64% Apocalyptic Family Reunion / Chapter 32: Games

章 32: Games

"Morning Blake morning Ling Qin" Uncle Russel,Blake's dad greeted the boys as they came downstairs

"Morning dad"

"Morning Uncle"

"How was the sleepover?" Russel asked the boys

"It was good" Blake responded while Ling Qin nodded in acknowledgement

"That's good. I heard your moving to S city tomorrow Qin" Russel said to Ling Qin

"Mhm I am" Ling Qin nodded

"Well take care of yourself kid and you can come back and visit whenever you want. Don't be shy with me after "

"Ok I will" Ling Qin responded to Blake's dad

"Oh your down!, morning boys" aunt kristy greeted the boys as she entered the dining room from the kitchen with a bowl in her hand

"Morning mom" Blake chirped

"Morning aunty" Ling Qin greeted

"Mh" Aunt kristy smiled at them

"Good timing breakfast is ready come and sit"she said placing the bowl in her hand on the table already filled with dishes

Once everyone was seated aunt kristy poured some coffee for her husband and gave the two boys a glass of orange juice before they began eating. It didn't take them long to finish eating breakfast over some laughs and simple chatter.

After Ling Qin and Blake were done clearing up the table the two headed back upstairs to blake's room to pack up Ling Qin's things.

In the midst of them packing Ling Qin suddenly stopped and called out to Blake.

"Hey Blake I have something very important that I need you to do"

"Ehh what's wrong" Blake asked folding up a shirt and stuffing it into the bag. "What do you need me to do?" he looked up at Ling Qin eagerly

"Remember the new game that we saw being advertised" Ling Qin inquired

"Ya I remember it was called The Last Run , it looked pretty cool but what do you want with a game for?" Blake asked Ling Qin puzzled

"I want you to download it." Ling Qin responded

"Eh you want me to download a game!... ? But you dont like games. And aren't you the one always telling me to not play games all the time, now you actually want me to download one!?" Blake looked at Ling Qin puzzled

"Ya well that was then. You should download this one so we can play together, it looks fun ." Ling Qin scratched his head as he responded

"Really you'll play with me? Okay then!" Blake said excited , clapping his hands for a minute before he froze.

"Wait you're leaving for S city tomorrow so how well we play together ?"

"Its an online game so we can still play together , dont think too much" Ling Qin said poking him on his forehead

"Oh" Blake rubbed the spot that Ling Qin just poked,reaching out to pick up a towel Blake continued "I thought you didn't like games so much do what's up with this and why this game huh?"

"Well things change...and this game seems interesting so download it when it comes out tomorrow, so we can play together everyday if possible.If I'm going to play a game then it should at least be one that needs a little brains and is fun so I might as well play this one."  Ling Qin responded not even feeling an ounce of shame for shamelessly boasting about his own game.

Yes that's right his own game. When Ling Xiao asked Ling Qin where he got his money Ling Qin had responded that he did some hacking and investments but he never did go into detail.

One of the programmes Ling Qin heavily invested on ,though it seemed stupid, was an apocalypse game.

When Ling Qin first took over the game it was just some other boring old game with no great plot line whatsoever but Ling Qin improved it by adding his own experience.

The new and improved game focuses heavily on what the apocalypse was like during his past life. From zombie appearance, evolution, how to stimulate abilities, how to upgrade abilities, corresponding number of crystal nuclear needed and how to absorb them as well as major dangers that appeared and bases in every city.

Though Ling Qin wasn't a saint striving to save everyone's lives, he still thought that it was better for a larger number of people to survive so that the humans weren't so vulnerable in this battle so he decided to equip them with some general knowledge for survival. If possible he would have just posted about his experience online but he knew that no one would believe it so he decided to send his message in a more acceptable way.

Ling Qin had put in a lot of effort and resources in this game over the past year working overtime just so he could meet the deadline and release the game right before the lockdown began.

During the lockdown people were bound to get bored from staying in their homes for such a long time so the only escape would have to be movies , games, drama , social media and such. So for Ling Qin this was the perfect time to release the game and with careful preparations Ling Qin was determined to have a large number of people playing his game, after all who doesnt like new and interesting things .

Once Ling Qin and Blake were done packing Ling Qin's bag the boys sat down to play a few rounds.

"Blake when are you leaving for the capital?" Ling Qin suddenly asked, eyes still focused on his character.

"Um... we are leaving early tomorrow morning so I wont be able to see you off."

" Mhm" Ling Qin hummed .After a minute Ling Qin suddenly paused the game, stood up and began rumaging in his bag for something.

"Eh what are youlooking for?" Blake looked at Ling Qin puzzled. "Do you need any help?"

"No i found it!"Ling Qin said holding up a folded paper.

"Whats that?" Blake asked Ling Qin.

"Its a letter" Ling Qin responded moving back to his position.

"Of course its a letter ah, even i can see that!" Blake responded, his lips twitching.

" Its a letter for your mom, I want you to go and give it to her Ling Qin continued giving him a side eye.

"Why do you want me to give her when you can easily do that yourself, Its only a two minute walk down the stairs. Dont be lazy!" Blake grunted going back to his game.

"Of course I know that stupid!" Ling Qin said knocking him on his head.

"OW That hurt!" Blake dropped the controller to rub his throbing head.

"Hmf-thats what you get for being stupid.I want you to give Aunt Kristy this letter on Monday once you guys have reached the capital . I dont want her to get it now otherwise why would I ask you to do it?!" He snorted.

"How would i know, you didnt specify" He whispered. "Anyway why can't you just give it today there is no difference between today and Monday."

" Well there is!"

"And what is the difference?" Blake looked at him

"Monday comes After sunday while Saturday comes before. Not to include the fact the saturday begins with an S while Monday a M . This is basic knowledge Blake how could you not know? Ling Qin said nonsense with a straight face

"Tsk im not talking to you anymore" Blake grunted turning back to his game and ignoring Ling Qin's outstretched hand holding the letter.

"Pft!" Ling Qin chuckled , walking towards Blake's bag that had his clothes , placing the letter on top. Once he had done that Ling Qin went back to his position by the couch and joined the game.


Ding Dong

"Im coming!" Kristina called out from the living room as she stood up and headed towards the door. When the door opened Kristina saw Emilia standing outside .

"Lia you're here!"

"Hey" Emilia smiled at her

"Come on in" Kristina gestured for her to enter as she opened the door wider to create room for her

"You're earlier than expected" Kristina closed the door as she walked towards Emilia

"Well we still have some things to do so I came to pick him up sooner" Emilia shrugged

"Qin your moms here!" Kristina called out to the boys playing upstairs "So you're moving to S city huh?"  she said sitting down opposite Emilia

"Ya we thought it was time for a change in scenario and better development , plus Ling Xiao's work is in S city so it would make things more convenient for us" Emilia responded to her friend

"And what about your job?"  Kristina leaned forward holding her hands together " Dont tell me you're giving it up to be a house wife?"she asked concerned.

Kristina knew how much effort Emilia had put in into her work and career, she was concerned that Emilia wouldn't be doing well if she was forced to give up all she had worked worked hard for

"Dont worry about it I got a transfer so I wont have to become a housewife ah. They are already waiting for me there in S city to come and get started with work already so don't worry about that!" Emilia grinned feeling warmed by her friends concern for her.

"That's good" Kristina sighed

"Hey your cousins wedding is tomorrow right when are you leaving?" Emilia suddenly asked

"Early tomorrow morning" she responded

"And when are you coming back?" Emilia looked at her as she asked

"Mhm we should be staying there for a week, it's been a while since I spent some time with my parents so I'll like to take advantage of this opportunity.Why are you asking?"Kristina looked at Emilia puzzled waiting for a response

Emilia's face suddenly became serious as she looked at her friend, after a little contemplating she opened her mouth and asked  "Kristina do you trust me ?"

"Yes of course" she replied her own voice being affected by Emilia's seriousness and become serious as well

"After the wedding when You arel all settled down, I want  stock up on supplies . By this i mean lots of food, winter clothes preferably in all different sizes for your entire family , weapons, plenty of bottled water , medicine , bandages and some quilts . And the food You buy should mainly be that with a long shelf life and are easy to prepare."

"What do i need to prepare all this for ?" Kristina asked after silent for a few seconds

"Its a little complicated seeing as how it is related to some military secrets Ling Xiao confided in me So i cant explain it but you have to trust me on this ok. Its for your own good. Just.. trust me this once" Emilia said almost begging

Kristina stared straight into Emilia's eyes as if she were searching for something in them searching for a sign or indication of something. Not finding any signs of being deceived or scammed Kristina dropped her head down again and fiddled with the ring on her finger thinking.

After being silent for a minute she raised her head again "Mhm ok I'll trust you" she nodded firmly. She chose to believe her friend this time.

If it was someone else she probably would have kicked them out of her house for trying to scam her out of her money but Emilia was someone she had known for over ten years now, and the two had also been relatively close over the last six years since the time Emilia left the capital and came to stay in A city. She knew her character so she chose to trust her as she believed she wouldn't harm her plus she was quite certain that her friends husband had a relatively high position in the military otherwise he wouldn't be so free in his movements and itenarary so his news should be quite accurate. And buying this things wouldn't really cost her much so she chose to take the gamble and do it. Even if she couldn't use some of the things she still had family she could leave it to right.

"Great don't worry you won't regret this" Emilia grinned "Right it would be preferable if you began on Monday after the wedding and you have settled in things will still be easier to get then compared to the upcoming days." she added

"Alright" Kristina responded taking note of that in her mind

"Mom!" a soft call came from the stairs. Turning in the direction of the voice Emilia came face to face with her son

"Morning baby" she smiled as she stood up and headed towards him

"Mom" Ling Qin cried out as he ran over to hug his mom

"Ugh" Emilia opened her arms and bent down to catch him "ey did you have fun yesterday?"

"Mhm" Ling Qin nodded and smiled at her

"That's good "

"Morning Aunt Lia" Blake greeted

"Morning little B, how are you today?" Emilia smiled at him

"I'm good "

"Great!" she paused and stretched out her hand to rub his head 

"Well you boys should say you're goodbye now Qin Qin's got to go " Kristina said to the boys

"Oh" Emilia watched Blake deflate at those words " Hey don't be sad you two still have a chance to meet in the future it's not like you're saying goodbye forever" she said rubbing his head

Looking at his friend who looked as if he would break down and cry any second now Ling Qin had a tangled expression. After what seemed like a crazy battle Ling Qin sighed and moved over to Blake and hugged him while Emilia moved back in suprise  to give the boys some space

Eh Blake was shocked by the hug. If one were to ask who knew Ling Qin best then it would have to be his best friend Blake. Ling Qin loathed physical contact with others and this is something Blake knew for a very long time. Don't look at how Blake can touch him and play around with him the only reason he could do so was because Ling Qin didn't loath his touch so much only because they grew up together in the same pair of pants so the boy kind of got used to it, but if it was someone else they would have probably been killed by him already.

"Eh you fool what are you crying for didn't I say I would come visit you often and that we can talk everyday over the phone so don't cry" ling Qin hissed while parting his back trying to coax him

"I'm not crying" Blake whispered back

"Ya who would believe that?" Ling Qin breathed out " just call me or message me any time alright"

Mh Blake nodded

"Good and don't forget to download the game so we can play together"

"Alright I will. And dong forget to play it with me you've already promised so you can't go back on your words"

"Alright I wont now can you let go of me" Ling Qin hissed his voice become harder

Oh Blake let go of his hold on Ling Qin and watched as he took a step back and headed back next to his mom

"Well we should probably get going now we still have some packing to do" Emilia smiled as she took the bag off of Ling Qin's back and carried it

"Right you should" Kristina also smiled

"Well I'll see you soon I hope "

"Hm you're welcome over anytime"

Kristina responded

"And so are you, come visit our new house if you can" Emilia said opening the door.

"Well we will bye" Kristina waved goodbye to them

"Bye "

"Bye aunt kristy bye Blake " Ling Qin called out as he walked out

"Bye aunt Lia bye Qin " Blake waved back at them

Looking at her friends face Emilia sighed she really hoped that they could meet again and this wasn't their last goodbye . 

"Hope luck will be with you for this next tribulation.  You're gonna need it" Emilia whispered to herself. "Bye for now"

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C32
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


