54.54% As Gilgamesh in Highschool DxD / Chapter 6: Puzzle piece

章 6: Puzzle piece

minutes pass by till the end of school for the day and now Yuuto is walking back to his appartment while somewhat smiling , making a blushing mess of the female students walking by , and scowls from the males 

'hmm , it seems the war obssessed moron , has accelerated his plans , the overcoocked chicken , who killed the boobs obssessed moron is already here , i'd give it a week at most for her to discover he has a sacred gear and try to extract it from him , ah things are about to get interesting , which reminds me , how are things going with sona " he muses chuckling at the end of his sentence

meanwhile Sona just arrived to the Sitri domain ,the news of her arrival had already reached her father Lord Sitri

on the way one of the members of Sona's peerage Momo asks her 

" president , is there something so important that you had to come so fast" as they were suddenly asked to go by tsubaki and didn't get any explanation other than it is urgent , they didn't dare raise questions even in the train seeing that Sona was frowning and deep in thought

" If Tsubaki didn't tell you yet , you will know soon enough , when i go speak to my father , ask Tsubaki she will fill you in "

" understood president" answers momo just in time for them to reach the gate of the house and be greeted by the guards

" welcome back young miss"

" thank you , is father home?"

" yes , young miss , he's already aware of your visit , he should be waiting for you in his study"

"thank you" she says as she about to get in but

"one more thing young miss"


" young miss serafall is also present"

"haaah , whatever i should tell her as well" says while heading inside the house and being welcomed by the servants 

" you guys go take a rest and have tsubaki fill you in the news , i will visit you when i'm done" she addresses her peerage who responds positively

" yes pres" they say

and sona nods and continues on her way to her father , reaching his door she knocks and says

" father , it's me " 

"come in sona , i was waiting for you "

sona comes in to a room again where she again affirms her view that devils are obssessed with victorian style rooms . 

" sit down sona , it seems you came , in a hurry"

" yes father , it's quite the emergency"

" oh do tell "

and Sona takes a deep breath and prepares herself

"i lost in a game of chess" she says and silence reigns in the room for a few second before Lord Sitri responds 

" i see " he says , looking deep in thought , then he starts looking seriously at Sona and says "give me the details , don't leave a single point , but first , who did you lose to , how , and which clan is he from ?"

" certainly father , although , im going to need you to keep calm , and listen to everything i say from start to finish"

" his name is Yuuto Ishiou , he's a classmate of mine , and he's a human mage bu-" she didn't even finish her sentence before Lord Sitri snaps 

" preposterous , a weak human with my own daughter , nonsense , never "

"father listen to me "

" what needs there be to listening , how can a weak human ever be worthy of you , mage or not , smart or not "

and Sona in a somewhat of a reasonable fit of anger and a clever thought , brings out the sword of ice that Yuuto gave her , and Lord Sitri is shellshocked at the mere cold aura it emits , he could swear that not even his eldest daughter could emit such aura and he stuterly asks

" w-whe-where did you get this this " what could he even call it ,a mere sword ? , it seems like an insult to such magnificent piece of art , that not even the best of best could ever hope to replicate 

"yuuto gave it to me , describing it as a mere piece of junk , now are you willing to listen ? "

but her father didn't even register the latter part of her sentence , the moment he heard 'piece of junk' his brain short circuited' piece of junk , PIECE OF JUNK , that thing could buy the entire underwold two times over ' he think in his mind 

" FATHER" sona calls a bit forcefully now , waking him up from his depressing thoughts and he looks at her 

" are you willing to listen now?" she asks again and he regains his bearings , his years governing the sitri domain wasn't for naught , so with outmost seriousness 

" my apologies for the outburst , give me every single detail you can" he asks and Sona nods and starts recounting the events . from how she found him using her familiar , to how invited him to joing her peerage , followed by her loss in chess , earning a face twitch from lord sitri , but she continues at how he erased the fallen angels , in the matter of seconds and restored the damages instantly , to finally him giving her the sword as a simple gift 

which every single event recounted Lord Sitri was getting more shocked , and by the end he was questionning life and existence 

' by lucifer , a human who has hundreds of weapons like or far better than this , that he throws at people like vegetables , what kind of monster is this , where did this abomination come from ' he didn't even question his daughter if she was lying , she would never lie in this kind of situation

so he could only ask the only question available 

" are you sure he's human?"

to which Sona smiles wryly and says

" he says he's only part human , and the rest i have to figure out myself , but i doubt he's anything normal , based on how he described the the major factions , i doubt the rest of him , would be angel , devil , fallen , or anything close to it"

" then could he be a vampire or an ancient spirit?"

" he does have red eyes , and his attitude does somewhat resemble a vampire , but it doesn't feel right to me , an ancient spirit could be more accurate , but i can only speculate"

" i see , ugh the troubles this is gonna bring , but on the other side he's not someone who we could let slip by , hundreds if not more then these treasures , and powerful magic , not to mention he already fufilled your condition , this might be our oppertunity to have him on our side , as a parent i am ashamed to ask this , but can i request this of you sona ?"

"of course father , i was already prepared for this the moment i made condition , and i already came to the conclusion that we can't let him slip by , i will not miss this chance , i came her just for you permission " 

"that's a relief , thank you Sona now the-" just as he was about to continue both of them hear a suddent scream a pink missile comes barging through the door and lunges at Sona 

" SOOOOO-TAAAAAAAAAN" the missile turned out to be Serafall in her pink magical girl outfit who imediatly went to hug Sona tightly after barging in 

" B-Big sis , s-stop" says Sona embarassed

"SERA , how many times have i told you to knock on the door before coming in " scolds Lord sitri but he's thoroughly ignored as Serafall addresses Sona 

" SO-TAN , where didn't you tell me you're coming , how have you been , did anyone bully you , how come you didnt see me first " she asks multiples question at the same time prompting lord Sitri to facepalm 

"Big Sis , please let go me first it's embarassing " says Sona her ears turning red 

" but i missed you" says serafall tear eyed and Sona just sighs and hugs her back

" hah , i missed you too big sis " putting a big smile on sera's face 

" so so-tan why are you her- woaaah , where did you get this sword from " she comments exlaiming at the end prompting Lord Sitri to cough

" sera , what do you think of this sword"

 and sera lets go of sona to get hold of the sword and suddenly she has a serious face on 

" what the hell is this thing made off , not to mention what is this cold aura , i feel like it can even freeze space " she exlaims shocked 

" as expected " says Lord Sitri looking at sona who nods 

" it can actually freeze space , it doesn't really have a name , but it can freezes the space that it cuts, allowing it to cover the target in ice even if they managed to dodge the actual strike" this time shoking both Lord Sitri and Serafall

' bloody lucifer , this thing is a divine artifact' lord sitri thinks 

" where did you get this So-tan " asks Serafall seriously 

" i guess we should tell you about this as well sera" says Lord sitri ignoring Sona's pleading look 

" tell me what " Sera squints her eyes

" the one who gave her the sword , was her fiance , someone who was able of beating her in chess , and erasing a whole legion of fallens in the matter of seconds " says lord sitri with his hands already on his ears anticipating the coming the shout , but surprisingly it didn't come as silence reigned in the room , with serafall looking down, her face covered by her hair

then a whisper was heard 


 " hmm?" they both ask

" WHO WANTS TO TAKE SO-TAN AWAY FROM ME " she suddenly shouts prompting both sona and her father to cover their ears 

" TELL ME RIGHT NOW , I WILL GO BEAT HIM UP" she demands giving sona a headache 

" Big sis , listen to me first "

" but SO-TAN"

" okay that's enough , listen to her story first sera " Lord Sitri who had enough says and Serafall pouts and says

" i will listen but no matter what you say , i will beat him from trying to steal so-tan away from me "

Sona sighs and starts recounting the same story to Serafall to which serafall experiences the same shock the other two sitris had and they look at each other and nod' yep that's the reaction i'm expecting' they both thought 

but serafall snaps out of her shock 

" even if he is that strong , what if he's a bad guy , he will bully sona all time . mereover so-tan is mine , i won't hand her over to anyone , i will beat him up no matter what" she says pouting with a cute threat at the end

and Sona just sighs but before she can speak , her father interrupts 

" as you don't trust his character , i want you to accompany sona back to school , meet him get a good look on his character and report to me , you're free on the way to do so , even if you want to fight him" 

"FATHER" exlaims sona

"sona it's better this way , we can get a better grasp at how strong is he , and what kind of man he is better " 

"hmph" serafall pouts and Sona just sighs 

" come with me So-tan tell me more about him" Sera then proceeds to drag Sona with her to another room leaving lord sitri in his room sighing 

' haaah , so many problems coming , the peace treaty incoming , that terrorist group , the population issue , and now this ' he shakes his head , going back to his paperwork 

meanwhile , the person involved is already lying on his bed with his eyes closed , his cute grey cat by his side 

then his eyes open suddenly and shine red intensly 

' oh magical girl levia-tan is coming huh ? that should be fun , but on the other hand it seems like things are coming into place much sooner than they should be' he says with light tone that turned slightly dangerous in the end 

" no matter i'll deal with it when the time comes" he end his train of thoughts and drifts off to sleep 

elsewhere in Lilith the current capital of Satan territory

the crimson haired satan , also known as the biggest sis-con has just received the news of what happened to his sister and her peerage , so he hurriedly asked his wife grayfia lucifuge to go check on the situation

" listen grayfia , i want you to go to the human world to check on the human named Yuuto Ishiou , i want you to never appear before him unless it is necessary , investigate anything you can about him , find out how strong he is , what is his relation to other factions and does he hold grudges , and if possible i want you to resolve the situation between him and Rias peacefully " 

and grayfia answers " you don't have to worry , i will do everything in power to resolve the situation " she says knowing how big of a siscon her husband is , but also recognizing that this person maybe a threat 

" grayfia , this is just in case of mishaps , if you even glimpse upon him using a golden key to open something in the air , a golden chain emerging from the gates , or and most notably a golden handled handled sword with a spiral shaped blade engraved with black and red , if either of these events happen when you face him , i want you to use everything you have no matter what it is , to run immediatly" he says in the most serious voice he could muster and grayfia is shocked and says

" you think i'll lose" 

" no , if his power is what i think it is , even Great red would lose without even a fighting chance " 

and grayfia is dumbfounded but he continues 

" like i said it's just speculation , and i hope to lucifer i am wrong , just be careful and try to resolve this peacefully" he says , and grayfia nods after snapping from her shock then preceeds to teleport using a magic circle to Rias's location

leaving behind a deep in thought Sirzechs ' i really do hope i am wrong about this , or else this era will know more chaos than even the olden ones' he thinks 

back to yuuto who just opened his eyes with a big smile on his face and red eyes shinning intensely 

"heeh , i think a puzzle piece just fell into place , this is interesting now , let's see what it has to offer" he thinks smirking 

 [A/N : hello hello , i would like thank those who comment and those giving me ideas , thank you very much , as you can tell by the end , the plot starts strong , how does Sirzechs know about Ea and enkidu , i guess we shall find out , like i said i do have a clear picture of the plot in my head , the original plot will be part of it , but alot of things will change , therefore stick around to find out hehe , also i may get complaints about the lack of action and fights , but please be patient with i'm trying to set up a stage where Gilgamesh can be .... well Gilgamesh , you know the drill , the world shall know the greatness of the king , trust me he wouldn't be unknown and unchallanged for long . tho he will still win no matter what , also if anyone is dissatisfied with the way the story is going please leave a comment about your complaints , like i said i appreciate constructive criticism but not insults , lastly i want to thank everyone who used their power stones for me , i really appreciate it , it really helps motivates me , and thank you for reading . peace]

ArthurNV ArthurNV

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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