31.03% Ben Jen 10 / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Grudge Match

章 17: Chapter 17: Grudge Match

A spaceship loomed over the Earth as we shifted to the Rust Bucket knocked over on its side on the road it was on with Max and Gwen inside groaning in pain from the crash.

Outside, the twins as Diamondhead and Blossom Rose were blasted into one of the windmills by the wind power farm they were attacked at, leaving a huge path in the grass as they looked up and glared as Kevin tossed Allison towards them.

"Oh, no you don't!" Blossom Rose shouted as she shot her hands out and vines shot out from her fingers and wrapped around her friend's waist as she pulled her in.

"You are one sorry sight, Rockhead!" Kevin said as his three opponents glared.

"That's Diamondhead to you, punk."

"And speaking of sorry sights, have you looked in the mirror lately?" Allison asked as Blossom Rose set her down on the ground as she stuck her hand out and absorbed the white metal from the windmill.

"It's payback time for you three turning me into a freak!"

"You were always a freak, Kevin," Blossom Rose said, crossing her arms. "It's just that now, the ugly's also on the outside."

"Diss me all you want, Jenny," Kevin said. "I'm still ten times better than all three of you. I have all your brother's powers, plus my own! I'm Kevin 11!"

He then shot his arm out and fired crystals from his Diamondhead arm that simply shattered against Diamondhead as he stuck his hand out and caught one.

"Too bad each one of those is only a tenth as powerful as mine."

They all walked forward as Kevin shot out a blast of Stinkfly's goop from his mouth, gunking Blossom Rose in the face as she wiped it off.

"Ew! Gwen's right, this stuff is totally gross."

Kevin then flapped his Stinkfly wings and flew towards them before he grabbed his sister and flew her into the air as she groaned at him.

"Are you still sure that we're related?" she asked as she pounded against her brother and he tossed her into a windmill, sending it crashing to the ground.

He then gasped as the blades of the windmill came flying out and struck him in the chest before he crashed against the ground and found himself wrapped up as roots binded all around his body as Blossom Rose positioned her hands at him.

He then burst out of the roots in a look of fury as Diamondhead and Allison walked over with a glare as the screen split four ways as the four instantly charged towards each other... right before a red beam of light shined down on the four and they instantly vanished from sight.

Gwen and Max recovered as they stumbled out of the Rust Bucket, each with a pulsing headache, only to find that their three companions were nowhere in sight.

"Ben? Jen? Allison?" Gwen asked.

The red light shined upwards and Diamondhead threw out his punch, only to find that he missed his target as he was suddenly in a black void.

Suddenly, a spotlight shined down on him from above.

"What happened? Where am I?" he asked.

"Presenting our newest challengers from Planet Earth!"

Suddenly, the lights immediately turned on in the area revealing that he was in an arena that was surrounded from all sides with a crowd of aliens cheering on from the rafters.


Suddenly, a rolling ball rolled up to Diamondhead and revealed itself to be a robotic gladiator with blades for hands. It walked up to Diamondhead and walked towards him.

"Easy now. You look upset."

The robot unsheathed its blades and swiped at Diamondhead, who avoided them and then caught them in his hands. Unfortunately, the robot revealed two more blades from its shoulders and it brought them down on him, only for him to do a backflip, doing all he could to avoid the deadly weapons.

Meanwhile, the camera shifted outwards to reveal the others in the same boat as him in different arenas with Blossom Rose being held back against her own droid as she avoided its blades.

"Plants and knives, never a good combination," she said as she conjured a shield of vines from the ground that the robot sliced through cleanly.

Kevin was blasting fire at his own robot foe while his sister morphed her arms into blades after absorbing the metal from the floor and was having a rough time of her own.

Diamondhead released a flurry of crystals from his hands, which deflected off of the robot's blade. He then ran up, morphed his arm into a blade and cut the robot's left arm off.

It retaliated, slicing a few dents into Diamondhead's arms,much to his shock.

"Okay, it's time to play can opener!"

He morhped his arms into blades again and sliced the robot's legs off, instantly causing it to fall over, unable to continue.

Blossom Rose glared as she noticed the sun shining in through the windows of the ship and she sighed in relief as she absorbed its nutrients as the bud on her head opened into it's flower form and she unleashed her solar beam from it, instantly reducing her droid into a smoldering husk.

The crowd erupted into cheers at the twins victories as Blossom Rose smiled and bowed to them.

Inside the watch tower in the center of the ship, a robotic being with six eyes observed the twins on his monitors.

"These two are spirited."

"You want a piece of me!?" Kevin asked as he exchanged bloes with his robotic foe. "I eat wimps like you for breakfast!"

He jumped onto the robot, keeping its arms apart before he opened his maw and ripped the robot's head off with Ripjaws' powerful teeth.

The robot flew backwards into the wall and continued to advance as Kevin spit its head out.

"You want some more?!"

The robot tried to swipe at him, but he avoided it with XLR8's speed and he ripped its arm off before charging at it and severed it in two using its own arm. He then tossed the torso into the still-advancing legs before he threw the arm at it, destroying the robot entirely in a huge explosion.

The crowd cheered at him as he smiled and celebrated his victory, loving every minute of the attention.

"Sadistic, cruel, merciless. True gladiator material," the mysterious figure said, watching Kevin's every move.

Allison ducked her head to avoid her robot's blows as she glared and placed her hands on the robot's shell, absorbing the metal before she morphed her hands into blades and sliced both its arms off before using them to slice it in half and then quarters and then who knows how many as she finished and tossed the arms to the side as the crowd cheered for her too as she stood there, breathing heavily.

"There is a fire in this one as well," the figure said, examining Allison's fight as well before he turned his attention to all four as they played to the crowd, Diamondhead lifting his defeated foe up, Kevin signalling the audience to cheer harder, Blossom Rose smiling and bowing as if she was giving on a true performance and Allison just breathing heavily, paying no attention to the cheers.

Suddenly, the Omnitrixes timed out and Ben lost his grip on the robot as it recovered and advanced towards him.

The crowd gasped at the reveal as she stood there.

All he could do was run away and avoid its blade swipes as he screamed.

"Did I mention I don't want to fight?!"

"Humans?" the figure asked, confused.

Jen then suddenly sensed her brother's distress as she put her hands to her head and used her telekinesis on herself and lifted herself to above the wall's level to see the arena next to her and her brother's plight.

Ben dodged the blades from the robot, convinced he was doomed before the robot suddenly had a pink blast of energy burst through it's chest. He then looked to see Jen there with her hand smoking with a glare.

"If anyone touches a hair on my brother's head, theirs comes off!" she shouted.

The crowd cheered at the two as Ben turned to his sister.

"Why didn't you help me before?"

"Yeah, well, I had my own battle to deal with back there, Ben," she said before hugging him.

"Hmm... brother and sister. Interesting. They are truly resourceful. Crowd pleasers."

The figure then paid his attention to all four of the warriors he just picked up and he smiled.

"I'll make a handsome profit off of these four."

The walls of the four arenas suddenly dropped, revealing Ben, Jen, Kevin and Allison to each other.

"You!" Ben shouted as he and his sister braced himself before Allison marched over and readied herself for him.

"If you want these two, Kevin, you have to go through me!"

"What is up with sending me to this freaky place?" Kevin asked as he brought his fists down onto the ground in front of them, sending them backwards onto the floor.

"Why do you have to blame us for everything that happens to you, Kevin?" Jen asked. "We have nothing to do with this!"

"If you didn't, then who did?"

As he was about to pound them again, the red beam of light shined down again and teleported them away.

They then showed up in a different room on the ship and recovered as they dusted themselves off.

"Okay, I definitely do not like that," Ben said.

They then noticed four samurai drones use their staffs to knock them on their feet and they placed a badge-like device on each of their chests.

"Hey! Hands off!" Kevin shouted as he ran in to attack them.

One of the robots retaliated by pressing a button on its gauntlet and sent a shock through all of their systems, causing them to scream in pain from the electrocution as the robots left the room.

"Where are we?" Ben asked.

They then looked out the window of the ship and noticed the stars in space as they passed by the moon and saw the Earth in the distance.

"You had to ask, didn't you bro?" Jen asked, shaking her head.

"We gotta find a way off this ship and back home," Allison said with a nod.

"This is your home now," said a voice from behind them.

They looked to see some more alien prisoners sitting looking absolutely miserable. They each had the same tracking device on their chests.

"Escape is impossible."

"We've all been taken from our native worlds and forced to fight for our lives for the entertainment of the galaxy," another alien added.

Furious, Kevin grabbed Ben and slammed him against the wall. "This is all your fault!"

"How is this his fault, little bro?" Allison asked, crossing her arms.

"I don't know. It just is!"

Suddenly, the tracking devices activated again and shocked all of them, sending them sprawling to the floor as a yellow light deployed from overhead.

"Meal time."

Suddenly, a row of tables activated and some dispensers from overhead oozed out some purple slime as the aliens all walked up to them, leaving Ben, Kevin, Jen and Allison confused as they looked in disgust at the food (if you can call it that).

"No thanks," Jen said. "I had purple slop for lunch."

"Literally," Allison said as she pushed her tray back.

"Are you sure?" another gladiator asked. "You should eat before Technorg demands his offering."

"Who's Technorg?" Kevin asked.

They suddenly heard a rumbling as the alien they could only assume was Technorg walked towards them. He was had orange skin along with large jaw with the teeth merged with the lips and wore armor on that released steam from the joints and his left hand was replaced with a large mace.

The other gladiators gasped and got down to their knees and bowed before him in fear.

"The reigning champion," a gladitaor explained. "You four would be wise to show respect."

Ben, Jen and Allison immediately got down to their knees in fear as Technorg walked into the room.

Technorg walked over, picked up the trays one by one and scarfed down the slops... until he reached our heroes/villain's section, where Kevin snaked his XLR8 tail outwards and slammed Jen's tray into his face.

Everyone else gasped and leaped to their feet in fear as Kevin looked on smugly.

"Wow, major disrespect! You gonna take that from her?"

Jen gasped as she looked to Kevin. "Me?!"

Technorg picked up Jen and glared as she struggled in his grip.

"Look, I don't want any trouble, okay?"

Technorg only let loose some steam from his armor and threw her across the tables, getting slop all over her as he walked over to her.

"Hey, tough guy!" Ben shouted as Jen recovered. "Stay away from my sister! Why don't you pick on someone you're on size?"

Ben dialed his Omnitrix and transformed into Four Arms and gave him an uppercut to the head as Jen glared as her hands glowed with energy as she glared and started levitating in the air on a platform she generated and pressed her Omnitrix and her Omni Suit generated around her as she glared.

The Levins looked on in shock. Allison whistled and put her hands on her hips.

"Not bad," she said. "The twins certainly picked up a few new tricks since New York."

"These humans are full of surprises," he said, observing the fight. "Bring them to me."

He activated his teleportation system, sending both sets of siblings to his section of the ship with his security guards.

The guards pushed them to their knees as Jen's helmet de-energized, revealing her head, while leaving the rest of her armor intact.

"Hey! Watch it!"

"I am Slix Vigma," the figure revealed. "This is the Megacruiser. Everything on this ship belongs to me, including you four."

"I don't belong to nobody, Slick, you sark!" Kevin said before the device on his chest shocked him again.

"I speak, you listen. These eyes see everything on this ship and these hands control everything on this ship. And I decided that your relationships will make you entertaining teams in the arena.

"Team?!" The twins asked as the guards clamped a pair of electric cuffs to Ben and Kevin's legs and Jen and Allison's legs.

"No!" Kevin shouted as he stood up. "I don't want to go anywhere tied to this loser!"

"You took the words right out of my mouth, freakazoid!" Four Arms shouted as Jen and Allison stood by.

"No offense to you, Allison, but if I'm going to be on any team here, I would want it to be with my brother."

"As it should be," Allison agreed. "But this is how it is, so let's just go along with it, alright?"

"Fine," Jen said with a sigh.

The guards activated the devices again and shocked Four Arms and Kevin again.

"Ben!" Jen shouted, running over to her brother before she and Allison were shocked from her reaction. "Oh, come on!"

"Your fates are now linked," Slix said. "If any of you should happen to expire, the shackle will ensure that your partner does as well. Now, your next opponents await you."

Both pairs were then teleported away to different arenas.

Four Arms and Kevin were teleported to the arena where they found themselves right where they didn't want to be: facing the guy who they just picked a fight with.

"There can only be one champion here!" Technorg shouted. "Me!"

He charged Four Arms and Kevin, who attempted to run away, but were restrained by their shackles and tripped up and Technorg tackled them to the floor before playing it up to the crowd.

"Nice move, moron!"

"Give it a rest, Kev!" Four Arms said. "This is both our problems. And it's the problem our sisters are facing too."

Technorg then picked up the shackles and tossed the pair around like a javelin before he tossed them into a wall, leaving two indentures into it before the Omnitrix timed out, leaving Ben in his regular state before he quickly activated his Omni Suit and glared at Kevin before deactivating his helmet.

"Great, now I'm stuck to a piece of stupid dead weight! But not for long." He picked up Ben in his Diamondhead hand and attempted to kill him with his fire powers, but the device on his chest quickly restrained him and sent him to the floor, convulsing due to the electrocution.

"Remember the whole "Your fates are now linked" speech?" Ben asked. "It was literally only two minutes ago!"

Technorg jumped up and prepared to crash down on them, before they moved out of the way. Unfortunately, the impact resulted in an explosion which sent them sprawling to the floor again.

Technorg and Kevin recovered while Ben was still regaining his bearings. Kevin then sprinted away from Technorg, unaware of the shackles still attaching him to Ben. Naturally, Ben was dragged along the floor on his back as Kevin ran away. This resulted in a chase all around the arena before Ben landed in a pile alongside Kevin.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kevin mocked. "Did that hurt?"

Technorg then charged Kevin and Ben noticed the shackling. He grabbed it and ran out of the way before pulling on it, tripping Technorg, sending him crashing into Kevin.

"Hey! You did that on purpose!"


The crowd started booing the three at the antics they had before them.

"Boos? No one boos Technorg! Technorg is champion!"

"Lets get some distance between us and him while he's distracted," Ben suggested to Kevin before running off... only to be tripped up by the shackles when Kevin didn't budge an inch.

"You're not the boss of me, Puke Bag!"

"Hey, if we're going to stay alive, we're going to have to work together."

"Why would I want to work with you? You're useless. I can take care of this goof myself!"

Kevin then used his Stinkfly goo that blasted Technorg in the back followed by a flurry of Diamondhead crystals, catching his attention.

Technorg slowly walked towards his opponents before Kevin blasted his crystals at him again, having absolutely no effect.

"You were saying?" Ben asked sarcastically.

Kevin ignited his Heatblast hand and fired a fire blast at him while he was still dripping goo.

A stray flame bounced off and caused a small explosion once it hit the goo, catching Ben's attention.

"That's it! Mix Stinkfly goo with Heatblast fireballs!"

"What for?" Kevin asked.

"Just do it! Trust me!"

Kevin complied by blasting his goo at Technorg, followed by a fire blast, which ignited the goo and caused an explosion which sent Technorg flying onto his back.


Ben smiled as he climbed up onto Kevin's shoulder. "If you use your powers in combinations, they make up for not being full power. Okay, for example: XLR8 speed plus Four Arms strength plus Diamondhead invulnerability equals..."

"One mean punch!" Kevin realized.

Kevin then used his speed to zip off while Technorg recovered and charged towards them again. They both punched each other, sending them sprawling in the other direction. Kevin then zipped off again and ran towards the stunned Technorg before combining his strength with his invulnerability and giving the alien one mean punch to the face, sending him sprawling onto his back, unconscious.

"Presenting your new champions!" the announcer said over the loudspeaker as the crowd went wild over the knockout.

"Oh yeah! Who's bad!" Kevin celebrated while Ben shook his head.

"You are so pathetic," Ben said to him as a hologram of Slix appeared in front of Technorg.

"Now, finish him off!"

"Gladly," Kevin said with a grin as he approached the downed Technorg.

"Kevin, no!" Ben said as he climbed down on his shoulder and restrained his partner using the shackles.

"That's it, it's go time again!" Kevin said as he picked Ben up before the devices on their chests shocked them again as the guards came out and restrained them as the hologram popped up again.

"Mercy?" Slix asked. "What a novel concept. Now let's see how your sisters are doing."

Jen and Allison were teleported to an arena where they found a warrior that looked like a literal spider-monkey hybrid with blue fur, four arms, four eyes yellow and two legs. Ittalso have three fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot, blue fur over a dark blue center, and a tail with a stripe design. It carried four blasters in each of its hands and glared at them before hooting as Jen and Allison got their game faces on as they each dodged each of the blasts from the blasters the alien shot at them before Jen gasped and regenerated her helmet.

Allison shot her hand down and absorbed the metal from the floor before she gasped and deflected each of the blasts and Jen fired her own at the alien before he dodged them as well as she turned to her friend.

"Any ideas, partner?" she asked as Jen's eyes looked at the way their opponent was moving before looking down at her own feet and she gulped.

"Yeah," Jen said before she held her hand out to Allison. "Dance with me."

"Jen, you must be insane!"

"Trust me, my mom signed me up for dance classes when me and Ben were five years old. We were instructed that dancing teaches balance and rhythm, which are key in fighting an opponent like this."

"You'd better be right about this because if our brothers see this, they are never going to stop making fun of us!"

"You're just going to have to trust me!" Jen shouted as Allison groaned and took Jen's outstretched hand as Jen nodded. "I guess in this case, it takes three to tango."

(A/N: Any gay jokes made about this scene by the reviewers will be blocked.)

Jen then took the lead as she and her partner started dancing the tango as they danced around the arena and avoided the blasts as they danced around their simian opponent as Jen glared as she kicked her foot up and nailed him in the head with her armored foot as Allison twirled Jen around as they avoided the blast and Jen nodded.

"Wow," Allison said, impressed at her agility through her dancing. "You're really good at this."

"I haven't actually danced for about three years since I graduated. Now please shut up," Jen said as Allison nodded and pretended to zip her lip.

"Okay, I think we've tired him out enough," Jen said, noticing their ferocious opponent panting. "Now!"

Allison and Jen broke formation as Jen fired tons of energy blasts at the monkey opponent and Allison nailed him with several blows to the head before they both came in and nailed him with one punch to the face, sending him to the ground.

"Finish him off!" the crowd shouted as the girls stood over him as Jen shook her head.

"Do I look like a murderer to you?" she asked her partner.

"No. There's not a killing bone in your body," Allison said as Jen kicked away the aliens' blasters and shouted up the crowd before unfastening her helmet and tossing it to the floor.

"Are you not entertained?!" she shouted up as the crowd silenced. "Are you not entertained?! Is this not why you are here?! I am not a killer and each and every one of you need to accept that!"

The crowd cheered to them as they stood panting before Allison helped the monkey to his feet.

"Who says that we have to kill our opponents? This is battle, not murder!"

The crowd fell into a stunned silence at their act as Jen stood with her eyes closed sternly and her arms folded. They then applauded the pair and whistled as they looked shocked before they started to appreciate their moral actions.

"I guess these guys do have a sense of morality after all," Allison said, nudging her friend.

"Merciful, just like your brother," Slix's hologram said as it appeared. "You humans are truly unique specimens after all. Prepare for galactic hyper jump. I need to recruit some new blood worthy of our new champions. You two will do for now."

"What?!" Jen and Allison both gasped.

The door opened as the two teams of siblings came out as the other gladiators bowed down to Ben and Kevin as Kevin smirked.

"Nice to finally get some respect around here," Kevin said as the twins approached each other.

"Ben, I want to smack down with Kevin just as much as you do, but not if it means throwing down with you too!"

"I know, right?" Ben said. "There is no part of me that wants to fight my own sister, even if my life was on the line."

They then stopped once they saw Technorg approach them.

"Thanks for letting him live, dipstick!" Kevin said... just as Technorg bowed to the four of them and presented his food to him.

"You bested the best, then spared my life," he explained to the four children as they looked on, confused. "Now you two are my masters."

"But I didn't fight you," Jen said to him, confused.

"You are his sister and therefore you have his blood running through your veins, no? Then you are every bit my master as he is."

Kevin then took the food and smiled.

"Actually, it was all my idea," he smirked before scarfing down the food.

The twins glared before turning to Technorg.

"We don't want to be your masters, Technorg," Ben said.

"We just want to get back to Earth," Jen finished.

Technorg then made sure that the guards weren't noticing before he spoke softly to the twins. "Even if you could free your collars and escape, the Megacruiser will soon be travelling to another galaxy."

"There must be some way to get to the guards' collar controls," Ben said.

"We have all tried. None of us are powerful enough to overtake them."

The twins then looked to each other and smiled.

"Maybe not alone," Jen said. "But if we all work together, we might have a chance."

"Okay, here's the plan," Ben said as he signaled all of the gladiators in the room to huddle together.

"This is basically a prison, right?" Jen said as they all nodded. "Well, have you guys ever heard of a riot?"

Later, the twins stood on opposite sides of the door that the guards were standing at and they nodded before Jen winked to Allison.

"It's showtime."

The eldest of our heroes nodded before she nudged Technorg and he turned to the fish-like alien filled with a helmet filled with liquid who growled before he kneed a lizard-like alien who nudged Kevin with its tail.

"Ugh, I can't take it anymore!" Kevin shouted. "I've got to get off of this ship now!"

He then fired a fire blast and tons of crystals towards the guards who then advanced forward to restrain them.

"Stop him!" Technorg shouted as the aliens all piled on top of him as they were all shocked before their collars started sparking out and emitting smoke.

"The shock collars," the monkey alien that Jen and Allison spared earlier realized. "They're disabled."

They looked up to see aguard approaching before Grey Matter peeked out of it with a smirk.

"All it takes is a short circuit and a little Grey Matter," he smiled.

"And a prison riot, it seems," Jen added, walking up.

"Ah, get over yourself, short stuff," Kevin stated. "A monkey could've done what you did."

"Then why didn't you, bro?" Allison smirked as she and Jen both laughed as Kevin glared at them.

Technorg then charged the guards and destroyed them with his mace hand. "Freedom!"

The rest of the aliens dispatched with the rest of the guards before the twins gestured to their partners.

"Come on," Jen said. "We have to get off this ship before I have to fight my own brother."

"Oh man!" Kevin groaned. "I was just starting to have some fun!"

"Let's go, little brother," Allison said as Grey Matter controlled the guard suit that he and Frostblight rode on while their partners walked alongside them.

Our heroes then walked to the guard station and showed up at Slix's living quarters, only to find nothing there when they opened the door.

"The controls to the emergency escape pods should be somewhere," Grey Matter said as he and his sister examined the room, trying to find the controls.

"That Slix guy said that he controls everything on this ship from here," Jen remembered.

"But where?" Allison asked.

"Actually, that's not quite accurate," Slix said as his holograms appeared all around them. "What I said was these hands control everything on the ship. Including them."

Suddenly, a bunch of guards appeared all around them and surrounded the four as they all stood back to back.

"And, unlike you, they have no problems with finishing off their opponents."

The guards bared their weapons at them as Grey Matter looked on nervously.

"I told you: these eyes see everything. And so will everybody else."

As this was going on, the camera revealed that the standoff was being projected on the screens in the arena by some cameras in the area as the crowd could see everything going on, causing them to go insane with cheers.

"But your demise will not be the opening act; theirs' will."

He revealed that he had captured Technorg and the other gladiators and they were all gathered in the arena while they were being restrained by more shackles.

An opening was revealed in the floor and revealed a bunch of hungry alien beasts that snarled as the gladiators gasped in shock.

"If we're going down-" Grey Matter started.

"-we're going down fighting," Kevin said as Jen suited up and Allison got ready for fighting.

They all charged as they all engaged in battle with the guards as Allison ducked and absorbed the metal from one of the guards and morphed her hands into mallets that she used to smash some guards in the head and Jen gave energy punches and kicks to each of them as she shot her head up.

Grey Matter used his guard to slice some of the others up and fired some energy bolts at them as Kevin smashed others in the group with his brute strength and roared out.

The four then turned as the guards fired energy blasts at them as they gasped.

"I can still..." Kevin began as he showed his fire powers.

"You don't have to," Jen said, holding him back. "Just cover your nose and hold your breath. You do not want to be on the receiving end of this, trust me."

Jen dialed her Omnitrix before slamming the core down, initiating the Omnitrix sank into her wrist and she grew pink fur with white patches from the wrist down as it snaked up to her body as her hands grew sharp claws and her muscle mass increased as she spun around. She grew a long pink bushy tail with a white streak through the middle as her feet shifted to paws as the fur made its way up to her face as she clutched her eyes open again, revealing them to be pink with black sclera. Her clothes morphed into a pink one-piece leotard with the Omnitrix symbol beneath her breastbones. She whipped her tail to the screen and she struck a pose.

"That's a new one," Allison said as Stinkbomb finished as she bared her claws towards them.

"This is Stinkbomb," she explained as she lifted her tail and nodded as the others held their breath and she turned to the guards. "And this is you going bye-bye!"

She then focused hard and unleashed a cloud of toxic gas that filled the room immediately as the guard's circuitry seized up and started sparking out from the chemical fumes surrounding them as she looked to Kevin and ducked for cover as she nodded to him.

Kevin grinned before the others ducked for cover behind the walls to avoid the fumes in the room before he lit up a fireball and tossed it into the room, igniting the gas and causing a huge explosion which destroyed the rest of the robots as they smiled.

"Nice teamwork there," Grey Matter said to his sister and Kevin.

"If you try to hug me, you're going to get slugged," Kevin warned as Grey Matter's Omnitrix timed out, turning him back to Ben.

Then, more guards appeared from behind doors, which Stinkbomb glared as she let loose another cloud of gas, which shielded their escape as they ran to the balcony to see the gladiator aliens.

Technorg struggled and then burst out of his shackles using nothing but his brute strength and glared towards the guards.

The guards zapped him using their staffs and forced him over the edge, causing him to dangle over the wild alien beasts below.

The crowd cheered at this as Slix stood on his balcony observing everything... until...

"Look out below!" Allison called from above as Kevin dropped down on her brother's shoulder along with Ben as he and Stinkbomb tackled him.

"What do you think of this?!" Kevin shouted.

"Ease up, dude," Ben said. "We still need him to release the escape pods."

"I'm done listening to you three," Kevin spat as he turned and held Slix in the air and tossed him into the arena as the gladiators and guards were battling and the crowd was loving every minute of it.

"This isn't part of the show..." Slix said as his cybernetic body started giving out sparks. "I've got no... got to... stop... stop... stop..."

As he stuttered, his guards started sparking out as well and they all shut down as the gladiators stopped fighting them and stared in confusion.

"Wait a minute..." Ben thought as he looked at the guards. "Of course!"

Kevin hopped down to the arena with his companions as Stinkbomb ran over to Technorg and shot her tail out to him.

"Come on! Grab my tail!" Stinkbomb said as Technorg nodded and let go of the ledge before grabbing onto Stinkbomb's tail and she struggled in effort as she swung the former champion onto the ledge and they both panted out from using so much energy.

"You saved my life," Technorg said as Stinkbomb panted out with a sigh.

"Don't mention it," she said. 'Really, don't."

Her eyes then rolled back into her head and she fainted into Technorg's arms as her Omnitrix timed out, leaving her as Jen again.

Kevin angrily stomped towards Slix as Ben tried in vain to hold him back.

"Kevin, no! Wait!" Ben shouted.

"If you destroy him, we have no way off this ship!" Allison warned.

Kevin angrily picked up the cybernetic alien and was about to throw him to the beasts... just before a green light flashed behind him and Slix was overtaken by Upgrade's patterns, indicating Ben had possessed him.

"What?" Kevin asked.

"I said wait," Upgrade sternly said as Kevin set him down.

"How did you..."

"This guy doesn't just operate the control console, he is the control console. And now I control everything on this ship," Upgrade explained as Slix's robes fell away, revealing his completely robotic body.

"Well goody-goody for you," Kevin said as Upgrade released the shackles on both him and Kevin and Jen and Allison as Kevin walked away to the rest room to find a way off the ship.

Technorg passed the sleeping Jen to Allison as she pet her head.

"Easy, Jenny," she said. "We're going to be okay."

(Again, I want no gay jokes or comments in the reviews. I promise you that both of them are completely straight.)

Upgrade the flying device where the controls to the Megacruiser were as his sister stirred awake.

"Huh? What did I miss?" she asked.

"Initiating intergalactic hyperjump launch."

"Whoa!" Upgrade gasped. "I didn't do that! And I can't override it!"

He typed into the Megacruiser's controls before he saw his liquid metal body peeling away from Slix as he glared out.

"You don't have as much control over me as you thought," Slix said before Technorg punched him in the face, allowing Upgrade to regain control.

"We must get to the escape pods before we blast off to the next galaxy."

"Teleport us out of here, Ben!" Allison stated.

"With pleasure," he said as he pressed a button and teleported himself, his companions and the rest of the gladiators out.

Kevin tried pounding the door down with his brute strength as the others all teleported back into the room.

"Need a hand? Or six?" Upgrade asked as he shot out four tendrils from his sides, which he pulugged into the door's console, which opened it and revealed the room with the escape pods.

"Okay, everybody. Take the escape pods back to your home planets," Jen ordered as the gladiators all complied and ran to the escape pods before they all shot out of the Megacruiser. Technorg, however, hesitated.

"You too!" Upgrade said as he turned to him.

"No!" Technorg said. "My life belongs to you two."

"And now we're giving it back!" Jen said as she fired an energy beam at him, knocking him into the escape pod. "Sorry, but it's for your own good. Man, I sound like my parents right now."

Ben's Omnitrix started beeping down and he de-merged with Silx before turning back to human.

"Oh man, not yet!"

Slix then picked up the twins in his arms and glared angrily.

"You little human meat bag! Nobody controls Slix Vigma! Nobody!"

"Hey! Get your hands off my friends, gearhead!"

Suddenly, Kevin's arm morphed into a blade burst through Slix's chest and destroyed him as he tossed him aside.

"Kevin?" Jen asked.

"You saved our lives?" Ben asked.

"Sure. Why do you think I wasted my time helping you three save all these other losers? I just wanted the pleasure of waxing you myself."

The three gulped as they turned and ran away before Kevin slimed them to the wall, leaving them stuck.

"And your little lapdog Technorg isn't here to save you this time!"

"Guys, do something!" Allison said as the twins struggled with their watches.

"I'm trying!" Jen shouted as she struggled to get her hands free to dial the watch in.

"Oh, and Ben, thanks for the tip on combining my powers!"

Kevin morphed his Diamondhead arm into a blade, which he was about to use to slice Ben's throat open as the twins ripped their arms free and dialed their Omnitrixes in.

"Come on please work!" Ben shouted to the still-recharging Omnitrix. "Just this once?"

"Don't bother trying to dial in another alien. I know all your powers inside and out!"

Kevin reared his blade back and was about to stab Ben before the core popped up.

Ben gasped before slamming his watch against the wall and transforming, causing Kevin's blade to be blocked by a yellow armored plate as Kevin and Allison looked shocked.

"Oh yeah? Well I don't think you've been introduced to Cannonbolt!"

He then rolled up into a ball and slammed against the mutant vigilante as Jen freed herself using her energy powers and Allison absorbed the metal from the wall and sliced the slime open with her blade hand as Cannonbolt bounced all around the room in his ball form, not letting Kevin hit him even once.

"Hold still so I can hit you, creep!" Kevin shouted.

"Don't you get it? It's called dodgeball!" Cannonbolt shouted as he finally struck Kevin down and he slumped against the wall.

"Let's bail!" Jen shouted as she and Allison ran into the final escape pod door as Cannonbolt rolled into it before they all looked confused at the controls.

"How do you work this thing!?" Allison shouted before they all looked to see Kevin prying open the door with his brute strength.

"We're doomed!" Jen shouted as she ran and hugged her brother.

Suddenly, an orange hand reached through and tossed Kevin back.

"Technorg!" Cannonbolt realized as the doors opened.

"We thought you escaped!" Jen said.

"I told you two, my life belongs to you."

He then closed the door again as the others looked on gratefully.

"Looks like we're even," Cannonbolt said as Technorg pressed the button on the pod.

"Goodbye, brother," Allison said with no remorse in her voice as the pod shot out from the Megacruiser and back down to Earth.

"So, I'm a lapdog, am I?" Technorg asked as he cracked his knuckle against his mace as Kevin gulped in fear as the Megacruiser hyperjumped to the next galaxy.

The escape pod touched down in the exact same windmill farm that Kevin attacked in. The door opened and our heroes stumbled out dazed.

"Remind me never to watch Gladiator for the next few weeks after that," Allison said as the twins nodded at her.

"Ben, Jen, Allison," Max said as he saw them in the grass. "Are you alright? We've been looking all over for you three. Where have you been?"

"Long story," Ben said. "But I'm pretty sure you're not going to believe us."

"Try me," Max said with a smile.

"Are you okay, cuz?" Jen asked as Gwen shrugged.

"I'll live. But what happened to Kevin?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about him," Jen said with a smile. "He found somebody new to play with."

"Are you going to miss him?" Ben asked Allison as she sighed.

Allison sighed as she sat down on the destroyed windmill next to her friend. "Yeah. Of course I am. He may have gone completely insane, but he's still my brother. Nothing is ever going to change that. Ever since our dad died, I swore it upon myself that I would protect him with my life. He's the only family I have left. If he dies up there, then I don't know where that leaves me."

"Hey," Ben said as he sat down next to her as she slumped down in her seat. "Don't worry. He's a tough one. He'll be back one day. I just know he will."

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better, Ben," Allison said. "I didn't really mean what I said to him up there, I really didn't. Of course I love him, but I don't love what he's become."

"Hey, you still have us to hang out with for the time being," Jen said as she playfully gave Allison a noogie, which caused her to stop and laugh as Max and Gwen watched the two girls playfully laughing.

Next time on Ben and Jen 10:

The Galactic Enforcers

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


