"The Shadows…yes, my king, you would not know of these cold wastes and the dangers that lurk within them," said the elder. He put his wizened hands to his knees as he bowed his head and spoke. "The sun already finds little purchase in these lands where dark clouds and snow choke the life from it. Here, darkness thrives.
The Shadows are creatures of this night. Born from it. Forged from it. Their history is recent, for in the great many records that have been left unto me by my elder and the elders before him, it has only been ten life cycles since their emergence."
The Collector automatically calculated that ten life cycles would be approximately five hundred years in considering the elder's lifespan as a reference point.
Thanks for getting me to 2.5k powerstones last week!
As promised, I will be releasing +2 additional chapters over the next day or two, so look forward to that!