5.8% Ancient Feud: Shadows Of The Past / Chapter 13: TRIAL BY COMBAT


The commotion from the party had long since traveled to Joda from above. He could hear the music and discern the voice of people he had no recollection of speaking from above. The voice of so many people coupled with the music had led him to believe there was a party going on. Who or what the occasion was about though was something he had no clue of, and he really didn't stress himself trying to find out.

Anyone else would have been bothered by all the noise coming from above and would have had trouble sleeping but Joda had slept through worse and couldn't even be bothered. The guard who had been tasked to escort Joda upstairs came into the dungeon with a colleague only to find their assignment asleep.

The two guards kicked Joda awake amidst yells and pushed him out of his prison. A confused Joda whose attempt of trying to squeeze information out of the guards had failed just resigned himself to the assumption that he was going to get beaten infront of hundreds of people and stopped bothering the two men as he saw the entrance to the big hall.

The first fight had just ended when Rollo saw the filthy boy coming towards him with two guards flanking him on each side. Even in the presence of so many strangers who were giving him odd and disgusted looks, the slave boy was still his usual confident self. Nothing in his demeanor showed he was a slave apart from his shabby looks.

Rollo sneered unpleasantly as he saw Joda looking around with indifference. How he so wanted to wipe that confident look off the boy's face with a punch or two. How could a slave be this confident? No matter, he will soon take care of that filthy creature. Rollo thought as the three people reached him. His rage hit another notch as Joda just looked at him with his indifferent attitude and even yawned to his face as the guards bowed as a show of respect to him.

"The slave you asked for, young master," one of the guards shoved Joda forward.

It took all of Rollo's willpower to not pummel Joda right off the start for his attitude. He took in a deep breath to control his rage before speaking. "Keep him away from me until you hear me call for him. I and this fool have some unfinished business to take care of."

The two guards saluted and dragged Joda away roughly as Rollo turned to spectate the next fight. Timing and precision were all he needed now. Too early into the fights and his father would refuse to let Joda partake. Too late and his father would just end the whole party. Or he could do the next best thing that will leave his father no choice but to grant him his wish. Rollo chuckled as a new plan formed in his head. A smart plan that will make things so much easier.

Orion had lost his first bet. His chosen champion had been knocked out by a poorly executed uppercut that looked more like an accident than a well-planned attack. He had laughed out loud at the amateurish display of skill but had still enjoyed himself nonetheless. Yes, he had lost but a few silver coins meant nothing to him where entertainment was concerned. The next fight was about to start and Thrall was doing the introductions.

"For our next fight, we have Orga, the servant of my dear friend, Feliz"Thrall announced with a huge smile on his face. He had made a killing from the first fight by betting against his own servant and was in good spirits since his betting sense had not failed him.

To be honest, it wasn't his gambling Sense that had saved him but more his knowledge of his own servants' capabilities. The moment he saw the opponent his servant was going to face, Thrall knew his servant had already lost and immediately cast his bet. Both men were big, but he knew his servant was no fighter. The others though had mistaken his servant's blank look for confidence and had bet a heavy sum on him only for him to get knocked out a few seconds later by an accidental punch.

"Orga will be facing our champion from the previous fight, Nuk" Thrall announced and quickly left the circle for the two fighters to do their thing.

Orga's master pushed him into the circle roughly since his servant seemed too scared to move and immediately scooped out some coins to bet against his own servant which people found funny but wise since Orga didn't look like he would last even a second in the circle. He was too small, compared to the big guy who even though had appalling skills still had plenty of strength as witnessed from the previous fight.

When Nuk had first been called to fight, he had been worried. The nerves that came from the knowledge that he would be skinned alive by his cruel master if he lost the match had almost made him faint but his victory in the first fight had been enough to quell all his worries and now he was flexing his muscles and making animalistic noises to rile up the crowd as they cheered for him. He was in love with their attention. He bared his teeth at Orga and mimicked an animalistic snarl which made the much smaller man flinch and caused Nuk to laugh at his expense.

"Begin!" Thrall gave the signal for the fight to start and slinked into the safety of the crowd.

Nuk shot forward like an arrow released from a bow. His target, Orga who had no combat skill whatsoever and who didn't even want to be in the circle in the first place did what all scared people do in such situations. He ran. Not like it served much purpose. Orga hadn't even reached his master's side when a punch from his master connected to the side of his head making his senses overload. The Force of the attack spun him on his heels and caused him to turn towards the same direction he had tried to escape from. The same direction that Nuk, the animal man was charging from like a mad bull.

Orga knew he was done for. Nuk was too close to dodge. All he could do was block whatever attack his opponent had in store for him so he lifted his thin arms to shield his face, thinking that surely Nuk would aim for the head. How wrong he was. Nuk who was legit charging like a bull saw the small man lift his arms to shield his face, leaving his midsection open for attack, and quickly did what Evey big man in his shoes would have done. He speared his opponent with such force that Orga spat out blood the moment Nuk's shoulder made contact with his stomach.

Orga passed out even before his back touched the floor. Once again, Nuk, the animal man had won, and Thrall had made another killing. Orion too had made a few coins from the recent fight and was really enjoying himself. Rollo moved towards Joda with a smirk. It was time for the final part of his plan.

In the heat of the moment, no one noticed a young man deliberately throw himself forward as if he had been pushed by someone until he barged through the people blocking the circle and came crashing face-first into the makeshift arena.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on me, you stinking slave!" Rollo shouted in mock outrage as he picked himself from the floor and pointed at a bewildered Joda who couldn't make head or tail of what was going on.

"What?, What are you talking about?, I did nothing!" Joda shouted back.

"Do you dare deny that you pushed me? Even Infront of witnesses?, Are you calling me a liar?" Rollo asked in a low dangerous tone.

"Yes!, You are a liar!" Joda threw caution to the wind as his rage got the better of him. He could stand being disrespected but he will never let anyone frame him.

"You!" Rollo pointed at one of the guards who knew what was coming and who knew he had no right to contradict the young master's story.

"Did that filthy maggot push me or not?" Rollo asked the guard.

"The young master is speaking the truth. The slave pushed him"

"They're both lying!" Joda shouted.

"Are you prepared to back that claim?" Rollo asked calmly. Everything was going perfectly. He could already feel the slave's blood on his hands.

"Of course, I'm prepared to!" Joda replied hotly.

"Then I challenge you to a trial by combat. You against us." Rollo smirked as he dropped the bomb.

"What?" Joda's resolve crumbled just as he realized the brilliant trap he had fallen into. 'oh shit', he cursed in his head.

next chapter
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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


