80.95% As An Pseudo-Spirit In A Supernatural World (DxD,To Love Ru) / Chapter 14: [14] Diabolical territory.

章 14: [14] Diabolical territory.

Here is the corrected version:


Friday afternoon, the sun filtered gently through the windows of the living room. Shiki and Lala were curled up on the couch, an image of tranquility and complicity.

Peke rested on Lala's lap, who leaned on Shiki's shoulder while they both watched television.

The screen showed Bellamy, with her overflowing arrogance, mocking the dreams of Luffy and the other pirates.

[Bellamy: "What city of gold?"]

[Bellamy: "An island in the sky?"]

[Bellamy: "The age of dreams is over!"]

[Bellamy: "You are a disgrace to the pirates."]

Lala's eyes shone with emotion. She, always optimistic and sweet, rarely showed another side. But this moment was different. Shiki noticed how her breathing accelerated a little, the energy in her began to transform.

"Luffy, hit him hard!" Lala exclaimed, with an unusual intensity that surprised Shiki. He couldn't help but smile, perfectly understanding the reason.

Bellamy had crossed the line, and Lala, like him, was waiting for that cathartic moment.

[Luffy: "What if I know how to punch?"]

[Bellamy: "See you soon, Straw Hat!"]

The punch resounded in the room, and at that moment, the accumulated tension was released. Lala jumped a little in her seat, raising her fists in the air with a radiant smile.

"Ohhhh!" she shouted with enthusiasm, while her eyes shone with happiness. Luffy had done justice in a single blow, and she celebrated it as if she had been part of the fight.

"Haha..." Shiki couldn't help laughing softly, observing how Lala completely immersed herself in the anime, encouraging Luffy with a lot of emotion.

For him, that One Piece scene had a nostalgic value, a memory of his past life that always made him smile. But now, Lala's enthusiasm added a new layer of warmth to that memory.

While the screen showed the outcome of the fight, Shiki decided to let Lala enjoy the moment. He took out his phone and, almost by inertia, opened the social media application to review the comments on the first volume of his light novel.

[MagicOtaku: "The first volume of 'To Aru Majutsu no Index' is an incredible trip! I loved the mixture of science and magic, and how Emiya-sensei managed to keep the story so fresh and exciting. I can't wait to read the next volume. I need to know more about Index and Kamijou!"]

Shiki smiled as he read the comment, feeling a wave of satisfaction. That kind of reaction was exactly what he had hoped for; as a fan of the original novel in his past life, he knew it was very good.

[Lolisenpai: "Volume 1 has a perfect rhythm and memorable characters. Index is a walking mystery, and Kamijou is a protagonist with whom you can easily empathize. I love how Emiya-sensei captures the sense of danger and adventure. This has the potential to become a great success!"]

[Senpai of the Naked Apron: "The relationship between Kamijou and Index caught me from the first chapter."]

Shiki's lips twisted when he saw the user's name, but he agreed with his opinion.

[AnimeLover23: "The character designs are an ideal mix of the classic and the new. Kamijou has that protagonist look that hooks you, but with a fresh touch. And I can't get over how adorable Index looks! The artwork is top-notch."]

After a while, immersed in the opinions of his fans, Shiki put away his phone and got up from the couch, stretching his arms while letting his muscles relax after sitting for so long.

"Well, it's time to prepare dinner," he murmured to himself, in a calm tone, as if it were just one more routine.

As he went to the kitchen, he took one last look at Lala. She was completely absorbed by the anime, her eyes shining with enthusiasm as she followed the story on the screen. She was so adorable in her enthusiasm that Shiki didn't want to interrupt her.

With the ingredients ready and the soft sound of the oil simmering in the frying pan, Shiki concentrated on the task of cooking.

However, his tranquility was interrupted by a sudden sensation. A mental notification, an alert from a past version of himself, triggered an immediate reaction. The atmosphere in the kitchen seemed to be cooling down.

"So the first alien who wants to take Lala away from me has already arrived," he murmured in a low and cold voice, reading the information that [Rasiel] provided him.

"And from what I see here, it's quite unpleasant. Do you think I'll let you do whatever you want?" His tone was gloomy, almost threatening, while his mind analyzed every detail about Lala's former fiancé candidate.

Keeping that information in his memory, Shiki closed [Rasiel] and let the grimoire disappear into his shadow, his expression returning to normal as he prepared to call Lala for dinner.

"Lala, come to dinner," Shiki called in a lighter tone.

"Yes!" Lala's animated cry came from the living room.

While they were having dinner, the conversation between Shiki and Lala flowed in a relaxed way, as if nothing extraordinary was happening in the universe. The atmosphere at the table was loaded with a warmth that was only achieved in moments of simple everyday life, something that Shiki valued more than he himself would admit.

"Lala, weren't you going to build that universal network or something like that?" Shiki asked as he took a bite of his plate. "So that you can communicate with your mother and your sisters."

Lala, after swallowing her food, nodded with a smile that illuminated her whole face.

"Yes, but I haven't finished it yet," she replied enthusiastically.

"It should be ready in just a few more days." Her tail, with the heart-shaped tip, moved from one side to the other, reflecting her good mood.

"Delicious," Lala exclaimed, savoring one more bite of the food that Shiki had prepared.

Her eyes shone with happiness, and the joy she radiated was contagious.

Shiki couldn't help but smile when he saw her enjoying it so much.

After having dinner and washing the dishes, Shiki approached Lala, who was lying on the couch, absorbed in the anime she watched on TV, with an expression of pure happiness. He watched her for a moment, enjoying the serenity of the scene before speaking.

"Lala, I'm going out for a moment. Do you want me to bring you something from the convenience store?" Shiki asked, while letting his spiritual power flow, wrapping him in casual clothes.

A slight flash covered his left eye when his characteristic patch was adjusted.

"Ice cream and sweets," Lala replied without taking her eyes off the screen, her heart-shaped tail moving from one side to the other with enthusiasm.

"I see," Shiki nodded with a slight smile.

"Well, I'll be back soon." Then, in a murmur, he uttered the words that would trigger his next movement:

"Michael... Rātaibu."

With a simple gesture, Shiki extended his right hand and, as if the air itself was torn, he opened a crack in the space in front of him. Without hesitation, he took a step towards the crack, while waving a hand in farewell towards Lala, who watched him with curiosity.

"Come back soon!" Lala exclaimed, as she watched the figure of Shiki disappear into the crack, with the same naturalness with which someone would go out the front door.

Upon crossing the crack, Shiki emerged in a dark and deserted alley, where the moonlight barely touched the ground. The air was fresh, and the shadows danced with the night breeze. His golden eyes scanned the environment with precision, making sure that there was no one around.

"Kuoh... territory of the demons," Shiki murmured, carefully observing the surroundings as he walked through the deserted streets.

He looked up at the night sky and perceived the invisible barrier that surrounded the entire city, a magical defense that only supernatural beings could clearly see.

"Well... they must have already detected me, considering that I have invaded their territory without permission," he thought aloud.

"Let's finish this quickly." His voice did not have a trace of emotion as he advanced to the exact place that [Rasiel] had indicated to him, where the extraterrestrial, Lala's ex-fiancé, was hiding.

As he approached, Shiki's expression hardened. The knowledge provided by [Rasiel] about the alien deeply disgusted him.

He knew exactly what kind of being he was, and his intentions were despicable.

The extraterrestrial's plan was simple but cruel: to find Lala, to assassinate a student from the school she attended to take his identity using alien technology, to approach her under a false appearance, drug her and, finally, try to assassinate Shiki, Lala's real fiancé.

The simple idea of that plan, the coldness with which the extraterrestrial intended to execute each step, made Shiki's blood boil.

The alien's stupidity was almost funny, if it weren't for what was at stake. Didn't he realize that if he even touched a single hair on Lala's head, his entire planet would be annihilated by Gid, Lala's father? And yet, the extraterrestrial dared to think that he could drug her and abuse her.

Unconsciously, Shiki's spiritual power began to escape, wrapping him in a dark aura that resonated with the cold fury he felt. His gaze hardened, his golden eyes twinkling with a dangerous light.

Without wasting time, he disappeared from where he was with impressive speed.

Without losing one more second, Shiki unleashed his impressive speed, disappearing in a blink from the place where he was.

His body turned into a blur of energy that moved through the city of Kuoh, the air barely registering his passage. Each movement was precise, guided by the information he had obtained from [Rasiel].

— — —

In the occult research club, the atmosphere suddenly changed. While the members of the investigation were talking, a sudden fluctuation of magical power caught everyone's attention, generating an atmosphere of palpable tension.

The presence was strong, but it didn't have the familiar repulsion of stray demons.

Rias Gremory, sitting with her noble bearing, frowned when she felt the fluctuation.

"A stray demon?" she murmured, her sharp gaze scanning the environment.

Akeno Himejima, who was nearby, frowned as she tried to discern the source of power.

"It shouldn't be. His magical power does not feel disgusting like that of stray demons," she explained, while her hair moved gently with the movement of her head.

Rias Gremory nodded and got up, heading towards the members of the club.

"Anyway, we need to investigate what is happening. I'm sure Sona is already aware and is investigating with her peerage."

"Understood, Buchou," Issei replied with a mixture of enthusiasm and seriousness.

Asia Argento, the former nun, approached Issei, nodding decisively. Koneko and Kiba also approached Rias, preparing for what could come.

"If it turns out to be a stray demon, this could serve as training for Issei and Asia," said Rias, her tone firm and determined. Then, with an expert movement, she activated a magic circle on the ground.

The circle began to shine with an intense light, enveloping those present in a magical glow.

In an instant, the room of the research club was emptied, and the group disappeared, ready to face whatever caused the disturbance in magical power.

The air in the club remained calm, while the light of the circle faded, leaving only the echo of their recent departure.

— — —

(A/N: The timeline in DxD is a little later when Issei defeated Raynare and Asia's reincarnation as a demon, before the rating game between Riser and Rias. I also don't think I'll add Rias to the harem. I don't want to take the heroine from Issei. Many of you don't like it and are used to stealing everything from the pervert, like the [Boosted Gear] etc., but here I won't do that. Most likely, Issei will have several members in the harem such as: Rias, Asia, and Irina for example. If you don't like it, well, everyone can't like my fanfic, I guess).

(A/N: I tried to correct the spelling errors with a page. How about now? Are there still many errors? Remember that I don't speak English, so I can't know).

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


