A/N: Dedicated to Lin-chan, my first castle-giver~! It took a while to find a place where I can squeeze your request but it's finally here LOL.
Thanks for the castle Lin-chan~
(Guys, for LotusLin is also a writer~ If you're into fantasy stories with gods, check hers out!)
Castler Request: "More Ansel and Fufi, please!"
Anyway, back to the story~
"Eww, Fufi, don't eat that! Just bite it, BITE it!" Ansel yelled as he pried the dog's mouth open. When the dog finally did, the head of the gross poisonous-looking reptilian monster rolled down straight to Tom's feet.
The big man turned pale immediately.
Fortunately, this time, he didn't embarrass himself by vomiting the contents of his stomach.
Da Birdies are here~~
Come on come on! https://discord.gg/8fhaSMG2xq