16.12% Awakening of Asuraraj Ravana / Chapter 4: Understanding the World and the New Form

章 4: Understanding the World and the New Form

The chamber lay still, the last remnants of the ancient power that had been unleashed lingering like a heavy mist in the air. Ravana stood before Rohan, his towering form glowing faintly in the dim light. Though the demon king's presence filled the space with an undeniable weight, there was an air of contemplation about him now, as if he were no longer solely concerned with his resurrection, but with something far more complex.

Rohan, still trying to wrap his mind around the enormity of what had happened, watched in awe and fear. He could feel the intensity of Ravana's gaze as the demon king observed him closely as if trying to peel away the layers of the modern world through Rohan's very soul.

Ravana stepped forward, his footsteps slow but purposeful, his regal form radiating authority. His voice, when it came, was deep but calm, carrying a sense of curiosity beneath its measured tones.

"Tell me, mortal," Ravana said, his eyes fixed on Rohan, "What kind of world have I awakened to?"

Rohan swallowed hard. The gravity of Ravana's question hit him like a tidal wave. How could he possibly summarize the complexities of the modern age to a being from a time so far removed from the present? The ancient demon king, whose knowledge and power once commanded entire kingdoms, now stood in an era of technology, global conflicts, and fractured societies.

"The world today... it's vastly different from the one you ruled," Rohan began, his voice shaky but growing stronger as he spoke. "Nations have risen and fallen, empires built and destroyed. We have technology now, machines that fly, weapons that can destroy entire cities in an instant. People communicate across vast distances in moments, and the gods you once knew... they are forgotten by many."

Ravana listened carefully, his expression unreadable. His mind was processing the rapid-fire changes of the world he had once known—a world where gods and demons walked the earth, where battles were fought with swords and magic, and where dharma and karma were the guiding forces. Now, the mortal realm seemed to have evolved beyond that, becoming something more chaotic and yet, perhaps more fragile.

"And the kings?" Ravana asked, his tone curious but sharp. "Where are the rulers of men? Who sits on the thrones of this world?"

Rohan hesitated. How could he explain the complexity of global politics, the concept of democracy, or the fact that no singular king or emperor ruled the world anymore?

"There are no kings, not like in your time," Rohan explained. "Nations are governed by people, elected leaders. There are presidents and prime ministers. It's... a different kind of power now. And it's not just one leader; the world is divided into many countries, each with its government."

Ravana's brow furrowed slightly, the notion of a world without kings or emperors intriguing him. He could sense the undercurrent of change—power was no longer concentrated in a single ruler, but spread out, fragmented. Yet, despite these new systems of governance, he could feel that the same forces of chaos, conflict, and ambition still ruled the hearts of men.

"So, the world has scattered its power," Ravana mused, his voice quiet but thoughtful. "No longer do men kneel before a single throne. But tell me, mortal, are they better for it? Is the world more just? More peaceful?"

Rohan lowered his eyes, unsure of how to answer. The truth was, the world was far from peaceful. War, corruption, and greed still plagued humanity, even in this so-called advanced age. He thought of the endless conflicts, the inequality, and the suffering that persisted across the globe. But how could he explain that to a being who had once ruled with absolute authority?

"There is still conflict," Rohan admitted. "Even without kings, the world is divided. Wars are fought for power, for resources. People struggle for survival in many places. And... there is chaos."

Ravana's lips curled into a faint smile as if the idea of chaos amused him. "It seems some things never change," he said softly. "Man's thirst for power and control, his endless wars, his fragile grasp on peace—it is as it ever was."

He turned away from Rohan for a moment, his gaze shifting toward the entrance of the chamber as if he could see beyond the stone walls and into the world outside. He was silent for a long time, his mind racing through the implications of this new age. The mortals had built a world that seemed vast and powerful on the surface, but underneath, he could feel the same currents of ambition, fear, and discord that had always driven them.

"The world you describe is one ripe for conquest," Ravana finally said, his voice calm but carrying a dangerous edge. "But conquest must take a new form, must it not?" He paused and looked back at Rohan. "I will need to move among them, understand them. They have forgotten me, but I will remind them in time."

Ravana's eyes gleamed as he stepped closer to Rohan, studying him as if weighing the mortal's appearance, his mannerisms, and his youth. It was clear that the demon king, who had once commanded armies and ruled vast empires, was considering something deeper—something strategic.

"I must walk among men as one of them," Ravana murmured, almost to himself. "But not as I am now. They would not understand. They would fear too soon."

With that, Ravana closed his eyes, and the air in the chamber shifted. A strange energy began to swirl around him as if the very fabric of his being was changing. His towering, regal form started to shrink, and the otherworldly glow that surrounded him faded. His royal robes transformed, becoming simpler, and more modern.

As the transformation continued, Rohan watched in disbelief. Ravana's once-godlike appearance melted away, replaced by that of a man in his early twenties. He stood before Rohan now as a young man, tall and strikingly handsome, with a lean, athletic build. His skin was a warm bronze, his features sharp and defined, but no longer carrying the heavy, regal presence of his true form. His long black hair remained, but it was now neatly tied back. His eyes, however, remained the same—burning with the same intense, calculating fire, though now hidden behind the façade of youth.

When Ravana finally spoke again, his voice was no longer the deep, resonant tone that had filled the chamber before. It was smoother, more human, though still laced with authority.

"This form will do," Ravana said, his gaze flicking down to inspect his new appearance. He flexed his fingers, testing the limits of his physical body. He looked like an ordinary man now, someone who could blend in effortlessly with the crowds of the modern world. But the power that radiated from him was unmistakable to anyone who could sense such things.

Rohan was at a loss for words. Ravana—once the terrifying, all-powerful demon king—now stood before him as a man who could easily walk among the streets of any city without drawing suspicion. He looked young, confident, and undeniably charismatic.

"This world," Ravana said, his tone thoughtful, "It is strange, but not so different. I will explore it, learn its secrets, and in time... I will make my presence known."

Ravana's smile was calm, but behind that smile, Rohan could sense the same ambition that had driven the demon king in ancient times—the ambition not just to rule, but to bring the world under his will, to bend the forces of chaos and order to his vision.

"You will help me, Rohan," Ravana said, his eyes locking onto the archaeologist with a new intensity. "You are the key to understanding this new age and you will guide me through it."

Rohan nodded slowly, feeling the weight of Ravana's words settle upon him. He had come here seeking knowledge, chasing legends, and now he found himself standing at the precipice of something far greater than he had ever imagined. The world, as it was, had no idea what was coming.

And with Ravana now disguised as one of them, his intentions—whether of chaos or order—remained his secret to wield.

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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