Giselle watched Kane storm from the storeroom and yell at an officer. He asked for directions to the armory. She knew he would suit up and armor for the battle. Giselle's heart clenched in her chest at the thought of her husband putting himself in mortal danger. She knew he was an archangel, but never the less, the worry was always there that something might happen.
"Shut and bar the door, sweet girl. It will be alright," said Kane,
He observed her following his command. The heavy wooden door shut, and he could hear the bar slamming into place.
The armory was also on the dungeon level of the castle, and Kane followed the young officer to another area of the catacomb. The room they entered was filled with shields, maces, battle axes, and any type of sword, dagger, or knife one could desire. There were lines of armor and helmets on stands waiting to be worn.
One last chapter, and we will be ready to "Burn With Passion" in volume two. I hope all my R&T fans are ready.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed tonight's mini-mass release.
If you get a chance and have not already, please try and leave a review on the novel's main pain. It would be greatly appreciated.