Good morning Miss Tope, good morning class... I believe u all had a great weekend?
Yes! came most replies.
Please welcome our new transfer student Miss Natalia Andrews.
Uhmmm.... hi? the new girl awkwardly waved at her new class mates.
Another shy bie one of the boys said and the class giggled.
Please make your self comfortable while I start the lesson of the day which is literature.
Slowly Natalia made her way to the single seat remaining at the back while keeping her head down.
Hi I'm Nelly welcome to Crestone College a girl beside her said... thanks for the greetings I guess you already know my name Natalia said as she rubbed her nose shyly.
So Natalia I look forward to knowing you after class.
The bell for break rang as the teacher rounded up her class.... Immediately Nelly grabbed Natalia's hand and ran out the class.
Thanks for doing that said Natalia as Nelly stared at her some seconds later they were heard laughing.
I didn't know I would find a friend so soon Natalia voiced her thoughts.
Hey... what friends,we are besties from today onwards Lia if you don't mind the nickname
No I love it Natalia said as she smiled to assured her.
Alright to the Cafeteria Nelly said as she hooked hands with Natalia.
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