In a crumbling world where survival is the only currency, Michael finds himself bound to an unyielding force of destiny. Born into tragedy, his life spirals into despair when the woman he once loved traps him in a twisted nightmare of obsession and control. Her devotion turns deadly, and Michael, cornered and desperate, chooses death over her suffocating grasp.
But death, he discovers, is not an escape—it is merely the beginning.
Awakening in a void beyond life, Michael finds himself in the presence of an ancient Entity. Unseen and incomprehensible, this force offers him a second chance: a reincarnation into a dystopian world governed by brutality, cultivation, and endless struggle. The price? A pact tethered to his soul, binding him to a legacy he does not understand..
It's a great story and i love it, specially the start and pacing is great.Definetly recommend it if you like cultivation novels with reincarnation and taste of cruel charachters.