Different tests were ran on Lily to ensure no other inner damages had occur which they were unaware of. After the tests, she was diagnosed with amnesia.
"Amnesia"? her mother asked with an heavy heart, groping and squeezing Lily's hand.
"Yes ma'am, from all the test we took and her inability to remember past events, we can confidently conclude that she has amnesia"....
Everyone kept silent, and took a minute to digest the information, so did Lily, who was still confused the whole time.
She looked at the faces of the people around her and saw how the information affected them through their facial expression.....
"Does she have a chance of regaining her memories"? her dad asked.
"Yes she do. She needs something to trigger her memories. So when she's discharged, she should stay at a place or go to places that she has memories with, but for now she'll need to stay here for few days, so that she can be examined and to avoid further complications, and after that, she can be discharged".
"Ok doctor, that's not a problem, we'll do just that. All I want is my daughter to be ok".
"She will ma'am, just with the right treatment and precautions".
"Ok then, I'll leave you guys then".
"Thank you doctor" her dad said stretching out his hand to shake him.
"No worries sir, that's my job".
Lily was the apple of her parents and siblings eyes. Even though her dad can be rash at times, and sometimes makes decisions for her, he really loved her and wants the best for her.
"How long is Lil sis gonna be here"? Finn asked.
"Well, not more than a week. Probably for this week only".
James, his sister and parent strode over to her bed.
"Big sis, I missed so much" Pearl said, leaning down and hugging her tightly while crying.
"I really thought something bad was gonna happen. I was so scared".
Lily chuckled at how cute she was and talked.
"I'm fine now.... ummmm.....".
"Pearl. It's Pearl".
"I'm fine now Pearl. Thank you for your care and worries".
"Oh, don't mention, we're practically family, isn't that right"? James mother, Catherine, asked.
"Yes, that's right" Lily's mom responded.
"Lily honey, we all want you to get better and return to your usual self ok? So just take it easy and at your own pace". Catherine said giving her a peck on the forehead.
"Yes ma'am".
James on the other hand stared at her, eyes devoid of emotions. Lily shuddered at how intense his gaze were. Hands pocketed, he mouthed a word, in which she couldn't hear.
"I heard James was here first" Ian spoke this time breaking their intense moment.
"Yes I was. I came to pay her visit".
"How sweet of you. Seems you're already playing your role as her future husband".
"C'mon Ian, it ain't that way".
"Just teasing you" He laughed putting his arms over James' neck, which James swiftly removed. "Wait, Lily, you do know you're getting married to him right"?.
"Yeah, first news I heard when I woke up. He and the nurses both welcomed me with that information" she said pointing at James.
"Wow, didn't even wait a minute, before telling her. Always so fast".
"Once again Ian, it ain't like that".
"Ian, can you just compose yourself in front of your sister?. She's the center of attention, not you" His dad remarked.
"I'm not trying to be the centre of attention, just stating the obvious".
"Stating the obvious? That what? He has human feelings unlike you? Stop being a jerk Ian" Finn lashed out.
"Behave like your age Ian, you aren't a child anymore. Be considerate of your sister" Yvonne (Lily's mum) said.
"This is me being considerate".
"You call this considerate? By behaving this way"? Finn asked angrily.
"So I'm the villian now"? Ian lashed out back.
"You're always making yourself out as the villian".
Lily looked in confusion at the dialogue going on. Weren't they all just sad a minute ago? As if reading her mind, she heard a voice whisper into her ears. It was James.
"They behave like that sometimes, especially Ian. You don't have to look so confused".
"Boys, don't do this here" Yvonne(Lily's mum) said to them.
"Ugh, mum, he always behave likes a child. For a minute, I thought he was gonna be normal and behave on seeing Lily's condition, but he just proved me wrong".
"I'm normal".
"No you're not".
"Don't talk to me like that, I'm your older brother".
"Oh c'mon, it's just a year gap between us and besides you aren't behaving like the older one here. Even Lily the youngest one, is more matured than you" Finn scowled at him.
"Ok boys, that's enough" Their dad lashed out angrily, loudly banging a table.
"I think we better take our leave now" Catherine said interrupting the banter.
"Yes, yes, we should" George(her husband) supported her.
He held Lily's hand gently and stroked her hair.
"It was nice seeing you today. We'll all pay more frequent visit" He said giving her a gentle soft smile.
"Get well sis" Pearl said and hugged her.
"Thank you". she replied smiling.
The Johnson's family exchange goodbyes with the Brandon's family before taking their leave.
"What the hell is wrong with you guys? Are you kids"? Noah voiced out angrily.
"Tell that to Ian".
"Yes... Ian, you started all this". He faced him "What's with the questioning on James uh"?....
"I know the answer to that. He's insecure cause you favour Lily to him and will continue to favour her no matter her condition".
"Oh shut up Finn" He scowled at him.
Lily was already tired and exhausted and all she just wanted to do was lay down and sleep, but it doesn't seem the banter was ending any sooner. Her mom came to her side and sat by her, looking at her and giving her a soft smile. Lily felt drawn to that smile. She had this soft and gentle aura that Lily loves. Even though she had no memory of her mom, in her heart, she knew this was her mom cause she felt this fondness towards her and her heart melts whenever she's near her..... Her mom put her hands around her and drew her close her. Looking directly to her face, she said quietly and gently.
"Honey, I'm sorry you're seeing this. This is not the scenerio that should be used to welcome you back. They're usually not like this..... Well, they're like this sometimes, but not always".
"It's fine mom".
"I know this might sound strange hearing this from someone you don't know, but I want you to know I love you, and I'll always be with you no matter what".
Her heart squeezed in a good way on hearing those words. It felt nice... She hugged her mom tightly, and in return her mom wrapped her hands around hugging her back, resting and giving her a kiss on her head. She felt really safe in that space of time.
Ian and Finn had put a hold to their banter at that time. Finn was so happy seeing that sight. He really loved Lily and would give the world just to protect. Ian on the other hand was mainly concerned on the company and who was gonna look after it after their dad retires. He does love Lily too, but he hates it whenever their dad shows so much favouritism towards Lily, making it seems he already choose her as the inheritor of the company.
"Oh sis, did we take you by surprise" Finn said, sitting at the other side of her bed.
"I'm sorry. This is not what should be plastered in your memory, but Ian sometimes, can be overbearing".
"No I'm not".
"Shhhhh, let them have their moment" His dad cautioned.
"Yes he can. But he still loves you, we all do. No matter what happens, whether you recall us or don't, we'll still always be by your side".
Lily smiled. She looked at him, and looked at Ian. They really do share a resemblance...
"Thank you big brother...."
"Finn. Call me Finn, I'm your immediate older brother.... That's Ian" he said pointing at him "The oldest one, but still behaves like a child".
She giggled at that statement making everyone smile, well except Ian.
"And that's mom and dad, sure you know that. Mr and Mrs Brandon, Noah Brandon and Yvonne Brandon. We're your family".
Lily looked at each of their faces and felt happy, knowing that she has a family waiting for her.
"Well I think that's all for the introduction, you look tired sweetheart" Her dad said.
She shook her head up and down to affirm his statement.
"Take a rest honey. I and Ian will go get you some clothes from home to last you for the week and food, while dad and Finn will stay here with you ok"? Her mom said.
"Ok mum".
"You won't be here for long ok, just for the week. And for the rest of the week, I'll be here by your side" she said squeezing Lily's hand gently to show her affection.
"Take a nap sweetheart" Her dad said helping her to lay down, and kissed her forehead.....
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