2.22% Beauty And His Beasts / Chapter 1: Confession Gone Wrong
Beauty And His Beasts Beauty And His Beasts original

Beauty And His Beasts

作者: LaraK9

© WebNovel

章 1: Confession Gone Wrong

Hao Shen was a 16 years old boy that was smaller than the rest of the kids his age. His mother Hao Mai Yan was the owner of a very popular BBQ restaurant in the X city.

Hao Shen never met his father and was raised sully by his mother, their was no grand parents either just him and his mom but even his mom bearly had the time to look after him properly that was because she had to work hard to provide for the both of them.

Hao Shen never complained or throw tantrums, he was a really quiet boy but he had a secret, one he had kept from his mother and everyone else.

Hao Shen was gay, he found out the day he got turned on by his best friend, it was shocking for him he even scolded himself for it, so he tried to get clingy with girls but it just felt awkward, he also tried to get touch with some guys at school but he just found it disgusting.

It was then he realized he was in love with his best friend Feng Qi but who wouldn't love someone so nice, caring and understanding, Feng Qi had never forced him to do anything.

Feng Qi understood that Hao Shen had a problem and couldn't communicate well with others so he never forced him to hangout with his group of friends when he didn't want to and would always come to his aid when he gets himself in trouble expectantly when it was a misunderstanding due to him not being able to communicate well.

To Hao Shen, Feng Qi want a God saint so he decided to tell him how he felt when he was 16.

His birthday was up and Hao Shen was flustered through out the day he didn't know how he would began to tell Feng Qi how he felt, he wanted to tell him when Feng Qi gave him his birthday gift but he was too shy to say it in words so  he decided to write a love letter and instead of collecting his birthday gift after meeting up with Feng Qi to go home he sneakily opened Feng Qi's school bag and shoved the letter inside and then ran away.

Feng Qi was startled by his action and tried to run after him but the little guy was quite fast he couldn't catch up so he just went home instead, planning to give him his gift tomorrow and ask him why he just ran off like that.

Hao Shen was so excited he couldn't wait to go to school tomorrow so he tossed around on the bed all night because of that the next day he woke up with a dark eye bag but it didn't dampen him mood.

All he wants was to meet up with Feng Qi so he quickly washed up and went to great him mom, she was preparing breakfast so he went to help.

After helping his mom prepare breakfast, they both sat down and eat their brakefast quietly .

Hao Mai Yan noticed that her son was a little too excited today so she asked him again "yesterday was your birthday do you want me to get anything for you" she had asked him this yesterday but just as every other birthday he said he wanted nothing.

She was hoping with how excited he was he might want her to get him something this time around, but to her disappointment he said the exact same word he said to her on his birthday's "I'm fine you don't need to get me anything".

It hurt her a little but just like her son, she found it hard to communicate with others and she also had facial paralysis and couldn't express how she felt.

She just looked at her son with a blank face as he walked away.

Feng Qi had always waited for Hao Shen at the gate of his house but today when Hao Shen opened the door he didn't see who he was expecting. the shine in his eyes that he carried through out the morning darkened a little.

But he still had a little hope thinking that Feng Qi had just been late he waited and waited and waited. his mood worsened as time pass_'couldn't he at least come tell me he didn't like me!, what's the point of avoiding me like this?!', Hao Shen thought as he made his way to school.

Hao Shen was already pretty late when he came to school but as it was his first time coming to school late the gate keeper let him off with a light punishment.

Hao Shen walk to his class he couldn't help but notice how people who never payed any attention to his existence were now paying him extra attention.

They would point at him while snickering to theirselves, he didn't know why they were gossiping about him, right now he didn't care cause he was still mad at that Feng Qi who didn't pick him up.

Every other person was unimportant.

And that was his problem he takes everybody around him as unimportant, they were either useful or useless.

When he opened the door to his class everyone suddenly kept quiet, he took one step in and the noise started again, this time he knew what they were saying it was so clear yet so confusing.

He got to his desk and saw that his desk was filled with chalk marks he was use to it, he didn't bother to read it and just cleaned it. He noticed todays markings was much more worst then before, they would always scribbl words like weirdo on his desk he didn't know what changed that.

They had decide to add more words to it.

Honestly he really didn't care, he just wanted classes to be over so he could find Feng Qi and ask him why he didn't pick him up.

And as soon as classes was over Hao Shen went to Feng Qi's class but when he got their he didn't see the person he was looking for so he turned to leave.

But before he could go far, someone draged him to a secluded corner and then pushed him to the wall, his back hit the wall with so much force that it got bruised, due to the impact of the push he fell on the cold floor.

Flinching in pain he looked up to see the person that had pushed him, it was one of Feng Qi's friends.

Hao Shen looked around only to see that he was surrounded. The person who push him spat at him with disgust "to think Feng Qi took you as a brother and protected you, look what he got in return... A disgusting faggot like you should stay away from him he doesn't deserve to be looked at with that disgusting eyes".

Another one butted in "yeah I'm sure he had also had disgusting thought about Feng Qi, I'm glad we found out about it this early before he did anything" they all scoffed and warned him to say away from Feng Qi and then left him there.

Hao Shen sat there for a while analyze what just happened.

It was at this instant he understood why everyone was taunting him earlier. It was because they had found out about his secret.

To be honest he heard them earlier in class but he didn't understand or he just didn't want to understand what they were saying because to him their words were like wind.

But now that he thought about it how could they have found out.

Before he wouldn't dare think that Feng Qi would do such a think, but now that his friends had confronted him about it if he still denied it then he would truly be a fool.

Hao Shen felt like crying but he didn't want to cry he didn't want Feng Qi to see his weakness so he got up, went to his class picked up his bag and left the school.

On his way out of the school he bumped into a strong chest he look up and there he was, the person he had wanted to see all day but seeing him now didn't make him happy.

All that was in his mind was how this person that he had trusted with all his heart had changed just because of one latter.

If he had kept it to himself maybe they would still be friends, his sadness overwhelmed him a single tear drop rolled down his cheek and he didn't notice it.

Feng Qi reached out his hands to wipe the tears, but just as his hands came in contact with Hao Shen's soft face, it was slapped away and for the very first time Hao Shen looked at Feng Qi with anger and said "don't ever come close to me" then he left...


Hi everyone this is chapter one of beauty and his beasts this is my very first story ever and I would really appreciate it if you guys comment and give me your rating.

Thank you from this newbie author

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


