71.42% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 55: No Better Lecture

章 55: No Better Lecture

It has been three months since Macai's clash with Azula and her alleged "escape". Avatar Aang has left with Katara on a spiritual quest and has disappeared. Tensions in the Fire Nation have declined and nearly every major threat has either been beaten by the Avatar or joint collaboration of the nations. It seems all but petty crime and a few Fire Nation remnant sects have been taken out.

The 31st has been dispatched to the hilly and grassy region Dipamya, one of the last major remnant holdouts. In Dipamya, a light orange sun shines in the sky. The sky has a light yet deep hue, and the grass has a yellow-green tone. Dipamya is rich with agricultural resources that have helped supply the resistance forces.

The holdout unit is Colonel Rusanfer's 9th battalion. Most of his recruits are a bit older than most Fire Nation units (ranging from mid-thirties to late forties) and many of the members are fanatical. Six men stand outside and one sergeant smokes a cigar. The sergeant has a strong black beard and a moderately strong build.

The 9th battalion troopers have cherry red armor with black markings. The sergeant blows out his cigar then drops it and stomps it in the ground. Trooper: "What do you see Sarge?" The sergeant looks several meters ahead of himself and squints his eyes.

Sergeant: "A few of our scout units went dark recently. Still haven't heard back from them, now Rusanfer is calling people back closer to the base."

Trooper: "I'm tired of pulling back. Let's go out and find those cowards."

Star Wars- Commando Droids Complete Music Theme (Music Starts)

The sergeant cringes, "That's not how this works, we'd be running head-long into a trap." A crack of dark orange fire pounds into a firebender on the right flank.

(Star Wars- Commando Droids Complete Music Theme) [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Firebender: "Ugh!" An arrow flies into the 9th battalion swordsman beside him. Kanna rushes the Remnant Army squad, and two 9th Battalion marines move beside her. One marine is a firebender (left) and the other is a swordsman (right). The 31st marines have wine red armor with lighter candy red markings. Kanna's armor is distinct from theirs's having garnet red and strawberry pink armor with a light brown belt and long yet thin boots to match.

The sergeant turns with two troops beside him. One firebender stands on his left and one swordsman plays guard on his right. A spearman stands a few feet behind his position. The 31st firebender launches an explosive fireball into the army swordman's chest. The trooper flies four feet back. The army firebender takes aim at the marine swordsmen across him but Kanna rapidly kicks a dark orange flame into his stomach.

The sergeant stretches out his hands and fires a cascade of orange fire at the 31st scout. Kanna flips behind the Remnant officer. The man turns around as quickly as he can and Kanna raises her right leg and smacks a dark orange flame into the officer's chest. The sergeant collapses. The spearman behind the fallen sergeant chucks his weapon at Kanna.

The young woman slides forward then leaps back on her feet. Before Kanna lands on her feet, she slightly raises her right leg and kicks a dark orange fireball into the remnant trooper's chest. Fire marine: "Good work Kanna, the South flank is secure." Kanna pulls out a pair of binoculars and scans a wide Fortress that is about 30 meters out from their position.

Meanwhile, Hagenko waits behind some bushes as he looks at a squad of what seems to be five army troopers fifteen feet away. The team prepares to clear the enemy's West flank. Irina crouches left of him, a firebender is right of his position, and Sonna is right behind them. Sonna aims at an army swordsman while Hagenko gives a hand signal for the squad to attack.

Sonna fires an arrow and it glides straight into the ear of the remnant trooper. Trooper: "Aaaahhhhaa!!" Hagenko springs out of his bush. Irina and the firebender exit with him. The Fire Nation team turns around. In the center is a spearman who looks directly at Hagenko, on his right is a marauder with dual swords, on his left is a trooper with a long yet thin ax, and a firebender is a few feet on their rear left flank.

The firebender quickly pumps an orange flame into the marauder's stomach. Irina leaps forward and slams her spear into the axman's throat. Hagenko leaps at the remnant spearman like a madman. Hagenko lunges his spear at the man's throat and the remnant trooper ducks then stretches his spear toward the marine's left hand. The marine lifts his left hand but loosens the grip of his weapon.

The army trooper charges at him to capitalize on the vulnerability. The marine officer rotates his and butts the side of his spear against the army trooper's right cheek. The remnant trooper shifts left from the hit and Hagenko gets a better hold of his weapon. The army trooper leaps up in defiance and swings at Hagneko's chest; shouting in rage as he does so.

Hagenko shifts his spear left, knocking the weapon in the other direction then Hagenko kicks the man down. The blad marine rotates his spear and slams the bottom of it (the part without a blade) into his opponent's face, knocking him out rather than killing him. The firebender launches himself in the air with a gust of orange fire and Sonna easily shoots an arrow into his chest. The marine's body falls fifteen feet down behind Hagenko.

Hagenko winces at the hard fall, "Gueez." On the East flank, Dade's team moves into position. Dade travels with a marine who has a long ax on his left and a firebender on his right. As Dade's team advances, they notice their opponents staring directly at them. A firebender stares at Dade from the distance. A swordsman is left of the army firebender's position, a spearman is on his right, another swordsman is on his rear right flank, and a trooper with a mace is on his rear left position.

Dade charges at the firebender and the firebender swiftly pumps two orange flames at Dade's face. Dade rolls forward and tumbles against the ground. The firebender looks down at Dade and fires two flames at him. Dade rolls right then Arret fires an arrow from the distance into the bender's neck. Dade leaps back on his feet and winks at the two troopers behind their fallen officer.

The maceman and swordsman rush Dade in rage. Dade leaps right and kicks the swordsman in his chest. The man falls two feet back and Dade flips left; pounding his blade through the trooper's upper abdomen. Dade pulls his blade back and the swordsman leaps back on his feet. The remnant trooper charges behind Dade, but the lieutenant rotates his body horizontally cuts the army trooper down.

The marine axman slams his weapon into an army swordsman's chest while the marine firebender blasts away a spearman with a beam of orange fire. A marine comments, "East flank secure." On the north flank, Rosh advances against his enemies. Jesha moves on Rosh's right flank with her dual short swords while Hakato moves on his left flank with his standard battlesword.

Across Rosh's team is a firebender sergeant in the center, a female firebender on his right, a long swordsman on his left, an archer on his far left, and a spearman on his far right. Rosh extends his arms and launches a gust of red-orange fire at the sergeant. The sergeant holds his arms forward and blocks the flames. The sergeant raises his hands and pumps two orange flames at the 31st Captain.

Rosh slides right and kicks a gust of fire at the female firebender. The woman crosses her arms and blocks the flame but trips and falls while doing so. The sergeant fires a surge of orange flames at Rosh and the noble dives forward. Rosh expeditiously leaps back on his feet and pulls his right fist back. Rosh rotates his arm like a pendulum and slings a red-orange fireball into the firebender's neck.

Hakato swings down at the long swordsman across him. The swordsman tilts his weapon horizontally and blocks the strike. The army trooper rotates his blade and spins forward with a horizontal attack. Hakato spins backward and rotates his sword as he diagonally blocks the strike. The marine pushes his sword forward as he directs his enemy's weapon up in an exposed position.

Hakato leaps and thrusts his blade into the trooper's left rib. Hakato pulls his blade back and the trooper falls to his knees. Hakato follows up by kicking his enemy down. The female firebender leaps back on her feet while a spearman charges at Jesha. The spearman lunges at Jesha's right shoulder. The young female marine crosses her blades shifts the spear to the right.

Jesha charges to close the distance while her enemy is open. The spearman rotates his blade as he scrambles to adjust to Jesha's maneuver. The spearman lunges his blade at Jesha's left abdomen. Jesha diagonally swifts her left sword, butting the spear away from her. Jesha moves closer to her opponent while the spearman raises his spear up over his head in his last effort to stop her onslaught.

The spearman rotates his weapon and lunges at Jesha's neck at the last minute. Jesha slides and narrowly avoids the strike. It is a blow that would have nailed most duelists. Jesha flips back on her feet and directly behind the spearman. The man hastily turns around to avoid being countered but it is already too late. Jesha slides her right blade into the trooper's belly. The man hears his stomach growl as the marine pulls her blade back and he collapses.

The female firebender looks at Jesha and rapidly pumps two scarlet red flames at the female marine. The scarlet red flames have a dark yellow interior. Jesha leaps right the firebender rotates her body and fires two beams of red fire at the marine. Jesha crosses her blades and blocks the fire beams but the heat causes her to slide backward.

Steam flows from Jesha's swords and her hands start getting hot. Jesha starts sweating from the flames. Jesha's tawny brown eyes look at the ground as she struggles to stay on her feet. Rosh extends his right hand and pushes a gush of red-orange flames at the firebending woman. The woman rotates her body and fires two explosive flames into Rosh's stream. The flames explode and turn to smoke, but the female bender can still see Jesha across her position.

The woman enters her battle stance and Jesha runs at her opponent. The lady extends her hands and shoots red fire beams at Jesha. Jesha slides left then gets back on her feet. The firebender pulls her right hand back and generates a red fire whip. The firebender twirls left and horizontally swings it at Jesha. Jesha leaps in the air, spinning sideways as she glides right over the fire.

Jesha lands back on her feet with five feet away from her opponent. The firebender shoots a barrage of four red-yellow flames at the marine. The girl slides forward, just a few inches under her foe's position. The firebender looks down and Jesha instantly leaps back on her feet. As Jesha is rising, she horizontally swings at her opponent. The firebender raises her arms to defend herself but realizes that is the wrong move since arms don't protect against sharp objects.

Jesha slashes the woman's arms with her right blade and the woman bends down in agony. Female firebender: "Awwwwaaaha!" Jesha kicks the firebender in her face, knocking her out. Firebender: "Oooooff!" On her left she sees an archer take aim at Hakato. The archer is about ten feet from his position and fires at the marine's chest.

Hakato swats the arrow aside and knocks back two more incoming arrows. Rosh leaps right of the archer's position as the smoke around him clears. The archer shoots an arrow directly at the Captain's neck. Rosh ducks and pumps a red-orange flame into the archer's stomach. The archer flips backward into the grass, smoke flows from his body.

(Music Stops)

Rosh looks at Jesha, "Wow what a beating we've put on them."

Jesha smirks, "And the beating continues." The 9th battalion's fort is shaped like a square and spans about fifty feet on each side. The fort is also thirty feet tall. The fort is now surrounded and several Fire Nation troopers stand guard outside of the fortress. Little do they know, several of the guards are spies from the Intel Department. The guards turn around and face their allies inside of the fort.

On the west flank, a guard turns and pushes one of his allies off the platform. A firebender looks at the trooper, "Hey what are you doing?" On the north flank, a firebender pumps a flame into the back of another firebender in front of him.

A swordsman yells at the firebender, "What is wrong with you?" The firebender turns around and pumps a flame into the man's stomach.

Army swordsman: "Owww." On the South flank, a swordsman thrusts his blade through the back of a firebender, but an archer launches an arrow into the man's back. Macai launches himself onto the platform, soaring from a white stream of fire. The 31st commander grabs onto the archer and tosses him off the platform.

Archer: "Aiyyyeee!" A firebender moves to engage Macai but Macai hears him then rapidly kicks a rod of white fire into his opponent. The flames blast the man off the platform. As the chaos ensues, Colonel Rusanfer exits his quarters with two of his corporals. The colonel has long and curly dark brown hair with shades of grey, a strong sharp nose, narrow yet tight shoulders, thin lips, a full beard, golden-yellow skin (a shade lighter than Macai's golden-brown skin), gold eyes, and long ears. The corporals have bronze markings on their red and black armor.

Rusanfer: "What is going on?!"

Army Corporal: "We are being attacked from all sides." Macai launches himself from his position on the fort towards the colonel. Three firebenders move up as they fire multiple fireballs at the commander. A swordsman and spearman wait on standby for Macai to come down so they can strike him. Macai rapidly launches himself into the ground like a meteor and a white explosion ensures.

The white fire pulverizes the remnant troopers and turns them to ashes. Smoke flows and Rusanfer's corporals are knocked to the ground from the attack. The corporals get back up in fear and Colonel Rusanfer looks Macai in his eyes as the smoke clears. The commander is only five feet from his position now.

Commander Macai: "Colonel, this is your last chance to surrender."

Rusanfer shakes his head, "I'll never spend my life in a cell, come on men, we will have the glory of killing Macai." Rusanfer's corporals run away from him. Rusanfer hisses, "Stupid cowards, a fate worse than death. Oh well, come on then young one. Let's see if you live up to the legend."

Rusanfer flexes his muscles and throws his shirt off. Macai shrugs his shoulders. The remnant warlord pumps his left hand forward and fires a massive orange flame at Macai with a bright yellow interior. Macai slides right and the warlord extends his right hand; pumping another big flame at the commander. Macai leaps left and rapidly pumps four white flames at Rusanfer's chest.

Rusanfer shifts his arms diagonally, blocking each flame, the smoke flows from his arms. The remnant leader boldly raises his right leg and kicks an orange volatile surge of fire at the seventeen-year-olds right leg. Macai raises his left knee and blocks the flame but nearly falls as he is shaken by the rapid strong attack.

Rusanfer grins as he notices Macai's uneasiness and pumps both of his arms. The aging colonel tilts his arms horizontally from left to right in a relatively fast and confusing motion. Two awkward flames fly toward Macai from unpredictable angles. Macai extends his left arm and blocks the first flame then ducks his head as he dodges a second right flame.

Macai runs at the Remnant warlord and pumps two white flames at the colonel's chest. The colonel blocks the flames then spins forward and launches a ray of orange-yellow fire at the 31st leader. Macai launches himself off the ground with a mist of white fire then swirly launches himself at his enemy with a white cascade of fire around him. Rusanfer launches his body forward and past Macai's attack with his own swirl of orange and yellow fire.

Macai slams himself against the ground but doses his flames as the attack drains some of his energy. Rusanfer turns and looks at Macai but his flames briefly dose as he is also drained from his attack. Rusanfer pumps two flames at Macai's head. Macai rolls and projects a ray of white fire at the colonel. The seasoned fighter leaps right and pumps a flame at Macai's chest. Macai shifts his left arm and blocks the shot.

Rusanfer pumps a whip of fire at the left side of Macai's neck with a lower left kick. Macai rolls low and left then leaps back on his feet. Rusanfer quickly hurls a ball of fire from his right hand at Macai's stomach. Macai spins right and the colonel fires a beam at Macai's chest. The young noble quickly raises his hands and blocks the flame but the shot explodes on impact and knocks him three feet back into the dirt.

Rusanfer laughs, "So this is the man who beat Azula and Director Goshal? Only to become another page in my book of legacy now." Macai kicks himself back on his feet, but also blasts a stream of white fire from his feet at Rusanfer before landing. The colonel blasts his own stream of orange and yellow fire into Macai's; both flames turn to smoke.

The colonel pumps two another two flames at Macai but the commander blocks both of them. Macai rotates his right leg and kicks a flame at Rusanfer's left thigh. The remnant leader blocks the flame with his left knee. Macai shifts his hands and blasts Rusanfer in his chest with a beam of white flames. The colonel flies into a wall and falls forward; smoke covers his body.

The other remnant forces are captured and put their hands up. Kanna, Rosh, Jesha, Sonna, Irina, Hagenko, Hakato, and several other marines move into the occupied territory. The captured remnant men are escorted by Fire Nation Army reinforcements.

Macai and Rosh sit outside of the occupied fort. Rosh looks at Macai, "Nice job boss, looks like we're one step closer to having world peace."

Macai shakes his head, "In my opinion their's no such thing."

Rosh: "Don't be a downer. I mean, I know there will still be some criminals but we will at least have all the major factions dealt with. I know peace is relative."

Macai comments, "I sort of agree with that, but we'll see."

Rosh: "In the meantime, don't worry about it. Just sit back and enjoy life. Come on man."

Macai nods. Kanna steps between them, "Hey guys, I'm glad things are getting safer around here. Maybe I can take Skippy on a walk."

Macai cautious, "I'd probably wait until after we leave this war zone. You never know what could happen around here. Even though the coast seems clear, we thought the same before Kett got taken away."

Rosh sighs, "Well at least he'll be alright now."

Kanna: "Hmm, you make a good point commander. I used to always go for a stroll after battle when it seemed safe. That was before Kett got taken away, I always liked that feeling of adventure and excitement. That was one reason I loved being a scout. Dade can tell you about how I loved playing hide-and-seek more than anything else as a kid, I was the best hider and no one could ever find me. I got really creative."

Macai: "I'm glad that skill paid off, perhaps it'll pay off again another time in the future."

Rosh: "Why do you always sound so serious? You talk like a chalkboard sometimes, but that's why I love you."

Macai: "Oooh, don't tell me you love me the way I love Azula."

Rosh: "I'd want to be loved by me too, no I mean like a brother you goof."

Dade steps near the group, "I was going to join the convo then I heard the chalkboard and love talk. I think I'll just go for a walk instead."

Kanna: "I'm down for a walk."

Macai sighs, "Be careful."

Rosh: "You sound like a grandmother, I think I'll go for the walk too."

Macai: "Aww, whatever. Fine I'll walk as well, to prove you wrong."

Rosh: "Awww man, now you're going to spoil the walk."

Macai protests, "I won't spoil it!"

Rosh: "Fine but stop nagging and cut down the lectures. Save it for the old people you talk to."

Kanna: "To think this guy dated Azula."

Rosh looks at Kanna, "Azula is just as weird as him, but she's 1000 times worse because she's a narcissist."

Kanna: "Well, I'm weird too, so I don't see it as a bad thing."

Rosh pats Kanna on her shoulder, "Neither do I." Kanna blushes and Rosh walks on. The team goes for their walk and nothing happens.

New Deliberations

The 31st regiment is transported back to the Fire Nation Capital after yet another victory. The unit has had nearly a one percent success rate this year. The missions have gotten easier and easier over time. Dealing with criminals and pirates has been particularly easy.

Macai sits in his chamber and Rosh enters then sits at Macai's desk. Macai: "Hey, who said you can barge in here? I could be doing something important."

Rosh: "Ah, whatever. Nothing important has been going on and you know it. I kind of miss it, the crazy missions of the past. The epic battles. Other than that fight with Rusanfer, we haven't seen as much of that."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "Isn't that a good thing, we don't want people to die at high rates."

Rosh: "Well, of course not. Maybe we should try a sports league. Play some intense games like pitball. Remember when it was me, you, Barge, and Spinge vs Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and Luara? I'd revisit that any day. Girls vs boys. You, me, Dade, Hakato, and Hagenko vs Kanna, Irina, Sonna, Arret, and Samira."

Macai: "Samira's..."

Rosh sighs, "Oh right, dead. I miss her, she was a lot of fun."

Macai shakes his head, "I don't think I'd want to play with Samira, she was a rough gal. Might give me some bruises."

Rosh: "You're probably right, hmmm. We could just ask one of the recruits to join the girl team then."

Macai: "What about Aiya?"

Rosh: "Aiya is a nerd, she isn't even a real soldier. She's more an administrator."

Aiya interrupts, "I came to turn in some files to Macai, but I guess I'm a nerd."

Rosh apologizes, "Oh Aiya, no I didn't mean it like that."

Aiya: "I'd love to play pitball, I'll prove that I'm very capable."

Macai: "Maybe you could be the pitball coach. Competing with us requires top physical fitness."

Aiya: "Commander, I exercise regularly."

Macai: "It's different on the battlefield."

Aiya: "Oh, then for now on I also want to participate in the battle training drills. Because I heard you say in the past that drills are meant to exert more physical conditioning than the actual battle so that the team is prepared."

Macai: "Are you sure?"

Aiya: "Yes."

Macai: "My training is more difficult than most..."

Aiya: "I said yes, Commander."

Macai smiles, "Very well, but you will be treated like all the others."

Aiya: "Good, I'd want nothing more." Aiya leaves.

Rosh: "Well, this will be interesting."

Macai: "Yep." Macai suddenly looks down at the table.

Rosh: "Are you alright?"

Macai: "Yeah."

Rosh: "Be honest, is something wrong man?"

Macai grunts, "Yes."

Rosh: "What is it now? Are you still whipped over Azula?"

Macai: "Rosh, no. It's not that."

Rosh: "Be honest."

Macai: "Stop, it's just... It's just my dad. I've been thinking about him."

Rosh: "Oh."

Macai: "I don't know what he's been doing, I don't know where he is. He's the only parent I have left."

Rosh: "He may be your father, but he isn't your dad. It's better to have no one left if you ask me."

Macai points at Rosh, "That's NOT your place!"

Rosh nods, "Look Macai I get it, you're upset. But let's be honest here, your father stepped out on you when things got hard. Real dads don't do that, mine never would."

Macai smirks, "Nice Rosh, you think I REALLY want to hear about your dad."

Rosh drops that subject, "I get it, BUT the truth is that you don't need him. Look how far you've gotten."

Macai pats his chest with both of his palms, "Eyre trained me. He made me a great warrior."

Rosh: "He may have been responsible for some of your gifts, but your mother also taught you. And Hazo..."

Macai: "Hazo's dead too."

Rosh: "I know... I know but.."

Macai: "Let's just drop this subject."

Rosh: "Now wait a minute Macai."

Macai slams his desk, "I said DROP IT!!"

Rosh nods, "Alright, I'll come back later and we'll talk this through." Rosh steps out and goes about his day. The next day Rosh is at the cafeteria for lunch and Hakato sits next to him. Rosh: "I was waiting for Dade and Kanna, but I didn't ask you to sit next to me."

Hakato: "Say what is Kanna up to?"

Rosh: "I think she's with her pet, you know how she likes animals."

Hakato: "Yeah she's a nice girl isn't she? Do you think she likes nonbenders?"

Rosh ignores the question, "Don't you normally sit with another group."

Hakato: "That's alright, my old best friend Trenko is a traitor. He's in prison now. Some of the other crew are cool but I want to be with some of the famous 31st members. I'm still getting my name out there you know."

Rosh sighs and thinks, If I wasn't such a nice person I'd tell him to leave our table. Dade sits at the table with his lunch.

Dade: "Oh, hey Hakato. Is there something you wanted to ask us?"

Hakato: "Nope, I just wanted to hang out."

Dade (to Rosh): "Have you seen Macai recently? I think he's been in his room all day."

Rosh: "I'll tell you later."

Hakato: "Why can't you tell him now?"

Rosh rolls his eyes at Hakato. Kanna sits at the table with her pet Skippy. Kanna moves past Hakato, "Excuse me." Hakato blushes and looks down. Kanna pets her furry yellow animal and it suddenly leaps on the table and knocks over Rosh and Hakato's food. Dade bursts out laughing.

Rosh's soup is spilled all over his pants. Rosh: "Oh great it looks like I pissed myself." Hakato's food hits the floor. Kanna runs and grabs her pet.

Kanna, "No Skippy, stay. I'm sorry guys, I'll get you more lunch. My treat."

Hakato: "No, I'LL PAY for it!"

Rosh gasps, "What?"

Kanna: "No, it isn't necessary, I made the mess I'll cover it."

Hakato smiles, "No mam, I will pay. You shouldn't have to."

Kanna replies, "Um ok."

Dade laughs again and tries to stop himself but is unable to. Hakato glances at Dade, "What's up with him? Was it that funny that our food got knocked over? I said I'll pay for it."

Rosh: "I'll pay for my own food thank you."

Kanna: "Oh come on Rosh, I just want to make it up to you both."

Hakato: "I'll pay for Rosh's food."

Rosh interrupts, "No one is paying for my food."

Dade asks, "Is this what peacetime does to a bunch of crazy marines?"

Rosh: "Speak for yourself, I'm as sane as I was the day before I signed up."

Hakato: "We all know that's a lie. War makes everyone crazy."

Rosh thinks, Who are you? Just because we've fought a couple of battles together doesn't make you a close friend. I need to get this guy a girlfriend or something, to calm him down.

Kanna leaves to put Skippy back in his cage. Kanna returns, "I shouldn't have brought him, but I thought I trained him well enough to bring him around people."

Rosh: "I think the food interfered with his training."

Kanna: "I tested him with food before."

Dade: "Maybe he was tricking you."

Kanna: "I guess so."

Hakato: "Sooo, what do you guys want to do for fun?"

Rosh: "Fun?"

Hakato: "I know you all hang out. Want to go on a hike. When does your shift duty end?"

Dade: "I have a night shift."

Rosh: "We're going to play a game of pitball, now we are inviting a lot of people for that. But in the meantime, the three of us need to have an important discussion."

Hakato: "Why can't I join in? I won't tell, I promise."

Rosh: "Absolutely not."

Hakato walks away "Fine. Bye guys, see ya Kanna."

Rosh: "Well, you have a fan."

Kanna: "He's a nice guy."

Dade: "Would you date him?"

Kanna: "Date him? I think he's more like a friend."

Rosh: "That tells us everything we need to know."

Kanna: "I think he could get a cute girl, he just needs to change his approach."

Dade: "Good luck with that."

Kanna: "Well, I'm not training him."

Rosh: "I think he'll learn in time. But it's always better to give a man an answer so he knows."

Kanna: "What answer? He didn't ask me anything..."

Dade: "More importantly, what is Macai doing? He's just been in his chambers, doing work. But we all know there isn't much work to be done. Just those monthly evaluations that the officials don't even check anymore. They give us the benefit of the doubt anyway."

Kanna: "You know Macai is over-the-top and by-the-book."

Rosh: "While that is true, Macai is not himself. He's upset about his father."

Kanna chirps, "Awww."

Rosh: "That's right, he's upset that his father wasn't there for him but he still admires his dad for making him who he is today."

Dade: "He'll just need some time to heal, one day he will find his father again. When he does, he will have to battle some old demons but with the right mindset he will prevail."

At the Fire Nation Capital, Firelord Zuko waits at his throne when General Mak rushes into the Firelord's chambers. Zuko: "General Mak, is something wrong?"

General Mak: "Yes, Firelord Zuko, teams of diplomats from the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe were recently meeting with Fire Nation officials to discuss future trade talks in the Raderalai village, but went dark two days ago. We sent a team of Fire Nation troopers to investigate and they noticed that all the convoy teams were attacked before they got to meet. The Earth Kingdom diplomat and his escort were killed while they were two hours away from their destination. The Water Tribe diplomat's ship was rigged with explosives, that killed everyone on board. The Fire Nation diplomat and escort also were mysteriously killed and executed by an unknown force."

Zuko asks, "Did you ask the civilians who did it?"

General Mak: "They were apparently attacked at night and it seems no one knows."

Zuko: "Have Macai's unit do an investigation and I'll contact the Intel Department."

General Mak hands a letter to Zuko, "We found this letter laying beside every slain escort."

Zuko picks up the letter and reads it, "We are not just a memory, we are so much more. We are a forgotten part of history that has returned to manifest into the ultimate destiny of all societies. Control is a lie, it doesn't exist. Governments are a lie, but the universe has allowed them to exist up until they have run their course. Now they have peaked and the cycle must be reset again if true liberty is to survive. This is just the beginning because I know you will stop at nothing to continue your reign of terror and erase the individuality that exists within every culture."

General Mak: "It's a difficult read because it doesn't make much sense. But it seems these people don't like the idea of different nations working together. I believe the 'peak' they are referring to is a new one-world government."

Zuko: "But we are separate governments, working together for the common good."

General Mak shakes his head, "Not to them. To them, we're just a new face of tyranny. And they seem to believe if we work together, all the leaders will work against them. Together, we are too powerful. So they want to end us and everything we stand for. I didn't think of all this myself, I discussed it with some Intel Analysts. They showed me statistics that diplomats and leaders have been attacked more frequently recently. Especially during collaborative efforts."

Zuko: "Then they are against peace and everything we stand for but we know how to draw them out and lure them. When the time is right, we will set a trap. In the meantime, let's see how much Macai's team and the Intel Department can learn about them. I'd like you to dispatch a letter to the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe leaders, let them know what's happening so they can start their own investigations."

Zuko flips his letter to see if he missed anything and finds more words, "We have tried reasoning with you, but you will not listen. We have tried warning you, but you won't bulge. Now we must act because there is no better lecture than that."

next chapter
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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C55
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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