72.08% A True Beginning / Chapter 142: Ch.27

章 142: Ch.27

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her passionately until I heard a cough. I released her lips and growled without turning around. "This had better be good Chris."

I heard an audible gulp and Bianca answered. "We were wanting to know why an earthquake struck the manor."

I sighed and released phoebe while she climbed down off of me saying. "It was a misunderstanding. I may have said something wrong and nearly caused the castration of all Latin men everywhere."

Bianca replied. "Wow, the future has changed. About this time Latin men nearly went extinct. Everyone thought it was a genetic plague or disease designed to end their culture."

Phoebe looked back to me and I shrugged. "I'm not apologizing for something I haven't done yet. Besides, it's not like you didn't know I was very, very greedy when it comes to you. If I thought you'd slept with one, even for a second, well, we all do weird things for the ones we love."

Phoebe rolled her eyes. "Well, it's not like they'd be able to satisfy me especially after your bulging trick."

Bianca asked. "Bulging?"

Phoebe then explained how I favored my wolf animagi form and it's results to Chris's horror. He looked green behind the gills and I merely shrugged and told him telepathically. (Sorry kid. I'd stop her if I could tell her why but you've made me promise otherwise. I'd find somewhere else to be if you don't want more details if I were you.)

He orbed our as if his ass was on fire and I left the girls to chat while I went to make sure Pandora went back to sleep. Piper's big day went off without a hitch and she although reluctantly, accepted her man sized gift. I gave her the golden cat statues from a temple reminiscent of Bastet.

Phoebe gave her the jewelry we'd picked up from what appeared to be a high priestesses personal chambers. I'd long since tested and weeded out the magical stuff for safety. Most of it was gold, diamonds and jade.

When Prue saw what we'd given Piper she exclaimed. "Oh my god! Is that real?"

I nodded and she told Piper. "If I'm right this stuff is worth a small fortune!"

Phoebe snorted. "It's not about the money. Damien and I found these things in a temple devoted to some cat goddess and we decided we'd give Piper a taste of the culture we enjoyed while we were away. Even little Dora found found a few of them."

Piper frowned. "Are they safe? I mean, they're not cursed are they? Because with our luck-"

Phoebe waved her off. "Don't worry Damien already checked them out and removed all the magical ones. Those are all the non magical ones except an ankle bracelet and a necklace. I kept the bracelet for myself and Dora got the necklace. It has a little golden cat head pendant on it she liked. That's the stuff we took from the high priestesses chambers. The rest of the stuff we had to burn as it was mostly cursed or hexed."

I gave Piper a nod. "It's safe, I give you my word. If it helps we can get Leo to wear it first. It'll be fun, like pin the tail on the donkey only it'll be pin the curse on the jackass."

Half the people at the table choked and coughed while the other half snickered. Piper had a wry smile and lightened up a bit. While she got her other gifts, I sensed some demons dying as the security system kicked in for the third time today. The barriers I'd put up were no joke and the elves and bots all had kill orders.

Phoebe turned to me and asked. "What is it?"

I smiled. "Just some demons dying again. They can't get passed the barriers I placed, even if they're upper level. It'll stop soon as their numbers seem to be depleted."

Piper frowned. "What? There are demons attacking?"

I chuckled. "Relax. They're just trying to get in but the barrier I put up is too strong for them so it's like a bug hitting an electric windshield at the speed of light. Instant death. Chris and Leo are already looking into it so take a break and relax. The barrier will last a week so just enjoy the demon free break as another birthday present."

She nodded but asked. "What if they get through though?"

I sighed. "Then they aren't a demon that's for sure. Besides, even if someone managed to get in, I'm here and I promised you some time to relax. I'll murd- I mean vanquish anything that comes in, in a way that will ensure non try it again. For now here-"

I waved a hand and a crystal appeared on the table. "Each time the glow flickers another demon dies."

It was flickering off and on for a bit before it stopped. She returned to her birthday party and enjoyed it and the man later on. Phoebe and I watched the kids while she had her fun and I put a silencing spell on her door and the walls for privacy.

Phoebe told me. "I added that knot thing you do to the perfect man list so she's in for a real treat."

I chuckled and held her while we watched the kids. A week later the barrier came down and 'the order', a demonic cult, showed up in force, only to be impaled on thousands of metal spikes and vanquished instantly. None survived from what I could tell.

That same day Richard, Paige's new boyfriend, cast a karma cleansing spell and Prue got the backfire. She'd ended up revealing her magical nature to Neal in a spectacular fashion by becoming the Mata Hari and nearly killing him after having him abducted by swarm demons.

The sisters saved them and he actually kept a cool head about it or as cool as any mortal fascinated by it could be. They'd only grown closer from the experience. Two weeks later with my decision made, I waited with Pandora at the house while Piper and her sisters took Wyatt to a preschool.

When Phoebe asked why I didn't want Pandora going, we discussed it like a married couple that didn't favor arguments. I told her about magic school and it having a daycare and preschool program as well as the accessibility of it from what I'd heard.

This one was unique in and of itself as it could drop a doorway right into a house for the the magical families to drop off and pick up their kids. Piper hadn't even considered it when I mentioned it to her because she was still on a normal childhood kick.

When they all orbed over because the door showed up and Wyatt sensed it before orbing home to see it, I waved to them as I bounced Pandora on my knee. "That would be magic school, though I didn't summon the door so you might want to be prepared Incase there's trouble."

They sent Wyatt to his play room and I sent Pandora as well so that they could play together. When the door opened and the teacher was beheaded before it closed again I chuckled. "Yup, just like my school though a lot more tame. We had mountain trolls, Cerberus's, basilisks, acromantula's and an entire forest of creatures beside it that would eat children alive should they enter."

Paige snorted. "Tame? That guy was beheaded!"

I shrugged. "He's alive are least. There's literal ghosts and a poltergeist at Hogwarts. Not to mention the magical plants and broom flying lessons all first years are required to learn. A headless horseman that doesn't even kill is pretty tame."

Phoebe rolled her eyes at me as she'd heard the stories. The head In question started talking to them but I ignored it. Instead I stepped over him and told them. "I'm gonna wonder the school and see what they have to offer. Who knows, even I might learn something. Call me if you need me."

I orbed Pandora into my arms and went inside. Phoebe just sighed. "That man is odd when it comes to learning new things."

I wandered the halls and saw a few classes still in session as well as a few that looked abandoned. I even found a room full of teacher's heads talking. It upset Pandora so I made them sing a song for her and we left to the sound of We are One from the lion king two movie.

The music traveled through the halls as my magic took it's effects and spread. Teachers stopped their classes to see where it was coming from and even students stopped floating around to see.

Pandora giggled as I sang along with it and made an illusion of the song sequence play throughout the halls as I walked them, carrying her in my arms. But the time we found the main hall where the headmaster was, the sisters were as well.

Phoebe looked at me amused by my singing to our daughter. I made Sigmund sing the baby lionesses lines until the end off the song and when it finished Pandora said in her little cute baby voice. "Dada."

I shed a tear right there. Phoebe was right there with me saying. "Her first words, awww! Damien make her say mama!"a

I tickled little Pandora saying. "Say mama, say mama! Come on."

She giggled more but it took Phoebe holding her for her to say. "Mama."

I would cherish this moment just like I cherished my other children's first words. When phoebe handed her back to me she asked. "Lion king?"

I chuckled. "I accidentally walked into a room full of heads and she was upset so I made them sing for her. I joined in and she seemed to change her mind as we continued on our way to here."

She nodded and I left them to it telling the student floating close to us. "Show me to the daycare. I want to see what this place has to offer."

The student looked to the elder by the desk whom told him. "Justin, it's fine, show him to the daycare. Perhaps you should take Piper here as well so that she may ease her mind's worries."

Justin lead the way while hovering. I walked with Pandora in my arms and Justin asked. "Aren't you worried the headless horseman will get to her?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly. A simple summoned being from a book can't hurt me and it trying would only take me a mere glance to destroy it or banish it back to it's book. I could care less about a headless horseman or the idiot that summoned it."

He looked confused but I ignored it and went inside the classroom he presented. Piper thanked him and I set Pandora down saying. "Look love, more friends."

She wobbled over to a kid floating and spinning with the others and she mimicked them with her own abilities. I saw it was tiring her so I helped her by supporting her magic. She could play with them indefinitely now while I fueled whatever magic she needed while she played.

I sighed and stood next to Piper. "I get that you want a normal life for Wyatt but what you have to understand is that normal for him and Dora is different then what mortals consider normal. It's not better or worse, just different. If you insist on putting him in a different school then here then I need to warn you it would be kind of you to bind his powers like your grams did for you or he'll always be an outcast there. Here he's just another normal boy, albeit special in his own way, but normal to all the other children."

She bit her lip and sighed. "I get it, I do, it's just Grams-"

I stopped her there. "Don't think like that. You aren't your grams. You're stronger in both character and heart. She bound your powers and did what she had to do to keep you alive and as happy as she could but you have a better opportunity before you."

Smiling I continued. "A path that doesn't require you to bind his powers. But if you'd rather it, I'll take his powers and store them with Dora's until he's of age or old enough to use them wisely. I must warn you though, it won't change the fact that he'll be in danger. His mother is a charmed one after all."

She shook her head slowly. "No, I don't want his powers bound."

I chuckled. "Then the kinder thing you can do is to let him go to a magical school like this one. If this one isn't suitable there are others. Age ranges for admissions varies but they are all available to him I'm sure. Just think on it because any magical school is better than a mortal one for a magical child."

She went silent and the teacher returned. After asking a few questions on safety issues and what kind of an enrollment process I'd have to go through to have Pandora allowed in, I told the teacher I'd discuss it with my wife who was busy at the moment and get back to her.

I called Pandora over and told her. "Wave goodbye to your new friends. We're going to go see you cousin Wyatt now."

She understood and did some baby speak while waving erratically. The kids she was playing with waved back and I orbed us home. There I set her down beside Wyatt to play with him. Prue had stayed to watch him and with me here now she could go check out the magic school.

I sang a few cartoon songs I knew to them while they played. After a while I sensed Piper returning with Paige and Leo. Chris stopped in. "I'll look after them if you've got something to do."

I gave him a once over before sighing. "No demons Chris. Tell your friend to piss off or I'll dust him then give you the spanking you deserve for messing with time."

He shivered before orbing away and coming back a few minutes later and I stood up. "I know you're trying to do good and help but demons aren't the way to do that."

I flames into the parlor room as the students were brought in. I asked Paige. "Where's Phoebe?"

She sighed. "She's on some big vision quest in some cave in the school."

I nodded and turned to the kids. "Knock it off or I'll strip all your powers until you've proven you can use them without acting like eight year olds!"

They all heard my threat and turned to me before quelling under my hard gaze. They followed Paige into the parlor and I grabbed the one under an invisibility illusion, dragging him into the parlor before the rest. I broke his magic and revealed the telepath of the bunch, Zachary.

I took his power of telepathy as he tried to enter my mind and made a stool before bending him over my knee in front of the rest and tanning his ass. He screamed and cried like a child who was both humiliated and was afraid of the consequences.

When I finished and he fell to the floor holding his ass, I stood up. "Trying to enter my mind was the dumbest move you made but the second dumbest was thinking a silly illusion could fool my eyes. Now I know you don't have that kind of power so who were you channeling boy?"

He didn't answer and I raised an eyebrow. "Answer me or I'll continue spanking you until you do. I've taken your power so don't think of trying to pull any crap with me."

He failed to answer so I continued until he squealed about all of his misdeeds. The other students wanted to laugh but choked themselves when the saw my glare. I turned to Paige. "Take Piper to Paige and when she's done with her vision quest banish the silly headless horseman."

One of the students raised a hand. "Actually, I should be able to do it since he used my ability to conjure it."

I nodded. "Very well, why don't you all go together. Once everything is settled there Leo, you can have Gideon pick up his wayward student and his power."

I set the orb of power in a sack and handed it to Leo before looking at the still sobbing boy. His backside would be purple for a while and sitting will be impossible for a couple weeks but he'll live and hopefully learn from the mistakes he made.

Chris came out holding Wyatt and Pandora. "Even in the future your spankings are legendary. It's rumor that you spanked the Source when he eventually made his come back. He supposedly cried for days while fearing to come out of the underworld while you remained on the surface."

I rolled my eyes. "I doubt that, although it sounds like me."

The students all looked at me with fear as Leo had to heal Zachary's ass a bit so it didn't swell up like a baboon's. I took the babies and headed back to their playroom where I let them play with miniature magical creature toys I made. Phoebe came home a few hours later with great news.

She'd found her inner animagi and seen a vision of the future. In it she said she was pregnant with our second daughter and that Wyat looked about four or five years old at the time and he had a younger brother. She didn't elaborate but she said Paige was a teacher at magic school and so was I.

I chuckled when I heard that. "I was a teacher before so I guess it's only right."

She smiled and sighed. "I guess it's time I complete the animagi potion."

I nodded. "Tomorrow, I'll pull some strings and make a lightning storm tomorrow. For now let's relax and let me tell you about the magical school's child programs."

I shared with her all the stuff the teacher had mentioned and told her my thoughts ending with. "I'm for it but this must be both our decision. If you don't want her going there I'll find another place or we can home school her. Whatever we do it must be our decision to do so."

Phoebe agreed but said she'd like to wait until Pandora was at least two before we take her to magical school on a permanent basis. Until then we'd only take her to play with the other babies and one of us would always be there to watch over her.

I agreed with her sentiment and promised I'd always be available to watch over her if she was busy with work or charmed duties. Later that evening we all relaxed at P4 and had a few drinks.

Leo stayed at the house to look after the kids and when Chris showed up, Phoebe excused herself, following him to the back room where he usually relaxed.

Piper was confused by the meaning of Phoebe's parting words of Wyatt not being an only child so I thought time I excused myself as well. "That's enough fun for me for one night. Can you tell Phoebe I'll be at home whenever she's done here?"

Paige nodded. "Yeah sure. So, Zachary wanted to thank you by the way, for setting him straight."

I shrugged it off. "All he needed is to know that someone cared enough to actually punish him. Did Gideon give back his power?"

She nodded. "Yeah, he's a telepath again and he's not in school anymore. He's spending some time with his parents before they re-evaluate him coming back to school."

I nodded and headed outside to the car and flame traveled home. Phoebe had the keys so it was fine and besides, she had access to my powers so she could flame travel as well if she wanted.

That night when she got home, she chewed me out for not telling her Chris was her nephew and I explained that I'd given my word besides she didn't tell me she suspected him of being our nephew either.

I was still in the dog house and sleeping on the couch but it was fine for now. In actuality I had told her it's just that she didn't remember it. A couple days later Phoebe went off with Chris on charmed business and I went to magic school to read their books and watch Pandora play.

I read up on all the magic's the school had to offer and many it only knew about. In the span of a day I'd read their entire library, all while watching pandora play, using a cloning ability. After the clones disappeared, I removed the ability and gave it to the lifelike Eldritch horror most know as Cthulhu.

It delved back into the deep abyss of my psyche to protect my core along with all the other eldritch horrors and beings I made to protect my very being from being wiped away.

This time I'd hid the core of my mind inside a section of my soul so that I could not truly be wiped away or defeated. I could however be possessed still though very few beings could accomplish such a feat especially now. And none of them were in this reality.

If the Source or the hollow sought to take me over now, all they would find is a void so vast they themselves would be trapped inside for eternity with no way out. Pandora got sleepy so I decided to take her home, and that's when I felt it, Phoebe dying.

I flame traveled to her side and heard Chris telling the female demon. "You've no idea what you've done! He's going to destroy this world and every demon with it if she dies!"

I reached down, still invisible and healed Phoebe while the demon snorted and left. I sensed Leo doing the same for Piper and soon only Paige was the only one dead. Chris was apologizing to them when Phoebe wound up in her body again, taking a deep breath.

Chris freaked out. "How?"

I revealed myself holding Pandora and healing Phoebe. I sighed. "The ring would've healed her any way but I sensed her dying and decided to spare the ring the magic an do it myself as it was quicker."

Phoebe sat up and smiled. "Hey you."

I grinned. "Hello love, our daughter is asleep so I'll be taking her to bed to tuck her in. Do you have things from here?"

She nodded and Paige asked. "What about me?"

Phoebe told her. "We'll need you to posses Jenny and get her to wish Richard free. After that Chris can heal you or Richard can wish you and Piper back to life."

I sighed. "Piper is already alive. I felt Leo healing her when I was healing you."

Paige threw her hands up. "Great, I'm the only one dead now."

I rolled my eyes. "It could be worse, you could be in hell for example."

I tried to kick my shin and I merely flame traveled home with Pandora. After I tucked her in, I set the security up and traveled to where Phoebe was. When I arrived, they finished the wish to set Richard free and killed the three thieves that were with their big boss Jenny.

Richard wished Paige alive again and I took the lamp from him as it appeared in my hand after it disappeared from his. I looked at the genie inside and growled. "Come out!"

Jenny the genie now, came out and I made a stool out of a rock before sitting down and taking her over my knee. By the time I'd released her, she'd screamed enough to attract the leftover thieves hidden in the barrier where they held their horde of treasure.

With a wave all the treasure went inside my bottomless pouch and a thought incinerated the demon thieves. Jenny was on the ground holding her ass while crying when Phoebe asked. "That's great and all but what about the giant evil city?"

I smiled. "I'll purify it's and add it's power to the manor. It will become the ultimate seat of power on earth for good or evil as whomever holds the manor will get a magical boost in power. I suspect the city is on top of a nexus just like the manor is so all I'll need to do is take it in and move the ley lines over top the manor's. That way I'll get stronger and so will all those that reside inside the manor though their magical boost will be more gradual."

I went outside and heard Richard ask. "Can he do that?"

Chris spoke up. "If it's him, I don't see why not. Logic really doesn't apply to him, nor does the laws of reality as it seems. You just watched him spank an upper level demon into confessing all her sins and she's a genie."

I went into the heart of Zanzibar and brought forth an ocean of holy oil and living flames. I baked and boiled the entire city and the nexus I felt below it in holy oil. Wen it stopped after several days, I washed the black goop away with a rainstorm. I summoned with a spell.

The sands south of it turned black as the goop settled below the dunes and I covered it like the city once was. I traveled to just above the nexus and chanted. "Natum Adai Necral, Daya Intay Layok!"

The nexus, the pool of energy gathered at the center of a massive pentagram shaped ley line convergence, rose up and entered my body. It's power multiplied my own magic supply in my blood by a factor of ten. The power it contained augmented my own powers and gave me a few more like the ability to send out extremely powerful blasts of energy and see all within the ley line convergence and what I was hoping for, to be able to shift and move said ley lines.

With a thought the city crumbled to dust as they were just empty buildings anyway. I closed my eyes and took hold of the ley lines before moving them almost instantaneously over the existing ones around the manor in San Francisco. It caused a storm in the desert where the city was before but it was fine as no one really lived there and everyone else had returned to the manor.

When I arrived, I dried my clothes with a thought and hid the power I'd drained from the nexus inside my soul where my power of a nature god resided. I locked it away inside myself for when I needed it and acted like nothing had changed.

The avatars hadn't noticed it as I'd cloaked my powers from them with my soul before I'd acted. Phoebe asked when she saw me there. "Is everything ok? Do I need to do the Woogyman spell?"

I shook my head. "No, and it wouldn't work anyway. The Woogyman is a demon your Grams trapped inside the nexus below the manor when it tried to devour the nexus's power. It's still there, tainting and corrupting the nexus and making it easy for evil to get into this house. Although it's unable to consume the nexus anymore."

She frowned. "Wait, seriously? How do you know that?"

I summoned a book and handed it to her. "It's your grandmother's. I found it in the attic and read it after I found reference to the nexus at the magic school. It's her account of the fight and how she banished it, trapping it below with the nexus for all eternity. Unfortunately she didn't notice the side affects but I did just now when I moved the ley lines and fused them, making the nexus here stronger and larger."

Phoebe took the book and Piper asked. "Well, what do we do?"

I shrugged. "We can summon it and destroy the nexus pool of energy, destroying the Woogyman with it and it's influence or I can destroy the Woogyman with my blades, take it's power and absorb this nexus. It's not like either would affect your powers and the nexus of energy will just pool here once more as time passes."

"It's a collection of magical elemental energy that's neutral after all. The ley lines empower those that own the house and the nexus is like a bonus gift of power for those who reside here and are strong enough to take it. From what I understand of it your Grams tapped into the energy in the sixties for a magical high. Or to ride the wave as she puts it in her journals."

Paige spoke up. "Right on Grams!"

Piper snorted. "Grams wasn't a flower child-"

Leo spoke up. "Actually she was. I remember those days. I was a new whitelighter and-"

I covered his mouth. "Don't make it any worse. I really don't think they want to hear about your wild times with their grandmother."

Each of the girls looked a bit sick. Piper shook her head. "Keep that to yourself please. Last thing I want to know about is I'd slept with the same man Grams did."

I chuckled and let give of Leo's mouth. "You're welcome."

Leo asked. "Why not split it between the three sisters?"

I sighed. "Because none of them are ready for that sort of power boost. Hell, I'm not either. I locked the power of the nexus I did take inside myself and I'm not touching it until I am ready. Unfortunately none of them have immortal souls so they can't do the same. Prue's our as well because her body is immortal but her soul isn't yet strong enough to bare it alone. You're an elder so I instinctively don't trust you because you've proven you'll choose duty over family."

I turned to Chris. "While you're immortal thanks to your whitelighter half, you haven't experienced enough like Prue. Unfortunately your fiancé is a wild card and the kids are out of the question. That leaves only me with the know how and the ability to do so."

"If we don't do it then the Woogyman will only spread to all the extra power the nexus is pooling and a cleaned nexus actually attracts even more trouble. The Woogyman is actually acting like a cloak of sorts for most of the powers out there as they can't sense it beyond the evil itself."

I summoned more books and set them on the table. "Read up and prove me wrong but it's the only path I see other than destroying it and wasting the power it can provide to protect the babies and our future. Well, now that I think about it, there might be one other way."

Piper asked. "What's that?"

I sighed and summoned my swords and showing them their fused state of a claymore like sword. At the end of the handle lay the coin, the eye of Providence I'd taken long ago as my own.

I took the coin out and showed them. "This is how I can take powers with my soul swords. It's a binding stone linked to my very soul but it's only effect is to take in magic and power and transfer it to the wielder. If I take the nexus's power into this then it can stay there indefinitely or until I take it out. I don't actually need to absorb the nexus, only store it. It won't even effect my ability to take powers, not that I use my blades often anyway, but I can pick and choose what I take out of it."

Phoebe asked. "Why is it glowing with power right now? What's inside it?"

I chuckled. "It's my secret stash of powers for emergencies. I may or may not have killed a few powerful beings with it. The green glow is my own soul's connection to it though."

Leo sighed. "I can live with that. So long as you swear not to merge with it unless you absolutely need to."

I shook my head. "When I'm ready for it as well. I've no intentions of crippling my ability to get stronger by an oath that my honor will demand I keep. I'll not take it in unless it's an emergency or if I'm ready to make it my own. I fear it'll be many years before I'm ready regardless but that's all I'm willing to promise."

Phoebe spoke up. "I'm fine with it."

Piper sighed. "Me too, especially if it gets the evil out of this house."

Paige agreed and Prue followed from across the phone line. Piper had called her as this was basically a family meeting. Chris shrugged. "It's not up to me but I gotta say his future self already had it when I came from. There was nothing and no one more powerful and yet he didn't use that power, like at all."

I shrugged. "The evil in question was our own kids, I wouldn't have even if I could. Killing them isn't the answer and you know that or you wouldn't be here trying to change the future."

We went down inside the basement and I summoned the nexus, stabbing the black fog with my blade. The coin shined and the powers of the Woogyman went inside. The nexus hit me like a ton of bricks as it entered my body as the most neutral person in the room.

I clamped down right on the power and channeled it all into the binding stone. It glowed brightly for a moment then went back to normal as I sighed. "It's done."

I waved a hand and repaired the basement floor. "There. The new nexus pool will form over the next few decades. I've placed a barrier around it to keep evil from tapping into it. It should last against all but the source."

We went back to our usual daily routines and every now and then I'd use the magic schools book references to find the other five nexus's around the world and capture one, laying the ley lines over the manor's and fusing them, making it much stronger.

I'd fused all the nexus energy pools inside the coin except the one I'd taken in for myself by the time darklighter's started causing a ruckus. When Piper and Leo went missing and Chris started fading on Wyatt's first birthday, I watched over Chris and reassured him they'd be fine so long as they continued to look for them.

Phoebe almost asked for my help a few times but stopped herself, knowing I wouldn't interfere unless they were truly in danger of dying. When an angel of death appeared in the house, Chris recognized him. Unfortunately for the Angel, he had abilities I wanted.

My blade ran him through and absorbed his powers as I took them into my coin. Another angel of death appeared and I told her. "Piss off unless you want to end up like the last one."

She fled like her hair caught fire. I told Chris. "You don't need to worry about dying Chris, you need to worry about Leo and Piper screwing or you'll be unmade and that I can't stop. It's not death but ceasing to exist in the first place."

He went upstairs to hurry up the sisters as he knew I wasn't lying. When they finally saved Leo and Piper, I healed Leo and he left to see Gideon. Piper however was left for her sisters to care for as Chris had returned in full corporeal form.

Three months later I took Phoebe to her high school reunion after stopping her from reading the spell she'd made in her class yearbook. As it was something for her, I bought us fancy clothes and her jewelry and we went with Paige.

The former guidance councilor got snooty with her saying she never took advice and I chuckled. "Well, the wise don't listen to fools so I'm rather happy she's found her own path instead of listening to one who clearly needs her advice."

Phoebe blushed and I took the name tags before leading her away from the outraged woman that reminded me of a certain road faced racist that once worked for the ministry of magic in London.

Phoebe thanked me but I just smiled. "I meant every word love. Wisdom comes from experience and she's clearly only ever experienced what she can control. You're much wiser than a simpering hateful woman like her."

She hugged my arm and Paige took the name tags and put them on us. When we entered the gymnasium, all eyes turned to us as we were in very expensive clothes. Even my diamond encrusted Rolex and both girl's jewelry, specifically the sapphire necklace on page and the emerald one on Phoebe, attracted attention.

Phoebe muttered. "Whoah, that's a lot of anger and jealousy I'm feeling."

I chuckled. "It must be directed at me then, for being at your side love. These mortals wish to mate with you from the smell of the pheromones in the air."

Paige scrunched up her face. "Ew."

I chuckled and we heard a woman calling for Phoebe. She asked for Phoebe's autograph and Phoebe agreed agreed and introduced me as her billionaire philanthropist husband who donated to hundreds of causes a year. It was true in a way as I'd stopped having Prue put the money in my accounts and instead had her find worthy causes to give it to.

I figured after a hundred billion there was no need to add more to the pot and thus my name had spread throughout the world as a unseen but well known philanthropist. She told her friend about Pandora and when another person joined us, Todd as he'd introduced himself, I smelled his lust for her.

I didn't mind so long as he didn't act on it and from his bitchy wife's attitude, she feared he might. Paula, as she called herself, called Phoebe Freebie and I coldly spoke to her. "She may have been a wild child but it seems you're the only child here woman. Perhaps if you'd keep your husband satisfied he wouldn't list after others. So here's some free advice for you in my wife's place, try being a little less bitchy and a little more attentive to your husbands needs. After all, he might just be the one to pull the stick out your ass lady."

Phoebe choked on her drink before laughing while her friend Ramona and Paige laughed their asses off. Todd wasn't amused and took a swing at me. He broke his hand on my jaw and I smiled. "You're a lawyer, so you'll understand if I sue you for assault now. Your mortgage will be pretty hard to pay for from behind bars and I assure you my lawyers aren't ambulance chasers like yourself."

Phoebe tapped my arm shaking her head and I sighed. "Fine, since Phoebe doesn't want you to pay to dearly all you'll have to worry about is your own doctors bills."

I took Phoebe's arm while she apologized to them and led her gently to the dance floor while Paige hung out with Ramona. When we arrived on the dance floor Paige told me. "Thank you. You didn't have to defend me like that."

I scoffed. "I'm your husband, so yes I did love. Besides, that woman clearly needed it said to her. We've all done a lot of things in our youths that we regret or look fondly on, myself included. She's just so wrapped up in the past that she forgets she's no longer there."

Phoebe sighed and swayed to the music with me. "Yeah but seeing my ex like that and being reminded of my past is a different thing altogether."

I shook my head. "Not really. You're no longer the girl who did those things. You're the woman who learned from them and gives advise, loves our daughter and me. Why should you or I care whom you've been with or what you've done badly before us. Besides, it's not like I was ever an innocent child either, so I'm most certainly not going to be the one to judge."

She kissed me and the world fell away around us as only we mattered in that moment, swaying to the music and reveling in our shared kiss. When we pulled away she frowned saying. "You're right, I don't need to be here or feel all the rotten jealousy in the air. Let's go home."

I chuckled. "Of course love, but first you owe your old friend an autograph. You gave your word after all."

She sighed and I chuckled. "Don't worry, she's already got the magazine and marker in her purse."

I led her to the table and she gave Ramona her autograph before we left with Paige. The limo outside I'd rented took us home where we dealt with some scabber demons before retiring for the evening. With some vigorous and lengthy sex, Phoebe was most certainly not thinking of the past anymore.

Another three months passed of demon battles and fights for the girls while Pandora was safe with me in magic school most of the time or at least safe in her room playing with Wyatt. I heard about the attack from the spider demon and watched from afar as they handled it.

I'd given Phoebe one of my blades just in case they needed it but in the end she'd drained it's powers with my own. I had to remove the powers from her and cleanse them while she cleansed herself in the holy oil.

A big no fun moment for her. Leo looked like he'd been hit by a car when they brought him home and I merely sighed when I saw him. "He really doesn't like you does he? But then you're technically innocent as you hadn't yet abandoned him yet. From what he's told me he turned to his grandpa and I for guidance while you stuck your head in the clouds and ignored him. You apparently weren't even there for him when Piper and Paige died in his future. You'd left him alone with only his grandfather and Phoebe to turn to as I'd been irreconcilable."

Piper frowned. "That's sort of sweet and all but why would you be irreconcilable for us and not Phoebe?"

I snorted. "Don't get me wrong Piper, I care about you and Paige but it wasn't like that. He told me what happened and I can understand why at least, I'd left the world to burn. It turns out Wyatt kills both you and Paige and Dora, following his example, kills her younger siblings."

"Wyatt tried ending Phoebe as well and I got in his way, giving Dora the opportunity to do so. They were both family so I couldn't outright kill them for it so I'm the end I turned the pain inwards and fell to pieces. Phoebe was the only one I spoke to after that until he came for the time turner and my advice on getting to the past. I stopped asking after that so I don't know the details."

They all grew solemn and I sighed telling Phoebe. "It seems you were the stronger one after all."

She hugged me and asked. "How many siblings?"

I chuckled softly. "Two, both girls. But then, I don't know if knowing changes things or not. After all time is wonky when magic is involved. That's why I never mess with it unless I know every outcome."

She said confidently. "We'll definitely have them."

I hugged her and turned to Leo. "So now you know why he's so mad. Talking won't change it, at least not right away. You're walking down the same path albeit differently as you're an elder now but your head is still in the clouds and he sees history repeating itself all over again."

He sat up and I waved a hand, healing him like a whitelighter can only from a distance and nearly instantaneously. He sighed. "There's nothing I can do about that now. I'm an elder, it's who and what I am."

I shrugged. "And i'm one of the most powerful beings to walk the earth and yet I'm still and always will be a father and husband first. You've already made your position clear and he sees it. Soon enough Wyatt will see it as well. I can't and won't argue with you over your choices, I'm just stating facts. You have to choose which you are in the end because your sons and Piper will always need you, just like your fellow elders need you up there. You can't have it both ways, they won't let you."

I pulled Phoebe with me and we went upstairs to let them talk it out while we worked through our own issues. One month later Phoebe and Paige had been picking up the slack as Piper had chosen to stay at magic school with Wyatt until she gives birth again.

When Phoebe and Paige got word of Darryl being in jail for murder, got involved and went with them, leaving Pandora with Wyatt and Piper in magic school. We went to visit Derryl and saw the tape of him gunning down a helpless man.

I stopped Phoebe and Paige from speaking and told Darryl. "You've my word you weren't responsible for this and will be out by the end of the day."

He started asking questions but I stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Darryl, when have I ever failed to keep my word to you?"

He sighed. "Never. I get it, I do. I just hope it happens soon."

I nodded. "It'll be as fast as I can manage it but you know it can be anywhere from an hour, to a second before midnight and I'll still keep my word."

He breathed out relieved now and I helped Phoebe up as I held her chair out. "We've places to be and Cleaners to see."

Phoebe asked. "You think they're responsible?"

I nodded. "Who else but them? You both go make a scene in the middle of town, I've another being to deal with."

I left them there and went to the police precinct and froze time around it and abducted Inspector Sheridan. I tossed her and the thing inside her in my inner world in stasis before flame traveling to Phoebe's side as I felt time stop around her.

The Cleaners had appeared and asked. "Why are you doing this?"

Phoebe spoke up. "It's the only way we know how to get in touch with you."

Paige asked. "A friend of ours, Darryl Morris, is in jail for murder. Are you the ones behind it?"

The one that spoke up told us. "We were just cleaning up your mess. Magic had been exposed."

Paige told them. "We've been doing fine cleaning up our own messes thank you."

The same Cleaner replied. "But this one you didn't even know about. You were being followed and recorded."

I spoke now. "And yet you could've just erased the tape and the memory of the one who followed them. You're the one who chose to make an example of Darryl. Am I right? Perhaps it was you who tipped off the one who followed them as well?"

I moved faster than he could react and buried my soul sword in his gut as I stared him in the eyes. "You brought this on yourself."

He screamed and burst as his powers traveled into my sword and through it, into me. I turned to his counter part. "I'll be calling a meeting with your bosses and if I find out that you had a hand in it as well, you'll be joining him."

I moved and appeared beside Phoebe and Paige waving a hand and reversing time in a local area to undo what they'd done to summon the Cleaners. I flame traveled all three of us to magic school while time started up again.

We appeared next to Gideon and I called Leo down. I told Gideon. "We need to speak with the bosses of the Cleaners. Phoebe and Paige can fill you in when we get there."

Gideon asked. "Are you sure? It's not something done lightly."

I glared at him coldly as pure magic and power radiated from my being. He gulped before nodding. "Very well. We'll need to go to the tribunal."

He remote orbed us and followed. Once there I looked over the artifact in the center that forces the truth out by reading minds and thoughts. I walked over it and felt it trying to read the vast emptiness where my mind should be. Smiling when it failed to find anything. I chuckled. "Cute toy."

Gideon asked. "How are you able to resist it's powers?"

I snorted. "My mind isn't so easy to get into anymore. After the hollow and the source rampaged and broke inside it, I rebuilt my defenses from the ground up to ensure I'd never be so easy to influence again. I dare say nothing in all of creation can break into my mind anymore. Not even all the magical beings in the world working together could do so."

He frowned. "How did you manage that?"

I shrugged. "I went four billion years back in time and meditated the entire time, building my mental defenses to the point were even artifacts like this are mere toys by comparison."

Phoebe and Paige filled them in on what happened and Gideon asked. "You killed a Cleaner?"

I shrugged. "Their job is to remain neutral and protect magic. They could've just erased the tape and the mind of the one who saw it but instead they chose to get a man imprisoned and possibly on death row. Clearly an aggressive and evil act and one I hope to rectify. If the Cleaners can't remain neutral then you've got bigger problems then just one dying. Besides, the tribunal can empower another for the task later. One who can remain neutral."

He nodded before summoning the tribunal. When they demanded. "What reason have you to call upon the tribunal?"

Gideon spoke up. "To challenge the actions of the Cleaners on behalf of-"

I cut in. "Me!"

I looked at each of them before sneering. "I asked him to summon you to demand an answer for the actions of the Cleaners. One you will provide me or I will destroy each and every one of you."

I glared at each of them and turned to the demons as well. The tribunal members said a few choice words and one of the demons challenged. "You don't have the power. Not even when you were the Source!"

I flicked my wrist and my blade flew into his large projected head and into his actual body in the deep bowels of the underworld. He screamed and caught fire before my sword returned to me with his powers.

I glared at the rest. "Does anyone else think I cannot destroy them?"

They were silent and I nodded. "Good. Then my wife and her sister will present my case. Feel free to choose a representative for yourselves as well. Either way you will give me a satisfactory answer today and pray nothing happens to Darryl Morris in the meantime."

I sent Phoebe all she needed to know about winning the case and summoned seats and a table for everyone to sit in. While theirs were basic chairs, mine and Phoebe's were different. Here's was a replica of her office chair and mine was a lazy boy off to the side.

I sat down and closed my eyes as my body relaxed and I meditated. They summoned Barbas, the demon of fear, only this time they also summoned the second Cleaner right off the bat as well.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C142
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


