100% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 36: Ch 35 Homecoming

章 36: Ch 35 Homecoming

(Don't have the energy to revise and edit before falling asleep, hope there's not too many mistakes)

(8k, Enjoy)

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[Valewood Valley, 14 km From Town Walls]

A scout dressed in a Ghillie sat fifty feet off the ground atop the thick branch of a massive spruce tree which overlooked a vast swath of land and one of the few trails which led to Valewood.

The scout was petting a cooing gray rockdove which was nuzzling itself into his chest, one might think the bird was a random bird except for the small leather strap placed upon it's leg.

"You're such a cutie aren't you Milly?" The scarred scout spoke lovingly to the little bird, A soft side of him which no one else would ever see if he had anything to say about it.

"Coo...Coo...." The little bird cooed in response, The Aelven race had an affinity with nature unlike any other races so in a sense the bird was actually talking with the scarred man.

they both frolicked for hours as the man fed the little bird crushed granola from his hand and gave it water from his own waterskin.

as the sun dropped from it's zenith the scout's sensitive ears picked up an unusual sound....the heavy sound of hooves.

The scout focused on the sound for a split moment.

"Hmmm....Not a Horse....A Hart....With a heavy load...." The scout thought to himself before taking out a glass pen and small parchment.

"Get ready Milly okay baby?" The scout spoke and planted a soft kiss on the doves head.

"Coo....Coo..." The bird cooed softly and stretched it's wings out and flapped slowly a few times to prepare itself.

Then another sound entered the scout's sensitive ears....A flapping sound.

"What is that....Not a bird...." The scout wondered as his ears noticed that the flapping sound had no feathers.

As he wondered the sounds came closer and closer until finally he spotted a Red Hart moving like the wind along the nearby road.

Instantly the scout spotted the Kalinik and the Little weird gnome that sold jewelry atop the deer, The Scout also spotted a ridiculously voluptuous human woman holding tightly to Kalinik which reminded the scout of Madame Valia...

"What the fuck..." The scout thought before his keen eyes saw the bloodbound mark on the human woman's throat, not the usual red or black color but golden....

"Oh as expected of that womanizer right Milly? haha." The scout chuckled softly before starting to write on the parchment.

{....KALINIK RETURN, GNOME, ENSLAVED HUMAN FEMALE, ATOP RED HART.....} The scout scribbled swiftly and was about to roll up the sheet before his ears locked onto the distinct flapping sound.

His eyes flicked across the and soon spotted a winged crimson creature swooping down and flying beside Kalinik and the Red Hart.

"What is that.....A Wyvern.....No.....Wyvern's are dull...No Way....It's A Fucking Dragon....." The scout murmured and the pen nearly fell from his hands as he stared at the Dragon which flew alongside the mounted trio but soon enough he continued writing.

{....KALINIK RETURN, GNOME, ENSLAVED HUMAN FEMALE, ATOP RED HART.....HAS PET DRAGON, I REPEAT DO NOT BE ALARMED BY DRAGON, SMALL SIZED DRAGON....} The scout finished the message before rolling it up and strapping onto Milly's leg harness.

"Go on baby fly fast and come back soon." The scout spoke before kissing the bird on the head and tossing her off the side of the tree.

The little rock dove cooed in agreement before flying directly toward Valewood, a much faster route than the winding road which the White Haired Beast Was Taking.

The scout leaned back on his branch and sighed to himself.

"Goodness.... I was jealous he got Natalka when guy wanted her...Now he has a Dragon....I Feel like a donkey beside a thoroughbred hehe." The scout laughed to himself a bit before relaxing in his 'seat' once more.

As the scout relaxed Milly was flying as fast as her little wings would take her.



The little bird thought as she flew in a beeline to Valewood only 13 kilometers away.

after ten minutes of flying at max speed the little bird spotted Valewood, but her eyes were focused on the rookery and before long Milly rushed inside and cooed as loudly as she could while flapping her wings to get the Old Scout Sargeant who oversaw all messages.

"Oh quiet down I'm coming..." The gruff man spoke before gently taking the message from Milly's foot.

"Drink some water and get some food." The Sargeant spoke while unfurling the message.

The little bird hopped over to the water bowl and had it's fill.

"Hrm...Oh That Kalinik Person is back....And.....A Dragon? Goodness gracious Yurnthral wrote it three times, I better warn the Commander." The Sargeant spoke before ringing a nearby bell a few times.


Within a few moments a dozen young Aelven recruits rushed into the room both male and female.

They were the next Generation of scouts who were still in training.

"Listen up squirts, Go warn the guards that Kalinik and the little gnome are back, He has a human slave and reportedly a Dragon as a pet." The Sargeant spoke and the little Aelven men went wide eyed and murmured amongst themselves.

"Silence!!!" The Old Sargeant bellowed out and instantly all the recruits went quiet.

"One of the Females will go to the Commander's house, Alert him of everything....Now Go!!! Quickly or I'll make you all clean the pig pens!" The Old Sargeant yelled out and in an instant the young Aelves had disappeared from the rookery.

"Hehe....Little munchkins...." The Old Sargeant Laughed to himself before sitting once more on his rocking chair and grabbing his pipe.

He looked over to the little rock dove who was getting ready to fly back out.

"I really hope there is a Dragon.....Always wanted to see one before these old bones take a dirt nap...." The Old Sargeant thought as he lit his pipe up and took a deep drag.

"Damn that's good." He thought to himself as the soothing herbs coursed through his very soul.

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[Valewood's Clearing] [Mc Pov]

We Finally reached the edge of the clearing and I waited patiently, From high above Sabella swooped down and landed beside Potato and looked to me questioningly.

"Just wait for a moment my love...." I spoke while looking down at her slitted yellow eyes.

"Gruuuuuu~" Sabella gurgled stared out towards the thick woodline once more until the sound of a bird call reached our ears.


Hirni tapped my thigh and spoke just as I was about to respond.

"Don't stress yourself, I'll do the return call White Hair, I'm an expert at it." Hirni spoke proudly before moving her little hands up to her face.

"CAW!!!CAW!!! ITS HIRNI OF GRAVENSTONE!!!! CAW CAW!!!" She yelled out as loudly as her little lungs could manage and before long my sensitive ears picked up the sounds of Aelven guardsmen and women giggling from the treeline.

"Hehehe...She's so funny hehehe." One Aelven guardswoman giggled at a whisper and the others seemed to agree.

Luckily for the Guards Hirni couldn't hear their laughter or I was sure they'd find themselves facing a most fearsome enemy.

Then Five Guards in green scaled armor emerged from the foliage, One of them stepped closer than the rest.

"Sir Hilandar Good To See You Once Again...Is The Dragon Safe To Enter Valewood?" The man asked aloud, I could see his eyes locked onto Sabella.

There was no fear in the man's gaze, just amazement at seeing a real living breathing Dragon.

"Her name is Sabella, She's perfectly Safe so long as you don't try touching her." I spoke aloud and i saw all the guards smile while staring at the Dragon as they whispered amongst themselves.

Then I noticed the most petite guard take off her helmet and run forward.

"Sir Hilandar! It's me Maya! Can I please pet Sabella!!!" The Cute little Aelven woman yelled out as she ran up to me.

Instantly I recognized her as Natalka's friend whom I'd met the first time I reached Valewood.

"It's not up to me, you'll have to ask Sabella herself." I spoke before urging Potato to begin walking forward.

Sabella gurgled at me as I moved away but I spoke in response.

"It's up to you Sabella my dear, You decide." I spoke while looking back and I saw the indecision in her eyes.

Hirni yelled out back to Sabella.

"Do It For The Cinnamon Biscuits In Her Pockets! I can Smell Them!" Hirni yelled out and nearly fell out of the saddle before I grabbed her waist and pulled her back up.

"Gruuuu?" Sabella gurgled while looking at Maya's pouch.

"Okay Fine, How many?" Maya asked after taking out a large stack of cinnamon biscuits which she'd baked just this morning.






"Heyyyy.....You stole all my lunch....." Maya spoke sadly but her frown disappeared as soon as Sabella nuzzled her snout into Maya's small hand.

"Haha....Your Scales Feel So Warm Sabella~" Maya chirped happily as I rode deeper into the town on Potato.

As I rode past the Guards they stared at Alosia who was wearing her blue velvet hood over her head.

"Whats with the human?" The lead guard asked.

"A Human Noble, Daughter of a Count, Bloodbound and carrying my child in her belly....Anyone causes her harm and I'll wipe their bloodline." I spoke curtly and saw all of their faces turn pale as my bloodlust leaked out inadvertently.

I took a deep breath and it dissipated within moments before continuing on, Sabella caught up within moments and before long we reached the Northern Gate Of Valewood.

I spotted Luthien Standing at the battlements while smiling down at me.

"My Son Is Back!!! And With A Dragon!!! HAHAHAHA!!! How Lucky Am I!!!" Luthien bellowed out with a broad smile on his grizzled face

"OPEN THE FUCKING GATES AND LET THIS HERO INSIDE!!!" Luthien bellowed out before disappearing behind the battlements.

"Is that your father?" Alosia asked after hearing Luthien calling me Son.

"No....He's my Soon to be Father in Law.....You should've seen our first meeting though...Nothing like this." I spoke while looking back at Alosia who was holding me tightly, I could sense her unease at entering an Aelven town after an entire life of hearing nothing but bad things about them.

The Gates opened to reveal Luthien standing with a broad smile as he smiled to himself, Not only because his Son in law had returned but because Luthien was certain he'd brought Dragon's Serum to heal his beloved Wife.

"Hop off that old Nag and come give me a hug Son!!!" Luthien bellowed out.

Potato chuffed at Luthien's words as if to say 'I'm a fucking stud you old coot'

I helped Alosia dismount before hopping off myself then reaching up and taking Hirni by her waist before setting her down softly then walked up to Luthien but before I got very far the Grizzled man in his shimmering armor rushed over to me and wrapped me in a tight bear hug.

"Oh Goddess Bless You Son....Goddess Bless You..." He spoke while holding me tightly.

"Good to see you again Father, where are both of my beloveds?" I asked while patting him on the back.

"Natalka rushed off to Valia's House and told me that you should head there....Now tell me how you got a dragon I'd ask about the human slave but knowing you and seeing her the answer is quite obvious haha..." He spoke with a chuckle, his insinuation of my lewd antics was quite accurate so i had no response.

"Sabella Hilandar Is the Beautiful Dragon's name, We're Like Family now.....The Bloodbound Human is powerful Mage, Alosia Windmarche, Noble Daughter of a Human Count who is now carrying my child." I spoke and he hummed.

"As expected of my Son, You leave for a few weeks and come back with A Dragon and An Impregnated Noble Human Slave haha.....Now Son, Tell me you managed to get 'it'...." Luthien asked about the Dragon's Serum.

"I did." I responded.

Luthien froze for a moment before pulling away and moving a silk handkerchief to his face.

"I Got Something In My Eyes...Give Me A Second...." Luthien spoke while trying his best to stop the tears which were falling from his usually cold eyes.

I could hear the guards on the battlements whispering to eachother in shock at seeing their cold hard commander crying....

I beckoned one Vial of Dragon's Serum into my hand, It was wrapped in a thick cloth so as to hide it before handing it over to Luthien.

"Go Give It To Her Quickly...." I spoke and the crying man nodded before patting my shoulder.

"W...We Have The Wedding Planned For Whenever You Got Back....We'll Hold It T...Tomorrow Son....T..Thank You..." He spoke before staring down at the vial as his eyes continued to water.

"Go on Father I better see mother in law at the wedding." I spoke and he nodded before walking off to his mansion while wiping his eyes copiously.

We walked inside where I spotted Potato being unsaddled by the dutiful Stable attendants.

"Potato thanks for everything, never ridden a more majestic mount." I spoke and he chuffed at me once in thanks.

"Catch!" Hirni yelled out while tossing Potato a big canvas bag of honeyed pecans before turning back.

"You're right White Hair, even the best Dwarven Battle Ibex don't even come close to Potato at all..." Hirni spoke while looking back at the majestic deer who was tearing apart the canvas bag to reach the sweet morsels within.

As we walked through the streets towards Valia's Mansion the townspeople stood at a distance while staring intently at Sabella, None of them even seemed to notice Alosia when a real Dragon was walking through their streets.

Alosia on the other hand was amazed at the town....No shit in the streets, No orphan street urchins, No criminals looking to steal, everyone was clean and happy, Every child was healthy and rosy cheeked unlike the half starved peasants of every single human town which she'd visited during her life.

'where are the peasants....' Alosia thought as she looked out at the Aelven crowds and bustling streets who gave them a wide berth.

Then she watched as a little girl with a bow and quiver rushed up to her Kalinik.

"Uncle White Head!!! You're Back!!!" The little girl shouted excitedly before wrapping me in a tight hug.

I patted her head a bit while remembering her as the little girl who first guided me to Hirni's shop.

Then a pretty Aelven woman and handsome man walked up to me.

"I'm so sorry about Ariel Sir Hilandar." The Man spoke and bowed his head as his wife pulled their daughter away.

"It's fine, She was the one who first brought me to Hirni here so I'm eternally grateful..." I spoke and bowed my head respectfully to the family.

"Uncle White Head Gave me enough to buy my Bow and get lots of Cakes for the Goddess Papa!" Ariel spoke excitedly while holding up her little yew bow.

"I hope she's been practicing." I spoke and her mother smiled while looking down at her daughter.

"Yes, She says Your Fiancee Lady Natalka Should Watch out before Ariel Takes her place as the best archer in Valewood." The mother spoke with an amused smile.

"I'm sure Natalka is shaking in her boots." I spoke and patted the little girls head before their family scurried away, Ariel asked her parents about Sabella but they had already told her not to approach the Dragon or even try to touch it as soon as word came that a Dragon would be coming to Valewood.

Before Long we passed in front of Hirni's Store/Home.

"We Part ways here White Hair....After your marriage make sure to visit okay?" Hirni asked with puppy eyes.

I knelt down and looked deeply into her hazel eyes.

"Actually we're meeting a bit sooner, I was wondering if you'd be the second at my wedding?" I asked her and saw Hirni's eyes widen in surprise.

"But...Aren't Seconds supposed to be men?" She asked with a raised brow but her excitement was evident.

"Usually....But I have no closer friend in the Whole world." I spoke and Saw Hirni smile sweetly before wrapping her little arms around my neck.

She was not used to this feeling, or most feelings but she felt happier than when she ate her enemies in pies or managed to improve her runes.

"I'll do it! I have just the Armor for a special occasion!" Hirni spoke while holding me tightly.

I patter her head softly a few times before she scurried away into her home with blushed cheeks, She didn't know much about the strange feeling in her belly but Hirni felt the need to hide under her soft padded blankets as soon as possible.

"She likes you..." Alosia whispered from my side.

"I know....but I don't think she knows that herself...." I responded before planting a kiss on Alosia's cheek.

She smiled sweetly before snuggling up to my arm.

"Do you like her?" Alosia asked as we walked up the street.

"What do you think?" I responded as we continued on our way.

Before long we reached the Upper class district of Valewood.

In the Various courtyards were the young women of the upper crust doing their best to attract my attention.

"Oh Sir Kalinik! You're Finally Back!" A pretty girl spoke and ran over to me as her unusually tiny dress showed nearly all the way up to her snatch.

Before she got too close Sabella came between us.

"GRRRRAAAAAAP!!!!" Sabella Growled angrily, clearly disliking the woman instantly.

The pretty girl recoiled back and tripped over herself, She hit the ground and instantly I noticed her perfectly shaved pink pussy....Not bad but I wasn't interested in the slightest.

Although she was clearly still a virgin due to no Crimson mark I had no trust that she hadn't anyone off and I had a feeling my sixth sense wasn't wrong about most of these Vapid cunts.

"Excuse me....Miss.... but I'm in quite a hurry..." I spoke as Sabella continued a low growl while staring at the Girl.

Then I heard the sounds of clinking armor as the private guards of the noble girl approached at a sprint.

"Relax gentlemen....Do not draw your swords....for your own good just take the little miss back home." I spoke while placing a hand on my blade.

The four guards had seen me kill Valir faster than their eyes could catch and heard about how I'd massacred dozens of human warriors.

None were stupid enough to call my bluff and simply lifted their scantily clad mistress from the ground and took her back into her mansion.

As the guards took the Noble lady I caught the scent of her smeared all over one young handsome guard.

'Fucking slut.' I thought to myself, now I was wise enough to know an absence of a Scarlet mark didn't mean an Aelven woman was necessarily pure.

"Come on, we're almost there." I spoke to Sabella and Alosia and before long we found ourselves at the gates of Valia's mansion.

I instantly spotted Avla who was standing at the gates while flanked by four other female guards.

"Master Hilandar, The Madame And Lady Await you." Avla Spoke as she held a hand over her belly, now noticeably distended after me being away for nearly four weeks.

I walked up to her and placed a hand over her belly.

"Avla...I'm glad to see you're doing well..." I spoke and she smiled softly.

"Thank you....My Fiancee decided that we're getting married and actually seemed glad that I was carrying your child in my belly.... Please go see the Madame and Lady, They've really missed you." She spoke with a sweet smile.

"Very well." I spoke while inwardly sighing in relief, I didn't actually want to keep her after all.

"And this...Person?....do we find her a room?" She asked while gesturing to Alosia.

"Yes, I will introduce her to Natalia and Valia later, Sabella go with Alosia for tonight okay?" I spoke while patting Sabella's head softly.

"Gruuuuu~" she gurgled in agreement before one of the servant girls which was waiting nearby walked up.

"M..Miss, Please follow me to the G...Guest room." The young Aelven servant girl spoke, I noticed her eyes were wide and staring at Alosia's insanely voluptuous body which was impossible to hidethrough her modest blue robes, then she looked down to herself and frowned when seeing her comparatively flat body.

Alosia looked at me while holding my arm tightly, seemingly not wanting to let go.

"I'll walk you there, Take a bath and get some sleep okay?" I spoke softly while caressing her white cheek.

She nodded sweetly and soon we both followed the Servant Girl towards the guest wing and into the best room available as Sabella walked closely behind While doing her best not to scratch the hardwood floor with her fearsome claws which could rip through steel as if it were paper.

The servant girl quickly scurried off to leave us alone while saying she'd go get a bath ready for Alosia, I stood in the room and pulled Alosia into a final deep kiss.

Her little pink tongue desperately slurped and sucked on mine for a few long moments before I pulled away and placed a soft Kiss on her cheek.

"Get some sleep okay?" I spoke while holding her lovingly.

"Y..Yes Master~" She spoke softly and soon enough I turned to Sabella who had laid herself out on a thick shaggy rug with a faint smile on her face.

I knelt down and gently rubbed her belly as she gurgled at my caresses.

"I'll see you in the morning and you'll meet my other mates okay?" I asked the beautiful red dragon and she nodded clumsily before licking my hand gently.

"Gruuu~..." She gurgled and before long I'd headed out of the room and towards the stairwell towards the master bedroom.

My sensitive nose could pick up the Delicious Cherry like scent of Valia and Natalka's Mint like aroma in the air which only grew more and more dense as I walked up the stairwell.

As I neared the Silver embossed Mahogany door I could hear the rapid breaths of Natalka and Valia just inside and their whispers.

"Calm down Nat, Just sit down and wait for Darling to come inside~" I heard Valia whisper softly.

"I c..I cant I'm too nervous!" Natalka whispered quickly, I could hear the giddy edge in her voice.

"Oh by the Goddess come here." I heard Valia grab at Natalka and bring her down as both of them plopped onto the bed softly.

"Now relax, He'll want to see us nice and pretty for a moment....Especially you since he'll be eating you all up tomorrow~" Valia whispered and I could hear Natalka's breath speed up and I could nearly hear the sound of her pounding heart as I stood in front of the door.

Then I brought my hand to the polished fascia of the wooden door and knocked slowly.




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"Go on tell him to come in." I heard Valia whisper in Natalka's ear but instead of speaking I just heard Natalka whimper nervously.

After a long moment I heard Valia's sweet voice finally speak.

"Come In~" Her seductive voice tingled in my ears through the door thick door.

'If I hadn't met Alosia i'd think she was a succubus...' I thought while appreciating just how seductive Valia was without even trying.

I grabbed for the polished silver doorknob and turned it slowly before pushing the door open, Instantly the dense addicting scent of Valia washed over me with more faint notes of Natalka.

I looked inside and spotted Valia holding Natalka in her lap as both sat on the bed.

Valia wore a light purple dress which accentuated every perfect curve along her milfy body, She was staring at me with Rosy blushed cheeks and an unbelievably sweet smile.

Natalka wore tight leather pants and a green blouse, Instead of a calm loving gaze she was practically twitching upon laying eyes on me.

Her eyes went wide and she burst out of Valia's lap and like lightning she sprinted towards me, within a blink of an eye she was locked in my arms.

"YOU'RE BACK!!! YOU'RE FINALLY BACK!!!!" She shouted out while clinging onto me desperately, Before long I started to feel her tears wetting the side of my neck where her face was buried.

"I'm here my love.....I'm here...." I spoke into her ear while slowly patting her head, within moments I began to hear her soft sobbing.

'Her tears are like a knife in my heart' I thought before pulling her even tighter into me.

As Natalka sobbed I locked eyes on Valia who stood from the bed and walked towards me slowly, The golden Band on her ring finger barely visible under the glimmering engagement ring which she now wore.

"Darling~" She spoke softly as she reached Natalka and I.

Then she Kissed Natalka's head softly before snuggling into my other side just as Natalka had done.

As I held both of them It felt as If a part of me which I was missing was now complete.

"Don't l...leave...M...Me an...anymore...." Natalka sobbed out sweetly and I noticed Valia smile at the young girl's antics.

"Silly Girl Don't Cry....You Should Be Happy~" Valia spoke softly to her surrogate daughter.

"B...But....But...." Natalka babbled before I pulled her face out of my shoulder.

I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me.

Even as tears streamed down her cheeks copiously and she sniffled, She was Undeniably beautiful.....She was the Breath of Spring which I never knew was missing from my life.

"Even crying like this you're stunning.....I thank the Goddess every day that you're mine." I spoke while staring into her big vibrant Green eyes.

Her crying face morphed into a sweet smile almost instantly as she giggled happily at my words.

Then she jumped at me and locked her lips to mine, Her sweet minty tongue battering at my lips begging for entry.

Before long our tongues were dancing around each other lewdly, she'd always been shy with kisses but now it was as if she couldn't get enough.

Valia watched from nearby and spoke softly into Natalka's ear.

"Don't get too carried away little Nat~ That's for tomorrow when he puts a ring on that finger~" Valia spoke and I felt Natalka's body tremble in excitement.

My Hand wandered to her plump fit ass and gave it a squeeze which made a cute little squeal emerge from her lips.

"Aiiiiii~ N...Not Yet.....Y...You Can D..Do that with Auntie Valia T...Tonight~" Natalka spoke with a completely beet red face.

"I hope you're ready, I've been waiting for weeks to make you mine." I spoke and gave her ass another squeeze which made here jump in shock and scurry away to hide under the sheets out of embarrassment.

"Meanie!!!" She shouted cutely as she hid under the sheets.

"My Turn Then Little Nat~" Valia spoke before grabbing my face with both of her soft warm hands.

"I missed you...." She spoke and I noticed a pang of sadness pass through her voice as she stared into my eyes.

"And I missed you my Love." I spoke and moved in to her plump pink lips.

Our tongues and bodies instantly found themselves entangled as she held onto me tightly while slowly kissing me, It seemed we both became lost in the bliss of tasting each other for a long time.

From the corner of my vision I noticed Natalka peek out and stare at us both, her cheeks completely blushed but her eyes locked to where our mouths were joined.

I ignored my huntress and focused on my loving squishy milf and her tender affections.

My hands wandered across her perfect body as we kissed fervently, My hands grabbed two big handfuls of her soft plump ass and gave it a squeeze which drew out a small moan from her seductive lips.


Then one of my hands wandered to her heavy Mommy Milkers and Gave them a slight squeeze, their warmth and softness completely enveloping my hand.

Then my other hand wandered to her belly, Instantly I could feel the lovely baby bump where my child first child on Terrium was now growing.....

She pulled away and smiled sweetly at me for a long moment.

"What do you think?" Valia asked as she gazed down to her soft belly.

"I think I've fallen even deeper in love with you." I spoke before dropping on one knee so my face was right across from her belly which was radiating warmth.

I gently placed a hand on the baby bump and held it there for a long moment.

"Look Your Papa Is Finally Here~" Valia whispered to herself as I noticed Natalka approaching once again slowly.

"Hello there..." I spoke softly before setting a kiss on her warm belly.

Natalka reached beside us and had a lovely smile on her pretty face, her tears now completely gone.

Instead I noticed how she was fidgeting with her engagement ring happily.

"Don't worry Little Nat....Soon~" Valia spoke as she took Natalka's hand into her own lovingly.

"I know~.....And you too Auntie Valia~" Natalka spoke happily, while remembering the matching dresses they'd gotten.

Valia had wanted Natalka to have a wedding of her own separately but the younger Aelven Huntress would have none of it so they'd marry as Sisterwives on the same day in the same ceremony, Something which the Priestesses of Aellarith were unusually ecstatic to officiate.

"Come on let's sit, There's still a few hours until nighttime." I spoke while giving Valia's warm butt a meaningful squeeze.

She looked at me and bit her lower lip, Knowing what would surely come once the sun went down.

I also didn't want Natalka to feel left out.

"Tell us about your adventure! I want to cuddle your left side though!" Natalka spoke excitedly, she loved hearing a good adventure story after all.

"I don't mind Darling~" Valia spoke and placed a soft sucking kiss on my neck.

"Very well." I spoke, almost instantly Valia began to remove my right cape and right pauldron, Natalka noticed this and began on my left side, far more clumsily however.

Before long all my hard armor and boots were removed and we crawled into the huge comfortable bed, Valia leaned into me on the right as Natalka snuggled on the right.

"Alright, Where to begin?" I asked while remembering my journey to retrieve the Dragon's Serum.

"How about when you got to the Terrevon Peaks??? I've never gotten to see them in person....What do they look like!" Natalka asked excitedly.

"Just before reaching the Peaks themselves there's miles of rolling green hills, the scent of fresh dark earth fills your nose as the cold breeze from the mountains themselves wash over your skin....The Mountain Range seemed endless however.....The Peaks were seemed to stretch from horizon to horizon, each was snow capped and picturesque....." I began talking, Natalka listened intently while Valia slowly rubbed my chest as she pressed her face to my chest and reveled in my scent.

"Hirni and I laid eyes on Tuskhill for the first time, dozens of plumes of smoke rose from it as Hirni and I rode swiftly across the rolling hills a few miles east of the town, From a distance it looked much larger than Elisnore and it's Castle was three times as high and far more imposing.....Not that it helped them hehe." I spoke with a giggle and instantly Natalka looked up into my eyes.

"Did you...." She spoke with a shiver while remembering about the Butchery I'd partaken in at Elisnore.

"We'll get to that part my love." I spoke and placed a little kiss on her cute nose then continued my story. . . .

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[Hirni's Store/Home, Valewood, A Few Miles Away In Trade District]

Deep in the coziest den in all of Valewood was a little gnome dressed in floofy Ice Hare Slippers and the finest Wooly Minx Fur Coat which dragged on the floor as she walked.

In the Gnome's hand was a Steaming Cup Of Cinnamon Tea with Golden Cow's Milk which the little Gnome had squirreled away since her departure from Mount Hardbier, She took a sip of the heavenly concoction and trembled in delight of the perfect flavor.

"Ahhh.....That's the Good Stuff~" The little gnome spoke aloud before walking into her bedroom, the entire room was at the perfect toasty temperature by a tiny fireplace with glowing embers.

She walked over to a poofy chait unlike any others on Terrium, It was one of her own creations before sitting down on it.

The Seat reclined with the press of a button and she apperated a soft brown blanket to cover her legs before reaching to a nearby table and grabbing the book which was seated there since the day she left Valewood to hunt a Dragon.

She looked at the cover and a lovely cute smile spread across the gnome's face as she read the title.

{....Dark Wizard Molochran The Cannibal's Preferred Torture Methods ; Extracted From Various Recovered Manuscripts, Transcribed By High Abbot Jesko Of Reardon Abbey, Circa. 117 Post Antedilluvia...}

"Finally..." The little gnome spoke sweetly before flipping to the bookmarked page where she had left off before starting to read.

{.....After finally peeling off the inner membrane and being careful not to cut into any veins which may lead to excessive loss of blood, dry the bisected flesh with powdered salt and make sure straps are tight, Insert the aforementioned Striped Maggots into the open cavity before suturing the gash closed, be sure to feed the Subject Tincture of Blood root and Yellow Thistle to maintain their consciousness and screams throughout the procedure....} Hirni read intently while cozily snuggling into her blanket while sipping her drink happily.

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[Valia's Mansion, Valewood] [Mc Pov]

"With The Paladin Of Barthos Until She Fainted!!! Hahahahah!!!!" Natalka giggled out loud at the story, Valia snickered softly as well.

I continued talking about how I'd taken Alosia as a bloodbound slave.

"I kind of want to meet this Noble Alosia Darling~" Valia spoke softly from beside me.

"Soon, Let her rest for tonight....Also keep this a secret but it turned out she was Half Succubus..." I spoke and both women went wide eyed, they'd heard about Succubi during their schooling with The Old Crone after all.

"No wonder you wanted her so badly, I bet her body is even more lewd than Auntie Valia's" Natalka spoke with a smirk and gave Valia's huge tits a little poke which earned her a quick slap on the hand from Valia.

"She certainly is 'Gifted' but what she's really come in useful for is her magic, I don't know if i'd stay sane any longer without her nearby to clean me with a word or start a fire with a snap of her fingers." I spoke while rubbing Natalka's head softly.

"She'd be nice to have during our stay in the woods right Honey?" Natalka asked with a little smile to which I nodded.

"Tell us about the Dragon~.....We heard about it from the messenger and saw it through the window as you came in~" Valia spoke, I looked at her and just couldn't resist stealing a kiss from her soft plump lips which I was undeniably addicted to.

After the kiss I leaned back on my pillow and spoke.

"The Dragon is named Sabella....I didn't even know she was in the cave with us until I took her mother's Body into my Pendant and saw two glowing yellow eyes staring at me from a little side chamber." I spoke and both women reacted differently.

Valia stared in shock at my pendant now knowing that there was an entire dragon's horde and full sized dragon's corpse inside.

She knew her soon to be husband was special but this was baffling.

"How'd you tame it!" Natalka asked excitedly while tugging on my sleeve for an answer.

"I fed her a bit before telling her that even though her mother's killers were dead, The man who sent them and his entire Kingdom still remained...But ever since then we've grown much closer than just allies.....I see her as a daughter of sorts." I spoke and both women stared at me with absolutely lovestruck eyes.

"Awwww~" Natalka spoke with the sweetest smile and hugged me tightly.

"You really are the perfect man Darling~" Valia spoke before locking lips with me and shoving her sweet cherry flavored tongue into my mouth.

I relished in her addicting kisses as my hand wandered down to her lovely ass once more and gave it a few good squeezes.

We continued chatting as the sun began to fall out of the Sky.

They both heard of the Laevian's and how Ankhara had sucked my seed before taking me up to the Castle, My battle with the Knight Captain and clearing the Castle of the human filth and finally my battle with the entire pack of Laevian vixens.

"Goodness, I heard that they were promiscuous but that's just insane...." Valia spoke with some shock.

"What'd you do next?" Natalka asked and before long I began speaking of our travel until finding the battle between The Therian Soldiers and Grumnac's Orcs.

"I had to kill an Orc once, after it wandered too close to my camp.....Big stinking creature took five arrows in the head before collapsing." Natalka spoke while softly shaking her head still amazed at their resilience.

"They also wandered into the Valewood Valley when I was about your Age Natalka, We poisoned a wagon full of peaches with enough Purple Hemlock to kill a Family of Rock Trolls....They got more drunk than anything before Your Father and The Rangers of the time cleaved them apart...No one died on our side but plenty of broken bones hahaha..." Valia's sweet voice resounded in my ears, her laugh like the most perfect bell.

We all laughed for a bit before I began telling them about their mound of skulls and blood stained sacrificial altar, Natalka seemed a bit scared and clung to me tightly as I told them about the process....and the consequences of denying the 'honor'.

Then I began telling them about my night with Alosia, I noticed Valia squirming at my words seemingly wanting to feel the same thing as that busty fuckslave I captured just as the sun began to down.

Natalka also noticed the yearning looks which Valia was giving me and the obvious lewd aura emerging from both of us.

She neared herself to my ear and whispered. "Honey don't bed her too hard tonight, We still have the marriage tomorrow and I don't want her walking sideways....."


Natalka spoke before landing a peck on my cheek once then turning to Valia.

"Auntie Valia, Enjoy The Night Because Tomorrow He's All Mine Until There's A Baby In My Belly~" Natalka spoke playfully before quickly skipping out of the room with blushed cheeks.

As soon as the door closed Valia climbed onto me and straddled my waist slowly.

"How long I've waited Darling~" She spoke while pulling undoing my trousers until my cock finally came free.

Valia stared at it for a long moment as it throbbed heavily before pulling up her dress, first her thick milky thighs came into view, Then her smooth hairless pink pussy until finally it rested at her wide motherly hips.

Valia grabbed my cock and raised herself momentarily before lining up my cock against her warm milfy hole and slowly letting herself drop.

Her soft hot pussy lips stretched around my cock as a wave of pleasure coursed through me.

"Ohhhhh~" She let out a long sultry moan as my cock slid deep into her wet pussy until it reached her depths and kissed her cervix softly which made her eyes shut as she bit

Her lower half quivered from the feeling and I moved my hands to her waist and held her firmly while waiting for her to begin moving again.

When she did I saw her glazed sultry eyes looking down at me as she began slowly riding my cock as her sweet moans resounded around the room.


"Ahhhh~" "Ahhhh~" "Ahhhh~" "Ahhhh~" "Ahhhh~" "Ahhhh~" "Ahhhh~" "Ahhhh~" 

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[Elsewhere in Valia's Mansion]

Natalka walked down the stairwell with a giddy smile on her face, She was unbelievably excited to finally be getting married.

But instead of heading to her reserved private room Natalka headed to the Guest wing, Soon enough she spotted the two servant girls in this wing sitting on a bench while snacking on little biscuits.

When the servants spotted Natalka they both stood and hid the biscuits behind their backs.

"Lady Natalka do you need something?" One of the Girls asked with a smile.

"Which room is my Fiancee's new Concubine and Dragon in?" Natalka asked and instantly one girl pointed to an engraved white door.

Natalka nodded once before walking over the door and knocking.




"GRRRRAAAAAAPPPP!!!!!!" Instantly Natalka heard a chilling growling screech from the other side and some rustling.

"Calm Down Sabella." Natalka heard a soft woman's voice speak aloud in an attempt to calm the Dragonling.

"Who Is It?" Natalka heard the voice once more.

"It's Natalka of The Valewood Clan..Soon to be Second Wife of Kalinik...." Natalka spoke aloud, a bit giddy at calling herself 'Wife'.

"Give me a moment....Sabella don't attack her okay? She's Kalinik's Woman Too." Natalka overheard as Alosia spoke to Sabella.

"Gruuuu." Natalka heard the Dragon gurgle before the door opened.

Natalka laid eyes on Alosia and instantly realized why Kalinik snatched her up and knocked her up.

She really was as ridiculously lewd bodied as she had imagined and her pink eyes were unlike anything Natalka had ever seen before.

At the same time, Alosia laid eyes on Natalka and was amazed at how lithe bodied she was, but most of all the aura of Grace she exuded, Her sharp long slender ears and vibrant glimmering eyes struck Alosia as almost breathtaking.

"Mistress Natalka, Please Come In." Alosia spoke with a graceful bow, she was raised in one of the most noble and respected houses and she'd be damned if she made a bad impression.

Natalka nodded once before heading inside, instantly she stopped as she watched a Dragon walk up to her with focused eyes.

Natalka remembered what Kalinik had told her 'she can understand every word' and knelt down on the ground.

"Hello there Sabella Hilandar~ I'm Natalka and soon I'll be a Hilandar as well after I marry Kalinik~" Natalka spoke softly while extending her hand so the Dragon could smell her.

Instead of sniffing her hand, Natalka was surprised when the dragon instantly nuzzled her snout into her belly and took deep breaths while gurgling happily.


"Sabella likes being called 'Hilandar'.....She's is quite proud of her surname." Alosia spoke from nearby while watching the sweet interaction as Natalka easily endeared herself to Sabella, Something which took her forever.

Eventually Sabella had enough snuggles and returned to the fluffy rug and plopped down, within seconds she was softly snoring as she had before Natalka entered the room, The little Dragon had been flying constantly and sleeping on grass for weeks after all.

"She's beautiful..." Natalka spoke while gazing down at Sabella's shimmering dark crimson scales.

"Yes.....Her mother was as well...." Alosia spoke with deep regret in her voice as she remembered the majestic one eyed Dragon who did everything in her power to protect her baby.

"I...I came to speak with you Alosia, Honey said you're not just his slave now that you bear his child....You're a Concubine....And with how Honey talks about you I'd say you're deeply cherished by him." Natalka spoke and took Alosia's soft squishy hand into her own.

Alosia who'd been mortified about her reception with her Master's women felt a heavy weight lift off her shoulders as tears of joy welled in her eyes.

"T...Thank You....." Alosia spoke and instantly Natalka wrapped her in a hug.

"Don't cry....You're like a sister to me and Auntie Valia now....heck you're even carrying his baby." Natalka spoke while hugging the ridiculously curvy woman.

'Goddess she's all warm and squishy....Hubby really knows how to choose them.' Natalka thought to herself and couldn't help but speak.

"You might be the most incredibly proportioned woman I've ever met....And I thought Auntie Valia had a lewd body hahaha!" Natalka spoke with a giggle and Alosia couldn't help but smile now that she took that as a compliment.

"T...Thank you....It's actually because I'm Half Succubus.....let me show you." Alosia spoke and pulled out of the hug before closing her eyes and straining for a moment before morphing into her other form.

Small nubby horns emerged from her forehead, Her eyes began to glow in a strange pink light, then Alosia opened her mouth to reveal a long red tongue which slithered out and extended past her chin.

"Good Goddess just when I thought you couldn't get more lewd, in a good way I mean." Natalka spoke while looking at Alosia who blushed at her words but didn't hide her face in her hands since she felt that she'd found an instant friend in the Aelven huntress.

Both women soon found themselves laying on the bed while easily chatting amongst each other.

"So you Found Him Naked In The Forest!?!?!?" Alosia asked in shock with a huge grin on her face.

"Hahaha...Yup! And I almost killed him immediately after, He made me laugh and I loosed an arrow with Hellebore Venom at him on accident...." Natalka spoke while covering her face in shame.

"No way!....What did he say that was that funny?" Alosia asked in disbelief.

"I asked him why he was naked with my bow raised, he said 'It's the right of any Aelven man to be naked in any forest.....' Hahahahah!" Natalka spoke with a giggle which Alosia joined in on.]

As both women continued chatting the servants were chatting in the halls out in the mansion.

"The Mistress is moaning so deeply.....I wish my husband could do what Sir Hilandar can do."

"I don't...I still remember how he left those whore's after the Mistress dosed him....Washing the cum out of the sheets took too damn long." The Older servant woman spoke while remembering the thick semen which coated the entire room.

"I actually tasted it that morning.....It was really good....." Another spoke at almost a whisper as her cheeks blushed deeply.

the servants remained gossiping while listening into the Sounds of passionate sex which leaked out of the Madame's room. . . .







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