"Hmm…I think a little more to the left. No, too far. Go back a touch. There, that's it." Grayson smiles as he watches Jude rearrange the new couch for the fourth time that day.
"My love, you know I appreciate your eye for detail…but isn't this a bit much? It's just a couch."
"Yes, but it's also the first piece of furniture we bought together. It's the main thing people are going to think about when they come over here. This couch needs to say 'this is no longer a sad house for people who hate themselves,' and that's a lot of pressure to put on a couch."
"Hey! My old couch wasn't that bad."
Grayson gives him a look.
"...Point taken. Are all your boxes in?"
"If by that you mean my single suitcase? Yes."
Jude steps away from the couch to pull Grayson into his embrace.
"The couch looks fine. You just look so macho moving the whole thing by yourself," Grayson teases.
"Uh-huh." Jude smiles.
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