Anyway, the topics varied from their own people, interesting women, and then some news.
They talked about some villages fighting. "Is it done?" The lord asked the one on his right, who nodded.
"Yes, milord, Hasa had taken down Mauin, with Tome soon after."
"Very good," he nodded, a sharp glint in his eyes.
The brothers' eyes met, understanding. the lord here definitely instructed one of his subsidiaries to wage war on other villages, to take their tokens and resources.
It was none of their business, and this was normal practice in their world, but it did make for some interesting gossip.
One of the men sneered, tapping the table in annoyance. "Milord, I heard Hemeppo seemed to have merged the two territories."
The other cronie shook his head. "Heh, I knew that one couldn't be trusted."
new aborigine citizens~!
Come on come on!