77.3% A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic) / Chapter 125: Chapter 110 into the Dungeon they go.

章 125: Chapter 110 into the Dungeon they go.

-15th floor of the dungeon.

Kiez was panting hard as he tried to slash another hellhound that pounced towards him. He was sweating profusely, every muscle fiber in his body is screaming for him to rest.

As his spear hit the monster, it didn't even faze it, it snarled as it opened its jaws to bite the spear user's head off.

He closed his eyes, waiting for the jaws of death, but instead he heard the sound of flesh being cut.


August stood in front of him, with a relax face, he gave him a glance before turning back to the incoming monsters who charged at them.

With a relaxed motion, August calmly stab his spear forward, piercing right through a monsters throat, he then moved his grip at the end of his spear, and slammed his weapon at the other monsters that were coming, killing them all.

"You guys are getting sloppy." He called to his familia as he signal for Froke to throw him a potion. "Y'all are too passive, a lot of wasted movement, and you guys don't communicate at all." he caught the potion mid-air and extended his hand towards Kiez. "Here, drink this. And you guys, rest up for a bit."

He sighed as he looked at the state of the familia, seeing that they are all spent, tired, and a bit battered. At the start, he didn't step in, wanting to observe how they fight inside the dungeon, going as far as ordering Froke to not shoot her bow if it wasn't necessary.

At first, they were doing well, that's to be expected since out of the six members of the Heracles familia who stayed behind, 5 of them are level 2. Only Kiez who acted as a supporter in their dive is the only level 1 member of the party. But this time, August ordered him to move to the front line.

Froke is a much better and more experienced supporter, so having Kiez act as one would be counter productive, and August wanted to see if the rookie could hang with them if they ever dive to a deeper floor in the future.

Froke technically is also a level 1, but she has all her stats max out, making her way above the spear user, coupled with her experience and extraordinary aim with her bow, she's at least as valuable as a level 2 -And August now knew why she isn't a level 2 even though she already has a feat.-

But the only problem is, she's not a member of the familia, so August didn't want her to help unless necessary, ordering her to act as a true supporter. He wanted to see what they are truly capable of, and Froke would just make things easier. After all, even with just her and Denki in the past, they have manage to reach floor 17th, with August not helping unless necessary.

That was all because of Froke's shot calling, she was able to properly instruct Denki while also supporting him in the backline using extremely accurate shots with her bow.

Making it to the middle floor was a walk in the park, and August found it too easy, he couldn't gauge how strong they were. So to test them out, he used his mana dome, and took the path where mobs had spawn.

They had made it from what Denki told him, all the way to the 32nd floor, so his expectations were quite high. Especially after beati- welcoming them when he woke up. But this just made him realized that things aren't always what it seems. Sure they were strong but...

'They're completely lost without someone leading them' August thought while furrowing his brow. In the spar, he noticed that if it isn't Denki, it was Helga who was issuing command, and the communication between the party was good, everyone's doing their part. But without those two. 'Their teamwork isn't as good, they are fighting like they are alone.' he sighed after his observation.

"Nadia." August's voice made the elven archer snap her attention towards the captain. "Your the back line archer, it is your responsibility to call out where the opponent are coming from. You don't have to shoot everything you see. Call it out." He then turned to the pudgy mage. "And that goes for you too Oz. The two of you have a complete view of your party as they are fighting, use that to your advantage."

"Got it." Nadia nodded, she knew her captain was right, Denki also pointed that out to her multiple times now, but at the heat of the battle, she always tends to tunnel vision towards her targets.

"Y-yes sir." Ozwald nodded, this for him is much harder, since he needed every bit of concentration when he is chanting.

"Jogu." August then turned to the tall blond which made him gulp. "I know you specialize in countering your opponent, but you don't have to wait for them to attack. That's just common sense! Try to fight a bit more aggressive." he cuckled before continuing. "Your mouth is more of a threat than your sword at this point. Seriously, why are you always cursing?"

This made the others chuckle as well. Jogu on the other hand became flustered, his mouth opened to curse, yet realized that he'll only be proving their point.

"Katty. You don't have the luxury to aim for a back stab everytime, there's only 6 of you. Here in the middle floors, they need you to cover the formation as well, especially with your numbers. Instead of sneaking in and going for a back stab, try to incorporate it while fighting in a group. I know your skill is powerful, but you're way too over reliant on it."

"Thorne, you on the other hand are way too aggressive, you're over extending making it harder for the others to cover for you. Your fighting style right now is out of place because the others are fighting passively and defensively. Learn how to adjust."

August then turned to Kiez, who had just finished drinking the potion. "And Kiez, for a level 1, you show talent. Bit of advice though..." August smiled as he placed his hand on Kiez's shoulder. "Stop trying to copy me, you have to find your own fighting style if you want to get stronger. Also don't be hesitant to ask for help if your in a pinch, you have a diving party for a reason, you don't have to prove yourself."

August paused, allowing them time to absorb what he just said, after all, it would be pointless if they all forget it. He smiled as he watch them all concentrating, no doubt replaying what happened in the last fight.

He clapped his hand one time, snapping them out of their thoughts as they think about his advice. "Over all, good job. Being able to reach the middle floors within only 4 hours while only having 6 members and fighting mobs left and right is something to be proud of. Your team work and communication could use some work, but I am impressed."

And he really meant it, before this moment, August didn't make a move, which spoke highly of their strength, individually of course, but for them to move this deep with only these numbers, with a level one rookie on the party. Is impressive nonetheless.

And it makes August expectation even higher to see what they are capable of if they move with the others, he will just be observing them yet again of course. He has Denki and Helga to handle the orders now.

He beamed a smile at the party, and by now they know what that smile meant, some groaned, others sighed. And with him opening his mouth, they all knew what was coming. "Now then, we don't have all day, let's continue, shall we?"

"You know, it would be much faster if, I don't know... YOU HELP AS WELL!!!" Froke rolled her eyes at August, who just shurgs.

"Well, they really could use some help, after all, we'll only be diving deeper." he then looked at Froke, a meaningful -Sinister for Froke- smile slowly rising in his lips.

"Oh, no." Froke took a step back. "August, p-please remember that I am not a combat type adventurer. And t-this isn't like before where there were only three of us diving together where I had no choice but to fight."

Seeing August still maintaining his smile, Froke sighed, she then took the bow behind her back and made a face towards August. "Fine, but I except you to pay me the same rate as before."

"Naturally!" August beams, which just made Froke role her eyes.




"Jogu 4 o'clock, 2 hostiles on your area, retreat a bit. Thorne support Jogu!"

"Nadia, see those Minotaurs? Target their knees and eyes."

"Katty, help Kiez! Get rid of those ligerfangs!"

"Ozwald, cast an AOE at those hellhounds, stop them from breathing out their flames!"

As soon as Froke joined into the fray, she started calling out shots to them, which shocked the whole party. -Except August.-

It was like she could see everything, but what shock them more was the way her arrows felt like it always finds a way to hit her target at their weak spot, mainly their eyes, mouth, or joints.

Nadia who was an archer herself couldn't help but feel a bit competitive by this new comer. While Katty, who knew Froke as a freelance supporter, was wondering why she was ever one to begin with.

August seeing this had a soft smile on his face, this is what he hoped for, he knew what Froke was capable of. She and Denki had manage to reach floor 17 basically by themselves, while August just watched and stepped in if he was really needed.

And it was all because of how she sees things, this is what August wanted Nadia to learn. The elven archer was good, but she tends to tunnel vision whenever the fight was starting to heat up.

Froke on the other hand, due to her experience as a supporter, is observant about the environment, how the party she was supporting are fighting, she tend to do that as she only was ever a supporter for other client's. She was only able to really fight when she started to become August's dedicated supporter all those months ago.

But old habits die hard, and due to year's of only watching at the back without doing anything else except picking up loots, and carrying equipments. Froke became observant enough to find patters, be it from monsters or the adventurers party of the familia that hired her.

That very reason is why she and Denki made it all the way to the 17th floor, with August not doing much when they were only just a 3 man party.

Truth be told, Nadia's and Froke's accuracy and skills with the bow weren't that far off against each other, they were pretty close. The only difference is that Froke seems much more capable of seeing things from the back and calling the shots as she sees it, providing much more support for the team.

While Nadia, is someone who is solely focus on killing monsters, her concentration on her task makes her tunnel vision, only seeing the enimes while failing to see the surrounding environment and how the other members of the party is fairing.

But even with all that, August clicked his tongue. He could see the restrictions that were placed on the hybrid. She's too weak, especially since her god didn't find any value in updating her status.

That was another thing that Nadia had that put her above Froke... Their levels. Nadia being a level 2 was shooting at a much faster rate, and the power behind her arrows were able to push the monsters back, sometimes even killing them with one shot if she hit a vital spot, or the monster core itself.

Froke on the other hand is straining herself, just to keep up, sure, she's able to see things Nadia just couldn't, but she just couldn't capitalize on those things.

August's anger for Apollo came bubbling to the surface once again, he clicked his tongue in annoyance, he really wanted to kill that good for nothing god. But alas, he wasn't stupid to ignore the consequence of doing so.

August continued to observe, watching how efficiently the party was moving through the dungeon.

And just like that, they made it all the way to the 17th floor, the wall of grief.

August clicked his tongue when they reached the boss room. 'I really wanted to see how they would fare against Goliath. Oh well maybe some other time.' he thought to himself as he could sense that the boss room was empty.

The others felt relax, especially Froke, who knew August well enough to know that he would probably watch as they fight the rex. She let out a huge sigh of relief.

As they were walking, the group came to a halt, well, August did, the other just followed suit as they noticed him stopping.

Suddenly, they felt a heavy force pushing them down, and the fear of death filled their hearts. They felt a sinister aura exudes around August, and Froke who was the closet to him, saw a vicious smile forming on August's lips.

"A-August?" Froke stutter, her voice cracked from the pressure and fear she was feeling.

August turned to them, the vicious smile still plastered on his face. "Something fun is happening at the 18th floor." his mana started to rise. Filling the entirety of the boss room. "Let's join them shall we?"


A thundering sound made everyone cover their ears, they could feel the air vibrating, and at the front, their jaw dropped, as they saw August, with his spear at the ready, walking towards the exit, red lightning following his trail.






-At the 18th floor

Hermes stood at high cliff, watching down below as the adventurers fought an irregular version of Goliath that spawned here, thanks in no doubt due to Hestia who unleashed her godly aura inside the dungeon.

He felt joy as he watched the carnage unfolds, joy because of the heroism the adventurers are showing.

Especially after all hope seems lost. The goliath had taken Bell's most powerful attack, and survived. It's core was momentarily exposed, but the others weren't fast enough to capitalize on it.

Yet even with that, they still fight. Facing the monster with everything they had.

"Yes! Yes! Show me more! Show me that you are all worthy for the new era!" he raised his hands to the side an excited laughter escaping his mouth. His eyes are glued to 3 adventurers in particular.

Ryuu lion.

Makoto Denki.

And Bell Cranel.

"Yes three heroes! Heroes worthy for the new era! LORD ZEUS!!! HOW WONDERFUL!!! YOUR WISH IS CO-" He stopped, his heart beated quickly. No... It felt like something is forcing it to beat quickly.

His palms felt sticky, as sweat started to drip out from it. He could feel the scythe of death on his neck. The primal fear gripping his heart.

"H-HA-HAHA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YES!!! YOU ARE HERE AS WELL!!!" His eyes moved to the entrance of the 18th floor.

By now everyone in the floor stopped moving, even the large black Goliath stopped on it's tracks. It stared at the entrance, the monster felt fear. A primal fear, the fear of death.

Bell felt it for the very first time, he felt like vomiting, it felt disgusting, like something sinister is coming. He felt hopeless, "First the black Goliath. Now another monster is coming? How are they supposed to win?" he muttered, resignation apparent on his voice.

The others shared the sentiment as well. Right now, their chances of winning plummeted, especially with another monster coming their way.

All felt hopeless except for one person.

Denki was smiling, his smile was filled with relief, confidence, and trust. He then started laughing which caught the others off guard.

"Get a hold of yourself Denki!" Helga shook Denki, trying to snap him out of his madness. "We can still make it out of here, but we need you to not go crazy now!"

"Nah... Everything will be ok now." he beamed at Helga, confusing her. Those who heard it was confused as well. Bell stared at Denki, listening to his every words. "After all, he is here."

The area surrounding the 18th floor was slowly being tinted red, the feeling of fear was coming closer and closer.

Denki with a chuckle muttered, but due to the silence it was loud enough for people to hear. "Geez... What took you so long, Captain?"

A flash of red light blinded everyone in the 18th floor, a thundering boom echoed all over, shaking the very space. A trail of red lightning erupted and strike, heading between the adventurers, and the black Goliath.

And as the adventurers eyes started to adjust, everything was tinted red, they could feel a powerful mana piercing their skin, and a man stood in between them and the black Goliath.

"Sorry about that, I wanted to see what the new guys are capable of." He look back at Denki with a confident smile and gave him an answer. "Now then..." he looked at the Goliath, he felt nostalgic looking at the rex. "...Hello old friend. You have gotten stronger... Unfortunately for you."

His mana shook the space, as the red lightning that was coiling around his body grew larger and larger. "So did I."

Hermes who was at the cliff couldn't contain his excitement, he screamed on the top of his lungs. "AND HERE IS ANOTHER ONE!!! PERHAPS THE ONE WHO WILL LEAD THEM ALL TO THE NEW ERA!!! THE SPEAR OF MORTAL DEATH!!!" He felt chills all over his body. "AUGUST KAIZER!!!"













Chapter 110 is now complete. How are you all enjoying the story so far?

Please leave a comment, review, and feedback to help me improve this fanfic. Every little thing helps me understand your preferences and will contribute to writing a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

Thank you for following this fanfic. I hope you're enjoying it.

Have a good day, everyone. Love y'all.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C125
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


