First Pov
I´m now 15 years old and not much has happened but that all was going to change today, in more ways than I planned. Apparently, my less-than-good reputation and tense relationship with my family have led my older brother, who took over the family 2 years ago, to give me an ultimatum, I had to leave the house one week after I got my grimoire, not that I could blame him.
Unlike other children, I didn´t help in the house or the field, as I deemed it unnecessary, and spent most of my time practicing soul magic even though I refused to become a magic knight in the future and bring honor and wealth to the family. In other words, I was a freeloader, not that I cared for any of that, my goals and plans were way beyond their comprehension.
While we are already at the topic of soul magic, it has proven itself to be way more complicated than expected. I have no clue how I should even begin to make the spell that was supposed to give me more attributes, realizing that I needed way more time, I decided to focus on the soul transfer spell that was going to give me pseudo immortality.
So far it has been going relatively smoothly, I started by practicing soul manipulation and then stepped up my game by switching the souls of small animals, that was among a few other things that gave me my bad reputation as cats acting like dogs and pigs acting like roosters was not as funny as I thought but I have yet to succeed on humans.
I was really hoping that me getting a grimoire was going to speed up my research otherwise I was going to have a problem.
Today was my grimoire acceptance ritual, apparently grimoire towers weren´t in every village and Hage village was a rare case because of its historic importance, so I had to go to the nearest town. So here I was, next to nearly 60 other children my age, standing in the grimoire tower that was way bigger than the one in Hage, waiting for the old man to finally end his speech and give us our grimoires.
After what felt like an eternity of listening to the honor, opportunity, magic knight, loyalty, and friendship speech it was finally time. The first books started flying from the shelved walls and people started getting noisy, not long after a purple book with golden edges and a four-leaf clover flew in front of me. I immediately grabbed it and pressed it on my chest, I didn´t want others to see the four-leafed clover as it would only attract attention, I had no plans to stand out so I immediately left the tower and soon the border of the town.
Once I was out of the city and in a nearby forest I took the time to finally inspect my grimoire. It didn´t look that impressive except for the clover or better said what the four-leaf clover stood for, but I honestly didn´t care how it looked, what was important was what was inside. So, I opened it and the moment I did I felt it connect to my soul, before I could even understand what happened, my soul started to corrupt the new foreign thing attached to it and make it become one with it.
The corruption traveled through the connection and finally stopped at the grimoire, as it did its looks started to change, its purple started to change to a very familiar black and any trace of the clover and the golden edges vanished and then the book disappeared.
After a few seconds of panic and fear that my soul erased my way to greater power, I realized that I still felt the connection that I had formed with it. Upon closer inspection I felt it inside me, or more precisely inside my soul, and with a simple will for it to appear, it appeared in my hand like it was never gone. I opened it again and this time nothing happened, after a few seconds of waiting I started looking at the open page. The page was light brown like it was already very old, and it had no content except a single spell, soul control.
It´s been a few hours now and I have done some tests with my magic. I have been more than surprised by how effective my magic has become, my soul control has become perfect, like I never did anything else, and after testing the soul swap on a few birds, two new spells appeared in my grimoire, soul swap and soul expel.
It wasn´t what I aimed for but it was a good start, what really surprised me was how easy it has become for me to interact with the souls of the living, when I did it before I always felt a resistance but now that resistance is gone. I have yet to try it on beings with stronger souls like humans but I will soon.
With that in mind, I started to walk to a nearby village to try and control the soul of a living human and begin with the creation of the reincarnation spell.
First Pov
I´d been walking for almost an hour before I saw a village in the forest, it was small and remote, perfect for what I was planning for it. I waited until the sun went down and people started going to bed before I carefully made my way in. While staying in the shadows, I sensed which souls were sleeping and how many were in the house with it. After a few minutes of searching, I found the perfect target, an old woman living alone with her daughter.
Making my way around the house I silently entered through the back door. I knew that I needed to make sure that I wasn´t suddenly disturbed so I made my way to where I could feel the sleeping soul of the daughter.
As I stood before her door, I slowly opened the door, careful not to make any sound. Once I stood in front of her bed I saw her, bathed in the moonlight that was coming through the window, she was a rather beautiful woman with long brown hair but all that didn´t matter right now, I had a purpose for coming here and I could appreciate the sight later. As I reached out my hand to try to pull her soul out of her body so that she couldn´t disturb me while I experimented with her mother, she opened her eyes.
''Mom, is that you?'' she asked with squinted eyes. I knew I had to act fast so I immediately clasped my hand before her mouth to which she instantly lost all her sleepiness. ''HE…'' she tried screaming for help but was interrupted as I violently tore her soul out of her body.
I stood there silently for a whole minute to see if any of the nearby souls were coming this way but luckily no one seemed to have heard her. Shit, that could have gone bad, I really need to find a way to interact with living souls without having to touch them.
So here I was with her soul in my hand, thinking about what I should do with it because if I were to let go it would pass to the afterlife and I couldn't allow that, I still needed her for my experiments after all. This was a problem I hadn´t considered but after thinking for a while I came up with a solution, I extended a part of the energy in my soul, which I have simply named void energy, and connected it to her soul while making sure that the void energy didn´t corrupt and erase her.
After concentrating on not erasing her for a while, I felt something in my soul change and the tendril of v. e. stopped erasing her. Curiously, I made my grimoire appear and just as I expected, there was a new spell in it, soul anchor. That was a decent solution for now but I still needed a way to store souls, more things for the to-do list I guess. Now onto the next one, her mother was way easier to subdue as she didn´t wake up even when I accidently kicked her night table.
I was currently sitting in one of their coaches while inspecting the two souls, after closer inspection I could see their attribute and mana capacity. The tricky part was something else, each soul has a soul core in its center which makes up their entire existence, containing memories, personality, talents, and ego, and around the core was the simple soul, containing attributes, mana and more, what I needed to do to create my soul devour or absorption spell was to either find a way to extract the core so that I could absorb the soul without being affected by the core or devour the whole soul without being affected by the core.
While both ways seemed almost identical, the result certainly was not. If I absorbed a soul without a core I would gain its attribute and energy but I needed to separate the two with absolute precision and that would take time, should I however devour the whole thing, then I would gain not only the attribute and energy but also the memories, talents, personality and ego which is both useful and potentially really bad. I had the theory that wouldn´t be affected by the ego and personality due to my unique soul but it was risky so I was planning on trying it on a newborn soul first, as it didn´t have a developed memory, personality, and ego. So, for now, I was going to absorb the two souls here which would not only boost my below-average energy capacity but also give me their earth and analysis attributes and I already had plans for these attributes.
I worked through the whole night trying to separate the outer layer and the core of these two souls and I finally finished just a few hours before sunrise. In front of me were two balls and two inconsistent shapes, this of course were the cores and the outer layers that lost their form the moment the core was extracted.
I honestly couldn't wait to absorb the souls but I didn´t know how long the process was going to take and I was already starving, so I looked around the house until I found the kitchen. I honestly couldn´t cook and had no plans on learning it and was hoping to get the knowledge from a soul but I still managed to make something edible.
After a quick break, I released the two cores as I did not need them anymore. As I sat there I decided it would be better to absorb them outside the village, just in case someone came to visit as being seen in a house where two dead bodies were lying was not a good idea, if he left now people would just think that the two just passed away in their sleep at the same night, unusual and unlikely but not suspicious.
I was currently sitting on a rock in a rather nice-looking clearing inside the forest a few minutes away from the village, and floating next to me were two masses. I didn´t hesitate for long and pulled both souls into my own using the tendril that kept them in place.