37.56% A True Beginning / Chapter 74: Ch.16

章 74: Ch.16

The first few days went like the show in essence not that I could really tell as I'd sealed away most of my future knowledge and only unraveled it as it pertained to my own plans. My warriors settled in like any other city ship they'd been on and made Atlantis home.

The city welcomed them as each were enhanced with the ancient gene therapy and had the potential for more. Every piece of technology in the city hummed to life when they went to use it.

When the Athosian's came through the stargate in disarray my warriors helped to calm them and show them where to stay. When Teyla Emmagan, the Athosian leader came through the city sensors that had since been repaired by yours truly detected the wraith beacon.

My warriors surrounded her and I shooed them away as I took the necklace she wore and deactivated it before tossing it back to her saying. "The necklace you were wearing is a part of a wraith dart, the homing beacon to be exact. The city detected it and I disarmed it just now. It will activate again if one with the ancient's DNA in them touches it."

Major Shepherd cursed before saying. "It was me that must've activated it when I touched it. That's why they sent the ships."

I nodded. "Probably. Either way you've more ancient genes than most so I'd be careful what you touch next time. As for Sumner, I'm sorry for your loss but I won't be reviving him."

He frowned. "You can do that? Wait, why not? If you have the power to."

I shook my head. "I could but the Wraith feed on essence, the life force and soul of someone. I'd have to have the wraith in question or give up an equal amount of my own essence."

My warriors trembled before Kreshna shook his head. "You must not my lord!"

I smiled sadly. "Don't worry, I won't. I need what I now have and believe it or not it was the Colonel's time. The wraith are animal bug hybrids, like humans are technically animals themselves. It is the natural order for him to die at the hands of another and as such I won't be reviving him. Kreshna, take a ship and destroy the wraith at that planet. Retrieve his body and put it in stasis your be shipped back to earth. I'll temporarily open a wormhole connection for him to be sent back."

Kreshna bowed and called to his platoon and soon enough he was off on a retrieval mission. Alice went with him to absorb all the essence into a special jar I'd spent the last few months making. It would hold all the essence of the wraith killed and when it's time my wives would absorb it after they ascend and open the door for the full ascension.

I'd spent days talking to the godly bartender about how they could ascend. Basically they would cut their connection to Sineya when they ascended partially to where the ancient's set up stakes. That would leave both Buffy and Faith free to ascend as goddesses in their own right.

As for Alice, Lexi and Sam, they would need a bit more essence than the average ascended being and a lot more than Buffy and Faith as going from mortal souls to goddesses will be a feat few souls are capable of in any reality.

For now though I watched with amusement as they explored and had their fun. The Athosian people were settling in nicely now that everything was clear and they were safe again. That is until one of the children while playing hide and seek nearly let out a being the ancients were studying for ascension.

I found the entity amusing when I sent the child back to his parents. When the room was clear again and Rodney stopped asking what it was as I shoved the ancient data recorder in his face and told him to piss off, I sealed the room and unleashed the entity.

It spread out like a dark wave searching for energy until it hit my magical barrier. It tried to feed on it and when it did so I acted, binding it's essence to my own like shackles. I forged a bond with it as my will overcame it's own and it became my slave of sorts. It would do nicely as a cloak.

With a thought, it formed around me, fusing with my clothes and forming a shimmering cloak. I could feel it's hunger and need so I fed it some magic. It purred in satisfaction and settled down. When I released the barrier and it felt the energy from the generator it gave a sort of mental pout but didn't do more as it knew from the bond that I had great things it could feed on if it behaved itself.

I now wore the ancient's clothes like most of my warriors did during down time with the exception of the shimmering black silky cloak the hovered behind me like it was blowing gently in the wind but making no sound.

While it was true it would grow if fed, it could inherently compact itself to any six no matter the energy it fed on. Rodney bugged me about the entity when he'd found out what I'd done to it and asked to study it.

I made him a counter offer saying. "You can study it if it can eat you in exchange. Don't worry, it wouldn't physically munch down more as drain you of all life and energy leaving you a withered husk."

He grimaced and I smirked. "Thought so. The ancients gave up on studying it by their own notes and only kept it because they couldn't figure out how to put it back where they got it from without it feeding on everything and one along the way. Leave it be."

A week later Buffy went with John, Tayla and Rodney on an scout of a new planet with the puddle jumper as John called it. They came back in bad shape and Buffy had to magic the jumper through the gate when it got stuck. When I saw the Iratus bug I grimaced and ripped it off of John in a smooth motion that left him screaming and bleeding. I healed him with potentia energy as I essentially knitted his wound closed on a cellular level.

I needed practice with it anyway. I flushed the bug's venom and it's DNA modifications out of him before watching him sweat blue juice for a bit. When he was done panting and burning up he saw the bug still struggling in my hand saying. "Get that thing away from me!"

I held up the bug and crushed it before my hand caught fire and burned all traces of it from existence. When I was done with the flashy show I told him. "It's called an iratus bug. It's what turned the first humans in this galaxy into wraith."

He freaked out until I pointed out. "I burned the venom and it's effects out of your body as I repaired the damage. You're as human as you were before the bug bit you. You're also damn lucky because if it had taken effect and you'd began turning, the process is irreversible through technological means. Truly an apex species to cause such permanent changes."

My comment was lost on the group except Buffy who seemed to take in my words with amusement. John grimaced and I left his gurney while he was taken to Carson, the expedition's senior medical doctor. I spent the rest of the day with Sam while she did security checks on occasion and started her own learning of the ancients technological advances.

We'd come to an agreement that everything she found on Atlantis and learned all about she could give to the humans. The stuff she learned solely from me she'd keep to herself unless the situation called for it. I did end up sneaking off and going to the cultural experiment room where a civilization builder game like console lay.

It was connected to a satellite system that relayed my instructions in real time to the humans of a planet here in the Pegasus galaxy. I spent hours daily instructing the humans there on building a structurally sound society an working together as equals with their neighbors.

By the time Rodney and Radek, a scientist from the Czech Republic of earth, found the ceiling door to the gate ship room, aka the puddle jumpers, I'd already made significant progress in turning both societies there into a cohesive whole. They were as advanced now as nineteen twenties America.

They knew that I was from another world and took my wisdom as it was. I'd gotten around to visiting them a few times and teaching them in person. I'd actually found they each carry the ancient's DNA. They had begun developing telepathic and psychic tendencies as their brains developed.

That was the reason they developed so fast, they were nearly as advanced as their ancestors and the ones who put them their. When I figured that out I recalled the experiment's secondary purpose, to help them solve the ascension mysteries and their evolutionary development process.

I began teaching them in earnest with telepathic communications instead of consoles. It was far easier for me to connect with the thousands of minds at once now than before I'd taken the second database of ancient knowledge from Jack.

I'd found it odd at first until I realized the potentia energy was mostly mental based. I looked inwards and found my own mind scape and brain in general was flooded with it as it strengthened my mind with a qualitative change.

It wasn't noticeable at first because I'd been focusing it on creating stars of power but now that I no longer directed it as the stars were an automatic creation process now, the extra energy the seeds gave off was soaking my mind in it's energies and strengthening everything. My memories was slowly beginning to become not just eidetic but photographic as well.

I could recall things with clarity as if I were seeing and experiencing them all over again. My essence was being effected as well but I couldn't quite tell how yet. I did know though that it would make the ascension process easier.

By the time the Athosians decided to settle on the main land as they felt they needed to do something more than stick around, I'd helped the people of the experimental planet reach the goa'uld level technologically and the Nox level in spiritual growth.

They'd begun sharing everything with each other as they evolved further. They even began to show signs of precognitive abilities and healing like an advanced ancient could. I felt the changes in them as they reached a point technologically that they'd understood how and what the consoles and even the stargates were.

I taught them more until I was informed of the planet where the kids were committing suicide to stay within a EMP bubble that the ancient's had set up with one of their devices. When I one of the citizens of the planet heard my stray thought of them taking the children in and teaching them like I'd been doing for them, their leaders approached me to ask where the children were.

I gave them the gate address and moved the stargate orbiting their planet to the surface where they could use it. I installed an energy iris like Atlantis has and built them an advanced DHD to use. When they contacted the kids there and began taking them in, I set up a series of ancient war satellites that would protect their planet from invasion by space.

After I set them in orbit around their star system and coded them to only attack the wraith, I told them about it and while they were grateful they asked that I teach them the defensive technologies like shields and the like.

I agreed readily as I could see inside them and only saw an honest and pure curiosity. They wanted no part of war, they would only defend if it came to it and hide with illusions or flee if it were possible. If not, only then would they fight back with a ferocity matching even my warriors.

I'd instilled martial arts into them as a way to hone the body and mind into a clear focus in the beginning. Now each of them were as fit as the Jaffa once were and with their telekinetic and psychic abilities they made a hell of an enemy of cornered.

The Atlantis team was notified that the kids had been taken off world and adopted by an older advanced race of people. On occasion I saw a few of the children and kids learning martial arts and sciences while I taught their teachers.

When the Osirin people, as they started naming themselves, reached the Tollan level of technology and the Alteran level of spirituality, I slowed down their lessons on spiritual learning. I wanted them to advance further before I began teaching them of ascension.

One evening Sam told me about the Hoffan's. They were a World War Two era society that was wholly focused on stopping the next wraith culling of their people at all cost. They had the beginnings of a protein drug that they were trying to duplicate and perfect that in theory should stop the wraith feeding process.

I went with the Atlantis team to the Hoffan home world to see the drug for myself. I even captured a wraith for their testing purposes to see if it'd work. I did a few lab tests in Atlantis after coming back and handed the results to the Hoffan leader saying. "The protein drug will kill fifty percent of all humans whom take it and a hundred percent of the wraith who feed on the survivors. I could alter and perfect it to maybe increase the survival rate to eighty percent but you're still talking about hundreds of thousands of deaths."

He was giddy at the prospect and his reactions to my words made the team uncomfortable.

I continued. "You should really rethink this line of action if you and your people are to survive. The wraith will blast your planet to bits and kill off your people if they find out that killing your people could wipe out the chance of spreading this drug. It spreads inside the wraith like a virus as it mutates until they die painful deaths. They will not spare a single one of your people for fear of it infecting their food supply."

He coughed. "I will take your words under advisement. For now though may I see the enhanced drug?"

I shrugged and pulled a vial out before enhancing it at their lab station and recording the vial before tossing it to him. "It's your decision to use it but I'll tell you right now, these people with me will want no part of it if you decide to go through with it. The wraith would destroy every planet that is infected with this virus rather than risk it spreading out of hand."

I turned to John saying. "I'm heading back, he's made his decision already and if it weren't for Carson's bleeding heart I wouldn't have adjusted the serum that far. These people are doomed now."

I teleported to the shock of the Hoffan leader and went to find a lone corridor where I could pull Sam away for a thorough shag. We were interrupted by Alice after nearly three hours and Sam escaped my clutches pulling up her now soaked camouflage panties and cargo pants as she swayed away while Alice was sacrificed to my growing needs.

Oddly enough Lexi found her way to me four hours in when Alice was panting from the last orgasm that racked her body. Lexi took her place distracting me while Alice found her clothes throughout the hall. She was very enthusiastic and very good at distracting me until I figured out what was happening.

They were telepathically linked and were tapping out and switching every now and then. When Faith showed up with a new dress for Lexi and a horny and hungry look I gave her what she desired.

It wasn't until I was inside her that I realized she was prepared for the long haul. She'd stacked healing spells and stamina spells to help her keep up for an indefinite amount of time. When she ran out of magic a week later and had more of my seed on her than in her, she passed out both physically and magically exhausted and satisfied.

I half expected Buffy to show up when Faith fell asleep on my chest while I was grasping and releasing inside her perfect round ass. She moaned a little as I slid out until she opened her eyes and gave me a discontented look before sliding on me and letting out a happy gasp as she slowly brought us both to orgasm.

I did most of the work as she could no longer move properly but when her inner muscles milked me and she mashed her lips into mine before biting my bottom lip and growling, I gave her what she sought and began knotting once more to her satisfaction.

She leaned forwards more as her breasts swayed and brushed against my chest. When she released my lip and bit my shoulder instead, I worked her already sore inner muscles as I bobbed inside her knot and all causing her to cry out and moan while I filled her.

She shuddered one last time before her inner muscles convulsed and released even more liquids into the mix. Her bruised cervix finally relaxed as I let her go back to sleep again. This time I stayed inside her while sending all our clothes into my ring and cleaning the area before teleporting us still joined at the hip, into our bed.

There I stayed until she woke up almost a day later and slid off of me slowly and cleaned up. She was barely able to stand and when she wobbled I caught her, helping her to the shower. I cleaned us both before messaging her and leaving her in the tub I brought with scented candles and plenty of fresh food to snack on.

After applying a permanent heating spell to the tub to keep it at a nice hot temperature, I left her there to enjoy her reward. I learned Buffy was out meeting a new people called the Genii and wouldn't be back for a while so I found Sam and had a quickie in her office as her lab had Damon in it watching the experiments and would be a bit awkward.

She made me accept that so long as I got a few orgasms off I'd let her continue her work in piece. I agreed and made it hard for her to sit down after the hard and fast pounding I gave her that, I'd not for the sound barrier I put up, would have her notifying the entire city of our activities.

She gave me a very awkwardly angry and satisfied expression as she had to sit on a cushion from her thoroughly fucked and abused holes being too sore to make anything else comfortable. I numbed it with a spell and she shivered at the sensation while I had a wolffish grin that said I was very happy now.

That is until I noticed the smell of her arousal and growled. She shook her head as her body contracted with need and convulsed from the fingers I slid inside her to help ease it. I left her licking my fingers in satisfaction while she had her head down on her desk panting, her panties thoroughly soaked once more.

When I arrived at Weir's office to check on Buffy's mission I found John and Teyla there. They were talking about helping the Genii build bombs. When I asked. "Where's Buffy and why are you wanting to speed up the progression of the Genii's natural technological level?"

John stilled and Weir spoke up. "Buffy and Rodney were left back with the Genii as leverage to ensure they got our help."

I frowned then connected with Buffy's mind over the vast distance. When I got all the information from her I frowned before telling Weir and the rest. "Help them build the bombs. I'll repair the long range communications array and deep space scanner for the city. The only reason I haven't before is because I wanted Sam to have fun trying. The deep space scanners along with the wraith database Kreshna retrieved will tell you how many wraith ships and where they are out there at all times."

John was happy now. "See, there's a forward thinking attitude."

I snorted. "If not for the protections I've placed on all my wive's rings I would not be so kind John. As it is though, you should think about giving the Genii a computer with all the medical data earth has. They have been stewing in radiation for generations and are slowly killing themselves because of it. Maybe trade it for the food supplies you were originally sent to trade for. As for the fruits and vegetables, leave those to the Athosians, I'll visit the mainland and clear away the unnecessary plants before replacing it with bountiful human food."

I got to work fixing up the city ship with magic. It was fairly simple to fix everything and where materials were needed I had plenty. By the time I was done, I activated the mass recall for all Lantean made ships. While they were heading back I set the deep space scanners on maximum and got a look at the Pegasus galaxy as a whole.

I shared the data in real time to Weir and the data pads connected to the jumper ships. After I told Buffy to have McKay check the data pad, I headed to Weir's office. There she was looking at the screen with nearly two hundred wraith ships in it.

Most were sleeping in hibernation from the looks of it but there were nearly two dozen that were waking up with the rest slowly. When John and the team came back with a bunch of cattle and chickens, I sent the animals to the mainland to be tended with the rest the Athosian's had after placing a fertility spell on them all.

John reported while Buffy and I shared a look. "The Genii aren't happy with us and while we shared the information they were reluctant to part with the animals even with the laptop full of medical information and advancements. I doubt we'll be welcome back there any time soon."

I popped over to the mainland with Buffy and walked the land while reaching into the earth and changing the scenery with my inherent plant magic's. The fifteen million square mile continent, nearly three times the size of all of Russia put together, was turned into a garden paradise.

Fruit and vegetables plants were popping up everywhere as my power encompassed the entire continent in it's effects. When I finished I went to begin a project of my own with Buffy. When she was too tired to continue working on said project I started a rather interesting hobby of my own.

I built a sizable tank the size of a Olympic pool and filled it with ocean water and plants. I then made a bunch of teleportation beacons and set it to only the edible fish in the sea. If any came within range and the pool wasn't at capacity they would be teleported into the aquarium.

After sending John out with a few warriors to spread them all over the ocean world, I sat by the tank and watched it fill up. The beacons had a range of a hundred meters and varied in flotation abilities for a variety of fish. I made a tank on the mainland for the Athosian people as well.

They were certainly happy to see their tank fill up with all manner of fish. When it was done I grabbed the lonely shark like fish in the tank at the time and had my handy cape drain it's life force. After it died I brought it's corpse to the kitchen and skinned it before having a fish fry.

When they smelled it, my warriors became hungry and went to catch their own in the tank. The humans, who by comparison ate very little, were easily satisfied. Add that to the fresh coffee, fruits and vegetables and they had plenty to be happy about. With the food problems solved now there was little need to worry about trading for such things.

Next, using the scanners I found the wraith queen and the broken down hive ship at the bottom of the ocean. I disintegrated the ship around her and watched as she drowned. When she was nearly dead I drew her essence out of her and into the special jar before disintegrating the remains.

I then had the geothermal station on the bottom of the sea floor move to directly under Atlantis in case they ever want to simply use the city's transporters to beam down. If they don't realize it by the time they find out about the place, I might just mention it to them.

Next I found an interesting planet I wanted to visit, it had beings that were technically ascended for the most part but weren't in touch with the potentia energy and so were stuck in this realm. I of course, being the proper miser, trapped the entities inside the essence container and left the barren planet.

The only thing interesting about it now was the stargate on it and that was just to those that didn't have a stargate or didn't know how to build one for themselves. I teleported back to Atlantis just as the gate was activating.

Laying on a beach chair while holding each of my wives and relaxing took up the rest of my week. The chair itself I'd grown out of pine wood and cotton plants for cushioning. It was a nice week to say the least. That is until it was ruined towards the end by a storm.

When it was getting serious and Weir was sending out teams to find places to stay for the expedition members and even my warriors I walked in and told her. "While I appreciate the thought of you worrying over my warriors, they'll be just fine here."

Rodney spoke up. "That would be impossible. We're talking about a storm that could very well sink Atlantis!"

I chuckled and pulled the same potentia out of my ring that I'd used to raise the city with. "I highly doubt a silly storm could harm the shields of this city. Not to mention the fact that I could destroy said storm with a thought. No, my warriors and everyone else for that matter is safe right here. Take it, use it to power the shields and what's left over should allow you to contact earth for brief connections at a time. It won't be enough to send anyone home but it could very well be enough to send compressed data bursts of all you've learned here so far."

Rodney took the potentia like it was the holy grail and turned to Weir who asked me. "Why are you giving it to us now?"

I shrugged. "You've all amused me for a while now and my wives are happy. Unless, you'd rather I take it back?"

Rodney held onto it like a precious child. "No, no, like you said we've amused you so far so consider it a payment for our efforts."

He left in a hurry before Weir could speak against it. I just chuckled. "He really needs to join Tea'rok and the other comedian warriors. They could really learn some things from each other."

Weir shrugged as she sat. "What is it really that made you change your mind?"

I sighed. "Sam wants to talk to her friends and even if they're short controlled bursts, it's better than spending the effort to teleport to earth. That takes a lot of power even for me. I may not look it but I've been storing power for my coming ascension and as what I suspect to be the first god to ascend through this reality, it'll be a lot harder for me than for those that follow. So if I can make her happy without spending energy then that's what I'll do. I know, it sounds cheap of me but I'm also storing power for them as well. They'll need the extra boost to follow my path as well."

Weir raised an eyebrow but she didn't comment further. I sighed and headed back to my seat to wait for the storm. I'd cast a massive fertility spell on the sea life when I started using the tanks to feed the humans and warriors so now I could feel a massive mating frenzy going on as the sea teamed with life.

When the Athosian's were all brought to the city, I went to the mainland and teleported all those dumb enough to try and stay back as well. I grabbed the herd of livestock as well and sent them to the cafeteria. The rest could be rebuilt after it's over.

After heading back myself I watched the storm hit the barrier McKay sent up at the last second to preserve as much energy as possible in the potentia. A miser after my own heart to be sure. I let it go and chuckled it off as I watched the rain and lightning hit the shields along with a massive tidal wave, during which a bunch of Genii tried to attack the city.

When they shot my warriors who were always guarding the gate room they were in for a nasty surprise as most of them were eaten alive for the offense. Those that weren't were brought to me on their knees.

Amused as I was I told Kreshna to let Weir handle them as the Genii were no real threat to us. He bowed once and dragged the four of them away. It was just the leader, a female and two male survivors left now anyways.

She ultimately sent them back to their home world and told them the next time she'd let my warriors eat them as well. Kolya, the leader, had called them monsters worse than the wraith themselves.

When I heard that from my seat I blurred and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air saying. "You've not seem a real monster before little mortal. What you call monsters I call snacks, so be careful how carelessly you throw around such labels."

As I spoke my form shifted as wings grew out my back and to their horror my face changed as well as the rest of my body into my vampire form. I dropped the silly mortal to the ground as he and the rest of the Genii backed up. The expedition members took a step back as well in fear though as I shifted back into my human form.

Once my clothes were back in place I told them. "Be glad she's given you a new lease on life. If not, you'd have been a snack for me while I sun bathed and watched the storm pass."

I blurred and lay back down in nothing but my swim trunks again while watching the storm pass. The Genii were sent back after the shields were lowered and the potentia was disconnected once more.

The humans became a little hesitant to engage me in small talk for a while but I found the awkward silence it's own reward. I decided to join John and his little expedition of egg heads to the weapon satellite near the edge of the solar system.

When I saw it I recognized it immediately as I had just over two thousand of them. The weapons platform was as big as an hatak and more powerful than any other weapon out there except the Dakara device. Even the drone chair only came close when fully utilized.

In a single shot the weapon satellite can take out multiple hatak sized ships if lined up correctly. As it is, a single shot can take nearly any ship out shields or not. Though this satellite weapons platform was in much need of repairs now.

With a thought I took it into my ring and to his credit John only looked at me and asked. "Did you do that?"

I nodded and tapped my ring. "It's inside and once we're back on Atlantis I'll put it in the war ship'a hanger on one of the docks. After it's been repaired I or one of my wives can place it in a strategic position for later use."

Rodney grinned and rubbed his hand before asking. "You wouldn't mind letting me take a look at your ring by chance would you?"

I raised an eyebrow and sighed. "When we get back I'll have one of my warriors let you play scientist with a dimensional ring. It's not that impressive as it only requires the know how and power to make it. As for my own? I'd sooner eat you than take it off. It's my wedding ring."

I revealed it's true appearance as it looked like a small crown of stones with varying colors circles a black stone. "Each color represents one of my wives."

John frowned. "What's the black one then?"

I sighed. "My mate Sineya, goddess of death and nature. My equal and opposite in a way. I go by Osiris because he is the closest god to my origins. In actuality I'm a god of nature and rebirth. The nature bit covers a lot including fertility and smaller aspects of death, life and plants. As for my true name, it varies from place to place and time to time. I've gone by so many over the course of my long life."

One of the scientists got a hit on his radar before interrupting us saying. "We've got a crashed Wraith ship on the planet. It probably went down during the war ten thousand years ago."

John called it in to Weir and he and Rodney asked for permission to go. I gave an amused smile when she asked if I was still with them. John asked if I was interested and I shrugged. "Why not? There's something I want down there so I might as well go with you lot to get it."

Weir asked what could possibly interest me and I told her. "There's a wraith down there that ate his own crew and all the humans aboard his supply ship. Even now I can feel the life essence coming off him as he hibernates. I'll get a lot out of him that will go towards my stockpile."

John grimaced and Rodney asked. "You aren't going to let him eat us first are you?"

I shook my head. "No, as funny as that would be, Sam and my other wives would get mad at me for letting humans suffer needlessly. You all can have the wraith ship after you disable it's locator beacon."

Weir gave them permission and asked that I return them in one piece. Frowning I sighed. "Spoil sport."

Rodney gave a nervous laugh while I sat back in the chair as John took us down to the planet. I hopped out near the lower part of the upper atmosphere and hit the earth like a meteor. After I walked out of the crater I sensed the wraith wake up. I moved like a speed demon and killed him in seconds as I took the essence and souls from him and stored them with the rest.

A secret amongst even the oldest wraith. As they feed and kill their victims, they can bring them back and reverse the aging process because they feast on the body and soul of their prey. This was in my favor though as this wraith had eaten hundreds of thousands including some of his own kind, taking what they've eaten into himself as well.

In the end it was the equivalent of nearly a million souls all for the taking.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C74
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


