/ Anime & Comics / Attack of Titan: Defying Fate
In an alternate universe within the world of Attack on Titan, a 13-year-old boy named Ronan Bernstein finds himself thrust into the harsh reality of the Shiganshina District. As the son of a fallen Survey Corps member, Ronan has grown up alongside Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert, forming an unbreakable bond with the trio.
With the knowledge of the impending attack on Wall Maria in the year 845, Ronan must navigate the treacherous path ahead while keeping his friends safe. Armed only with his wits and a mysterious "golden finger" system that seems to offer little more than cryptic motivational phrases, Ronan is determined to change the course of history.
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レビューを書く作者 Ming_Yun_
System in AOT? Let's see how this would turn out