45.9% Apprehension: Part Two / Chapter 28: Baby Gap

章 28: Baby Gap

Allie heard her name and saw him—a pure man at 6 feet 6 inches.

"I am a lucky woman. I am thankful for the hot guys the universe has brought me."

Dean made his way through the crowd. She took him all in as he moved closer through the sea of people.

He had changed into jeans and a T-shirt that looked about a size too small. It had the word NORTHWESTERN across the chest. His biceps were straining the cotton fibers. The same can be said for his jeans. His glorious cock was making a bulge in his pants, and her mouth started to water. He successfully made his way to her.

Good Lord, does he shop at Baby Gap?

"I am going to drink until you go away."

Just think of me as a chaperone who will keep you from making dumb decisions, like the last time you were here.


I'll be gone soon enough. I think by the 9th shot.

She shook off the thought of him. She needed to drink.

"Hey. I'm happy you're here. I feel like everyone is staring at me," Dean said.

He was looking around.

You're built like a brick wall, Dude; you stand out in a crowd.

"I think they are just jealous. I mean, look around; you are the best-looking cop here."

"Technically, I am not a cop."

"Technically, keep that to yourself," she said. "Being a Fed in here is worse than being a felon.

"Can I get you a drink?' he asked.

He bent over and put his face beside hers, talking directly into her ear. She could feel his warm breath on her neck as he spoke. It gave her goosebumps. It brought her back a feeling like a lost memory; the smell from the combination of scents. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end.

"Follow me," he said.

He took her gently by the wrist and led her through the crowd. She was surprised at how soft his hands were. His tall frame made everyone he passed seem small. They were at the bar waiting to be served. Despite the crowd, they didn't wait very long. Phyllis caught sight of him. She almost knocked over the other bartender, trying to get to him before she did. He had quite an effect on women. She tripped over the bar mat in her haste.

"Are you okay, he asked. "That was quite a stumble."

"Oh, I'm okay; thank you for asking. Aren't you tall, dark, and... single?" Phyllis asked. She gave him a wink.

Allie interlaced her fingers with his and held up their hands.

"Sorry. Tall and dark is not single Phyllis. Two beers, Platinum's." she said. "Oh, and six shots of my buddy Jose. Don't forget the limes."

"Coming right up, Detective," she said.

Allie put her hand in her pocket and came out with a small wad of cash.

You were planning to drink me away with only fifty dollars? Have YOU ever drunk with YOU before? Fifty dollars is an appetizer for Caretaker. Oh, snap. Do you remember that night we spent together? You were so fucking beautiful in that little number you were wearing.

"Please leave me alone. I really like him. Like... a lot."

Really? Hmm. Interesting.

"No, no, no. I owe you shots for the shooting lessons," Dean smiled.

"Yeah, but not six shots and beer. I mean, the lesson was quality, but..."

He went into his pocket and pulled out a gold money clip with DES's initials engraved.

"You told me I could pay you in shots, and I was aware many would be involved," he said with a wink and a smile.

She looked at the clip.

"Wow, that's crazy. I just had the BIGGEST case of déjà vu; like I had seen that before," she said. "Who is DES?"

"It's me."

"Is it your initials? Cause those aren't your initials."

"It's a nickname of sorts."

He was getting extremely uncomfortable with the conversation. He needed to change the subject. Luckily, Phyllis returned.

Phyllis opened the beers, handed them over, and poured the shots. Dean opened his hand and was able to put them in his palm.

"Now we just need to hope no one bumps me. Clear the path and lead the way, Buttercup."

Buttercup? The guy's hands are the size of pizza pans. God, I miss pizza. Do you have any idea how small your breasts are going to be in those mitts? And did he call you Buttercup?

She ignored the comment; she didn't want to perpetuate the cycle. She grabbed the beer and a cup of limes.

"Thanks, Phyllis. We'll be back."

She looked at Malibu. "Often."

Phyllis grabbed Allie's wrist gently.

"You, my dear, are the luckiest lady in this bar. And there are a lot of ladies in this bar tonight. Do not let go of him." she said. "These women are like piranhas."

She winked at him as he walked away. They made their way to an empty booth in the corner. Dean knew it well. It's where he sat that night and watched Allie with Alvarez. Unfortunately, it was as private as possible on a night like this. {Apart from her condescending co-hort}, Allie was thankful as she did not want anyone to see him with her. Cops gossip more than teenage girls. She let go of his hand; they each took a side. They tried for about two minutes to converse, but it was so loud they could barely hear each other. Dean got up after saying, "What?" for the 10th time.

Gently tapping her bare shoulder. "Slide over."

Damn, I'll give it to him, that was smooth.

She slid over and put herself against the wall. She was aware that he needed the most square footage possible. There, they were both sitting on the same side of the booth. He was so thick that they were sitting almost on top of each other. She was about to tell him what she wanted for Christmas. She could smell the fabric softener from his clothes, soap, and shampoo. It was a familiar smell, bringing back a good feeling within her.

"That's better; can you hear me now?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. Any closer, and I could give YOU a lap dance," she said.

Her ears turned red. Why in the hell did I say that, she thought.

He smiled at her. "Girl, I would give my left nut to get another dance from you."

"Let me know when. I have to get singles," Dean said. "No, you're worth a fifty, easily."

A fifty! Damn girl. Doesn't he know you will give him one for free in ten shots?

Malibu was sitting in the booth across from them.

She was doing her best to ignore him.

"So now what?" she said.

She was licking her hand just about her thumb and covering it with salt. She licked the salt, took a shot, and sucked the lime. She proceeded to do this till three shots were gone. She chased it with half a bottle of beer.

She looked across the table at Malibu.

"Say goodnight, jackass."

"You really like your tequila," Dean said.

"Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet, Cowboy," she said.

She was sucking on a spent lime.

"You keep calling me Cowboy... don't get me wrong, I like it better than Dan. I was just wondering why."

The fact that she has spent more time on your body than she has on a horse this past year, maybe?

She let out a little laugh. "Okay, I'll give you that one, Malibu."

"What?" Dean asked.

She handed him a shot and took one herself.

"You are trying desperately to hide it, but you have an accent under your diction. My grandmother was from Tennessee. She moved to Ohio when she was little, and even though she lost most of it, she would say certain words, and it was undeniable," she said. "So now what?"

"I want to get to know you. The real you, not the detective you, not the sarcastic you, the Allie you are right now. I already know the others," he said. "Let's play a little game. 5 questions. We can have two passes. We alternate. And nothing like, what's your favorite color? Are you up for it?"

"I have a couple of stipulations, or I won't play," she said.

"What are your stipulations?"

"We answer, but we do not have to explain further if we don't want to go there."

Cause God forbid she trusts another living soul with her secrets, Malibu jabbed.

"Alright," he said, "How personal do you want to go? I'm an open book."

"Ask the question. If I don't want to answer, I'll pass."

"Remember, you only get two passes."

"Alright. I'll start," Allie said. "Let's crack open this book."

"So, Cowboy, where did you grow up?" she asked.

Where did you grow up? You can ask him about his dick size, and you choose where did you grow up! You can do better than that Caretaker.

"I already know his dick size; from personal experience."

Oh. Yeah, I guess that slipped my mind.

"You were right; I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky. A very rural area. That was kind of a what's your favorite color question. Mine is deep blue, by the way." he said. "How about you?"

"I grew up everywhere. I am a military brat. I was born on a base in Italy. I went to 13 different schools. And my favorite is lilac. NOT lavender, lilac. But you already know that because Bruss told you. I am allergic to roses, but I really love lilies," she said. "Did you go to college?"

"I did. I went to Northwestern. Played football for the Wildcats. I graduated with a master's in forensic accounting."

"Ah. I should have known, hence the T-shirt," she said. "Which looks amazing on you, by the way." Oh God, why did I say that?

He saw the pink seep into her cheeks. I wouldn't mind seeing you in it some time, then seeing it crumpled up in the corner of my bedroom.

She prepped for another shot and pushed the last one over to him. They both threw them back.

"I'm a little impressed. Very few people can do tequila. Usually, they end up choking on it or act like they swallowed lava."

"You know what, I have a couple of friends like that."

"What are your friends like? Are any of them cute?"

Did you really ask the guy who is clearly into you about his friends?

"Well, you know David, and he is pretty good-looking. I have noticed the quality of women who approach him," he said. "Now you. Did you settle down anywhere long enough to go to college?"

"I joined the Marine Corps before I even graduated," she said. "What do your parents do for a living?"

"I think we need more shots and a couple more beers. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

You know what? This is the most boring conversation ever. I'm dead and have had better conversations.

Dean returned, juggling six shots, two beers, and a rock glass of limes.

"Thank you very much, Sir." She took the drinks from him and placed them on the table.

"So, what do your parents do for a living?" She prepped and did a shot.

"Pass." He also took a shot.

"I didn't expect a pass on that," she said. "Is it legal?"

"In some countries," he said with a laugh. "My turn. What did you do in the Marine Corps?"

"I did what I was told to do; wherever and whatever I was told to do, I did." She took another shot.

"That's pretty vague."

"Okay, what I did was illegal in some countries," she said. "Like wearing pants. That was a big one."

"You really excel at being a smart ass; do you know that?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I can be hilarious."

"Will you ever tell me the truth?"

No, she'll just continue to have nightmares and destroy her life because she's keeping it all caged up, and at this rate, I will never leave.

"No," she said. "My turn."

"No, no. Wait up, it's my turn," Dean said

"No. You asked me if I would ever tell you the truth, and I answered," she said.

"That's savage. Totally not fair. You exploited a loophole."

"Don't hate the player; hate the game you wanted to play. I need to remind you. Just so you know, life isn't fair. A fair has corn dogs and pony shit," she said.

Oh, corndogs. I miss those, too.

"When did you lose your virginity?" he asked.

Now THAT's a good question!

"I still have two passes, correct? Come to think of it, I don't even remember what question we are on."


"I was 16, and that's all you get," she said.

She did two more shots and finished her beer.

"I'll get us more."

"Are you trying to get me drunk to take sexual advantage of me?"

"Of course not!" he said.

"Oh, that's too bad. Well, I will take the rejection with a grain of salt.... a shot of tequila and lime," Allie smiled wide. "See? Funny."

He returned with two beers and six more shots a brief time later.

"Man, the service here is great," he said.

"Really Cowboy? You do realize you have your own personal bartenders, don't you? Phyllis already tried to pick you up. Tall, dark, and are you single."

He set the drinks down and took his seat next to her.

"Ah, yes. But I am single," he said with a smile. "Allie, I like it when you call me Cowboy, but I really like it when you call me Dean." I would give my other nut to hear you say my name like you did that first night.

"Okay, Dean, you need to answer the question. You've stalled enough. Let me hear it," she said.

"Okay. Now, please don't make fun of me. In retrospect, I shouldn't have asked this question, but I wanted to know your answer."

He took a deep breath.

"I was 21."

She almost spit out a mouthful of beer. Instead, some of it dribbled out of her mouth, and she began to choke on the rest.

"No fucking way!" Allie and Malibu said together.

"Oh, come on! It's not that shocking. I can't be the only one who waits that long."

Yeah, but most of them are living in their parent's basements.

"You were 21? I call bullshit. No fucking way you waited that long. Look at you! You have women literally tripping over themselves to get to you. Did she get you drunk and take advantage of you?" she said.

He laughed. "It wasn't from lack of offers. I am dead serious, no bullshit, I was 21," he said. "I waited for the right person and found her when I was 21."

"You waited until you were 21, for what; till you were in love," she said. "I can respect that. If I waited till I was in love, I would still be a virgin. Just kidding. Or am I?" She waggled her brows.

He laughed and took a shot. She did one also and then another one.

"No, I am just kidding. I respect that. I was... or thought I was... Ya know what? Never mind. Let's drink and make this far more awkward.

"I am 250 pounds, and I wouldn't go against you in a drinking contest."

"It's not about what you weigh, Cowboy... I mean, Dean, it's about how big of an alcoholic you are."

You should have seen her back in her heyday when she was immune to hangovers.

"Now, my turn, I think. Let's get to the part of this book called Dean Carron," she said. "How many people have you had sex with?


"How's that possible? You lost your virginity."

"How about you?"

"Wait, it's my turn!"

"No, you specifically asked how many girls I had sex with, and the answer was zero."

In your face! He exploited your own loophole! I like this guy, even if he does look like a balloon packed full of plums and a washboard.

"Give me something?"

"Fine, there was a girl I met one night. I made love to her, and she just had sex with me. So, I was indirectly involved with having sex. I ran into her; she had no idea who I was." he said with trepidation.

"Damn, that sounds scathing. I never took you for a one-night stand kind of guy," she said. "Sometimes people forget for reasons they can't talk about."

"I'm not. She was the one and only."

"Let me guess? A drunken night of passion? she asked.

She reached up and released her hair from her clip. It fell gracefully like leaves from a tree. She ran her fingers through it and shook it lightly. It bounced slightly.

She was radiant. Dean just sat there for a moment, slack-jawed.

Are you trying to help him up his numbers Caretaker? You know you look like a shampoo commercial?

"Hey, Dean," she said. "You know we have had a one-night stand."

Oh my fucking God. She remembers? My heart is pounding out of my chest. Fuck. She's talking about the night in my truck.

She snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Hey, Cowboy. Where did you go? Did you hear me?"

"Pass," he said.

"I really didn't ask a question. Are you alright? You seem to have changed your vibe."

"I guess I should get more drinks? I'll be back with shots."

"And limes." She smiled.

She watched him walk away. She had glanced at a lot of good-looking asses in the military, male and female. His, she was transfixed. She was trying to picture it. She stared hard; as if she concentrated hard enough, she could see through his jeans.

He returned in what was record time. He had four shots in each hand and limes. She took them from him.

"Why thank you, kind sir," she said. "I really need to hit the head."

He smiled that fantastic smile with his perfectly straight teeth. He held out his hand and helped her to her feet. Her foot had fallen asleep.

She wobbled when she stood up and fell forward. He caught her. He just held her there. Like they were dancing, and he had her in a dip. A wisp of hair fell onto her face, clinging to her long eyelashes. He didn't restrain himself this time and gently tucked it behind her ear. His fingers brushing gently against her cheek made her heartbeat quicken. It had the same effect on him.

"Hey there," he said.

He knew there was more there than just a deep-seated sexual attraction. He ached to bring her closer to him, to embrace her tightly. He wanted to whisper in her ear, please remember me. I know the memory is in there. You wanted to remember, you told me.

There she was, just looking at him. His perfect squared jaw, the sandy brown 5 o'clock shadow. What was she afraid of? She was scared of losing someone she cared about. People who she gets close to always go away in the end. She finally broke their gaze and stood up on her own two feet.

"You, okay?"

"My foot fell asleep. Thanks for the assistance." She patted his chest.

He watched her walk away.

She has a great ass, doesn't she?

"She has a perfect ass," he mumbled.

She made her way, weaving through the crowd. He watched as someone stopped her.

Alvarez. Fucking Alvarez. Why does he have to be here? This just spoiled a perfect evening. Watch, he'll say something, she will laugh, and before I know it, she will thank me for a lovely evening and then leave with him.

Come on, big guy. That's not going to happen. She's really into you. His opportunity is long past, plus they can't be together anyway. Well, one night every three months won't get him fired, but really, she needs you. And I am thrilled you can't hear me because part of that was not very encouraging.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C28
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


