57.89% Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother / Chapter 44: The Apocalypse and the lost win.

章 44: The Apocalypse and the lost win.

You know the drill....



Psst, guess who got some free time after 6 hours of a long azz trip? Yes! Me!

While I was writing, I kept contemplating my life choice while staring at the trees and rocks, I kept looking at a strange objects in distance, I was like "what is that? Dead tree? A well?" And then...

"OH SHIT! THAT'S A CAMEL!!" I had completely forgotten we had camels here in the country side(not in the desert).


Right after the city evacuated. The citizens were in worry about their home, but they knew that they can only follow the General's orders when faced with such monster as Charybdis.

They were sulking and feeling bitter. Some of them were burning to run back and fight, like the black beetle who was looking back at the giant monster approaching, his spirit wants to go and fight yet he knows that his mission is important, he must make sure that the lord's people are safe.

Among the group, the human trio had a kind of disappointed expressions as they spoke quietly amongst each other.

"What a let down, I wanted to kill them myself, yet that monster had to come in." The spiky haired boy said.

"For once I agree with Shogo, I wanted to see that old man killing his friends on my word at least once."

"Shogo, Kirara, keep it down. Besides, we should finish the job since Charybdis is so generously helping us here." The brown haired boy said.

"Eh? What do you mean, Kyoya?" Kirara asked.

"Those guy will surely die to Charybdis, but we must not forget these guys here too." He pointed at the citizens in front of him "The women, the children, and the weak." His lips formed a nasty smirk that Shogo shared.

Without any warning, Shogo shot towards the nearest person and drove his fist in their chest.

"GH!" Seeing a fist out if her chest, a female hobgoblin shouted in pain.

In an instant, Kyoya and Kirara did the same, with Kyoya slicing through a few beside him and Kirara ordering some children to kill themselves.

All this happened in a second, the guards were no lazy bags as they sensed this and a black beetle quick slammed into Shogo's chest "YOU BASTARD!!" It shouted as it throw Shogo away.

Out of the shadows, Souei's clone came out and slashed at Kyoya who blocked the attacked "Geh!!" Kyoya struggled to hold the clones impact force so he decided to kick the clone away to get a breather.

"Whew! That was dangerous." Kyoya said with a smile "A bit late and I would have had my neck off.

"Ow! Ow! That hurt." Shogo stood up from the ground while dusting his clothes off.

"What have you done?!" The black beetle shouted in anger "Towards that person's people, to kill them and betray he kindness? Unforgivable!!"

"Shut up you bug!! Nobody moves!!" Kirara shouted in anger making The black beetle silence, unable to speak, and the guards that were surrounding them were frozen in place including Souei's clone as it only holds a fraction of his power and a portion of his mind, it was not a clone for fighting, rather, it was for intelligence gathering. "Seriously, what is wrong with this fast response, argh!" Kirara said while playing with her hair.

"I thought we would be able to kill half of the people here before anyone noticed. I am surprised!" Kyoya said with a chuckle.

"Enough talking!!" Shogo said as he slammed his fist into his palm "I'll kill them all in a second!" He said as he took his clothes off and shouted "[BERSERK!!]"

And his first target was "Come here you bug!!" The beetle that attacked him. Shogo rained a hail of fists that made dents on the beetle's hard exoskeleton. "How about this!!"

"Geh!" The beetle tool the beating as he looked around to see the other boy and girl going after the citizens 'How humiliating? I have promised to return the favor...' the pain he was feeling in his soul was so big that he didn't feel any pain from Shogo's fists 'I have promised that great lord I will return the favor... I can't do anything...How dare they...how dare they!!' the beetle shouted In it's head before his body started leaking some sort of gas around him that spread out covering the area and blinding everyone.

"Wh? What is going on?" Kirara asked.

"He blocked our vision." Kyoya said, 'I can't see the other monsters...' he thought.

"This bug!!" Shogo gritted his teeth as he looked around, he couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, he got hit in the face with a black blurry figure, so fast he couldn't see it. But if course who else but the black bug.

Kyoya was calm as he listened to the ground 'it overcome Kirara's [bewilder] skill...' he thought before he took git hit in the liver "Egh!"

The black beetle was moving so fast and raining some hits on the trio.

"You filthy humans, you dare attack Acnologia-sama's non-fighting people? Cowards!!" The beetle shouted as it bounced it's attack between the trio.

"Damn you!!" Shogo started swinging his fist around like a mad man "Come out and fight me!!" He shouted as his body was getting bruises and slashes everywhere with each passing second.

Kyoya gritted his teeth, and took a sword stance, he waited and then slashed so suddenly, his sword cut through the incoming Beetle, taking out it's legs successfully.

"Argh!!" The beetle fell to the ground, limpless.

"Phew! That was a hard one." He wiped a sweat off his forehead as the mist started wearing off, revealing the surrounding, the first thing he noticed that the other monsters were nowhere to be seen "So you were buying them time, but they have nowhere to hide." Kyoya said with a gentle smile. He made a hole with his fingers like Binoculars to see "Heeh, that Blue haired dude is carrying them away with his magic, well, he won't get far."

"Aahhh!!" Kirara came running and kicked the beetle "You filthy bug! You touched my face! Fuck you!! Die! Die! Die!" She shouted, but her commands didn't work as the beetle already broke off it.

The beetle glared at them like demon "I'll kill you...even if it's the last thing I do." The beetle said in hatred which earned him a punch in the face.

"You won't even live to do that, kahaha!!" Shogo, grabbed his horn and broke it in half.

"Grrrrr!!" The beetle cried in pain as Shogo continued to break his body little by little.

"Let's go, Kirara, we should get after those people." Kyoya said before the earth shook and a light filled the sky.

The trio looked behind them to see Charybdis dying moment.

"Wh? They killed it?!" Shogo was shocked to see that type of monster dying.

"Impossible!!" Kirara said.

Kyoya suddenly tensed as he sensed someone come close to them.

It was Souei's clone, it stood in front of them with a an devil like expression, anger and hatred painted on the clone's face as it took it's sword out.

"Ha! You want to fight?" Kyoya laughed as he took his sword too.


Souei's clones killed itself as it's body evaporated into black smoke.

In a moment, the trio felt a tremendous amount of malicious energy coming towards them in lightning speed.

"... Let's run." Kyoya said.

"Huh?" Kirara was confused.

"LETS FUCKING RUN!!" Kyoya shouted as he took a crystal and broke it making the trio shine brightly before teleporting away.

The beetle saw this and was in despair "NO! DON'T RUN! COWARDS!! YOU SCUM!! STAY AND FIGHT! YOU DISGRACEFUL HUMANS!!" it shouted in it's pitiful state, a broken creature crying for revenge, surrounded by several other peaceful monsters that got done by the human trio.

Blood was everywhere and corpses were lying around for Benimaru and the rest to see as they arrived.

The beetle was loosing consciousness as it mumbled "Cowards... Don't run! Fight..."

Benimaru looked around, his nails digging deep in his palm "...We won...Yet lost." A humiliation that would follow him a lifetime.


Considering what Acnologia is going through in the advanced chapters, this won't end up pretty...

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C44
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


