9.09% A trip to the crypts GoT fanfic / Chapter 1: I.
A trip to the crypts GoT fanfic A trip to the crypts GoT fanfic original

A trip to the crypts GoT fanfic

作者: Thanatos18

© WebNovel

章 1: I.

My Watch has Ended. That was the last thought Jon had after trying to call for his wolf. That call was a plea more than anything. A hope. That Ghost would come with help so he could go fight for his sister. To defend the watch from the Boltons. It was a fancy to think it would have been fine. That he could have fought to save his sister, to avenge his family. It didn't matter at this point, my watch had ended, at this point there should be peace.

Jon got his nightmares instead. He got a trip to the crypts of Winterfell. It was almost the same nightmare that haunted him most of his life. So, this is death? A reminder of the place I never truly belonged. He could see the old ironwood door before him leading to the crypt. Jon didn't want to go down there, not in death. It might have been fine if he were a Stark but that's the one thing the crypts always reminded him of. I'm not a Stark, I never have been. Not even in Death. Though Jon's opinion didn't matter in this nightmare. It never did when the doors opened. Jon didn't want to go in, but he had to. Jon felt his body move towards the crypts. Jon also tasted blood in his mouth.

It felt different to normal though, it was like he was on all fours. Looking down he could see white paws. He was ghost. A Direwolf has more rights to be in this castle the I do. Jon had come to terms with his bastardry but the longing to be a Stark never left, not truly. Walking down the steps brought him closer to the dim lights in front of each Lord and King of winter which lit the crypt. It was unnerving to see it all lit, one normally had to walk with a torch to see the statues of the former Starks of Winterfell. He walked past them all; Brandon the Burner, Brandon the Shipwright, Cregan the old man of the north, Theon the hungry wolf. They would be all there, stretching from Brandon the builder to Grandfather Rickard, Uncle Brandon and Aunt Lyanna. Jon doubted that this nightmare would be kind enough for Father and Robb's statues to be there. It would have saddened him, even though it was their rightful place. Jon tasted blood again. They didn't truly deserve to be there as young as they were.

He walked aimlessly through the crypts looking at each Stark, growing older as he walked when heard them. It was the voices that had always marked the end of his dreams. When life afforded him the luxury of waking up. He could hear the voices of Robb and Father; sounding like they were at a feast. He'd heard it before, as if they were calling him to join but he knew he didn't belong. It went dark, but he kept walking. It was all that was allowed. The voices got louder and louder as he walked closer. Jon couldn't hear what was actually being said though. More voices could be heard, sounding like Bran and Rickon. They were dead too. Maybe this nightmare would end happily, joining his family in death. The voices got louder and angrier, as if whatever talk the voices were having had turned ugly. That went on until he heard her voice. Lady Catelyn. he heard the cold words of Lady Catelyn's words, "I don't need a bastard's absolution, I wish it was you." Then silence. Silence, Darkness and a small drip of blood from his mouth. Even in death Lady Catelyn had the final say. Even in death she would deny my family. Even in death she wished it was me who had died before everyone else. If only she knew I would have died for all of you to live. Jon would have shed a tear at that if he could.

Jon could only keep walking in the dark though. It felt like an age before light returned. Before he walked into a large room in the crypts, torches on all walls with statues at each side and a throne. A throne for the Kings of Winter. Jon wondered if this was an actual part of Winterfell's crypts. Maybe in its depths. That thought had left Jon when he saw that the throne of winter was occupied. The man had a large build and he could see the brown hair and grey eyes. He was a Stark, but not the one he had hoped to see. He was young as well, he hadn't aged. Walking closer he realised it was a Stark he was familiar with, not a one lost to history. Not a one with a weathered statue. It was

a face that his father had called a brother.

Jon didn't know if he could speak in this wolf form. He was in the form of Ghost, a wolf that had never howled. He doubted if he could speak but tried, "Uncle Brandon?"

To his surprise he had spoken with his own voice, and looking down he could see he was on two legs. He was himself again. The Stark laughed and clapped his hands, getting up from the winter throne.

"The most recent Uncle Brandon in the Stark line!"

His Uncle's voice, with his northern accent like his own was deeper than Father's, and a lot more joyful. He was full of life for a dead man. He had a big smile, a wolfish one.

"It's good to finally meet you Jon! I've been waiting a long time to meet you! I wish it was under better terms but we can't always get what we want I suppose."

Jon was taken aback at that. He hadn't expected him to say that. It was sincere though. Jon could feel that, "I'm not sure how else we could have met Uncle Brandon."

Brandon laughed, "Aye you're right, we could only ever meet in death. I'd just hoped we'd have gotten to meet with you old and grey, dying happy..."

Brandon stopped for a moment, his face falling into a scowl "Not betrayed by your own men for doing what was right for the North. And the Watch."

For doing what was right. Jon didn't think someone had said that. He had thought he'd have been branded an oath breaker in death. A black bastard who had forsaken his vows. Vindication wasn't something Jon thought death was going to give him. You Know Nothing Jon Snow.

"Why are we here? What is this?" Jon asked

Brandon's smile returned a bit, though his eyes looked serious. He looked like Father in that moment, "As to what this is, well to you this has been your nightmare, the so-called proof that you're not a Stark. For me, and every other Stark of Winterfell, it's a place where long-dead Starks hold a connection to the living. It's a place to impart knowledge. In life and in death with each statue and spirit of the Starks. You usually only see it in your dreams. You know the words of the North?"

"The North remembers." Jon said solemnly. It was a strange comfort to say those words. A constant even in death.

Brandon's smile grew, but the eyes were fixed on him, "Exactly ma boy! The North Remembers! That is why we're here. The North needs reminding and I'm here to help you with that Jon. The North has been bled by Southerners, Freys, Damn Boltons and the others are coming!"

"But I'm dead. How am I to help as a corpse? I failed when I was alive." Jon said sadly/

Brandon laughed, "Aye you are dead for now. But the Old Gods have decided to speak on that matter though. Once this is over, you'll be returned to life, a matter of hours since the act. Not like those creatures that the others make, and not like the ones those red priests make.

He stopped for a moment and looked hard at him, "You'll have the life you had before. The scars from the knives will remain but it'll show your watch has ended. The North needs reminding and you're the son of house Stark to do it Jon."

That was a shock to Jon, he was to be returned to the living. He wasn't sure he wanted to though. "But Why me though? Why not my brothers instead? Why not Robb? Why not a trueborn Stark?"

Brandon cursed, "Damn Tully bitch!"

The words seemed to echo throughout the crypt, like a battle cry.

Brandon looked at him again, "Jon, you're the only man of house Stark to do it! Robb is too far gone and made too many mistakes in the South. Sansa and Arya are spread to the winds, both forgotten who they are. And Bran and Rickon are too young."

Jon didn't understand how is Uncle could have this much faith in him.

Brandon then gave a sly smirk, "Besides, Bran and Rickon are alive so I think bringing them back from the dead is a bit pointless. I'm surprised you didn't realise that from your wolf dreams."

They were alive. It couldn't be. He had felt their wolves in his dreams as Ghost. He just thought only the wolves had survived.

"Where!?" Jon shouted, it was half a growl.

Brandon's laugh returned, louder than before, "Hahaha, that's it! There's the Wolfblood! That call for life! I knew you weren't ready to join us in death. I'd told Ned as much!"

Jon felt another growl escape from him, "Where!? This is no joke!"

Brandon chuckled, "It isn't no, I'm just happy son that you've got your will to fight! I wouldn't joke with you on the pack Jon. Bran's beyond the wall, sadly having to do a duty that we can't intervene in if the long night to come is to be stopped. Rickon though, he's safe on Skagos, protected by his wolf, a woman of the free folk, and the full might of Skagos. Stannis' former hand had been sent by Manderly to go retrieve him, to put a Stark in Winterfell. The boy's got a savage nature. Another Theon the Hungry Wolf in the making that boy when he becomes a man. A true Prince of Winter!"

Jon could hear the pride in his voice at that. He doubted father of what Rickon would become. Before Jon could give his thoughts on the matter, his uncle continued.

"But the boy will only be a savage without a Cregan to guide him. And a Brandon the Breaker to beat back the Others. A king of winter. That's what you are. You've got the makings of one Jon. I saw the way you handled the Karstarks. I saw who you've treated with the free folk. Hells, I saw what you did with Mance's child! And your advice to Stannis was more than sound! A damn shame he didn't listen and only marched with the Karstarks, his sell swords and Southerners or he would have won!"

Jon was dumbfounded at the man's confidence him. The man spoke with more certainty than anyone before him. He didn't know who it could be true given the circumstances.

"But I died for all of that, how can I be Cregan come again if all that I did got me killed!" He bellowed into the hall, the noise bouncing off the winter throne and the statues. Jon could taste the blood in his mouth again. He went to wipe his mouth of it instinctively.

Brandon simply shrugged, then put a hand on his shoulder "You're right there. You just didn't trust your instincts Jon. You didn't listen to Ghost. You're a warg and an extension of each other. You'll have to trust that when you get back, Mind when you do come back, you'll feel a lot more wolfish. It'll be natural to follow that instinct and your bond."

Jon didn't know if that was true, he'd had trouble with that gift of his. You know nothing Jon Snow. "Am I in Ghost now?" Jon asked, feeling he was right.

Brandon grinned, "Aye, most of you is, its why you keep getting spurts of blood out your mouth. Tormund, Val and Edd let him out. He or both of you have been savaging those who murdered you. He's guarding your body from the red witch and the Queen with the rest of the free folk and brothers of the watch. When you get back, you'll be taking some of that wolfishness with you. Give you that instinct to take back the North!"

"You really think I can do it don't you." Jon stated, it was hard to refute that his uncle was lying.

Brandon nodded, his face turning grim like his father, "That I do Jon. It takes a hard man to lead the North. My father was that in most regards, though blinded by Southern ambitions. I was too wild and Ned was too honour bound from living with the Arryn Lords. That honour hurt Robb in the end. Ned inspired loyalty but, in some ways, he forgot that our way is the old way. The North needs Starks of old. Kings in the North and Kings of Winter. And who better to bring that back than a Snow of House Stark who knows the pain of death?"

Father never said much about his siblings, barring Benjen; but he did say Brandon was a charmer. Jon couldn't help but agree with that. He knew how to sway people. Jon nodded at his Uncle,

"Then I'll do it Uncle Brandon. Winter is coming."

Brandon's face lit up again, "I had no doubt that you would Jon! You'll make us all proud!" "Why are you the one telling me this though?" Jon asked abruptly.

Brandon turned grim again, "Well, I know Robb and Ned would have spoken to you. But to talk with the living in dreams and these unique circumstances, their bones need to be at Winterfell. They do say they are sorry though. That much they told me."

"There Must always be a Stark at Winterfell." Jon said sadly.

"Aye, that there must be. But the more important reason is because I wanted to meet my son before Ashara Dayne. I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

If Jon had had a beating heart in this crypt it had stopped. You know nothing Jon Snow. "I'm sorry to be blunt there Jon. I always have been."

"Why did he lie?" Jon asked. He hoped it didn't sound like a child.

Brandon gave a sad smile, "Because you're my bastard son. A Snow but a one that would have been a larger threat than Ned's in the eyes of the South. A southerner like Lady Catelyn would have demanded you leave Winterfell as soon as possible, thinking you were a worse threat. Ned knew that and couldn't bare to lose someone else of his blood. He'll always be your Father. I'm just happy to meet you."

Jon should have been angry at the revelation that the one constant in his life had been taken from it.

He wasn't Ned Stark's son. At least not by birth. Instead though, he felt a bit of peace. Jon had gotten an honest answer for once. His shoulders seemed to untense for once.

"And my mother?" Jon asked tentatively. He'd heard the rumours.

Brandon's sad smile stayed, "Ask Howland Reed. He'll tell you the full story. Its better to come from him on that matter."

There was a moment of silence between the two in the crypts, oddly peaceful for Jon. He'd rarely gotten that in life.

Brandon ended it with a small smile "Right son, I believe its time for you to return. You've been dead a few hours back there. Its time you returned."

Brandon put his hand out, "Its been a pleasure son. Go be the King of Winter. I look forward to your victories to come."

Jon grabbed it firmly, "I will... and Thank You Father."

He deserves to here that once. Ned may have been my father all my life. But in death he gave me peace.

Brandon's smile grew, "With pleasure! Go give them Hell! Winter is coming." "Winter is coming"

Those were Jon's first words as his eyes opened, the first howl Ghost had ever given bringing him back to this


The Howl was a piercing one. That was Edd's first thought as he heard it. It sounded powerful too. It had shocked him and the group he was with, standing over the body of the late Lord Commander. They all knew that the Direwolf of Jon Snow, Ghost, was a silent one. It had never howled in its life. The Lord Commander had told him that he wondered if it was another reason for its mother to abandon it to death. It couldn't howl in answer to its mother. Edd wondered if the wolf had snapped at Jon's death. He'd seen it tear through Bowen Marsh and the killers of the Lord Commander after letting the wolf out like a vengeful son or brother.

Edd was wrong though when he saw the Lord Commander's eyes open, speaking a single sentence, "Winter is Coming."

The words of House Stark were spoken as almost a snarl, almost a howl, it sounded feral. The Lord Commander's eyes flashed a deep red. Edd knew that colour. It was the colour of his wolf's eyes. It was the colour of the Weirwood Trees and the eyes of their faces. Edd had been raised on the faith, not that he was a believer, but he had been of the North long enough. He could see the signs of the old gods. Edd, Val and Tormund all stared at Jon Snow, clearly on edge, they'd all seen the dead at some point or another, though Edd had never heard one speak. They were worried he'd turned to them, watching as his Weirwood red eyes were fading in colour. Please don't turn blue. Edd didn't want to see a fellow brother and friend turn into a plaything of the others. To his relief, he watched the eyes turn grey, staring at the three of them and his wolf.

"Jon, is that you in there?" Edd asked tentatively.

Jon turned his attention to him solely. His face still looked feral. It looked wolfish. The commander nodded at him, slowly getting up, gripping his sword firmly,

"Aye Edd, I'm not touched by the others."

Edd heard Tormund's laugh, always booming, "HAR! Of course, its him Crow, the Others and their minions don't speak!"

He's gotten over the shock of man returning from death quickly. Edd thought to himself. Val didn't look it though.

Jon looked at the group, "Where's the Queen and her Red Witch?"

Edd could hear the snarl again. He answered, knowing the Lord Commander would want an answer.

"After hearing of Stannis' death they marched outside of Castle Black. They left us to find your

killers to make a pyre for their Red God. A small group tried to fetch your body for that."

Val spoke darkly, "We killed those though."

Jon spat in the ground, "Tormund, go gather the free folk and Wun-Wun. The Red Witch and the Queen need to be dealt with. Edd, get the brothers of the watch as well. They're to come and aid their former commander."

Former Commander. His Watch has Ended.

"Is that wise King Crow? You've only just... returned" Val asked, almost a tentatively as he had. She was nervous for once. He'd never seen that on her.

Jon looked at her, giving a grin that he imagined Ghost would give, "The Old Gods have fixed me fine Val. There's work to be done."

The three simply nodded at him as they watched the former commander of the watch pet his wolf, giving another piercing howl, almost bouncing off the Wall and Castle Black. They weren't going to argue with a dead man.


The Knights that Stannis left at the wall were only a short distance from Castle Black. They clearly intended to come back. By the looks of it they needed the space to make a clearing... for a pyre. The group of free folk and black brothers could see the fire once they had left Castle Black. At least they could when they weren't stealing glances at Jon Snow and muttering amongst themselves. The man returned from the dead was something hard to ignore. Some of them probably didn't believe Jon had returned. Some may have believed that he'd only been wounded. But when they'd seen him after being gathered, with the former commander refusing to wear a tunic, showing the fatal wounds that killed them. They'd scarred perfectly, with the scars looking like branches. It was proof of a man returned from the dead. He'd remained without his tunic throughout the march, showing the scars as they marched towards the pyre, with his Direwolf close. The two looked almost merged. That was what Edd thought as he walked beside his friend.

It didn't take long for them to reach the pyre, with knights to the left and right. They'd moved faster when they heard the screams and the chanting. The closer they got to the pyre, the scream and chants got louder. As they arrived, Edd learnt where the screams were coming from. The pyre had been built to be large, almost 7 feet tall, with the Red Witch and the Queen chanting to the Red God. He could hear them chanting for the Prince that was promised. They had a lad in chains with a gag, trying to get to the pyre. At the top of the pyre was a screaming girl being surrounded by flames, slowly encroaching towards her. Edd looked in horror at the sight. The only girl at the wall was the Princess Shireen and she was close to being burnt. Ghost howled in response to the sight, with Jon giving a snarl, bringing all the knights attention to him. They all stared in shock at the Former Lord Commander. They could see the scars. The knights were nervous, and so was the Red Witch by the shocked look.

Jon only looked at her for a moment before turning to Wun-Wun, motioning towards the girl. The giant ran towards the pyre. One knight went to strike at the giant's leg but Ghost barrelled at the man, biting at his throat. Edd didn't hear Jon give the wolf the order to defend the giant. None of the other knights tried to help their fallen comrade or attack the giant as he effortless picked up the

girl before the flames could get to her, taking the wooden stake she was attached to with her. The Queen gave a scream,

"You dare interfere Bastard! You Dare interrupt our work to return your rightful King!" Jon looked at her hard. To Edd, it was a wolf eyeing up prey.

"Take all the knights as prisoners. If they fight back kill them. Apprehend the Queen and her Red Witch. They're to be executed."

Nobody disobeyed Jon's word. The feral growl imbued every word he spoke. The words felt like ice.

The Queen screeched, "Someone kill the bastard!"

One knight was foolish enough to try. Edd watched as the knight tried to charge at Jon who simply stepped to the side and cut his head off in one swing. The blood drenched the ground and knights near their fallen comrade. That had brought the Queen's screams to a halt. The other knights present let themselves get grabbed by Jon's forces. They knew a lost cause when they saw one. Edd watched as the knights were taken captive by his brothers. He watched as members of the free folk grabbed the queen and her Red Witch. Edd noticed that the shocked witch was now smiling. I wonder why? Jon's going to kill her, that much is obvious to any sane man.


Edd watched the Lord Commander give his ultimatum to the knights that had been put in chains in the courtyard of Castle Black, with a face like stone and a snarl permanently etched in it. To his side were the Queen and the Red Witch, both chained with their heads resting on blocks.

"You are all charged with the attempted murder of the Princess Shireen of the House Baratheon. Any who do not wish to take the black for your crimes will be executed alongside your monarch and priestess. Any who demand trial by combat will die by my hand and your entrails will be offered to the Old Gods. Does anyone wish to die by a bastard of House Stark?"

Edd watched as nobody dared to stand up. My new brothers it seems, now I can add zealots to the list of company. Edd mused gloomily.

Jon took a long look at the knights, "Good, now for the executions."

Edd saw Jon look Queen Selyse in the eye, "I Jon Snow, Bastard of House Stark and Former Commander of the Watch sentence you, Queen Selyse, to die. Any last words?"

"This is treason!" The Queen shouted.

Edd watched as Jon nodded and swung the sword. It was a clean beheading. Jon moved towards the Red Witch.

"Melisandre, I sentence you to die as your Queen any last words?"

"My God brought you back Jon Snow. You'd be a fool to let me die. I even warned you of traitors"

Edd watched as Jon growled at the woman, then spoke firmly, "You did warn me witch. But know that the Old Gods brought me back. Your Red God did nothing but try and burn a child to death. Hope that your Red God claims you, mine may not speak but I know they'll be wrathful."

Jon swung Longclaw again, taking the Red Witch's head off. The bodies were to be offered to the heart tree. Jon had told Edd on the walk back. Edd looked on as his friend walked to him, face still stony.

"Edd, I name you Lord Commander of the Watch until an election. All of Stannis' guard are to be excluded in it. My Watch has ended."

Edd didn't like the sound of the command, "You're naming me Lord Commander?"

Jon nodded, "Aye, I trust you to lead the watch. Recall Grenn and Pyp as well. Have allies close to you."

"Where are you going then?" Edd asked, having a feeling already of where.

Jon gave a savage grin, "Winterfell Edd. I have squids to kill and flayed men to tear apart. Winter is coming and with-it wolves."

Edd looked at his friend. His friend was still there but he knew things were different. He had a wolf in him and a thirst for vengeance. Edd would have shivered if he weren't his friend. This was something that bordered on ancient.

Edd could only agree with the former lord commander, "Aye Jon, winter is coming." Jon's savage grin grew wider. And the White wolf Howled.

Chapter End Notes

Bit of a slower one but it establishes what's happened at the wall, gets it all done and Asha

Asha didn't expect the slaughter that came. It had been peaceful since Deepwood Motte had been taken, her Iron Born had grown complacent. The War of the Five Kings had left them untouched by the Wolves of the North. The Northerners had their own problems to deal with that made Deepwood Motte a lesser concern. It had given her time and comfort, a place of refuge after her failed attempt at becoming Queen of the Iron Islands. Her uncle Euron had taken that title. She didn't want to get in his way, not yet at least. When he dies from his foolishness and Victarion from his "vengeance" I'll be their only option. For now, she could wait in the Motte. That ended with the screams that came in the dead of the night.

She should have realised that something was wrong. The Wolfswood that surrounded the Motte had gradually grown louder. The wolves and their howls had always been heard in the night. Asha had gotten used to it. But then the howls were coming more frequently, day and night. It was almost constant. The sounds were piercing, almost haunting. She'd lost a large portion of scouts and hunters that she'd sent to investigate it. Most didn't come back, and the ones that did said that they'd found their bodies savaged by wolves. She ordered her Reavers to stay away from it. Asha should have taken that as a cue to leave the Motte but she thought against it. They were only wolves and there was nothing the Iron Born needed in the forest. Besides, where could I go anyway? Lord Harlaw might have been an option but she already had Lady Sybille Glover' children there as hostages. Lady Glover was in the Motte. Her assurance for when the Northerners came. A bargaining chip for her own plans.

Tonight though, what plans she had, had been shattered. She woke to screams in the middle of the night in the Motte. Asha hurried out of her bed, getting her armour on as quickly as possible. By the time she got ready, axe and dirk in hand, the screams had become deafening. It was clearly a panic. We're being attacked. As she rushed out of the Ironwood Keep, she was met with a slaughter. There were bodies everywhere at the wooden walls, all of them Iron Born. She didn't see in the dim light of the torches a body with armour that could indicate that they weren't hers. Asha looked around to see her Iron Born fleeing from a group of Northmen, more were climbing over the walls. Asha's stomach dropped, The Wolves have come. She watched the group of Iron Born get dropped by the Northmen, battle axes and swords cutting them to pieces. Not a single Northmen dropped.

Qarl the Maid, her fuck, ran out of the keep, clearly hearing the same thing from wherever he had drunkenly slept.

"How in the hells did we get caught off?!" Qarl yelled.

"The Northmen must have been the ones taking down the scouts and hunters, not the damned wolves!" Asha yelled back.

"You've seen the bodies Asha, they were killed by wolves not men."

"The Northmen might as well be wolves. They were ruled by them for long enough!"

Qarl gave a grim laugh, "Then its time we returned to the sea Asha, we need to get to our ships!"

Asha only nodded as they began to run, keeping as hidden as possible while they escaped the Motte. It was being filled by Northmen. She could hear the drums and pipes skirling as they ran. She could hear the howls of the wolves. They're making impossible to hear anything. The two had made out of the Motte well enough, climbing over the wooden walls like the Northmen had. They ran into the darkness. Other Iron Born must have had the same idea, she could faintly see their silhouettes, running towards the bay of ice, towards their ships. Iron Born didn't belong on the lands. Deepwood Motte was in war, being near the coast. But now that the Northmen were in the North, it was clearly a different matter. Asha had told Theon that once when he took Winterfell, acting like a Greenlander. And it got him flayed. Asha didn't plan on meeting that end as she ran with Qarl.

Luck seemed to be on their side as she began to feel the winds of the sea on her, and lights on the ships. Some of her Iron Born must have been preparing. She knew she would lose most of her ships. She had thirty and if the slaughter was any indication, she wouldn't have the men to mobilise them all. I'll be lucky to have four by the end of this night. Qarl looked hopeful, running with his axe in hand, much like herself. The drums and pipes were getting louder. They're hunting the stragglers now. The howling had gotten louder as well. It made her stop.


He stopped, "What woman?"

"The howling's in front of us Qarl!" She shouted.

Asha tried looking for the Iron Born in front of her. She couldn't see as many before. They were vanishing. Then she heard another scream and thrashing. One of the faint outlines had dropped to something.

"They've got wolves!" She shouted.

Qarl cursed, "shit, then what do we do?"

Asha didn't know. They were clearly being herded, trapped on all sides.

"Run forward, they'll step over us if we run any other direction! The boats are our best shot if we can get past! If not, we can treat!"

Qarl gave her a nod and they ran again into the darkness towards the howling. Asha noticed as she ran that she was going over bodies of her own men. She could smell the blood and shit. They had died terrified. As they got closer to the lights of the ship, Asha could make out banners. Banners with bears on. Mormonts. There were more men there than she could count. And at their feet were wolves, with a giant white one at its front. Even in dim torch light she could see the red eyes. Blood red eyes they were.

The two slowed down as they got closer, raising her hands. There was no way out of it. Asha shouted at the Northmen.

"Who leads you? I wish to treat!"

Asha watched as a woman marched to the front, buxom in the Northern way, with brown hair and brown eyes. She was in full armour.

"Alysane Mormont. Why should we treat with squids who reave our lands?"

Asha took a breath, "I have Lady Glover's children on my Uncle's island. My Uncle will trade me for them."

Alysane's face turned to a scowl, "And what's to stop us from taking the island without you? We have your ships?"

Asha smiled, "You don't know which island and My Uncle will kill them without me."

Asha was too busy to notice Qarl try and swing his axe at the Mormont, hoping to take a chance. He didn't make it as Asha heard his scream. She turned in horror to see Qarl's arm had been sliced clean off by the man who had come from behind. She watched as the Giant white wolf rushed forward, tearing into his throat. The blood spattered across her. She looked at the dead body, with the White Wolf staring at her, snarling. The beast looked like something out of a nightmare. She couldn't stop looking at it though, as she was being surrounded by all of the Northmen. When she finally looked up from the beast, she saw a man standing beside Alysanne Mormont.

The man was dressed in Northern attire, knife attached at the leg and sword at the hip. Looking at the man's face she could make out grey eyes and dark hair. The face was long. She remembered Eddard Stark's face when he took Pyke. A Stark. It was the same look, just different. It looked savage. The glint in the eyes looked angry. His mouth looked ready to give a snarl. He looked like he was going to tear into like the wolf. She was fucked.

The Stark before her said nothing, just looking at her hard. He was eyeing her. Not like men usually did though. Not a look of lust. She might have felt a little safer if it was. He looked like he was ready to kill her. He was looking at her like prey. The long-faced savage took one last look then motioned to the Mormont. Asha didn't notice the Mormont knock her into the ground with a fist. Asha was looking at the Stark, starting to give orders to his men as she drifted out of consciousness. This isn't the honourable Ned Stark. This is a wolf.

next chapter
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