5.61% Ashen Dragon / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 The Origin of Sorcery

章 5: Chapter 5 The Origin of Sorcery


If it were the later stages, Cassius would choose to be a Mage without hesitation, after all, being a master of magic is no trifling matter.

A well-prepared and wealthy Mage is confident in defeating any enemy of the same level, and in the later stages, there are powerful branch occupations such as time mages that can control the power of space and time.

But Mages have a fatal flaw in the early stages—they need to transcribe spells.

Yes, magic, in the eyes of a Mage, is a form of science that needs to be learned.

Only by understanding through a spell scroll how to construct a spell prototype, mastering the various parameters of the Magic Web, and through prolonged study, can one successfully acquire a spell.

And now Cassius is penniless, with only a few items of magic equipment.

It's not as if he could run to a human town to learn magic in the body of an evil dragon, right?

Would he also need to enroll in a magic academy?

Magicians, however, are different. Their spells come as if "falling from the sky," of course, there is a term that better describes this—innate talent.

After pondering for a moment, Cassius still made his choice.

[Choosing to enhance occupation: Magician]

[Detecting that you have dragon bloodline]

[Automatically selected as Dragon Vein Magician—Red Dragon Bloodline]

Dragons are powerful magical creatures that are naturally proficient in many aspects of the supernatural.

Dragons of any age, even wyrmlings, can have occupational levels as Sorcerers.

Some ancient scholars believed that the abilities of Magicians are inherited from dragons, possibly from marriages many generations ago.

Moreover, the casting level of a Magician can stack with the innate casting level of dragonkin, allowing the giant dragons to fully utilize their bloodline, thereby making their internal strength have even more powerful effects.

For example, the famously ancient Red Dragon Imwalnao devoted himself to mastering the power of Fire Magic, possessing a casting level as high as 40.

[Your Magician level has increased to level 1]

[[Sorcery Origin]: Magic itself is a part of the Magician; this latent strength pervades the Magician's body, mind, and soul, waiting to be unleashed.]

[No one can choose Sorcery; it is Sorcery that chooses you.]

[You gain 4 magic tricks and 2 level 1 spells]

A rich array of spells appeared on the screen.

[Gained magic tricks [Mage's Hand], [Act Before the Enemy], [Magic Tricks], [Lesser Illusion]]

[Gained level 1 spells [Cloud Mist Technique], [Magic Missile]]

It was still the standard early game setup.

But in his previous life when he leveled up, Cassius only saw cold data and didn't notice anything different.

Now, he realized the wonder of this power.

"This feeling..."

Spells materialized in his mind out of nowhere.

No, it was not out of nowhere.

It was more like something innate, a natural talent.

This precious knowledge sank deeply into his body, memory, and even clung to his will.

[Mage's Hand]

At the thought of Cassius, an invisible hand appeared out of thin air, picking up a stone from the ground and tossing it away.

Even the lowest-level spell, the simplest action, surprised the Red Dragon.

Because this power did not come from any magical item or procedure, but from within himself.

Compared to the scientific rigor of a Mage's spellcasting, the spellcasting of a Magician was more like an art.

It did not require meticulous construction of a spell prototype or the calculation of various Magic Web parameters. It only required feeling the Magic Web with one's own consciousness, then projecting one's will onto reality to make it materialize.

Therefore, Magicians, with their ease in casting powerful spells, were often envied and scorned by Mages, who mockingly referred to them as "Barbarians among Spellcasters," "Orcs with a Magic Wand."

"Truly marvelous."

The Red Dragon stepped briskly out of the cave, past the half-eaten enormous carcass of the owl bear.

He now understood why the spellcasters of Erezer were so proud; this feeling of controlling the real world gave people an illusion, making them feel like deities in front of ordinary people.

However, the panel's prompt text was still not over.

[[Bloodline Tracing]Your body is filled with the fiery strength of the ancient Red Dragon's bloodline.]

[You gain affinity with Fire Elemental Magic, and your Flame Damage will receive a bonus]

[[Breath Weapon(Fire)]gains enhancement]

[You gain an additional magic trick [Fire Arrow]]

The golden slits in Cassius's eyes reflected the blazing flames, his body like an erupting volcano.


His heart pounded fiercely, pumping the elemental energy of fire throughout his body while his bloodline throbbed like molten lava, hot and surging.

[Tracing your bloodline heritage...]

The Red Dragon closed his eyes, and an illusion formed in his mind.

It seemed to be an ancient battlefield in an unknown outer plane, with grand metallic city walls hundreds of meters high in the distance.

An ancient Red Dragon flapped his massive wings, creating a gale that sent the heavenly army riding on winged steeds tumbling in disarray.

He opened his vast maw and spewed forth flames unimaginable to ordinary beings, warping and searing the air.

The stout walls melted in an instant, leaving a huge gash as the metal turned into a scalding liquid and flowed down slowly.

Barani angels with their hair of silver nocked their arrows, aiming skyward, as Asen angels with dragons' heads and human bodies wielded their magic wands to cast divine arts, summoning several Heavenly Colossi tens of meters tall to leap high into the air and lunge at the ancient Red Dragon soaring above them.

Yet, even the ancient Red Dragon seemed insignificant compared to the entire grand battlefield.


In the distance, a monstrous creature with five ferocious dragon heads let out a sky-piercing howl, stretching its wings that blotted out the sun as it slowly ascended into the sky.

Suddenly, gusts of wind surged, and dust filled the air.

Shadows engulfed the land, as if doomsday had descended.

Cassius, within the illusory realm, couldn't help but look up at the sky.

However, he saw clearly that among those heads looking down upon all creatures, there was a Red Dragon Skull very similar to his own, staring down at him from high above, with a sinister smile seemingly appearing at the corner of its mouth.

The head spoke slowly, "My child..."

The voice seemed to come from the depths of his soul, and the Red Dragon felt a heavy and powerful pressure from his bloodline.

This terrible force made him involuntarily wish to bow and kneel, submitting to the divine might of this deity.

"He has seen me!"

A warning alarm sounded in the heart of the Red Dragon.

In the next moment, the sky of the illusory realm cracked like shattered glass.

Everything in the illusory realm, whether it was the ancient Red Dragon, the Heavenly Colossi, or the terrible figure with five heads in the sky, all broke apart and scattered.

"Huff, huff."


Cassius managed to escape from the suffocating oppression with great effort, gasping for air, his whole body stiff and trembling.

The Red Dragon looked at the game panel in front of him, his eyes filled with utter astonishment. He saw the panel refreshing information, as if it was infected by a virus.




[You have caught the attention of the deity, Mother of Evil Dragons Tiamat.]

[Thought blocking system activated.]

[You have faced the deity, Mother of Evil Dragons Tiamat, directly. Unpredictable changes may occur.]

Cassius stared at the strings of data flashing on the panel, feeling a lingering fear but also helpless.

"Is this the power of a deity? Truly terrifying."

"The ancient plane battlefield..."

"Did I see the true form of Tiamat?"

In his previous life in Erezer, even though the players' power limit had reached the legendary level (which is Level 21), the power of the gods remained a mystery, and almost no one had ever witnessed any deity's true form, even the weakest divine power.

As for so-called "god-slaying," that was purely a fantasy.

A leading player once said, "If it shows a health bar, even gods can be slain for you to see."

But in truth, the power level of the deities is beyond any mortal's imagination, and in the setup, they exist as "beings without health bars."

Such is the power of a deity, merely gazing upon their true form in an illusory realm could lead to terrible consequences.

But for him, a fledgling young dragon, the ancient Red Dragon, interplanar wars, and even Tiamat seemed too distant and too grand.

If powerful beings truly had designs on him, he currently had no strength to resist.

So instead of worrying about deities from the outer planes, it was better to steadily increase his strength first and plan for the future.

"However, now that I've been noticed, as a Red Dragon, I should offer incense to Her eminence Tiamat in the future."

"Don't want to be held in grudge."

Cassius leaped lightly, flapping his strong wings, and began to spiral upwards into the sky.

"Next up, time to grind some experience."

The Red Dragon looked over the endless forest and the distant mountains, issuing a long cry involuntarily. His somewhat tender voice already carried a bit of the grandeur of a giant dragon.

next chapter
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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
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    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
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