Another evening, the man now named Adam sits on his daughter's bed and clears his throat. "Ahem!"
He looks at his son and daughter and says.
"I'll continue with the story where we left off, okay?"
They nod in curiosity and anticipation.
And so, the father begins his narration, showing them pictures, of a cluster of galaxies in human form.
"The offer is, after you go back in time, when, you are needed, We will need your help, against some...I like to call them viruses, who are a threat to the universes."
The Source slowly explains what Adam's purpose in this would be.
"This includes so-called transmigration, reincarnation, and systems. Those are actually... so-called viruses! I have not been able to, detect!"
"Don't get me wrong, there are some of them, who are actually, useful."
"Some of them managed to raise the whole civilization, or the universe to the next level, or higher! So, some of them are really useful, that universe then produces more energy, which I and others like me use, for our needs including my Big Boss."
"Soo, something like a, mercenary? You, want me? to help you, get rid of the garbage?" Adam is interested. If it is possible to travel to other universes, he might come across a universe, he knows from comics or movies.
"Yes, something similar. I want you to be our trash-vaccine. Not! Just humans, other species, have consciousness too, you know that!"
"I see, so, what are the benefits?" Adam looked at Source hoping to milk it.
"Hmmm let's see, you won't get paid, you don't have a vacation, you don't have sick leave, you won't have health insurance, but Heey you, can travel a lot, and see everything or experience anything!" Source sneers knowing what Adam was thinking. (How! Is that even possible? without a mouth, without anything, now that I think about it.) Adam thinks to himself as he looks at the sneer and then into a face that is a void with a small spinning galaxy.
"Well, the Big Boss offered that when you find her, it will give you ownership of that universe or galaxy, If you want to?! With tax! Of course, you can't avoid tax, even at this level!" The source says with a smile.
"You will have to discover the benefits yourself, if I tell you, where's the fun in that!" However, you can choose three wishes that you think you will need to get back to the top."
"It won't be for free you know! We will send you to the five most critical universes, per wish, for other less critical ones you can choose yourself!"
"Two!" Adam tries to bargain.
The source continued with his act
"5! aaaand sold! to a gentleman, who looks like a beggar!" A wooden mallet that appeared out of nowhere hits a table that appeared out of nowhere. Then it gets serious and says.
"You, are not in the auction house, Adam." Still holding a mallet.
"Big Boss said five, and there will be five, no more no less!" With a voice that won't hear any objections.
"You drive a hard bargain!" Adam says with a forced smile, he is losing a big deal here. (Bargaining fails) But shrugs it off.
"I'm trying to create a serious atmosphere, for serious things and you destroy it in just a few words!" Annoyed, Source thrusts a mallet into Adam's ribs.
"Throughout my existence, there are always, loopholes, or glitches that beings, outside, of this verse, try to exploit."
"Through these...loopholes, these beings send so-called systems, fulfill wishes, make agreements of the soul. You've read, about such things before so you can imagine, what I'm talking about, and I don't feel like going into details, about something you know yourself."
"They do that to create mayhem in order, or chaos and reduce the creation and uses of energy levels that we consume."
"If Big Boss doesn't have enough energy to use, his consciousness will enter a deep sleep and then, this verse will be like a market, full of housewives, at the time of the discount!"
"Beings like me use that energy to survive. If we, don't have enough energy, we will begin to wither and weaken until we disappear on our own."
"For those beings, the creatures from the inside are products, or slaves ready for purchase! And very, cheap slaves!" The Source says in a dead serious voice.
"I know that, it's the same when mommy goes to the malket and fights with othel aunties for vetavles!" Anna's voice is heard and the sound of her waving her arms as if she is boxing.
"Ve-ge-ta-bl-es, honey." He pauses, corrects his daughter's pronunciation, and thinks (whaat the heell, is my wife doing at that market!) and imagines her performing professional wrestling on other housewives. Chuckling at that picture he continued.
"The Big Boss does have restrictions on beings above a certain level to enter, but, at that level, all kinds of things are possible and all kinds of cards exist."
"Can you imagine what will happen, if the beings from outside near my strength...go shopping?" The source asked seriously and looked at Adam.
"What the? Are you??! You're sleeping?! Of course, you are. Wake the fu*k up!! As*hole!" It explodes in anger and punches Adam with a mallet on his head, with enough force to see invisible waves through the void.
"I'm up I'm up! I was just messing with you!" Hahaha Adam laughs at the furious Source with a passing thought (that's one, tough mallet!)
"Come on! Man, I'm trying to explain serious stuff here!"
"I get it, space? black hole? galaxy thingy? but you're too serious! Like giving end-of-the-world vibes!" Adam replied while laughing.
Source looks at Adam oddly. "Thingy? Really? Do you even, know?" (No, of course, he doesn't know that I have this humanoid form, just so I can talk, more easily with him!) It exhales deeply and massages its forehead, it seems to have a headache.
Adam thinks for a while and says. "I see what you mean, a bloodbath. And that's if everything goes according to their wishes. And, that's one of the nicer, ways, to say it."
"Yeaah." The source exhales with weight in its tone.
"Let me continue with this long explanation, and pleaaase, don't fall asleep! I can't wait to finish this."
"We, dimensional beings normally ignore so-called viruses. A lot of them, when they reach let's say a certain level or, fulfill, their desires, they become satisfied with what they have and stop, having a big influence on larger and important things."
"There are always, fools, who just go "Hey! I come back now, now I can change this, and that! I like this and don't like that;" It mutters a little about how some beings can be so mentally underdeveloped
"They create, so much chaos and destruction, that we must shut down that universe." Sigh "And not in a nice way! We take energy, from that universe and wait for everything, to die or wither. We only do this in a universe that is sick, like cancer, in your old world. If we don't do that, those diseases will only spread to the universes nearby. We don't want that, you know! Those universes are still, our's creations. Sighs But because of those, viruses! and their whims or greed, we have to shut down the entire universe!" It speaks in sadness and anger, exhales sadly but continues to explain.
"Then, you have those! who think they are the main character!"
"They think that, if they know what will happen, they can use it, or change it! But they know shit!"
"We, categorize them into the planetary group and the universe group."
"We mostly ignore the planetary group unless, the planet is important, in the development of the entire universe."
"Ooh! I remembered! I have a very important question for you! I wanted to ask you that for years!"
"Since! you, will most likely be in a similar situation like reincarnation, would you? change the path that you know where it leads to? or take another path, that you don't know what it brings!" Source asks with great curiosity.
"Leincavonion" A small voice is heard in the background. "Poop, I almost had it!"
The man chuckles a little "mhhm hm little one, you were almost there!"
"It depends on where I'm going, and, how I'm going, like a car? A Plane? Whether I'm in a hurry to work, or toilet?" He sees how Source is frustrated with the answer and starts laughing. "Hahaha, I'm just fu*king with you! You should see your face! I know what you mean, and I will change paths."
"If reincarnation works in a way, where memories are restored or awakened. You have already changed to another path."
"You changed that future, just by breathing!"
"It's a bit complicated but, if you want everything to remain the same as before, it's simply impossible! You, have to do, everything, the same as before or after? reincarnation."
"Every breath and every step you take, needs to be the same, as in the past? Or is it the future? and that is simply impossible!"
"One of those, breaths or steps, may lead to a pebble, that maybe saves someone, whose life is important, in the present? or future?" Adam gave his answer a serious thought
It looks like, his answer was, satisfactory if Source was asked. "I see, you understand that simple concept. Good for you! Don't be, like some morons, who think that only if they behave, similarly that they won't influence events. Now, back to the topic."
"At the top of those rankings, are those so-called cultivators! You know, the young masters, face slapping, you kill one, senior brother comes, after him, his elder comes, and you kill him, then the wild hunt begins and suddenly bullshit ancestor appears while jelling "Junior! You dare! etc etc." until you kill half the world. However, somehow you are still a hero?"
"They! Fall into the universe threat. Just in case, you get the abomination! of reincarnations and systems."
"Beings from outside, they like to choose them because they are very, convincing and gullible?"
"We, assess such people whether they are a threat or not. If they are a threat, we send an old man in a ring or something like that, to guide them on a better path, plus we have much better supervision."
"If that doesn't work, a vision is sent to some strong old man, who is always muttering "for the greater good" nonsense! and that, usually does the job."
"And on the top of rankings, with a gold medal! Are those, who shove their organ for reproduction into every hole, as if that is their goal!? Every hole is a goal! They say? Idiots!"
Adam started laughing so hard he could barely speak. "I know! They are hilarious! Just imagine having 100 women, and satisfying them, all!"
"I think, they don't know that a woman can go over twenty times a day, and leave the next day as if nothing had happened! Think that record was about, 120 guys in 1 night?"
"You must be inexhaustible, to just go, on and on! on all of them! And what about time? Where? will anyone find so much, time? for all of them? That's why, harems rarely succeed in the real world. Unless you have money and a handsome gardener!" Dying with laughter, he remembers all kinds of stories and anime he watched.
The source is flabbergasted "How, do you, even know that!?"
"I, have no idea. It's one of those, pieces of knowledge, that you pick up along the way and they stick in your memory!" Adam says with a deep gaze that looks far away.
"You, laugh at them, but there is a reason why, they are at the TOP of those threats."
"They can breed, with anything! The problem is that with their genetic makeup, it should not be possible, to breed, with other species! and, many of their, partners, actually remain pregnant!"
"Those, are not, natural births! Beings, from outside use, part of their powers! with the energy, that naturally travels through the mother! to create a body, for themselves!"
"Maybe, you don't see a problem with that, but! One character like that can make a thousand new races on ONE planet!"
"Then, what about diseases? You see, where I'm going with that? That one character can bring down, the entire universe! with just his balls!"
The source explains in serious speech.
Adam looked at him, her? it? and in shock shouted, "What, the actual, Fuu*K!!!"
Pip that's what kids hear.
"I didn't hear what he said! at that, last part!" The voice of a little boy says with a mischievous smile.
"You see, Alex, he said... a very very ugly word, and then, it was censored!" Father answered, and looked at him, with a narrowed look that told him, not to push it. Then, he looks at his daughter and sees, Anna, looking back at him, with her large innocent blue eyes, with almost the entire head under the blanket, up to the nose. (cute), as her fingers stick out holding the blanket. (Cuteness overload) and he has to force himself, to continue the story, or his heart will melt, from the cuteness his daughter releases.
Story continue
Adam is in shock! It took him, a few moments to recover from that piece of information and even how shocking, that was, he could just get over it.
(Just, make them eunuch! and problem solved!) The thought crossed his mind.
"Man, I'm tired from just listening to you! Can you like, put all of that in my brain or something?" Adam is tired of hearing all this and it looks like Source isn't done explaining.
"Oooh, how I wish! I could!" It exhales.
"The Big Boss said that you will lose most of your memory. To explain those things to you, in such a way, that even if you forget or turn into a moron, you, will be able to connect the dots, yourself."
Irritated Sorcu says. "You must know this if you intend to complete the tasks, that you will be sent to."
"The big boss also said, you have enough energy to reset this verse six times! I, have no idea how you got so strong, but man six times! Still can't believe that." He measures Adam from head to toe and says in wonder. "It seems I can't feel your level of strength so, who am I to doubt the word of the all-creator?"
"Say! So, I'm like six times? stronger than you?" Adam says in amazement because he has no idea how strong he is.
"No man, it's not like, two plus two! At my level, you can win against...million me! and still be full of energy!" A little surprised, Sorce says after doing some math (how? did this, fool! reached, such a level! Maybe, the Big Boss made a mistake?) with a fleeting thought in his head that disappeared as quickly as it appeared. "The Big Boss said, that you got an offer to ascend? from this dimension, but you turned it down?" Still wonder how Adam got so strong.
"Yeah, I did get a call, a couple of million years ago. At that time I got a clue that someone of mine reincarnated, in human form. Soooo I hit the reject button! I didn't want to miss that clue!" He says with a sad smile, remembering a sad memory.
"Did you find them?" Sorce asked curiously.
"I did, but I was too late. Reincarnation died, a few minutes before I arrived. I wanted, to kill, everyone responsible for her death, but all I found, were headless bodies. Like, something exploded, in their brains. Looked like someone, did the dirty job and cleaning for me." Adam clenched his teeth and made a fist.
"Aaand you have no idea, or you never found, the culprit, for their death?" Source asks as it looks at Adam like he's a rare animal in a zoo.
"No, I didn't even look for them! I thought it was all their bad karma or something."
"It was a dying world, some kinds of bioweapons? where dropped, and after that, only the male population was born."
"She was the last living female, in that population. They had the idea that, if, they could find out! what was preventing, the birth of the female population..."
"She died, while they were, experimenting! On her!" Adam's face is neutral, but the rage and anger in his eyes and voice cannot be hidden. "She was still a child. So, if you ask me, they died, too easily!" Clenching his hand into a fist and a crazy look, he says with a crazy smile.
It looked at Adam and thought (even if she didn't die, she would surely die, a few minutes after that.)
(Maybe, it's better that way, if she died because of him...) It pauses there and doesn't want to think about the consequences...
Sigh "You're an idiot you know that!" It says which snaps Adam out of his thoughts who looks at it with look what are you talking about?
"You, are not even aware of how strong you are! So let me explain." It tells Adam seriously.
"This verse functions in a similar way as a human body, only, on a much larger scale."
"Bones, are the pillars of reality, not only what, you think is reality, but all reality!"
"Flesh is the things, that hold that reality together, like infinity, creation, matter, etc."
"Blood is like a river of time! Inside, there are cells or an omniverse"
"Veins, they are like branches, of the multi omniverse."
"Skin compiles all that together and you get a verse or a human body."
Adam nodded in understanding.
"There is nothing above that, as far as it's to my knowledge, but! Who knows, maybe the Big Boss, is just one of those mortals, like one, on your planet."
"Universe works the same way, only on a little smaller scale. You have multiple galaxies, that have meteorites, black and white holes, and suns around which the planets revolve and so on and so on."
"The reason, I'm telling you all of this, is so you can understand, where you belong on my scale of strength. I, am something like the immune system, for this verse!"
"Just like the immune system, that is in the human body, defending this verse, against intruders or let's say, viruses."
"I do have, other obligations, but you, don't have to know them."
"I, have a whole system working above me, and in that sense, the human body, is my Big Boss."
"And now, we have you! if, let's say an adult is considered this verse, you are a teenager, somewhere around eighteen to nineteen years old?" He explained that seriously to Adam. "You see? Where I'm going with that?"
"I'm super, duper, ultra-strong?" Adam asks a little confused.
Source just exhaled heavily and looked at the idiot "Yes, you are...super, duper, ultra-strong..." and continued
"If you, had accepted that invitation to ascend, above the shackles of dimensional, you would have become something, like Big Boss!"
"You, have enough power and energy for a new verse! That contains countless multi-omniverse, in which there is an infinite omniverse. Each omniverse has countless! omega multiverses, and so on and on."
"And, on top of all that, you have free will! You have no idea how much it's worth, actually is!"
"Yeaaah, buddy, that sounds to me, like too much work to do!" Adam says unimpressed.
Source took a short break and looked at him with a strange look. "Too much work! he says... Ha haha ha"
"Boss are you sure about him?? I'm starting to worry you know, about the existence, itself!" It says with a heavy sigh and a broken laugh.Ooy! Are you okay? Why are you, smiling like that? Did the black hole, hit in the wrong place, or something?" Adam asks as he looks worriedly at Source.
"No! You, You arghh you one cell for a brain monkey! I'm trying to explain your, existence, is too strong, for normal beings! They explode, as soon as you are close to them, from the pressure you release, unconsciously! Even beings on my level will faint, or go insane!"
"Oooh, I see! So, something like Shanks!? from one piece?" Adam concluded, remembering a character from an anime, he liked watching. "You could have said that from the beginning and not given this, stupidly long-ass explanation!"
It asks and then remembers. "Who? The hell is Shanks...yes! Something in that style! Just like... millions of levels higher!" The source is tired, like really tired, and it can't even be tired!
"Soo? I have conquerors?! That's awesome!!"
"No! You don't have a conque...You know what! fu*k it! Yes, you have a conquerors!" Source wants to tell him, but he sees Adam with a smile and the excitement of a small child and corrects himself.
Adam tries to activate conquerors but fails, he tries harder and harder but fails every time.
And then Adam feels it, deep inside him, some kind of energy boiling, traveling through his body! Adam tenses, as hard as he can, trying to control or direct that energy and.... pfffoot. He pauses, looks at Source, and has a cheap laugh while scratching his head.
Source facepalms, let out a heavy exhale, turned around with a look, that it didn't see anything and continued.
The man feels a hand on his shoulder and pauses in his story. "They fell asleep." His wife whispered.
He looks, and the children are sleeping.
He didn't notice it at all, stands up, kisses each of them on the forehead, and tucks them in.
The man left the room, hand in hand with his wife, and gently, closed the door behind him.
Darkness takes over the room, while the two children are sleeping without worries or troubles.
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