19% Another Twilight fanfic / Chapter 19: Chapter 17

章 19: Chapter 17

AN: update on the cover photo issue. They sent back a resized photo cover, and told me to try and use it, I did and it still did not work, so I sent them a screen recording of my unsuccessful tries. Now we wait again.

To be honest, I already gave up at this point. I'm just gonna let fate do its work, if people decided to read it regardless of the lack of an enticing cover photo and still liked my work, like you guys, that would be fine by me, I'm not doing this for cash anyway.


Back at the Denali's

Third persons POV

They reached home and went straight to the living room, Robin taking the lead, sat on a singular sofa, and the rest found themselves a seat, sensing their arrival, the rest of the Denali's came to their location and saw Robin's expression and the worried look on the Cullen's and Kate's faces, which also brought worry on theirs.

"What happened Carlisle?" Tanya asked with a worried look.

He just shook his head and then glanced at his daughter. This prompted them to all focus their attention on their little hybrid.

Feeling their gaze, Robin let out an audible sigh, which made them feel just how much she was craving right now, it was a lot, and almost all of them were familiar with this feeling, aside from Edward.

"You met your blood singer... Is he?..." Tanya inquired, worried that there might have been an incident when they went out.

"Is he dead?" Irina finished asking.

"No, SHE... is not dead" Kate clarified while sending a knowing smirk towards Robin.

This earned a couple of "hmm", and "oh", and raised eyebrows from the rest of the older vampires.

'They haven't told me about blood singers yet, so I still have to ask, and what is up with them emphasizing the gender?' she thought to herself.

*What? What's a bloodsinger? And why are you making a big deal about the gender?* she asked them. Giving them an annoyed look.

The adults exchanged looks, trying to decide who was going to explain to the young girl about it, and in the end, Carlisle was again voluntold by the group. A sheepish smile can be seen on his face before he starts to explain.

"La Tua Cantante is the Italian expression for a human whose blood particularly appeals to a certain vampire in an extreme sense. In English, it means your singer.

The smell of each human is different, and certain humans can smell more appetizing than is usual to vampires. The more appealing any human's scent and taste is to a vampire, the more difficult it will be for that vampire to leave the human alive.

Infrequently, a specific human will smell nearly irresistible to a specific vampire, which I think is what you had, because her scent on you smells normal to us" Carlisle started to explain.

"on her? Wait, she does have another scent on her... How?" Carmen asked curiously.

"Later," Esme said, sending the woman an amused smile.

"Guys, let Carlisle finish," Kate said excitedly.

Robin gave her a questioning look, wondering what got the woman excited.

"ehem... So to continue, Singers are individual phenomena; a person whose blood sings for one vampire will not have the same effect on all vampires. While there are some humans whose scents are more appealing to vampires in general, that appeal does not reach the level of a singer. Singers are considered by most vampires to be a great find, the drinking of whose blood is an experience to be savored." Carlisle stopped and looked at his daughter to see if she was comprehending it all.

[AN: got these from fandom wiki by the way. The rest of the explanation after this is something I just added for convenience, and what made sense to me]

Robin, knowing that the explanation wasn't finished yet, gave her dad a look that said continue.

The Cullen patriarch was in an awkward situation, the next part will reveal something that they hoped their child would willingly share with them when she was ready. He looked around to find somebody that could take the baton from him.

Seeing this, Kate raised her hand to volunteer herself but Tanya stopped her, pulling her hand down. And giving her a stern look, she was having too much fun with this.

"let me continue for your father... Normally, the blood singer of a vampire would be the opposite gender... But in some rare cases, there would be some that are of the same gender... And it is believed that the gender of one's blood singer correlates to the vampires' preferences." Tanya finished and looked intently at Robin to see if she understood.

Kate was about to say something but Edward quickly covered her mouth.

"Stop! She'll tell us she's a lesbian when she's ready!" Edward shouts at Kate.

[AN: I used Lesbian, instead of Gay... because I got curious and searched if the term gay was already used as a term for being fruity in this time period. Turns out it wasn't yet]

Everybody froze a look of disbelief on their face at what Edward just blurted out. They looked at Robin worriedly and then gave a deadpan look at the hybrids brother.

Robin gave him a disbelieving look at how can a man be utterly smart and yet equally stupid at the same time.

*I get that he looks handsome, but after you got to know him, you still had a thing for him? He's my brother, and I love the guy unconditionally... But at the same time, he's my brother, I have to love him. What's your excuse?* Robin questioned Tanya teasingly.

Tanya was embarrassed at first, but she along with the others, minus Edward who was covering his face with his hands feeling guilty, laughed out loud, it went on for quite a while before they finally calmed down.

Then they remembered what Edward just said and so they directed all their gaze to Robin.

"Sorry," Robin said out loud, letting them feel that she was scared, guilty, and a bit annoyed, they guessed the last part was towards her brother. Their eyes softened at the girl's vulnerability at the moment.

"Honey, it's fine. We don't mind, as long as you are happy" Esme said reassuring her daughter.

Everybody nodded and voiced out in agreement to her mother's statement.

*It's silly, I know you guys will still love me, I just didn't want to disappoint you for some reason, I don't know... Maybe I also was scared that you'd think I got this way because of what happened...* she said then looked down.

Everyone felt sorry for the girl, they felt like their hearts hurt.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to say that" Edward felt so guilty right now, that he couldn't even lift his head to look anyone in the eyes.

'It's fine Eddie, don't worry about it, it'll come out eventually' she mentally told him. Which made him look up and lock eyes with her. She gave him a smile.

Witnessing the reconciliation of the siblings, the mood got lighter. And one particular Denali smirked and decided to tease the girl.

"Soooooo... Girls huh... Have you always liked them? Do you only like girls? How did you know you like girls? Have you had crushes before and who were they? Have you kissed a girl?" Kate bombarded Robin with a lot of questions in one breath.

[AN: I know they don't need to breathe, chill]

The rapid questions made Robin panic, which led her to answer them all without thinking.

*Yes. As far as I can remember, yes. I just did. Yes, and it was you? And No, I haven't yet... Wait, fuck!* As soon as she finished, her eyes widened, and she realized what she just said.

Most of the adults were shocked for a moment and then had silly smiles on their faces, the girl looked adorable all wide-eyed and confused about what just happened.

"I guess blurting things out runs in the family huh?" Irina snorted and then chuckled.

"Aaaaaaaw, our little Robin Lieasha Cullen has a crush on me... You're so cute! Yes, you are!" Kate cooed and talked to her like she was talking to a baby. "Because of that, let me give you a reward!" she said before giving her a peck on the cheek that was way too close to her lips. "Now you can say you've received more kisses from women than your forever virgin of a brother"

Robin just sat there, looking like a tomato from blushing so hard.

Her parents and brother felt complicated regarding this, somebody just stole a kiss from their baby, albeit it was only on the cheek... But they are also feeling like they are about to get a nosebleed at how adorable right now, they just want to go there and mold her cheeks.

Tanya and Carmen sped up to Kate, each grabbing her by the arm, and then dragged her to Tanya which gave her a resounding smack in the head.

"What do you think you're doing? I'm sorry Robin. You can punish her if you want." Tanya suggested. Kate was nursing her head, crouching on the floor while Irina kept an eye on her.

*It's fine, I was just surprised and embarrassed. I did like it, who doesn't want to get a kiss from a pretty lady? So, thanks Kate!* she replied to them.

Then she looked at her brother with a smug look.

*I have more experience with women than you now.* she teased him.

"Good for you sis," Edward replied, he wasn't even remotely mad at her teasing him. She looked cute. And as his sister always says cute is justice.

The atmosphere was joyful, they were all happy and proud of their little hybrid.

After all this, Carmen asked if she wanted to eat fish for her meal, and she said yes. The girl was abducted by two blonde women to go fishing in the lake nearby that wasn't frozen.

She didn't struggle, not because she couldn't, it's because she wanted to test if she would grow a tail, swim, or talk to fish to control them

Aaaaand it was confirmed that Robin could not control fish but... She could tho, lure them to herself with her voice, which was useful for catching them... She doesn't turn into a mermaid, but she can now swim, but that one is inconclusive because they're not sure if it's because she didn't have to breathe anymore and hence no longer afraid to drown, and I refused to try and breathe under water. Nuh-uh.

When the three were going back, Robin felt like they were forgetting something really important that should've been discussed earlier.


Two weeks later


My Dad was the one that did eventually remember about me meeting my blood singer and asked me how I was holding up, and I told them I was fine...

At that time, I actually meant it, I was in control, the ones who were with me when I met my blood singer relayed everything that happened, even the part where rizzed up said singer which was embarrassing at first but I decided to just be smig about it... What? I have maxed out charms, plus I got game, why would I be shy about that, be humble you say? Puhlease, I won't pull myself down just some jealous people can feel better about themselves... they were so proud of me.

Up until now. It took me two weeks. I was indeed fine at first, but I started remembering her scent, the craving got worse and worse, I tried quenching it by hunting more, but it wouldn't go away... One night I finally snapped, I woke up from my sleep and escaped through the window, I ran towards where she was.

Luckily due to my blood-crazed brain at that moment, I wasn't too subtle with my escape and sensed what I was doing, they acted fast, and they caught me before I got far.

Soooo... Now I was currently being escorted back home by my brother and the 3 Denali sisters.

I was now being surrounded by everyone, in our unofficial meeting room(living room), I felt guilty, still craving a lot, but nonetheless guilty, and ashamed.

They kept reassuring me that it was ok, they weren't disappointed in me at all, That I was doing better than they ever were when they met their singers.

Some (ahem.. Kate... ahem) suggested killing the girl to end my misery. This was shot down by not only me, but my family too, The Denali's tho similar in diet, had a bit of a different opinion on things.

This sucks.

My father, seeing my plight, seemed to have made a decision and called out for everyones attention.

"We were already planning to move after after just a few more years, but I guess this will be a good time to do so" Dad shared with an understanding look.

The Denali's voiced disappointment, but ultimately knew it was for the best.

*Where too?* I asked.

"Rochester New York"


AN: sorry if this one is a bit of a mess than normal, I wrotenit while I was sleep deprived.

I was literally dozing off while writing. 🤣

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


