
Chapter 8: X-23

Feeling sunlight hitting my face I opened my eyes.

Releasing a yawn I got up from bed to start my day.

A year has passed since I have arrived in this world and I am now sixteen years old. My birthday having been just last week.

Which is October 13th, just like in my previous life.

I would find that suspicuous, but since the person I became shares the same name as me I don't.

Moving on.

This past year went quite well for me.

Not only am I getting better mastery over my original Osmosian powers but I've also come a long way in my telepathic abilties as well.

When Xavier learned I gained telepathic abilties by absorbing them from him he personally started training me in controlling them.

Now at first I was wary of this arrangement considering how much of a mind rapist Xavier is, but so far he hasn't tried anything with me. That's why I've been continuing my lessons with me and will continue to do so until I feel I have enough mastery over my telepathic powers to stop them.

But make no mistake I don't trust Xavier as far as I can throw him.

The moment he crosses a line with me I'm out of this place.

In other news I've started learning martial arts and self-defense.

A class on the subject is taught here at the school and as soon I learned of it I signed up.

My progress in that class is good but I'm not the best.

The exact words of the teacher of the class.

Which is Logan by the way.

So from him I'll take those words as a compliment.

Now then concerning the other powers I've absorbed I have been working on them as well.

Getting dressed I headed downstairs for breakfast.

Arriving, I made my plate and the grabbed a seat.

A few minutes after I did so I was joined by Allen, Kitty, Bobby and Rogue. The four of us having become friends during this past year.

Friends I hope will follow me when I leave this place, since having any one of them on the team I am going to create would be a huge win.

However if none of them choose to do so I would completely understand.

Though if anyone did I would place my bet on Allen.

The five of us made small talk as we ate, until eventually we finished. As we did so Allen spoke up.

"So, everyone still ready for tonight?" He asked.

Since we are heading into the city to celebrate Allen's birthday.

We already got permission from the teachers and everything.

"Yep." I replied.

"Sure." Kitty said.

"We definitely are." Bobby replied.

Answering for himself and Rogue.

Since in the last year the two of them became a couple, just like in the films.

Hearing our replies Allen put a grin on his face.

After answering his question we cleaned up and got to our classes.

Though I'm pretty sure none of us were paying attention and instead focusing on how much fun we would have tonight.

I really do hope it's not boring.


Standing outside the entrance of a popular club, my friends and I waited in line to get inside.

Immediately after classes ended for the day we all got ready, and then jumped in one of the schools many trucks and headed for the city to get the party started.

Me behind the wheel, since right now amongst the five of us I am the only one with a driver's license.

As the line moved forward I hummed a tune to myself.

Which I stopped doing the moment Allen groaned.

"Ugh, this line is taking forever." He said. Allen then leaned closer to me and whispered. "Hey Roman, why don't you sped this along?"

"Yeah, no." I replied.

"Oh come on, don't be such a stick in the mud." Allen replied.

"I'm not. I just don't want to get in trouble with the teachers if they find out." I said.

Which is the truth. But the other reason I don't want to use my powers is because you never know who may be watching.

It's not paranoia if they are out to get you, and with how many organizations there are in marvel that kidnap and experiment on superpowers individuals, especially those with the X-gene, I would rather be safe than sorry.

Seeing that I wasn't going to budge in my decision not to use my telepathic abilties Allen went back to being silent.

We then continued to move through the line normally until we reached the front and finally gained entrance to the club.

Where we partied for several hours.

When we finally winded down and exited the club I checked the time on my watch and saw it was 1AM.

"Shit." I muttered.

The teachers told us to be back at the school by 12AM.

"Roman, what's the matter?" Kitty asked me.

"It's one in the morning." I replied. "The teachers are going to take us over the coals."

"Eh, don't worry handsome I'm sure we'll be fine." Allen said, a smirk on his face as he did so.

Having just used the new nickname he and the others gave me inside the club.


Because while in there a lot of the women stared at me or tried to pick me up.

Since I am just that good looking.

I don't mean to brag, nor am I that vain, but my looks are nothing to sneeze at.

I have tan skin, complimented by dark shoulder-length hair and amber-colored eyes. My height is 1.86 meters (6ft. 1in) and I possess a lean body with a six-back of abs.

No matter how I look at it my looks are not average.

Which to be honest males me happy.

Since handsome people have a slightly easier time in life.

No matter what anyone says.

"Uh, please don't call me that." I groaned.

"Sure. But if you don't like that anyone we'll have to pick a new nickname for you." Allen said. "Any suggestions?"

"Adonis." Kitty suggested.

"Cassanova." Bobby said with a smirk.

"Pretty boy." Rogue said.

Making me more embarrassed by the second as they voiced their suggestions for a nickname for me.

"You know what I take it back. I'm good with handsome. Handsome works just fine." I said.

Right after I did so all the others shared a laugh at my expense, with me joining in a few seconds later.

Though all the laughter abruptly ended when someone jumped out of an ally and landed right in front of us.

The moment this happened all of us turned our gazes to this person.

In doing so we find ourselves looking at a girl about our age.

She has long black hair, deep green eyes, and two pairs of metallic claws jutting out from each of her hands.

Seeing all of this I immediately knew who this girl was.

Laura Kinney, aka X-23.

Logan's clone/daughter.

'What's she doing here?!' I thought.

Though my thinking didn't last long.

Because four black SUV's suddenly drove up on us and individuals covered head to toe in tactical gear, carrying military-grade assault weapons, hopped out of the vehicles.

Then without any warning they raised their weapons in our direction.

Seeing this I didn't hesitate.

I raised both my arms in their direction and fired off several blasts of electricity at them.

From electricity I had stored up just in case a situation like this arose.

It pays ro be prepared after all.




The people in black screamed as my electrical blasts struck them and their vehicles.

When I saw all the vehicles were damaged and all the assailants were down I stopped hitting them with electricity.

As I did so I noticed Laura staring at us.

Turning in her direction I waved. "Hello there." I said.

Then right after I did so an explosion took place right in front of us.

As the force of the blast threw me through the air I came to realize one thing.

This will be a night I will certainly never forget.


Laura Kinney/X-23 has arrived!

Who are the people chasing her, what happpened to Roman and his friends? Find out next time in Dragon Bal-I mean keep reading the story to find out.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


