerted them of someone coming out. I didn't even have to guess who they were as only Hydra was moronic enough to antagonize everyone without knowing anything about them as long as there was even a tiny chance they might prove an obstacle to their goals.
Obviously, I wasn't the first to get this treatment and most of my customers had experienced this each time they left the door. They usually just killed them and continued with their day like nothing happened, so obviously Hydra was aware that this was most likely just a suicide mission.
These guys didn't even deserve to be made into gold statues and I just turned them into colon bacteria. After that, I was no longer bothered by anyone else thankfully.
I had no specific direction but at some point, I ended up in front of a gym. I was very tempted by all these leggings, long legs, and perky cheeks.
"Curse my wife, creator of leggings." I knew better than to act on my impulses as the moment I glanced at them, they all mysteriously got late-stage breast cancer.
I continued looking through the layers of brick walls until I saw another woman, this one was much younger than the others with short blond hair with some pink dye and a piercing.
She was another level of tempting as she was the image of fitness plus she wasn't wearing any bra. Is it weird that I was more attracted to Gwen Stacy than Natasha Romanoff? Who knows, maybe I just like them less sluttier, younger, and with less curves.
"Pretty please. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please." I continued begging the increasingly dark sky for several minutes when I finally saw Gwen's aura change, her eyes turned pink, and turned to look at me through the walls.
"Fine, just this once but she will have to die afterwards." She mouthed.
This was probably the only time I get to do this as this was her way of apologizing for torturing me because of some random slut. This also wasn't even considered cheating, as everyone was just part of her body and now that she took over her consciousness, it was the same as fucking her true body after she shapeshifted into someone else.
I will enjoy my days off to the fullest.
A/N- the last part is a random idea I had after watching some sauce. If you also want to see it, just google Gwen Stacy Workout by HydraFXX.
Have fun.
Also, I'm probably going to do a big timeskip soon to the 31st century where the final few chapters of this book will take place. I think it's not hard to see that I'm running out of ideas and motivation for this book, at least it's at the end anyway, so there won't be a dropping.
A realization was beginning to set in. One that I have been trying to avoid for a long time now.
Marvel, or any other reality actually, was no longer as fun to play with as it originally was. No matter how much of my power I restrained or tried to be oblivious to what was happening outside of my door, I was too late.
I came to Marvel way too late, something even I could not change. It wasn't nearly as interesting when you could snap your finger and deal with the ultimate big bad evil, even just spectating and passively causing chaos lost its shine after everything I had done and seen.
The hard truth was, I didn't belong here.
I don't mean this universe or the Marvel reality, but all of existence. Just being here was contradicting my very nature and it was slowly weighing on me. I already discussed it with my wife, but this will be my, no, our last time appearing in such forms.
After finishing what we originally came to this reality for, we would simply go back to what we always were. No more traveling, no more chaos, and no more children, just us two in our true form, being the only ones to keep each other company for what lay beyond eternity.
She would be the infinitely expanding existence, while I was the indescribable nothing.
With this decision made, we began to think about how to break this news to our family, to them we would just disappear, never to be seen again. At least we still had time.
At least that's what we liked to think, the truth was, the next three years were so short for us. I had completely closed the bar, stopping any visitors from causing even more chaos than it already was.
Without outside interference, the normal Marvel chaos continued with barely any deviations from the book. The only differences so far were that my bossy daughter was running around with her new maid and that an Infinity Stone was missing.
She just returned from Asgard to enjoy some royal treatment while ordering her maid to kill Surtr, something she happily did for her young lady. Lia had not only become a god-class maid but also a full-blown fanatic for my daughter after she saved her from being tortured for eternity.
Thanos still arrived on Earth in time, despite not having the portable travel guide in his shiny glove.
We watched from afar as our only daughter was beating the ever-living shit out of the Mad Titan without him being able to so much as touch her purple blood-stained clothes. We weren't watching because we were proud, well, maybe a little, but because with each hit Thanos took, our time to leave came closer and we still haven't told them about it, though they definitely noticed something was up.
The coming years were all used for some family time, as this would be the last time this would ever happen. They finally couldn't take it anymore and began questioning us why we were acting so weird, needless to say, they weren't exactly cheerful about the news.
To them, we would simply cease to exist from one moment to another, never to be seen again. They knew that strictly speaking, we weren't going anywhere but that didn't matter to them as only Laura and I could see and feel each other.
Time continued and in the blink of an eye, one thousand years passed, making it the 31st century, shortly after our target was born, or better said, created.
An organization named Universal Church of Truth took over half of the Milky Way but after realizing that their figure of worship, Magnus, wasn't going to return, they somehow created a being with the greatest power of them all, trumping even the likes of TOAA and Yog-Sothoth.
Protegé could copy anyone's power with absolute certainty and precision by just looking at them and if that wasn't terrifying enough, he could stack them with no limit. If Stan would have dared to at any point to appear in front of him, Protegé would instantly be as strong as him and if he copied him another time, he would be twice as strong.
If he wanted to, he could make a billion stacks of omnipotence and wipe the floor with whoever he copied it from. There is absolutely no chance of him being defeated by any other means than plot armor and maybe me.
It had barely been two weeks since Protegé's creation but he was already stronger than the likes of Thanos, Hulk, and Thor. I created a barrier of Nothingness around the planet he was on to stop him from fleeing, should he ever have the chance.
As the both of us appeared inside his luxurious room, the child-like cosmic being was enjoying some grapes before whipping his head to us.
"And who the fuck are you?" a very vulgar mouth for a two-week-old baby if you ask me.
"Your worst nightmare."
"Meh, I don't dream but you're free to give it a try, old man." He tried mocking me but I just ignored it, no reason to get worked up by a dead man's last words.
Just as I was thinking that, the child ruler's aura changed completely, growing in every way imaginable with no end in sight. He copied Laura's power as existence itself but instead of overpowering her like he expected, her aura also grew with his.
He was also a part of existence, hence of her and even if he copied her power, he still wasn't existence itself. Each time he made a new stack of her power, she would grow along with him.
"Who are you and what do you want?" this time he was a bit alarmed, no longer so cocky. He wasn't an idiot, he could clearly feel that the power he just copied easily dwarfed The One Above All.
Even while asking, he never stopped stacking Laura's power in hopes that she would eventually reach a limit and he would outclass her but that hope was useless.
"It doesn't matter, all that matters now is that you are finished."
"And who are you? Even this sexy chick could at best fight me to a standstill but you don't have any powers." Protegé revealed that he already tried to copy my powers but failed as I quite literally had none and he couldn't copy something that wasn't there.
He didn't even realize the strange fact that he was getting absolutely 0 from me, not even enough physical strength to stand on two feet, something I was clearly doing.
By now, the two have boosted themselves to heights where if I hadn't created the barrier earlier, they would have accidentally destroyed all of existence with just a small leak of their aura and that wouldn't be good for either of them. One of them was existence while the other couldn't exist inside me.
"Haaa" I really didn't want to deal with this brat any longer but I promised Laura she would also get some power out of this and I think I have fulfilled my promise, her infinite power multiplied by almost a googolplex. "Let's just end this futile struggle."
Before he could even understand what was happening, the barrier shrank at a speed that even he could not understand. The moment the barrier of nothingness hit him, he began to disappear as his mind, body, soul, and power all became a part of me.
He tried to resist, going as far as to detonate the ridiculous power he just obtained but it still didn't even manage to create a ripple in the barrier.
Protegé's end was anticlimactic and unbefitting someone of his status but I couldn't care less, I was too excited to try out my new power, how long has it been since I last said that? A new power… and also my last one.
In an instant, my power underwent a change like never before and I really mean never.
While Laura's power was Infinite mine was Infinite to the power of Infinite. Both our powers were infinite but there was still a gap between us that would never close.
"So that is it then." Laura said with a slightly sad look. I admit, I'm also a bit sad but I played it off as not liking ends and this definitely was one.
I had come a long way from a depressed human teenager to whatever word you would use to describe me.
"Yeah… It was a good run but it was bound to end eventually, it's just not in our nature."
We just stood there in silence as we watched the Milky Way through a fleshy body for the last time.
At some point, the rest of my family appeared behind us and joined us in watching the stars in silence. I never realized how large my family had become. I had four kids, nearly a hundred grandkids and their mothers, a few great-grandkids, and pets like Nidhogg and Shimo.
When we finally turned around to face them, we were both enveloped in a giant hug but still no one said a word. I wasn't much of a hugger but this was one of the few times I reciprocated.
"Don't be too sad, we aren't dying." I tried to make a lame joke as no one of the people present knew the concept of dying. "We will still be where we always were, all around you, you just won't be able to see us anymore."
"But.." Leo tried to say something but he had red eyes that were very unlike him. To think the son who wanted to kill me was now crying after my final departure.
"No buts. You are all grown up now and you don't need me anyway. I gave everyone here access to the Tower of Ur'gazoth as I won't take it with me. It will be a meeting point for our family, just don't touch my throne or I will kill you."
Some giggles were heard as everyone knew how much I loved my throne. It wasn't my real one as that one was beyond shape and form outside reality but I still put a lot of work into the replicate.
After some more good words, our bodies began to slowly and dramatically turn to dust.
When I opened my 'eyes' again, I was back outside existence, though I never really left. All the sadness disappeared as I felt at home, this was my place, with each moment I realized how right my decision was to leave.
If someone were to look at this from a bird's point of view, they would see infinite nothingness with a small but infinitely expanding pixel of existence. If anyone had eyes that could see infinite dimensions, they would also see a Throne.
Well, not really, it was a formless something but anyone who laid eyes on it would instinctively know that it was a throne.
An Empty Throne, to be precise. Was there any better way to describe it and honor my memory?
Time didn't exist for me but I still felt like it did as my beloved existence grew. To others, it might seem like we couldn't be further apart but to us, this was better than any kinky intercourse. Just us being together in our own form was enough to make us happier than ever.
But it's time to end this.
I said I was going to be my true self and that meant being the uncertainty after the end.
As much as it pained me, it was time to stop this.
As long as I kept talking, monologuing, or whatever you want to call it, I was describable… a something.
I hope you all understand, it's time to end this. I had fun and you all were fantastic readers, even though you're all mortal and think this is but another fiction but I can live with that.
Even if you can't see me, I will always be there, no matter if it's in the form of a gust of wind that makes you turn your head to your future wife or a storm that destroys your house.
A/N- I had so much fun writing this book, especially this chapter. Writing a book is fun and all but finishing it after such a long time is something else.
I lost many readers in the early chapters, mostly due to my bad writing and crack ideas but I'm super grateful to everyone that is still remaining.
If you still want to read more from me, I will be releasing a new book soon. It won't be in the fanfiction category, so you won't find it by looking there, so just look at my profile once in a while.
I know that many people that are still reading don't write comments but I would like to hear feedback from everyone that made it this far and if you haven't written a review, please do.
Thanks for all the support and I mean that. This is my first book and I was just writing for fun but it still has 3.44k collections and 7.3k power stones (of which probably 20% are mine).
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