63.26% Arifureta: God of Extinction / Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Her Arrival

章 31: Chapter 31: Her Arrival

"So, are we not gonna talk about why I'm picking you up in the middle of nowhere…? Like, do I not deserve even a little explanation? You're killing me here, man…"

A young woman with emerald green eyes and short black hair kept in a bob spoke irritably, exasperation evident on her face as she briefly glanced out of the corners of her eyes. Keeping both hands on the steering wheel, she nevertheless remained focused on the road ahead.

Silence reigned after her words died out, leaving only the sound of tires spinning on uneven concrete. The tall figure currently seated on the passenger's side had their head turned toward the window, completely lost in thought.

However, not even a few seconds later, the figure spoke in a casual tone, their voice trailing off faintly.

"You're a driver aren't you…? Then drive…"

It was a response that obviously lacked any and all consideration, bearing an attitude the woman didn't take too well.

Taking her eyes off the road, she looked over at the figure in question who was, of course, none other than Aziel.

"Is that how it is?"

"That's how it is…"

"Aziel…I swear…"

The young woman pursed her lips in annoyance, conveying an obvious desire to slap the young man beside her. Aziel, on the other hand, shook his head dismissively.

"You're really doing too much right now, Julia. I already told you what I needed to tell you. I don't know why you're so worried—"


The woman, Julia, cut him off before he could finish, her tone completely serious.




"I know what you do, and you know what you do—but you don't know why I'm so worried…? No, you're already aware of that, you just don't want to tell me the truth. But you know what? Since it's like that, you don't have to say anything. It's fine, just do as you've always done, 'superman'. You can do everything, right?"

Julia's passive-aggressive voice resounded throughout the car, clearly pissed off. Her chest heaved as she gripped the steering wheel forcefully, sending occasional glances filled with bitterness his way.

Even then, Aziel hadn't turned to look at her the entire time, to which she could only sigh in anger and resignation. And yet, she still couldn't let it go just like that.

"I mean…you come back here with a head injury and act like everything's okay. How am I supposed to feel…?

Mumbling under her breath, she sniffled quietly, her eyes beginning to moisten. Hearing this, Aziel finally turned his head, looking at her side profile with squinted eyes.

"...Don't start that crying shit…"


"Man, what're you even crying for…?"

"I-it's always…always like this… Is it wrong for me to c-care? You said I-I was…one of your people… I…I just don't want anything bad to h-happen to you…"

Tears dripped from her eyes, wetting her rosy cheeks.

At this, Aziel shook his head once more, releasing a tired sigh. This sort of occurrence was commonplace between the two. Julia was usually quick to anger, but only when dealing with him did she begin crying immediately after.

It was because she hated arguing with him so much that she couldn't help but become saddened when it did happen.

"...You'll be alright."

Leaving behind such careless words, Aziel then pulled out his phone and clicked on a particular app. The entire screen momentarily darkened before displaying multiple rows of icons consisting of different colors.

Tapping on one of the blue icons, the view instantly expanded, showcasing the front driveway of an opulent villa in live footage. Swiping his finger across the screen, various camera angles appeared one after another, until he eventually stopped.

Ignoring Julias dejected remarks, he zoomed in closely, catching sight of a figure dressed in all black walking cautiously across the kitchen floors. Clutched tightly within their grasp was a single pistol, equally black in color.

Aziel's gaze sharpened immensely, his pale golden eyes becoming a shade darker.

After checking a few other cameras, he turned off his phone and slipped it into his pocket.

'So this was why you were so confident, huh…'

There existed not just that sole black clad figure he managed to find, but a total of 8. Furthermore, they weren't just searching through any random house, but the villa he himself owned.

Upon discovering this, he was made aware that his cousin, Damien, had installed a contingency plan in case the initial attempt at getting rid of him had ended up failing.

Aziel slowly nodded his head a few times, understanding the entire plot. That snake-like bastard was, as usual, playing dirty. However, if that was the case, Damien didn't stand a ghost of a chance at winning.

After all, playing dirty was something Aziel particularly specialized in.

"...What's the matter with you?"

Hearing Julia's questioning tone, he voiced his intent.

"Drop me off a couple blocks away from the villa, I need to run some errands."

"Huh…? You don't need me to come with you?"

"Nah, just take the rest of the day off."

Giving him the side-eye, Julia could only agree helplessly.

"If you say so…"

Although she had a few guesses as to what was really going on, she knew Aziel well enough to know he wouldn't bite off more than he could chew. Still, it failed to make her worries lessen by even the slightest bit.

Noticing her distress but deciding to ignore it, he turned his gaze back toward the window and stared at the rapidly passing scenery.

There was no need for any preparations, he already had what was necessary to complete the task ahead.

It was the beginning of a war, one that he didn't bother worrying about losing. This wasn't anything new, he only had to proceed as usual, eliminating all opposition.

Anything he desired would come to fruition, for that was just the way things worked, and how things would always work.

After all, he was simply Aziel Nox—nothing more, nothing less.






Aziel slowly opened his eyes; the surrounding dimly lit room gradually came into view. Feeling a hardly discernible weight pressing down on him, he lowered his gaze, immediately catching sight of a beautiful girl laying atop his chest.

Her long, silky golden locks lay spread around them, covering the majority of his upper body.

She breathed softly; her relaxed expression evident as she clung to him even tighter. Allowing his eyes to roam across her body, it was then that he noticed that she was currently sleeping in nothing but her underwear.

The girl, Yue, was slumbering peacefully on top of him, utterly defenseless. Then again, this could hardly be considered a rare occurrence as of late, so Aziel paid it no mind.

Sighing he stared into empty space.

It had been around 3 days since Yue's evolution into a Progenitor Vampire.

During that time, they decided to remain on the same floor a bit longer before advancing to the next, and despite initial expectation, they had learned far more about each other than anticipated in the short span of time they'd been together.

Yue talked at length about her original and recently acquired abilities, informing him about everything she was capable of.

From her flawed immortality that only allowed her to regenerate on the condition that she wasn't killed instantly or hadn't run out of mana—something he was already aware of—to her blood manipulation skill and all of its derivatives—she left nothing out.

Most likely because vampires had gone extinct hundreds of years ago, and also due to her subsequent imprisonment in the labyrinth, it was obvious that after all this time, she was elated to be able to talk to another person.

Aziel, on the other hand, just listened to her seemingly endless rant, occasionally adding in a comment or two while he continued his own training.

Whatever questions she had were answered concisely, not for any reason other than the fact that, from the start, he just wasn't one to respond to anyone's inquiries.

Though he often teased and gave her a hard time for it, he never actually resisted her attempts at snuggling up under him either.

Her transformation in appearance had caused his initial aversion to be discarded, so it was only natural that he'd grow to appreciate her beauty, even if it was only a faint interest.

Still, if there was one thing of note, it was that Yue had been faithfully drinking his blood after the first occurrence, treating it as though it were a three-course meal with an extra side of dessert.

In her words, the flavor of his blood was both at once delectably sweet and ever changing, leaving her craving for more each time she drank it.

However, Aziel didn't mind her gluttonous feeding, since his natural regeneration far outstripped any amount she could ever take from him. Not just that, it nearly surpassed even her own automatic regeneration skill.

Naturally, given that he was a supposed 'Doom Primordial' and possessed an Ethereal Constitution, this result wasn't all that surprising.

After all, if Yue could evolve into a Progenitor Vampire from his blood alone, it meant that he was quite possibly far higher than her on the food chain.

Perhaps his previous statement of having no equal held some truth.

At this moment, Aziel suddenly lifted his head, casting his gaze toward the sleeping Yue. He raised his brows as he felt the sensation of something caressing a dangerous part of his lower body.

Without even having to look, he could already discern that it was a hand that was touching him, or more specifically, Yue's hand. And due to having just recently woken up, he was no doubt completely stiff in that area as well.

'The hell is she doing…?'

Looking down at her 'sleeping' face, he gleaned the truth in less than a moment even though she gave no indication of being conscious. Furthermore, her hand movements were oddly precise, too precise in fact.

"See, you wanna play games. Don't act like you're not awake…"

Bringing a hand to her slender waist, he gently poked her stomach with two fingers, eliciting a cute, muffled squeal.


Yue's eyes snapped open, her gaze conveying both embarrassment and discontent. She pouted with slightly flushed cheeks, looking as though she were being treated unfairly.


Yue stared up at him, clearly asking for an explanation.

"Why are you looking at me like I need to explain myself… What were 'you' trying to do…?"

Aziel squinted, asking a rather obvious question he already knew the answer to.

Closing her eyes briefly, she reopened them a moment later, giving him a provocative upturned glance.

"You looked uncomfortable, Aziel…"

Trailing her finger down the center of his chest, she continued, licking her lips seductively.

"So, I thought I'd…help you out…"

The crimson blush dyeing her cheeks, combined with the passionate look she gave him, was enough to make any man's blood boil. Her indescribable allure was no doubt capable of charming both men and women.

It was at moments like these that her true age shone through, forcing one to realize that she wasn't as young as her appearance suggests.

Seeing this firsthand, Aziel wore a blank expression.

"Is that right…?"

"Mn… Did you not like it?"

"I don't think that's important right now…"

In response to his words, Yue's expression gradually warped into one of poorly masked despondence, believing that he wasn't satisfied with her.

Still, she pressed on, continuing in mild desperation, only to be stopped by Aziel's hand firmly grabbing her own.

She looked up at him, confused and somewhat lost.

"I-is…something wrong with me…?"

Tears immediately sprung to her eyes, clinging to the same hand he grabbed her with.

Although it could be said that they'd bonded somewhat over the past few days, Yue always carried this sinking feeling that she could be left at a moment's notice—that he didn't view her as of much importance.

Thus, to extinguish her budding insecurities, she decided to rashly approach him with the sole intention of solidifying their relationship. Since, at present, there wasn't any kind of label she could use to describe what they had.

"Not quite, but this isn't the time nor place…"

Leaving her with a rather vague answer to her worries, he attempted to get up and remove Yue from off top of him.



She held on, gripping him desperately as if he was the only thing keeping her alive. Gazing directly into his eyes, she swallowed dryly, her anxiety palpable.

Noticing the peculiar glint surfacing in her eyes, Aziel realized just how far gone she truly was at this moment. It was said that people often changed due to different experiences, and that statement proved to be correct.

He wasn't like the main character in the original story of this world, so it was obvious that people would change and react according to their current circumstances rather than what a character template dictated.

Aziel was already aware of that, truly, and yet, the madness dwelling within her gaze diverted all expectation.

Given everything she'd gone through, from betrayal by her loved ones, to imprisonment for 300 or so years, it'd be correct to say she wasn't sane by any stretch of the word.

And she'd just shown him a vivid depiction of that fact.

"I hear you…"

Aziel leaned back, allowing her to sit comfortably on his lap.

"Please…don't… Don't go…"

Burying her face into his chest, she refused to let go of his shirt.

"And… Where would I go…?"

Hearing his usual tone of voice that sounded nothing like consolation, Yue finally calmed down a bit.

But even then, she remained silent.

What could she do?

Beg him to have sex with her?

Knowing his personality, that would only garner an adverse reaction.

She was at a complete loss for what to respond with.

But before she could think any further, she suddenly felt Aziel's hand cup her chin, lifting her head up to face him. Utterly mesmerized by his glowing pale golden eyes, she could only stare blankly.

"You're a real handful, just wanted to let you know…"

With that single remark, he leaned in. Yue could hardly process what was happening, but the sight of his lips approaching hers made her heart nearly jump out of her chest.

Closing her eyes, she awaited the intimate contact that was sure to arrive.

However, against all expectation, Aziel went directly past her face and pressed his lips against her neck.


Yue flinched from both the shock and pleasure that accompanied his actions. Instinctively taking his head into her embrace, she was unable to control her voice as he suddenly began kissing and sucking her flesh.

His somewhat rough treatment caused her to unconsciously grind on his leg, gradually losing herself to the insatiable heat tingling within.

After a few minutes, Aziel eventually separated himself from her neck, leaving behind a reddish-pink mark as evidence of his sensual deed.

Gazing over at the still panting Yue, he immediately noticed her watery, unfocused crimson eyes that were glazed over with pure satisfaction.

Her face merely inches away from his, they both stared at each other silently for what seemed like hours. Then, Yue slowly brought her hands up to his shirt, attempting to unbutton it.


"We'll stop here…"


Upon hearing his voice, she reluctantly withdrew her hands, already knowing that this was as far as they'd go today. Plus, it wasn't like she hadn't been sated with this much, she just felt like being greedy.

Aziel shook his head helplessly, knowing all too well what she was thinking.

He wouldn't deny that, as a male, he was in no way adverse to following through with what she had been so desperate to pull off, but there were more factors at play than mere physical satisfaction.

Despite spending a few days alone with each other, her state of mind was far from stable. She might've thought she was, but he could tell; she wasn't ready to experience what he had to offer just yet.

He didn't need her clinging to sexual relations like a drug, that much wasn't of any interest to him. And if he were being honest, a strong, dependable Yue was a lot more attractive than an addict.

Yue once again buried her face against his chest, gradually returning to her senses. From the crimson blush dyeing the tips of her ears, one thing was obvious—she was extremely embarrassed.

Aziel, like the insensitive man he was, gazed mirthfully down at her, his eyes curled teasingly like a cat toying with a mouse.

"What happened…? Weren't you just unbuttoning my shir—"

Yue hastily covered his mouth with both hands, interrupting whatever he had to say. Her face far more animated than ever before, she looked up with a flustered but annoyed expression.

"A-Aziel…that's enough, don't you think?"

She tried to put an end to this situation entirely and forget it ever happened, but of course, Aziel wouldn't let it be that easy.

Although he wasn't speaking, Yue could tell what he was thinking just from his gaze alone, making her feel all the more shameful.


Finally, she groaned in irritation, lunging at him and sinking her fangs into his neck. She was determined to suck him dry until he had no energy left to speak.

Free of Yue's hands, Aziel released another sigh, his tone laced with amusement.

"Don't worry too much, I'll make sure I never forget this moment so we can reminisce fondly, alright?"

Hearing his none too reassuring words, Yue tightened her hold around his neck, expressing her displeasure.

She could already tell that from now on, the road ahead would be a difficult one. Especially when accompanying someone as cheeky as him.

Yue could only look on ahead expectantly, anticipant of what the future had in store.






"We're heading out soon, you ready…?"

Sitting around the ever-burning fire that lit up the room, the figures of both Yue and Aziel could be seen, the former resting her head comfortably on his lap.


Yue nodded, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation of his warmth spreading across her cheek.

After her near mental breakdown, they spent the rest of their time packing up all necessities into Aziel's bag, preparing to set off deeper into the labyrinth.

Although it was good to rejuvenate every now and then, they had to continue at some point. To progress to the end and ultimately make it out, that was their current goal.

Since that was the case, Yue, alongside the indomitable Aziel, would utterly crush this labyrinth in its entirety. That was confidence that stemmed from their absolute strength, the belief that nothing was capable of stopping them.

However, at this moment, a sharp gust of wind whipped past Aziel's face, disheveling his hair as it gouged deep furrows into the wall behind him.

Though he remained unperturbed by such an occurrence, Yue instantly sprang into action, getting into a defensive stance while preparing her magic.

The strength that Aziel had bestowed her would be used to protect him. By any means possible, she would make certain that, while she still breathed and walked this land, no harm would ever befall him.

Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she gazed on ahead, witnessing a portion of the wall crumble to the ground. Dust and debris scattered, filling the air and obscuring the view.

If their foe had managed to cut straight through the walls of their base, it was likely to be quite formidable. Not just because of the force of the attack, but due to how precise it was.

As the dust finally settled, a single humanoid figure could be seen standing upright, evidently still on guard in case of any sudden attacks.

"Oh~.... Would you look at that, there's actually humans here, huh…"

A slightly high pitched, feminine voice resounded, catching Yue off guard.

The figure, now revealed to be female, was a stunning girl who appeared no older than 18, standing at around 156 centimeters, the exact same height as Yue.

She possessed long, beautiful white hair that cascaded wondrously down her back. Her ominous red eyes that peered through the darkness gave no indication of human warmth.

Feeling threatened by her presence, Yue's body glowed faintly, taking on a golden hue. Manifesting her mana, it swirled about her stably, ready to launch her most deadly attack at a moment's notice.

Meanwhile, the girl examined Yue from head to toe with narrowed eyes, before opening her mouth to speak in a slightly cheerful tone that belied her expression.

"It's not every day you find strangers in hell, but… I'll probably just kill you…"


(3.5k Words)

Just look at the author for a moment...

Don't you feel like throwing your stones at him?

C'mon, just do it.

Do it.

Throw your power stones at him, I guarantee it'll be satisfying.

Just trust me.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C31
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


