98.63% A Song of Ice and Fire: House Baelaeron / Chapter 71: Chapter 70

章 71: Chapter 70

Motherhood was something wonderful, something indescribable that only a woman could experience in its full depth. The moment she held her child in her arms for the first time and looked into those innocent, curious eyes that were seeing the world for the first time was beyond words.

She had carried him inside her for nine months, and when her son finally saw the light of day, it was as if the entire universe had focused on him for a moment.

Daenys sat in her private chambers, surrounded by the silence and the crackling of the fire that had been kindled for her, as she cradled her newborn son in her arms. He sucked gently at her breast, his small body relaxed, while his tiny hands clung to her. His silver-gold hair shimmered in the soft light of the room as she lovingly caressed him.

"Shh, there's no rush, my little one," she whispered gently, smiling tenderly. "No one is going to take your food away." Her voice was soothing, allowing her son to feed at her breast without a care in the world.

But while she enjoyed this moment of peace and quiet, the world outside was in chaos. Just as she had seen in her vision, Kaelarys Baelaeron was not only alive, but also in the process of reconquering the ancient territory of Valyria step by step.

No one would ever have thought that he would be able to build such a mighty army in secret without anyone noticing. But not only that, his entire family and their dragons had survived the centuries and now dragons were flying over Essos again to bring the continent to its heel.

Even though her brother/husband tried to keep her away from stressful news during her pregnancy so as not to cause her unnecessary stress, Daenys had her own ways of getting information.

The Eternal Empire, as Kaelarys Baelaeron proudly called it, had already subjugated much of Essos. Lys, Volantis, Myr, Mantarys, Elyria, Tolos, Meereen, Yunkai, Astapor and New Ghis have either surrendered in the face of overwhelming odds, joined the Empire outright, or been wiped out to the last man, leaving a new elite to take control of the city.

But it seemed that the Empire would not move further north for the time being, which Daenys understood all too well.

Essos was a continent in chaos. Not only the Eternal Empire ignited the flames of war; the whole continent was engulfed in flames. From the deep south to the far north, conflicts raged, and she had heard rumors that the kingdom of Sarnor in the north was also torn by war.

The Dothraki, a people of fierce and uncivilized warriors, roamed the endless steppes, making the land tremble under the hooves of their horses. Khals and rival kings waged brutal campaigns, and Sarnor, once proud and strong, became increasingly shattered.

Daenys's attention was gently drawn to her son Aegon as he suddenly began to make soft, strange sounds, a barely intelligible babble.

She couldn't help but giggle slightly, but she was careful not to be too loud and wake him again. He looked so peaceful in her arms.

The door to her chamber opened slowly, and Daenys jumped involuntarily. The creak of the old door was louder than she had hoped, and she prayed inwardly that it would not wake her little Aegon. Her eyes fell on the door, and there was no one standing there but her brother/husband, Gaemon.

He entered the room quietly, his eyes fixed on hers. "I hope I'm not disturbing you," he said with a gentle smile, closing the door carefully behind him.

Daenys returned his smile, her eyes still full of tenderness for her son. "No, he's still sleeping," she whispered. "But these creaky doors will kill me one day."

Gaemon let out a small laugh, sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching out to stroke Aegons tiny head gently.

"You should rest," Daenys said when she noticed the tiredness in Gaemons eyes.

He nodded slowly, a tired smile on his lips. "You're right. I'll just get rid of these uncomfortable clothes and then come to bed with you."

"Do that," she replied with tenderness, while she directed her gaze from him to little Aegon. Gaemon began to slowly free himself from his heavy robes, as Daenys quietly crept to the crib, which was standing next to the warming fire. She carefully laid her son in it, taking care not to wake him, and gently pulled the small blanket over his fragile body.

She watched him for a moment, as his little chest rose and fell evenly. A peaceful expression lay on his sleeping face.

Gaemon finally came to her, freed from his heavy clothes, and lay down exhaustedly. She looked over at him before settling down beside him. "He looks so peaceful," Gaemon whispered.

"He does," Daenys whispered back, drawing the blankets up around her. "Unlike the world outside."

Gaemon fell silent for a moment, as if searching for the right words, before finally replying. "Haelor has returned from Azorath."

Daenys' eyes widened, and her gaze immediately sought his when she heard the words. Haelor had traveled to Azorath, at her father's behest, to deliver a personal request. The request was that Kaelarys Baelaeron, the emperor of Azorath, receive her father for a talk. As the only other noble dragon rider house, her father was convinced that Kaelarys would certainly receive him.

"And?" she asked, full of curiosity. "What did he say? Will Kaelarys receive Father?"

Gaemon hesitated briefly before answering. "Yes, he will receive him. But there is a condition."

Daenys frowned, her curiosity only heightened by Gaemon's cryptic reply. "A condition? What condition?"

Gaemon looked at her earnestly, his face full of concern. "Kaelarys has agreed to see Father... but only if you come with him."

"That's good, isn't it?" Daenys tilted her head slightly and looked at Gaemon questioningly. "Isn't that what you and Father wanted?"

Gaemon sat up in bed and ran his hand over his face as if trying to organize his thoughts. "Yes, it is," he began, "but don't you find it suspicious that he explicitly wants you there?"

Daenys shrugged. "Why should it? I have nothing to offer that makes me special."

Gaemon looked at her in disbelief. "Nothing special? Daenys, you are a dreamer. There is nothing more valuable or more dangerous in this world."

Daenys replied calmly, "Yes, but so is he."

There was a moment of silence before Gaemon sighed. "That's exactly why it worries me. What could he want? Two dreamers in one room... There is nothing more unpredictable."

Daenys smiled slightly. "Maybe he just wants to meet me to see if my visions match his. It doesn't have to mean anything bad."

"Maybe," Gaemon said again, but his forehead remained deeply furrowed with worry. "But someone with the ambition and knowledge of Kaelarys doesn't do anything without a reason. If we go to Azorath, we are at his mercy. And if he plans something we don't foresee, there is nothing we can do about it there."

Daenys gently laid a hand on his arm and looked him in the eye. "You worry too much, Gaemon. He is of noble blood, just like us. Everything I've heard about him so far paints a different picture."

Gaemon shook his head. "You don't know that, Daenys. You, like anyone else in the world, have never met him."

Daenys smiled gently but firmly. "I don't have to. I trust my feelings. They have never disappointed me, and I have learned to take them seriously. Just trust me, as Father did when I told him about my first dreams."

Gaemon looked deep into her eyes, and no one knew what he was looking for before he finally let out a weak, helpless laugh and shook his head slightly. "I can't talk you out of it, can I?" Daenys smiled back. "No, Gaemon, you can't." He sighed and put a hand on her cheek, stroking it gently. "That's exactly what worries me."

"Don't worry," Daenys replied quietly, laying her hand on his reassuringly. 'I'll be careful."

"Come now," she continued, stroking his arm gently. "It's been a long day, let's get some sleep."

Daenys lay down beside him, snuggled up against his side and closed her eyes.


Men scroll

Men see

Men smile

Men gifts Stones

Men leaves Review

Men leaves happily.



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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C71
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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