45.16% Attack on Titan: Salvation / Chapter 14: Vengeance

章 14: Vengeance

Picking up the metal rod, which I kicked quite far, and a random rag, I made my way to the unconscious children. Our little scuffle earlier had only cost 2 points of stamina, meaning I was still in tiptop shape.

Now, if I remember correctly, I was quite far away from Grisha's clinic. Assuming that Eren ran there at full speed, it would take at least 30 minutes for them to return.

Since, he exchanged quite a few blows with Browny and considering Armin's speed, it should take an additional 15-20 minutes.

Meaning that I could happily devote around 15 minutes of my time for each of them. Starting with my dear bro Talley!

But, before that, I need to make certain preparations, mostly avoiding killing them by mistake. Which is where Isa would come to play.

"Isa, can you show me [Shop] window?" I said, as a concise screen popped up before me.


[Shop ;]

[Items :]

[Health Potion- Minor]

[Stamina Potion- Minor]

[Blood Pill]

[Gene Enhancement Serum]

[Skills :]

[Available at Lvl: 05]


Quite bland for a Shop menu, but I couldn't complain. In fact, it was my choice to sacrifice my Crafting window and most of my Shop window in the first place.

How else would I have gotten all my OP skills then? Power of friendship and hope? Been a while since they were f*cked over by something called reality…

"Give me three [Blood Pills] and [Health Potions] each." I said, holding back a sigh. Although the prices weren't shown, I already had a faint idea…

[Very Well. 210 Gene Points deducted. Items added to Personal Inventory (6/100)]

Muttering a few curses about the price inflation, I turned to my last victim, Browny. Pulling out the dirty rag I picked up earlier, I drenched one side in his yellow puddle.

"Now, lets get started, shall we?" I said, arriving before the fainted Talley. Slapping his cheeks until they were swollen red was enough to fully awaken him, considering that he tried to fight back.

But, after I went all Saitama on him, I'd be surprised if he was able to move, much less get up. Unfortunately, he let my jinx go to waste.

"Open up!" I squished his bloated cheeks, thrusting a piss drenched rag deep into it. It took him a while, but once he realized… Oh! The look on his face!!

"Puhahaha!!" I laughed without pause for a while, as I continued tying the rag over his neck. He could only dream of spitting it out now!

"Umph!!!" He squealed, as he shook his head with rage. Meanwhile, I savored the show, craning my neck and fists.

"You know, I'm still quite new to this, so please don't mind my accidental slip-ups." Slowly bringing my foot above his toes, I spoke in a cheery manner to prove my point

"Uumpphhh!!!" he mouthed in outrage, just as he coughed up a fit. Looks like the Blood-Piss mix didn't taste good. Such bad luck…

"Don't worry, it'll be over soon." I said, stomping on his left foot as hard as I could.


"GUMPHHH…!!" Came a certain scream, which unfortunately fell on deaf ears. Blood spurted from the mangled ankle, that I continued to thrash, until his left foot was almost in line with his calves.

Lifting my black soles, now drenched in blood, I left Talley to 'enjoy'. Soon enough, the ground was dyed red with blood, as Talley continued to groan in pain.

Talley's ankle was thoroughly crushed, with his flesh being violently ripped, he spasmed uncontrollably as snot and tears streamed down his face.

"What's with that look? Isn't this fun?" I replied to his terrified look, with a near maniacal smile. He should've known that Karma was a bitch.

"Well then, time for the next step." Griping his calf with enough strength to crush them, I stepped lightly on his left knee, holding it in place.

In short bursts, I pushed it until it made a 90 degree angle. I noticed that his calf was just as tall as his thigh. Is it the same for everyone?


"Graamphhhh!!!" Came the little scream of a little shit.

Unfortunately for him, it was in the opposite direction. But, If only his mangled foot didn't dangle like that, it would have been a perfect angle…

'Well, let's try for that next time!' I thought, cheering myself up. I still had a lot of material and time left for my remaining experiments.

Glancing back at my unfortunate friend, I noticed a yellow puddle under his ass.

"Couldn't you keep it in your pants Talley?!" I berated the brat, only to realize that he was unconscious. Not for long anyway.


Talley woke up with a beautiful scream, although muffled by the piss cloth. His bloody eyes barely able to look at his newest injury on his other foot. A perfectly reversed right ankle to be precise.

Best way to induce pain far away from the piss that I had in my arsenal. Subsequently, I broke his knee in a similar way, only difference being that I made a sideways 90 with it.

Dodging the stray blood that flew through the air, I let the brat groan and squirm for a while, making sure that he relished the pain.

Next, I placed my leg a few inches above the pelvis, waiting long enough for him to notice, and lo and behold, just a few seconds later, he shook his head profusely, whimpering like a dog in heat.


Then, in a instant, I brought my foot down with full force, stomping the ground just a few inches away from his jewels.

"Oh no! I wouldn't do such a thing." With a kind smile, I looked at his relieved expression "Well, not yet." I muttered loud enough for Talley to hear it, as I learned what 'his face grew pale' meant that day.

Just then, a mechanical beep woke me from my stupor, as a familiar voice spoke in my head.

[Host is reminded to use Blood Pill to avoid any 'unnecessary mistakes', as stated by yourself.]

"Oh right, I almost forgot!" I said, as I summoned a small white bead from my inventory. "Thanks Isa! You saved me there!" Just what would I do without this System of mine, eh?

Dropping the pill in the pool of Talley's blood, I watched as it slowly sunk to the bottom, until it had fully drowned. A few seconds later, I heard Isa's mechanical voice again.

[Subject D.N.A acquired. Processing... Subject's levels of blood depletion have entered dangerous levels. Host advised to begin transfusion now]

"Already?! Sigh… Well, Isa, can you notify me a minute before he enters critical condition."

[Yes Host.]

"Next stop! Fingers!" I said, as Talley's bloody eyes shook with rage, terror and despair. Don't ask how I know what he felt. Just one look at the kid and even a mule would understand…

Taking my own sweet time, I broke his fingers one by one, making sure that all the wounds were internal. I didn't need anymore blood on me. Literally.

"Graaamphhhhhh!!" Of course, I had some background music to work with. Talley fainted multiple time, but woke up just in time for the next finger.

Patiently making my way through, I had nearly gotten to the last finger, just as the rythmic beeping of an alarm rang in my head.

[Subject entering critical condition in one minute. Host advised to begin transfusion now.]

"Well then, it's time for my last act!" I said, picking up the rod by my feet. It was around 50cm, with a few dents made by yours truly. Flexing my arm, I stood right above Talley's face.

He was in a truly pathetic state. With blood red eyes, a broken and bloody nose, being muffled by a piss rag with dried tears, sweat and snot decorating his face, he looked quite pitiable.

"You used this on Armin, didn't you?" I said, waving the metal rod right before his face. This bastard deserved everything I was doing to him. And now, I'll make sure to return Armin's debts…

"A weak and scrawny kid, who was ostracized because of his passions. I'm quite sure that you've been playing around with Armin for an year or so." I said walking around his head, making sure to look right into his eyes as I talked.

"It might've started with a regular push here and a slap there. Then, it must've escalated to a few more punches and then, to full blown bullying... Now, tell me-" I stopped for a second as memories threatened to resurface. One of my few small regrets in a life far gone.

Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself, for the dead never come back. Well, I may be the walking contradiction to that statement, but that's not important. Because for now, I had a bad apple to punish…

"Did it feel empowering? Did you feel like an Alpha, who had everything under his command?" I looked at him with a cold expression, gripping the rod as hard as I could. Yet, all that did was make a small dent…

"Did you feel like a king?"

[45 seconds until Subject enters critical state.]

At the alert, I turned away from his ugly mug and began walking, stopping a few inches from the piss puddle. Holding out the rod right above his pelvis, I spoke in a soft voice,

"What good does acquiring all the riches in the world have, when you don't have the balls to use them?" And I crushed his balls, one at a time, as slow as I possibly could.



"Ugrphhp!!!!!" Talley squealed as his entire body trembled, experiencing a whole new world of pain, as he emptied the rest of his former bladder.

His eyes rolled over as they lost focus as Talley continued twitching like a bug. I let him relish the pain until I heard Isa's voice again.

[15 seconds until Subject enters critical state.]

With a frown, I reluctantly summoned a fancy bottle from thin air. Cautiously pulling out the rag around his neck, I poured the contents into his mouth. A few seconds later, a soft glow enveloped his body as his wounds closed and began to heal at a visible rate.

[Host advised to use one more Health Potion on Subject and transfuse required amount of blood.]

Sighing, I found a red pill, formerly white, laying on the ground that was drenched with blood a few minutes ago, about to be greeted by his secretions.

Carefully avoiding the yellow stuff, I took the Blood Pill and popped into his mouth as well.

[Blood Pill administered... Compatibility 100%... No additional Gene Fluids in use… Commencing blood absorption... Transfusion successful.]

[Subject has regained 30% of the total blood absorbed by the Blood Pill.]

"Now, one more was it?" I said, summoning a second bottle, emptying it's contents in the same way. With that he should be fully healed in a while.

"Do you know how long I've played with Talley, Isa? Also, the [Sub Quest] completion rate?" I asked, to which, I received a curt reply.

[17 minutes. Quest Progress: 42%.]

'Great. Now, the next one yet awaits…' I thought as I made my way to Browny.

"Time and tide, wait for none. And torture seems like so much fun!!" I sang, approaching the unsuspecting child.

Certainly, this would be quite a long day…

King_Admiral_ King_Admiral_

Wrote the chap as morally perverse as my mind would allow me to.

I still had a few worse ideas, but I remebered that the bullies were just ten year olds...

Anyway, I was out yesterday so I couldn't complete the chap. Sry... 1.9K BTW!

And, as always,

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Do drop some of those sweet and juicy power stones!


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


