/ Eastern / Beastmastering: The Best Master Ever!

Beastmastering: The Best Master Ever!

Beastmastering: The Best Master Ever!

Eastern 完了 433 章 1.4M ビュー
作者: Milk Bottle Huge

3.8 (40 レビュー結果)

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[What is the method to distinguish the gender of the Thunder Rat?]
[What is the attribute of the Thorn Seahorse?]
[What is the superpower trick that the Lipstick Magnet Monster can learn?]
The last science subject of the college entrance exam suddenly became the basic knowledge of Phantom Beasts!
Chen Qiyue, who was sitting behind the desk, had a bewildered face.
Well... well...
Looking at the contents of this test paper and the surrounding students who had their heads buried in their books, the corners of Chen Qiyue's mouth twitched.
He must be dreaming.
Or else this world was crazy!
Inside the Phantom Beast Feeding House
"Sir, which one do you really want to buy?" the female receptionist asked weakly.
Chen Qiyue pointed at one of the Phantom Beast eggs. "I'll take it!"
"Okay, I'll take it down for you."
"Wait! I'll take this one!"
Chen Qiyue pointed to another egg.
"Okay, do you still want to change it?"
The female receptionist was speechless.
Half an hour later
Chen Qiyue happily walked away holding the black, unattractive egg with a few blue spots in his arms.
The female receptionist suddenly turned pale, her legs went weak, and she fell to the ground, crying.
"He was such a bad person. He deliberately pointed out all these Phantom Beast eggs."
Chen Qiyue spread his hands. "Well, I had to make better use of my cheats."
"Ahem, I'm a decent person!"

  1. Elizabeth_Baird_6256
    Elizabeth_Baird_6256 貢献した 12924
  2. Fallenfrost
    Fallenfrost 貢献した 11916
  3. Sharazar
    Sharazar 貢献した 11860


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    seems just as bad as all the other beast master with a cheat novels but im down for it

    7 の返信を表示する


    2 の返信を表示する

    MC thinks he is smart, but he keeps making big mistakes. His attitude towards the fish is just creepy. The cheat is just an ID skill (at least so far). Characters around the MC are also brainless. Honestly, I can only say the translation is good. The story itself is a big pass for me.

    2 の返信を表示する

    Caught up with the raws.. it's not great but it's readable.. cheat was a status panel only for the beasts he owned n only the stats he has verified appeared on it.. later with the upgrade he can see other beasts stats as well.. if he has made an evolution plan or circulation diagrams it can be verified as well. TBH his photographic memory is more of a cheat than his system There's a bit too much of my "this is my baby.. it is the best.. I'm gonna make it the best" n all that.. in short he's kindness n love to his beast is a bit too much which kinda disgusts me. So if you want an MC who is too caring about his beasts with minimal usage of the system with a story which is not bad this is for you.

    6 の返信を表示する
    LV 3 Badge

    Pretty standard beast taming start. Fail the college exam, be forced to choose a low potential beast, actually end up finding very unique beast due to cheat, ect. The absolute only reason I gave this novel a 2 and not a 3/4 was I just could not get over the relationship between the the fish and protagonist. It feels like a three way mix between sugar daddy, lovers, and parental? There is just alot of moments that made me pause, like the fish being a baby and needing to be taken care of, to also actually being very mentally aware, to also being spoiled in like intimate ways? Just kinda weird tbh, rest of novel aside from that seems bog standard.

    1 の返信を表示する

    The reason why I rated this so highly is because this novel doesn't focus on the average stuff in beast Taming novels, instead of domination Mc focused on actually caring for his beast and treats his beast as more than just a tool. I think the care he has for his beast was sufficiently shown to establish a relationship with his beast and as Mc nothing automatically goes his way which is also cool.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I can count on one hand the number of times I have wanted to read more of a trial read as badly as I do this one. If this one does not get picked i really hope i can find it somewhere else in the near future. While I do find the mc's attitude to the beast a little cringey at times. I also find it refreshing because it is so different from the standard. I can only hope this book gains more support and gets picked. Please give it a try

    0 の返信を表示する

    the main character is conscientious and he cares for his pet. characters actually feel alive with their own emotions and dreams. world building was fine, a bit plain but definitely better than most. god i hope this gets picked !!

    0 の返信を表示する

    i read all of the beast taming novel here, and this one is kinda weird. i have a feeling that the fish will turn into a girl. also the harem vibes is 😟

    2 の返信を表示する

    Man Just Don't read It. It will let you Question your whole life. Like seriously Our MC is Acting like Pense**al I will just say So creepy....Other supporting charecter are brainless. Which I think that's not a problem All Average Chinese Novel are same. But man In this Novel.....You know what Just Read it Understand it...BTW translation Quality Is quite Good which is Surprising For me..My suggestion for translator"Bro Just Find Some Good Novel which atleast everyone appreciate.

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    Really interesting The mtl is called Royal Beasts: The Strongest Breeder

    2 の返信を表示する

    I'm enjoying this story more than I expected. I haven't read any "beast master" types of web novels before but have found this story line and its characters to be refreshing. More chapters please.

    0 の返信を表示する

    this is impossible to read... how come it has such good reviews?... people's tastes intrigue me

    0 の返信を表示する

    I really like this Novel and I hope that the Author Makes more chapters

    0 の返信を表示する

    this is still trash for my taste but okay, fourth battle scene In the world of Beast Tamers, there was a great war between two powerful factions. The first was the Order of the Phoenix, a group of beast tamers who believed in using their powers for good. They were a peaceful group, dedicated to protecting the natural world and the creatures that inhabited it. Their beasts were their partners, and they had formed deep bonds with them over the years. The second was the Shadow Clan, a group of beast tamers who believed in using their powers for personal gain and power. They were a ruthless group, willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goals. Their beasts were their weapons, trained to kill and destroy at their command. The war had been brewing for years, tensions escalating between the two factions until it finally boiled over into a full-blown conflict. The Order of the Phoenix saw the Shadow Clan as a threat to the natural world, while the Shadow Clan saw the Order of the Phoenix as weak and ineffective. The battlefield was like nothing anyone had ever seen before. The beasts of both sides clashed, their powers and abilities colliding in a dazzling display of light and sound. The ground shook beneath their feet as they charged forward, the air filled with the sound of roaring beasts and the stench of smoke and blood. The leader of the Shadow Clan, a woman known only as the Blackheart, watched from a distance as the battle raged on. She was a skilled beast tamer, her own beast a massive, black dragon that towered over the battlefield like a giant. As she watched, she noticed a beast unlike any other. It was a magnificent unicorn, ridden by a young woman known only as the Moonchild. The unicorn moved with a grace and speed that the Blackheart had never seen before, its powers striking with deadly accuracy. The Blackheart knew that she had to act fast. She ordered her own beast to attack the unicorn, hoping to take down the Order of the Phoenix's greatest weapon. The two beasts clashed, their powers colliding in a dazzling display of light and sound. The Moonchild fought with all her might, dodging and weaving around the Blackheart's attacks, her own beast striking with deadly precision. But the Blackheart was not so easily defeated. She was a skilled beast tamer, her own beast larger and more powerful than any other. She fought with a ferocity that matched the Moonchild's, her own beast's powers striking with deadly accuracy. In the end, it was the Moonchild who emerged victorious. With a final blow, she struck down the Blackheart's beast, its destruction sending shockwaves across the battlefield. As the battle raged on around them, the Moonchild and the Blackheart faced each other. For a moment, there was silence. "I may have lost this battle," the Blackheart said, her voice filled with defeat. "But the war is not over. We will return, and we will conquer." The Moonchild looked at her, a look of sadness in her eyes. "I hope not," she said. "I hope that one day, we can live in a world where beast tamers use their powers for good, and not for personal gain. A world where we can work together to protect the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it." The battle was won, but at a heavy cost. Both sides had lost many brave beast tamers and their beasts in the fight, and the scars of the battle would remain for years to come. But perhaps, as the Moonchild had hoped, there would come a day when beast tamers could work together to protect the natural world and the creatures that inhabited it, and the horrors of war could be left behind.

    0 の返信を表示する

    It's garbage. Not sure what I expected out of a novel titled "Beastmastering: The Best Master Ever!", but once you get past that, and all the not!Pokemon being called Fantastic Beasts™, this is just as bad as it sounds.

    0 の返信を表示する

    For starter, I’ve only read about 7 chapters. So this is in no way an accurate review. But here’s my opinion from what I read. • The various “Fantastic Beasts” have a high similarity to Pokémon. • MC is unappealing. He is in a situation like Mo Fan from Versatile Mage, i.e., exact same world and people, but this new one has “Fanstastic Beasts”. • MC gets a bad start by no having any memories of this new reality and is introduced at an awkward time, i.e., right in the middle of his final exams. So he fails. Obviously. • MC was an academic topper in both realities, yet just for plot progress and face slapping, he is constantly portrayed as clueless. This is the main reason (for me) that makes it difficult to push through the chapters. It seems like the author intended to make the MC seem clueless initially, hence why he has no related memories passed on either, which is a good direction for character development of the MC, but it’s just seems to be done excessively and very obviously, making it off putting. It comes to the point where the MC’s actions seem to not even consider using common sense, let alone the knowledge of that world. But like I said, it’s just the start, and only my thoughts. You could definitely give it a try. Although fair warning, the novel seems to be dropped as it abruptly stops.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Chapter one seventy six page 24 the energy levels and ranks for the book. It doesn't get shown a lot. So this is where I'm leaving this information to backtrack to

    0 の返信を表示する

    Honestly if you are looking for a beasttaming novel…this right here is an obvious choice! Wonderful story! the pace is perfect. The MC is wonderful (even if not heavy with wanting to be in the action). As far as side characters go, if we consider his contracted beasts as part of that it’s wonderful! I do wish we kept some of the actual human characters around a bit more, but I’m at chapter 394 and feel like we are still just getting started! It makes me feel like a lot of these side characters from previous chapters will be added back in after with greater rolls that i can’t predict how it will affect the story. This author is doing a fantastic job and releases new chapters so quickly you don’t ever feel like you have to wait that long for more amazing chapters to read.

    0 の返信を表示する

    At 100 now. Honestly enjoying the novel. Tho I really feel like the mc could be a bit more brave. Also if this mc is one of those share everything mcs like other similar novels then I’ll most likely drop this. Hate it when they unlock a new route for their beast and share it. like why? Was the same for another novel like this one that I liked and dropped it at 200. Thought it be different but nope was another researcher that felt he should share everything about his beast

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    作者 Milk Bottle Huge