Bambi's Omega Adventures In A Post-Apocalyptic World Bambi's Omega Adventures In A Post-Apocalyptic World original

Bambi's Omega Adventures In A Post-Apocalyptic World

作者: Norobo

© WebNovel

Bambi Doesn't Like Zombies

It had been exactly one year since the world had changed. The skies were now a permanent gray, the cities reduced to rubble and the streets were deserted, save for the dangerous creatures that roamed freely. It all started when a meteor struck the Earth, bringing with it a deadly virus that spread like wildfire. The virus mutated humans, turning someone into grotesque, mindless zombies and others into fierce, bloodthirsty mutants. It was a war between the living and the dead, and the humans were caught in the crossfire.

But that was not the end of it. The virus also affected the remaining humans, causing them to evolve into three distinct categories- Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. Alphas were the strongest, possessing at least one to two supernatural abilities. Betas had one ability, albeit weaker than Alphas, while Omegas were the ones who were left with no abilities at all. However, Omegas were usually blessed with immense beauty and secreted pheromones that attracted Alphas or Betas to mate with them.

The sun had long set, and the once bustling city streets were now eerily silent. Buildings lay in ruins, and the smell of decay hung heavy in the air. Bambi walked cautiously, his senses on high alert, as he made his way through the desolate streets. His backpack, filled with cans of food and a water bottle, felt heavy on his back, but Bambi was used to the weight. He had been on his own for a while now, ever since the meteor struck and changed the world forever.

Bambi was a rare breed in this new world, a male Omega. Most Omegas were female, and they were highly sought after by the Alphas and Betas who roamed the land. They were the prize in this post-apocalyptic society, their beauty and pheromones attracting potential mates like moths to a flame. And Bambi was no exception when it came to beauty. Even as a male Omega, he was blessed with features that could make anyone weak in the knees. But for Bambi, his beauty was both a blessing and a curse.

Bambi was bratty, sarcastic, and fiercely independent. He had always been the black sheep of his family, and he embraced it wholeheartedly. This made him a target for the Alphas and Betas, who constantly tried to claim him as their mate. But Bambi never backed down, always fighting back with his quick wit and sharp tongue. He refused to be just another Omega who depended on Alphas for protection. He was determined to survive on his own terms and prove to the world that Omegas were not just breeders for the stronger categories.

As he approached a worn-down 7/11, Bambi's survival instincts kicked in. He knew this was a dangerous place to be, but he was running low on supplies, and he couldn't afford to be picky. He pushed open the creaky door and stepped inside, scanning the dimly lit store for any signs of life. To his relief, the shelves were still stocked with canned goods, and there was no evidence of any recent scavengers.

As he rummaged through the shelves, he couldn't help but grumble about the lack of variety in the store. "Seriously, can't these people stock up on something other than canned beans?" he muttered under his breath.

He had just finished gathering his loot when he heard a loud growl from outside. Bambi froze, knowing exactly what that sound meant. He had encountered the creatures before and knew he had to act fast if he wanted to get out of this alive.

Without hesitation, he grabbed his bag and darted towards the back exit of the store. But as he reached for the handle, he realized it was locked. Cursing under his breath, he turned around to find two Mutant-Walkers blocking his path. These were the one of the worst kinds of mutants, with razor-sharp claws and heightened senses. They were the ones who had defeated the remaining military forces, and now they roamed freely, preying on anything that moved.

Bambi pressed his back against the wall, holding his breath as the Mutant-Walkers sniffed the air, searching for any sign of living beings. Thankfully, they were at the other end of the store, and with any luck, they wouldn't notice him. But luck was never on Bambi's side, especially in this new world.

Bambi immediately regretted not carrying a weapon with him. He tried to think fast, knowing that his chances of survival were slim. But then, an idea struck him. He quickly reached into his pocket and took out a small vial filled with a bluish-purple liquid. He had stolen it from an Alpha who had tried to claim him a few weeks ago. The liquid was a sedative, and Bambi knew that it would put the Mutant-Walkers to sleep for a few minutes at least.

Just as he was about to throw the sedative, one of the Mutant-Walkers' eyes fell upon him. It let out a guttural growl, and Bambi's heart sank. He knew he had to act fast if he wanted to survive. He reached for his backpack, ready to make a run for it, but it was too late. The Mutant-Walkers had caught his scent, and they were coming for him.

Bambi dashed towards the back of the store, his heart pounding in his chest as he frantically searched for an exit. The Mutant-Walkers were gaining on him, and he could feel their hot breath on his neck. In a last-ditch effort, he flung the closest object he could find, a bag of chips, at the Mutant-Walkers, hoping to buy himself some time.

To his surprise, the bag of chips hit one of the Mutant-Walkers square in the face, causing it to stumble and trip over its own feet. Taking a deep breath, Bambi uncorked the vial and threw it at the creatures, hitting them right in the face. They let out a blood-curdling scream and collapsed to the ground, their bodies twitching as they succumbed to the sedative.

Bambi took this opportunity to make a break for it, sprinting towards the back of the store and pushing open the back door. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, not stopping until he was several blocks away from the 7/11.

Bambi stopped to catch his breath, leaning against a crumbling building as he looked back at the 7/11. "Well, that was a close one. I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I'm not a fan of canned beans, or I would have been toast."

He looked around.

The Mutant-Walkers were nowhere to be seen, and Bambi let out a sigh of relief. He knew he had gotten lucky this time, but he couldn't keep relying on luck to survive. He needed to be smarter and more careful in the future.

Just as he reached the safety of his hideout, Bambi heard a commotion outside. He peeked through the window and saw a group of Alphas and Betas approaching his house. They were led by an Alpha named Apollo, who had been trying to claim Bambi as his mate for months now, and also the person that Bambi had nicked the sedative from.

Bambi rolled his eyes, knowing exactly why they were here. 



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


