
章 8: Chapter 8


Itsuki couldn't say she was particularly excited for her fourth day at Asahi High School.

Maybe it was the absence of Yotsuba's constant chatter in the hallway, but today felt different, less energizing than the previous days.

Yesterday afternoon had been as uneventful as any other when it came to studying. She had tried to review her notes, using the internet to make sense of them, but progress was minimal. Unfortunately, Itsuki knew she was the kind of person who needed someone to explain things to her for them to stick.

And needless to say, her sisters weren't exactly the best teachers.

Stopping in front of the classroom door, she reached for the knob and pushed it open. Cold air from the air conditioning greeted her, along with the usual hum of students talking among themselves. Nothing out of the ordinary.

She kept her eyes forward as she crossed the room, making her way to her desk without paying much attention to her surroundings. That was intentional. She started unpacking her things, trying to ignore the slight tremble in her hand as she picked up her pen. It was shaping up to be one of those days.

She wanted to greet someone—manners mattered to her, and it always felt wrong not to say hello. But nobody seemed to notice her, aside from a few indifferent or slightly unpleasant glances. So, she kept quiet.

She probably only had the courage to talk to one person in this classroom.

Her eyes drifted to the side, searching for Megumi's seat. But a frown crossed her face when she realized it was empty again.

Itsuki paused, frowning deeper as she scanned the room. None of the heads resembled Megumi's.

Class was about to start, and he still wasn't here.

Did he miss class? Again? she thought, her gaze returning to his empty desk. It was unusual. Missing twice in a row wasn't common, especially in Japan.

Unless he's sick. The thought made her sigh softly. She hoped that wasn't the case. After all, she knew how awful it was to deal with health issues.

Itsuki glanced at the clock, noting there were just two minutes left before class started. Chemistry was first on the schedule, and she wasn't particularly good at it.

A sigh of resignation escaped her. It was going to be a long day.

But then something caught her eye, prompting her to look up again. Her eyebrows lifted in surprise as she saw someone approaching.

A boy with spiky black hair and slightly pale skin walked in, his backpack casually slung over one shoulder. It was unmistakably Megumi.

Relief washed over Itsuki; at least he wasn't unwell. She prepared to greet him with a polite smile, but her expression faltered when she noticed something was off. More specifically, it was his demeanor.

If exhaustion had marked Megumi's face the last time he was at the Nakano house, this time it was even more pronounced. Dark circles were etched beneath his greenish eyes, which were half-open in a mix of fatigue and evident boredom. His posture was more slumped than usual.

He approached silently, barely glancing in her direction before dropping into his chair. Just like that.

Of course, this wasn't surprising. Megumi had always been somewhat detached, and from the moment they met, Itsuki sensed he likely struggled with sleep. But not even a glance?

She waited for him to say something, but he merely began arranging his things on the desk with lazy, slow movements, a distant look in his eyes.

As she watched him, her worry began to morph into frustration. Really, not even a "hi"?

Clearing her throat, she tried to get his attention. "Fushiguro-kun," she said. Megumi turned his head slightly, his green eyes meeting hers for a fleeting moment, devoid of interest. "Good morning." she offered politely.

He took a moment to respond, giving a brief nod before slipping back into his aloof demeanor. The lack of energy in his response shifted Itsuki's concern into something deeper.

It felt as if his body was present, but his mind was miles away.

"Are you okay?" Itsuki asked, her voice softening with sincerity.

Megumi turned his head more fully to meet her gaze. For a moment, it seemed he might dismiss her concern with a short reply, but then he let out a small, weary sigh, his expression inscrutable.

"Didn't sleep much last night," he said simply. "I'm a little tired, that's all."

Itsuki was silent for a moment, her gaze fixed on him as she tried to decipher his features. To no avail; they remained unreadable.

But one thing was clear from his face: "a little tired" was an understatement.

"You... sure?" she murmured, her voice laced with genuine concern. She didn't want to pry, but she couldn't help it. "You really... look exhausted."

Megumi frowned slightly at this. He knew he looked tired. Yet, all he offered was a vague, half-hearted response.

"I'll wake up as time goes on," he said. "Class will help."

Itsuki didn't know if she believed him or not, but there was something in his tone that made it clear she wouldn't get any more from him.

With a deep sigh, she nodded slightly, resigning herself to his response. "I see..." she murmured, turning her gaze forward. "Have... a good class."

An uncomfortable silence settled between them, broken only by the occasional hum of students talking until the bell signaling the start of class finally rang.

As the school day resumed and the teacher entered the room, exchanging pleasantries with the students before diving into the lesson, Megumi propped his face in his hands.

The reason for his tiredness was, of course, another night of restless sleep. He didn't know what had happened just then, but he simply couldn't fall asleep. Maybe the issue was more psychological than he realized.

It wasn't that he feared what he saw when he closed his eyes; the faces, voices, and images were something he had grown accustomed to over the months. They were just reminders of his past actions.

So why? Why couldn't he sleep? It frustrated him.

Despite this, Megumi found his attention repeatedly drawn to the burning sensation on the right side of his face, a result of Itsuki's not-so-discreet glances in his direction.

He struggled to understand her behavior. On one hand, she seemed somewhat intimidated by him, which made sense given his generally unapproachable demeanor. On the other hand, she had shown kindness and concern for his well-being, along with a willingness to interact.

Certainly, it wasn't pleasant to have someone intimidated by him, and he felt torn between whether her concern was welcome.

After a few minutes of class, Megumi decided to glance at Itsuki. He noticed she was now focused on her notebook, glancing up at the board to take notes.

She had done the same during the last two days he came to school; he had already noticed that. She took notes constantly, without pause.

Megumi watched her in silence, a spark of intrigue flickering within him. He briefly glanced at her notebook before shifting his focus back to her expression.

She looked tense.

Itsuki grimaced as she raised her gaze to the board and then back to her notebook, sighing heavily in frustration.

Megumi recognized the signs: she was struggling with the material. It wasn't surprising, though. Despite her evident commitment, she was still dumb, which he found somewhat unimpressive.

He couldn't help but mentally sigh. As dedicated as she seemed, her current predicament wasn't exactly commendable. Her situation might have been more manageable if Maruo hadn't insisted that Megumi take on the role of her tutor.

Oh, that's right, he thought. I am her tutor.

Although Itsuki hadn't formally accepted him in that capacity, he was technically assigned to help her. It was expected of him, after all.

But would she even welcome his help? Megumi was unsure. She was studious yet stubborn, as Ichika had pointed out. It was possible that trying to assist her wouldn't make much difference.

Yet, despite his reservations, he considered that making an attempt could be worthwhile. After all, this was his chance to prove himself as a tutor, right? Maybe he should embrace the opportunity.

He turned his attention back to Itsuki's notebook, noting that she seemed stuck on a specific exercise: identifying the predominant type of intermolecular interaction that holds the molecules of certain substances together. Honestly, it was an easy task.

Megumi quickly assessed the situation before glancing down at his own empty notebook. He hadn't written anything, but that didn't seem to matter at the moment. Shrugging slightly, he decided to take action. He flipped a sheet in his notebook, looked at Itsuki's notebook one last time to memorize the substances listed, and began jotting down a few lines on his own sheet.

Meanwhile, Itsuki let her pen drop onto the table with a sigh of frustration, her fingers instinctively moving to massage her temples. She had been wrestling with the text for what felt like hours, making no progress at all. She really struggled with chemistry.

She had hoped the teacher would clarify things, but as he wiped the words from the board and began a new lesson, her hope dwindled. Realizing she wouldn't be able to complete the exercise, a wave of despondency washed over her. Despite her efforts, her progress remained stagnant.

This is so stressful...

Suddenly, a soft, almost imperceptible sound drew her attention—a light object landing on her desk. She glanced to the side and saw a neatly folded sheet of paper placed before her. Her eyes shifted to the only person who could have left it there.

Megumi's green eyes met her dark blue ones for a brief moment before he returned his gaze to the front of the classroom. He had passed her a note.

Curiosity piqued, Itsuki carefully unfolded the paper. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise as she read its contents. It was the exercise she couldn't solve, fully answered, with a simple step-by-step guide on the back.

She looked up at Megumi again, but he remained focused on the front of the classroom, his posture reflecting weary indifference. Turning her attention back to the paper and then to her notebook, a small, appreciative smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

A quiet sigh of relief slipped from her lips, almost drowned out by the teacher's voice. "Thank you, Fushiguro-kun." Itsuki whispered softly, her gratitude barely audible over the classroom noise, before refocusing on her task.

Maybe she would be able to finish the exercise after all.


After a few hours, the bell rang once more, this time signaling recess. Most of the students sprang from their seats, ignoring the teacher's final words as they rushed out of the classroom.

But Itsuki remained seated. She was hungry and eager to head to the cafeteria, but there was a catch: she hadn't properly thanked Megumi yet. She doubted he had heard her earlier, and leaving without expressing her gratitude didn't sit right with her.

The whole situation had caught her off guard. She had turned down his offer to tutor her, so she didn't expect him to help her, let alone so attentively.

Yet, he had. Not only did he notice she needed help, but he also knew exactly what she struggled with. It made her feel a bit embarrassed, but she couldn't deny the warmth she felt from his kindness.

And if the universe had one simple rule, it was that when someone does something good for you, you at least owe them a proper thank you.

Closing her notebook, Itsuki glanced over at Megumi, who remained seated, showing no intention of leaving. She had noticed this before—he never left the classroom during recess. Today, that habit worked in her favor.

She watched him for a moment, gathering the courage to speak. "Fushiguro-kun?" she called softly. He turned his head slightly, meeting her gaze. Offering a gentle smile, she said, "Thank you." Her tone was sincere.

For a few seconds, he just stared at her, his expression hard to read.

It seemed like he was trying to recall what he had done to deserve a thank you from her.

After a beat, his tired mind seemed to catch up. In his usual calm voice, he replied, "Don't mention it."

A brief, awkward silence followed. Itsuki could sense that Megumi wasn't eager to extend the conversation, but she still felt like there was more she needed to say. Glancing around the room at a few other students who had stayed behind, she turned back to him.

Despite already thanking him, she felt a little embarrassed. She had turned down his offer to tutor her outright, claiming it wasn't necessary. And yet, here he was, not only helping her but doing it well. She didn't magically grasp everything, but the paper he gave her wasn't just the answers. It actually helped her understand the material better for future exercises. Thanks to him.

"That was really kind of you." she added, adjusting her posture as she spoke. Megumi kept his gaze steady, though he didn't respond. It made her feel a bit uneasy, but she had already accepted that his quiet demeanor was something she'd have to get used to.

As she sat there, she wondered if there was a better way to show her appreciation. Maybe he deserved more than just a thank you, especially considering how distant she had been toward him in the beginning.

Her thoughts wandered. Did Megumi ever eat during breaks? He hadn't taken out any food so far. The idea sparked a possibility.

Maybe she could invite him to eat with her and her sisters.

Nino probably wouldn't be thrilled, considering she wasn't fond of Megumi's presence. But she would understand. Probably.

Then again, Megumi didn't seem like the type to enjoy socializing. Her offer might not interest him at all.

But it wouldn't hurt to ask. Steeling herself, Itsuki softened her expression and asked, "Are you going to stay in the classroom for the break?"

Megumi paused briefly, then gave a slight nod. Encouraged, Itsuki opened her mouth to extend her invitation, but before she could get the words out, someone else spoke up.

"Hey, you're Fushiguro, right?" A boy with messy blonde hair, brown eyes, and pale skin called out as he approached Megumi's desk. "What's your first name again?"

Itsuki's eyes shifted to the boy. If she remembered correctly, he was Yoshida—she'd heard the teacher call him that before. However, something about his sudden approach made her uneasy, even though he wasn't speaking to her.

Megumi glanced at Yoshida, his face as unreadable as ever. He really had no interest in engaging with someone he didn't need to, but he knew he had to at least be polite. Just as he was about to answer, another voice interrupted.

"I don't think he likes to talk, Yoshida," a second boy chimed in, walking up beside the blonde. This one had short red hair, sharp features, and striking yellow eyes. "I've never even heard his voice."

Both Itsuki and Megumi turned their attention to the redhead, who casually placed a hand on Yoshida's shoulder, his eyes narrowing as he stared at Megumi.

Itsuki recognized the redhead. He wasn't just another classmate—he was one of the boys who had snickered about Megumi's name on the first day.

Her discomfort deepened. Something about this felt really off.

"You think so, Kamikawa?" Yoshida asked, confirming the redhead's name while raising an eyebrow at Megumi. "Is he mute or something?"

"Nah, not mute," Kamikawa replied with a smirk, his eyes darting toward Itsuki. "I saw him talking to Nakano over there. Maybe his voice is just super soft."

"Hm..." Yoshida pretended to think it over, a look of contemplation on his face. "Maybe he's embarrassed by it?"

Megumi's eyebrow twitched ever so slightly. He could already tell where this was going.

"But why would you be embarrassed by your own voice, dude?" Yoshida continued, his fake thoughtfulness giving way to a grin.

And right on cue, Kamikawa joined in, flashing a provocative smile. "Maybe it's because his voice sounds... feminine?" he suggested. "To go with that cute girly name of his."

Ah, there it was. They were going to mock his name.

Yoshida had already known it from the start, he was just using the question as a lead-in to make fun of it.

Very original.

"Girly name?" Yoshida asked, still playing dumb. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Kamikawa couldn't help but let out a poorly stifled giggle, nudging Yoshida with his shoulder. "Come on, man, his name's Megumi! Isn't that adorable?" he mocked, earning a laugh from Yoshida.

Megumi had already figured it out. He knew what this was: they were trying to bully him.

... Well, at least they were trying.

Megumi was no stranger to bullies. He had dealt with more than his fair share at his previous school. The teasing always came back to the same thing—his name.

Having a girl's name was apparently enough to spark interest. He couldn't even blame them. If you met a guy named Priscilla or something like that, you might find it amusing too. The jokes didn't bother him; it'd be pathetic if they did.

But when things turned physical, Megumi had no problem defending himself—and putting a stop to the nonsense. Much to Tsumiki's dismay.

"Who thought naming a guy "Megumi" was a good idea?" Yoshida sneered, leaning in with a smug grin, slinging his arm over Kamikawa's shoulder.

The redhead beside him nodded, throwing a condescending glance at Megumi. "Yeah, did your parents do drugs or something?"

Wouldn't know. Never met them.

It was the classic move, mock someone's parents. It might've hit harder if Megumi actually cared about his.

Kamikawa and Yoshida were just two kids who found a boy with a girl's name funny. Kinda stupid? Sure. But it didn't matter to Megumi.

From his experience with these types of people, there are a few effective ways to handle bullies—most of which involve violence.

But violence was exactly what Tsumiki despised seeing him resort to.

So how should Megumi deal with bullies? His sister's advice was simple: silence.

What fun is it to mock someone who doesn't even acknowledge your mockery? When you make fun of someone, it's not just for the sake of it—you want a reaction.

If you don't get one, you're wasting your time and even making a fool of yourself. It's a little humiliating to mock someone only to be completely ignored, as if your attempt wasn't even worth a response.

So while ignoring them may not be as satisfying as beating them up, that's the choice Megumi sticks with. After all, that's what his sister would want.

The two boys stared at Megumi, waiting for any kind of reaction. Their smug smiles and mocking eyes made it clear how badly they wanted him to respond.

But there was nothing. Megumi simply looked at them, her expression barely registering mild disinterest.

The redhead's face darkened as the silence dragged on, frustration etched into his features. "We're talking to you."

Megumi remained silent, his gaze growing more bored by the second. Sure, ignoring them might seem a bit lame, but his other options weren't exactly viable.

Kamikawa's patience evaporated fast. The amusement from earlier was gone, replaced by visible irritation. "You think you're too good for us, punk?" he snapped, slamming his hand down on Megumi's desk.

That escalated quickly.

His silence only seemed to stoke their anger, their words bouncing off him as if he couldn't even hear them. It was almost... amusing? In a way. They were the ones getting all riled up, not him.

"Are you deaf?" Kamikawa growled, his fist tightening. He turned to Yoshida. "What's this guy's problem?"

Yoshida's expression darkened to mirror his friend's. "Let's skip this bullshit," he muttered, stepping closer. "If he won't talk, we'll make him."

Megumi felt a sense of resignation at those words. So that was it—they intended to get physical.

Sometimes things did reach that point, sure. It wasn't anything new. But it wasn't exactly thrilling either. No matter how much he tried to avoid a fight, some things were just beyond his control.

Maybe he could just dodge without hurting them? Maybe grab their wrists? There was no need to break bones. Defending himself against two teenagers wasn't difficult, even if he was a little rusty.

But before things could get worse, a voice cut through the tension. "Excuse me," someone said firmly.

Itsuki stepped forward, her eyes narrowing at the two boys. "Before you two showed up, I was talking to him. Did you seriously interrupt just to pull this nonsense?" she continued, trying to project authority.


It was clear that the girl was nervous. Her shoulders were stiff, and a faint tremor occasionally flickered across her lips. The tension only increased when the bullies shifted their attention to her.

But despite the fear, she didn't back down. Casting a quick glance at Megumi, she refocused on the two idiots, gathering every bit of her courage. "Not only are you interrupting our conversation," she said, her voice steady despite her nerves, "but you're also being inappropriate. I'm asking you to stop."

Megumi watched her, a mix of surprise and confusion flickering across his face.

He already knew that Itsuki was someone who tried to command respect, so it shouldn't have surprised him that she'd step in. But she was clearly scared.

Yet there she was, putting herself on the line to defend him from these two.

Was it necessary? Not at all. Megumi had... ways for handling whatever they threw at him. But still, seeing her try to help was… odd. Oddly nice.

You're just getting her into trouble. His expression darkened slightly.

The silence after Itsuki's words was broken by a scoff from Kamikawa. "Look at Nakano," he sneered, nudging Yoshida. "Standing up for the little princess over there."

Yoshida chuckled, grinning as he turned back to Megumi. "Need a girl to defend you? That just makes you even more pathetic," he taunted. "I'd think she's your girlfriend, but let's be real, someone as weird as you wouldn't have a girlfriend."

"Yeah, just look at his hair," the redhead chimed in, laughing. "Looks like a damn sea urchin!" They both burst into laughter.

Megumi frowned slightly, but not because of the joke—it was one he'd heard plenty of times before. No, it was the mention of his hair that caught his attention, reminding him that he might be overdue for a cut. It had been a while.

Itsuki, on the other hand, was clearly frustrated. She'd only made things worse. Clearing her throat, she tried to sound more assertive. "I suggest you stop," she said, though her voice wavered. "Or I'll call the principal."

The laughter stopped. The boys' eyes snapped back to her, and Itsuki froze. Their expressions hardened.

Not good.

"The principal?" Yoshida muttered, stepping closer. "Is that right?"

Kamikawa followed, and Itsuki instinctively stepped back, her confidence faltering. She swallowed hard, searching for an escape but finding none. Taking a deep breath, she tried to steady herself. "I-I asked you to stop."

"Or what?" Kamikawa challenged, a smirk forming on his lips. "Is your daddy going to cancel our health insurance or something?"

"Yeah, you're just daddy's little girl, aren't you?" Yoshida added with a mocking sneer.

Itsuki visibly gulped. She tried to compose herself, but her fear was evident. "I-I…" she stammered, unable to finish her sentence.

"Hah! No words now?" Kamikawa spat, his voice sharp. "Can't hold your ground? Pathetic. You're hot, but your attitude's a letdown."

That was a little too much.

Itsuki's eyes widened slightly as she stared at the floor, fighting to keep her composure. She had to stay calm.

"But I doubt she'll stay hot for long," Yoshida sneered. "You see how much she eats at lunch?"

"Yeah, she's like a vacuum cleaner!" Kamikawa laughed.

Oh God... Itsuki had never faced anything like this. Sure, she'd heard whispers and nasty comments behind her back before, but this? A direct attack on her self-worth? She had no idea how to handle it.

Stay calm. What would mom do?

Her mother was always so serene, so unshakable. She wouldn't let this get to her. Itsuki took a deep breath. She was her mother's daughter—she had the same strength in her blood.

Nothing to fear. Stay focused!

She lifted her head, trying to gather her resolve… but as soon as she met their eyes, her courage crumbled. She stepped back again, bumping into her desk.

"Ha! She's gonna cry!" Yoshida howled, pointing at her face. "Look at her, man!"

Kamikawa cackled. "Damn, she folded faster than I thought! She looked tough for a second, but all it took was a few words!"

Maybe Megumi was foolish to expect Itsuki to react to the insults. Perhaps he assumed everyone shared his resilience and that comments like those wouldn't affect them. If he did, he had clearly misjudged.

Itsuki's pale face and shaky breaths made it clear she wasn't going to defend herself. She needed help—immediately.

It wouldn't just be rude not to intervene; it would be a betrayal of his character. The girl was in this mess because of him, and the least he could do was help her out of it.

"Is she panicking because we're making fun of her, or because she hasn't hit up the cafeteria yet?" Yoshida sneered again. "Wow, can't stay away from food for a few more seconds?"

This was getting really old.

But the boys' laughter came to an abrupt halt when they felt a hand on their shoulders. They exchanged confused glances before turning around, only to be met with Megumi's steady gaze.

"You guys should apologize." he said calmly. It wasn't a suggestion—there were no other words.

The boys glanced at his hand on their shoulders, their expressions darkening. Kamikawa growled, "Hands off."

Megumi didn't budge. He kept his hand there, maintaining eye contact with Itsuki, who watched him with a mixture of fear and relief.

"I'll say it again," he repeated, his voice low and unwavering. "Apologize."

The boys scoffed, disdain clear on their faces. They clearly weren't taking him seriously. Kamikawa sneered, "Get your fucking hand off me."

Megumi was trying really hard not to hurt them—for Tsumiki's sake. But damn, it was tough.

"I'm not asking," he whispered, his tone turning cold. "I'm telling you. Apologize." He tightened his grip slightly, making the boys squirm.

"Don't touch me!" Yoshida snapped, trying to pull Megumi's hand away, but it was as if it was glued there.

Megumi's grip only tightened more, especially on Yoshida's shoulder. The boy's knuckles turned white.

Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, right? A tight grip on the shoulder might hurt a little, but it was just discomfort.

But Yoshida didn't look just uncomfortable. He groaned in pain, his expression twisting as he tried to pry Megumi's hand off his shoulder to no avail.

"What the hell is that!?" he demanded, growing frustrated and uneasy. "Let go, dude!"

"You seemed pretty full of yourself," Megumi pointed out calmly, tightening his grip just a bit more. "It's just a pat on the shoulder. I thought you were tough."

Yoshida gritted his teeth against the pain, attempting to use both hands to pry Megumi's off, again without success. "Man, let go of me! What's your problem!?"

"I'm not holding you that tight..." Megumi said. "You should be able to free yourself. Come on, try harder."

Kamikawa observed the scene, eyebrows raised in wary curiosity as he glanced at Megumi's hand on his own shoulder. It didn't hurt anymore; the grip was relatively weak now.

He tried to free himself but soon realized he couldn't move either. No matter how weak the grip was, he felt trapped. What the hell is this?

"Ugh..." Yoshida groaned, contorting his posture under the pressure. "What... the hell!" he hissed through gritted teeth.

With each passing second, the pain became unbearable, as if Megumi were tearing his shoulder off. His face began to pale as the agony intensified, and he couldn't hold back any longer.

"Alright! I'll apologize!" he relented, his voice wavering. "Just let go, damn it!"

Megumi maintained his grip for a few more seconds before finally releasing him, noting Yoshida's pale complexion. Yoshida sighed deeply in relief, reaching to rub his injured shoulder while staring at Megumi with a mix of shock and frustration. He opened his mouth to say something but fell silent under Megumi's unwavering gaze.

"Stay there," Megumi commanded, calm yet firm. "Don't move."

Yoshida, writhing in pain, complied, unable to defy the command.

Megumi then shifted his focus to Kamikawa, who was looking increasingly nervous. "You..." he began, his voice steady but low. "Will you apologize?"

Kamikawa hesitated, glancing between Megumi and his friend. "I—"

"I won't let you go until I hear it," Megumi interrupted, his expression hardening. "What's it going to be?"

Kamikawa hesitated, feeling humiliated at the thought of conceding so easily. A quick glance at Yoshida revealed everything he needed to know: the boy, still in pain, shot him a look that unmistakably conveyed it wasn't worth the trouble.

Despite this, Kamikawa was reluctant to surrender, so he delayed his response. A big mistake.

Megumi's expression hardened slightly as he gradually tightened his grip on Kamikawa's shoulder, prompting Kamikawa to open his eyes wider in surprise.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed, flinching at the sharp pain as Megumi seemed to be squeezing his bone, threatening to dislocate it.

Yoshida observed the scene, his expression darkening. He tried to intervene.

"Stop it, man!" Kamikawa pleaded, but just like with Yoshida, it fell on deaf ears. He even glanced at Itsuki, who stared back at him with wide eyes, offering no assistance—obviously.

At last, Kamikawa swallowed his pride and nodded slightly. "I'll apologize too!" he said, forcing the words out despite the bitter taste they left in his mouth.

Megumi paused for a moment before finally nodding in response. "Good," he said, his demeanor softening as he turned his attention to Itsuki and released his grip. "You two can start now." he advised.

The two boys looked at Itsuki, who was watching the unfolding scene with a confused expression, clearly shaken by what had just occurred.

The two boys looked at Itsuki, who was watching the unfolding scene with a confused expression, clearly shaken by what had just occurred.

"I-I'm sorry, Nakano," Yoshida spoke first, eager to avoid another 'tap on the shoulder' anytime soon.

"Yeah, sorry, Nakano…" Kamikawa muttered a moment later, his voice lacking conviction.

Itsuki nodded slowly in acknowledgment, her hands clasped tightly in front of her.

Megumi's expression remained stern as he ordered, "Again."

The boys exchanged nervous glances before facing Megumi, who maintained steady eye contact with them. No more words were necessary. The intimidation in his gaze made them swallow hard.

"Sorry, Nakano!" Yoshida repeated, his voice strained.

"Forgive us..." Kamikawa echoed, tightly closing his eyes and feeling the sting of humiliation.

Itsuki merely nodded again. Megumi's gaze remained impassive as he demanded, "Once more."

Yoshida's voice was tense as he repeated, "I'm sorry..." His teeth were clenched, and his discomfort was evident.

"I'm sorry." Kamikawa added, still with his eyes shut.

With a sigh, Megumi's expression softened slightly as he nodded. He had made his point and was running out of patience.

Dealing with these two felt like managing misbehaving children; they just needed a lesson.

"Leave." he instructed calmly, gesturing toward the door.

The boys needed no further prompting. They scrambled out of the room, eager to escape. With that, Megumi was left alone with Itsuki. He didn't glance at her as he slumped back into his chair, suddenly feeling exhausted again.

Itsuki stared at him, still processing what she had just witnessed. She couldn't quite grasp it; what had happened was both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Looking at Megumi, he seemed like just a tired boy lacking any real resolve.

She never would have expected him to handle things the way he did.

Appearances, of course, could be misleading. Beneath that school coat, he might be incredibly strong, but Itsuki had never seen his physique, so she wouldn't normally make that assumption.

And yet, here he was, having brought two bullies down by simply 'patting' their shoulders. Just how much force had he used in that grip to take them down so quickly?

Still, Itsuki couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't defended himself sooner.

Anyway, it was only natural for her to feel grateful toward him. After all, this was the second time he'd helped her in the past few hours.

"Fushiguro-kun," she said after a pause. He glanced over, and she gave him a soft, appreciative smile. "Thank you."

Megumi's gaze lingered briefly before he looked away. "You shouldn't have gotten involved," he replied flatly. "I can handle my own problems."

The dismissiveness in his tone stung a bit, catching her off guard.

But before she could respond, he added, "You got yourself into trouble for no reason. Don't do that again."

Itsuki paused, taking in both his words and the tone behind them.

Ah… so that's it. He's feeling a bit guilty.

Her expression softened. "But you helped me earlier today," she said, her voice gentle. "You didn't have to, but you did. I just wanted to return the favor."

After all, even if this fell under his tutoring role, she'd never officially agreed to have him as her tutor.

Megumi didn't respond.

Itsuki sighed at his silence but remembered what she'd initially wanted to ask. Clearing her throat, she tried again. "Fushiguro-kun?" She hoped to catch his attention, and he gave her a sidelong glance. "Would you like to join me and my sisters in the cafeteria?"

"I won't."

"Huh?" Her eyebrows shot up at his quick rejection. He hadn't even paused to think about it. "...Why not?"

"Don't want to." Megumi replied bluntly.

Her face fell, frustration flickering in her eyes. "Really? That's it? No explanation?"

Megumi shrugged.

Of course. Despite his help, his attitude hadn't changed.

Still, she felt a little let down by his indifference.

"You should consider it," she said. "You've been sitting in the classroom during breaks all week. I'm just trying to change that."

Megumi sighed, the weariness in his eyes more visible as he looked at her. "Stop wasting your time on me. Go spend it with your sisters."

Itsuki bit her lip, feeling a little put off.

"I'm not wasting my time," she replied firmly. "Besides, it wouldn't hurt to spend some time with other people."

Megumi looked at her, his expression unreadable. "I'm fine on my own," he muttered, glancing away. "And Nino wouldn't be thrilled to have me around."

Itsuki paused, considering his words. He… probably had a point. Nino wasn't exactly warm toward him.

"She… will understand," Itsuki murmured, though not very convincingly. "Even if she's not thrilled at first, I'm sure she'll come around."

Megumi didn't look convinced.

Itsuki's shoulders slumped slightly at his silence. "...You really won't change your mind?"

Before Megumi could reply, a feminine voice called out from the doorway. "Itsuki, are you here?"

Both Itsuki and Megumi turned to see a girl with shoulder-length orange hair adorned with a green bow, entering the classroom. Her eyes quickly found Itsuki, and a broad smile spread across her face.

"There you are!" Yotsuba exclaimed cheerfully. "I was getting worried… You don't normally skip meals, you know?"

Itsuki's brow furrowed slightly at Yotsuba's comment, but she was soon distracted when her sister's attention shifted to Megumi. Her eyes widened in surprise, and her smile grew even wider.

"Fushiguro-san!" Yotsuba exclaimed, bouncing over to his desk. "You came to school today! That's good, I was worried about your absence!"

Megumi blinked.

"Why were you absent yesterday?" Yotsuba asked. "Were you sick?"

"...Tired." Megumi replied simply, his gaze drifting away as he felt uncomfortable under her attention.

"Tired?" Yotsuba echoed, moving in front of his desk. They locked eyes for a moment before she leaned in closer to examine his face. Megumi stiffened at her proximity and tilted his head back.

"Uhm…" Yotsuba murmured, her hand resting on her chin as she studied him. "You're right…" she said, noticing the faint circles under his eyes. "You do look tired!"

Itsuki frowned at the scene, sensing Megumi's discomfort. "Yotsuba…" she called gently. "Don't you think you're a bit too close?"

"Hmm?" Yotsuba paused, glancing at her sister before looking back at Megumi. Realizing how close she was, she quickly stepped back, a nervous smile spreading across her face. "Heh, you're right," she said sheepishly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry, Fushiguro-san."

Megumi gradually regained his composure, allowing his expression to settle into its usual neutrality. He chose not to respond, trying to ignore the awkwardness of the situation.

After a few seconds of palpable, uneasy silence, Yotsuba cleared her throat, her gaze darting from the clock to Itsuki. "So, are you planning to join us for recess?" she asked, attempting to break the tense stillness.

Itsuki shot a fleeting glance at Megumi before letting out a resigned sigh. She opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted when Yotsuba swiftly redirected her attention back to him.

"What about you, Fushiguro-san?" Yotsuba asked, her earlier embarrassment forgotten, eyes bright with a hopeful gleam. "You could join us to play too, right? That'd be nice! I've actually wanted to invite you for a while, but I didn't know which class you were in, and I never see you outside of arrival or departure times..."

Megumi stared at her, his expression shifting into a frown as she continued to ramble.

"But now that I've found you, why not join us? That would be fun!" she finished, flashing him a hopeful smile.

He didn't understand why these girls seemed so insistent on involving him.

"I don't want to." Megumi said bluntly. Yotsuba's shoulders slumped, her excitement fading.

"Oh…" she murmured, frowning slightly. She hadn't expected such immediate rejection, but from him, maybe she should've.

Yotsuba glanced over at Itsuki, who gave a small shrug, then sighed as she looked back at Megumi.

"Why, though?" she asked quietly, then, even more softly, added, "Do you not like being around us?"

Her tone made him hesitate for a moment, unsettled by her words.

Megumi pursed his lips. How was he even supposed to answer this? He just didn't want to socialize...

"Just leave me alone," he mumbled, turning his gaze forward. "Recess must be over soon. Go with Itsuki, catch up with your sisters, and enjoy the time before class starts again."

Yotsuba's eyebrows rose slightly. "Oh... so, you're worried about intruding?" She smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Fushiguro-san! We wouldn't mind. Actually, we'd like having you around, right?" She glanced over at Itsuki.

Itsuki nodded after a beat, though less enthusiastically. "Yeah… it wouldn't be a problem. I think I've told you that already…" she murmured, almost to herself.

Megumi sighed, his shoulders dropping.

"You don't have to be alone, you know?" Yotsuba continued, her voice filling the empty classroom. "Isn't it a bit… tiring? Spending every recess by yourself? I mean, the cafeteria can be noisy, but maybe that's better than being stuck in here alone."

The thought didn't exactly thrill him.

"Just this once," Yotsuba urged, holding up a finger. "If you don't like it, I won't ask again. How about it?"

Megumi glanced at her, catching her usual bright smile, the hopeful look in her eyes. He figured the easiest way to end this was to just give in.

"Fine." he muttered quietly.

"Great!" Yotsuba cheered the moment Megumi's words registered, clapping her hands together. "You won't regret it!"

Itsuki couldn't help but feel surprised that Yotsuba actually convinced Megumi, something she herself hadn't managed to do, even with all the time she'd had.

Yotsuba glanced at the clock and gestured to the others. "Fushiguro-san was right—recess is almost over," she said. "So we'd better hurry! Come on, they're waiting!"

Megumi only muttered a brief acknowledgment as he stood up, slipping his hands into his pockets. He followed Yotsuba with a resigned expression, barely managing a hint of enthusiasm.

Itsuki rose from her seat behind him, pausing to grab her wallet. Talking about the café had stirred her hunger, and she'd need some money to grab something to eat.

She hesitated, though, recalling those two boys who had teased her about how much she eats. Her expression turned slightly guarded as she looked at her wallet.


Then, she sighed, shaking her head as if to brush off the thought. She knew she shouldn't let their words affect her… though it was easier said than done.

"See?" Yotsuba poked her side, making Itsuki yelp in surprise. "He agreed! Just a little persistence, right?"

Itsuki shot her sister a sidelong glance, brow furrowed.

Yotsuba just grinned, giving her a friendly pat on the back. "Now, let's go, okay? We don't want to keep Nino waiting."

A tentative smile appeared on Itsuki's lips. "That's no easy task…"

Yotsuba chuckled, taking a few steps back before heading for the door. "So we'll just have to be extra quick! Let's go!" And with that, she marched out.

Itsuki looked at her wallet one last time, then tucked it into her pocket, trying not to think too much. Yotsuba was right; they needed to move. No point in dwelling on it.

She started following a little behind Megumi, who walked a step behind Yotsuba.

Her gaze drifted to Megumi's back, a thoughtful expression crossing her face as she reflected.

A small smile then crept onto her lips despite herself.

No need to dwell on it at all. Megumi had already put the issue to rest.


"What are you staring at?" Nino snapped at a boy their age, his eyes lingering a bit too long on Ichika's chest. Her sharp tone instantly snapped his attention back to her.

"Uh... I—" he stammered, struggling to find an excuse, but—

"Get lost!" she interrupted, her voice cold. The boy swallowed hard, face flushing with embarrassment before scurrying away from the table.

Nino sighed, frustration clear in her expression. "These guys..." she muttered, shooting a glance at Ichika.

Ichika paused for a moment before chuckling softly, her gaze softening. "We should be used to it by now." she said, trying to sound indifferent, though a hint of amusement slipped through.

Nino rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Used to it? We shouldn't have to deal with this at all." she shot back, her irritation obvious.

Miku, sitting quietly, stared down at her can of matcha soda, her eyes occasionally scanning the cafeteria as if searching for something.

Noticing Miku's distracted look, Ichika shifted the conversation. "Looking for something, Miku?" she asked.

"Yotsuba," Miku replied without looking away from her search. "She went to get Itsuki a few minutes ago."

"Big mistake letting Yotsuba go alone," Nino scoffed, leaning back in her chair. "She probably got lost or stopped to help some random janitor along the way."

Ichika smiled. "That sounds like her." she said, while Miku's eyes continued scanning the room.

After a brief silence, Nino frowned. "But really, where is Itsuki? She should've been back by now."

"Maybe she stayed behind to take extra notes," Ichika suggested casually. "You know how serious she gets about her studies."

"Sure, but skipping break? No food? That's not like her at all." Nino countered, clearly skeptical.

Ichika tried to stifle her laughter, bringing a hand to her mouth. "Don't act like all she ever thinks about is food." she teased.

"Yeah, she thinks about studying too. Sometimes." Nino quipped dryly, making Ichika laugh again.

"I see Yotsuba," Miku said softly, pointing toward the entrance. "And Itsuki…" she added after a beat, her eyes fixed on their approaching sisters.

Both Nino and Ichika turned to look, recognizing their sisters almost instantly.

But Nino's expression shifted to one of disbelief when she noticed who was following them.

"Megumi-kun too," Ichika observed, resting her chin in her hand. "And he looks sooo thrilled..." she joked, noting the tired expression on his face.

"He looks like he's about to pass out," Nino muttered. "Does this guy even sleep?"

Miku watched quietly, her eyes thoughtful. Megumi didn't look any worse than usual, but then again, he never seemed well-rested any time she saw him.

"Heyyy!" Yotsuba's voice rang out as she waved energetically, practically bouncing over to the table. "I brought Itsuki! And Fushiguro-san!" Her excitement was obvious, but Nino was far from enthused.

"Yeah, we see…" she muttered under her breath, turning away slightly. The sight of Megumi tagging along wasn't exactly welcome, especially after their last encounter. Childish, stupid... His words still stung.

Now she'd have to tolerate his presence during recess too? Wasn't there any escape?

"Hey, Itsuki-chan, Megumi-kun," Ichika greeted warmly as they sat on either side of her. She turned to Itsuki. "What took you so long?"

Itsuki hesitated, casting a cautious glance at her sisters. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to explain what had happened. They'd definitely care, but should she bring it up right now?

The girl glanced at Megumi, silently hoping for some encouragement to share what had happened. But all she got was a neutral, unreadable expression.

Is that a no? Itsuki wondered, frowning slightly.

"Yeah, it's not like you to take this long," Nino chimed in, deliberately ignoring Megumi's presence. "I was starting to think you brought food from home, but..." Her voice trailed off as she glanced at Itsuki's tray, eyes narrowing. It wasn't nearly as full as usual.

Maybe it was because she was running late and wouldn't have much time to eat before the bell rang—but that had never been an issue for Itsuki before.

So why now?

Itsuki sighed softly, her eyes shifting from Megumi to her tray. She didn't offer any explanation, instead picking up her utensils and starting to eat in silence.

Ichika and Nino exchanged glances, both waiting for an answer that never came.

Nino's concern grew as she watched her sister eat without a word. It wasn't like Itsuki to ignore a question, especially one so direct. Her expression darkened with worry. Something was definitely off.

Ichika, on the other hand, decided to let it slide and shifted her attention elsewhere. "Hey, Megumi-kun..." she began, but paused when she noticed the tired look on his face. "...Did you even sleep last night?"

Megumi's frown deepened. Was it that obvious?

"...I did." he muttered. Technically, it wasn't a lie. He had slept—for a few minutes, maybe.

Ichika's lips curved into a playful smile. "How long?" she pressed.

Megumi's expression tightened, and he quickly looked away, choosing to ignore her question.

Ichika chuckled softly. "My, is it such a sensitive subject?"

Silence followed once again.

Yotsuba, trying to lighten the mood, offered a hesitant smile. "C'mon, just leave Fushiguro-san alone," she suggested. "It wasn't easy convincing him to come along..."

"Ha! That, I can believe." Ichika teased, leaning back with a mischievous grin.

Nino, who had been watching Itsuki with growing concern, slowly shifted her gaze to Megumi. She let out a small huff upon seeing his brooding expression. I don't know why you guys dragged him here in the first place," she muttered. "He's clearly hating every second of it."

"That's not true!" Yotsuba shot back, determined. She turned to Megumi, her expression confident. "You're enjoying our company, right, Fushiguro-san?" she asked brightly.

Megumi didn't respond.

"Wow, how many words is that now?" Ichika joked, raising an eyebrow.

Yotsuba, however, seemed undeterred by his silence. She nodded proudly, interpreting it as agreement. "See? He's having a good time!" she declared, turning back to Nino.

Nino made a face. "I'm not sure if that's a 'yes'…"

"Because it's not." Miku added quietly.

"But hey, can't you at least soften your expression a little?" Ichika teased, leaning slightly toward Megumi with a playful smirk. "People are gonna start staring if you keep looking that serious~"

Megumi sighed internally. "I can't promise that." he muttered, his face remaining exactly the same.

Ichika chuckled, leaning back to give him space. She glanced at the clock, then decided to steer the conversation in a different direction. "Alright, enough of the gloominess. Let's talk about something lighter!" she announced. "Like, what's our next class? I've got English."

Yotsuba, thoughtful for a moment, then grinned brightly. "Mathematics!" she declared with enthusiasm, quickly adding, "Even though I'm not very good at it."

Megumi, recalling their previous tutoring sessions, could easily confirm that.

"Who would've guessed…" Nino murmured, clearly uninterested in sharing her own schedule. But Ichika wasn't about to let her off the hook.

"What about you, Nino?" she asked, resting her chin in her hand. "What's your next class?"

"Why does it matter?" Nino shot back, frowning.

"Because that's how conversations work," Ichika replied with a grin. "Come on, grumpy. Don't leave us hanging."

Nino huffed, slumping a little lower in her seat before begrudgingly muttering, "Social Studies."

"See? That wasn't so bad," Ichika said with a satisfied smile. She then turned her attention to Itsuki, who was still quietly eating.

Sensing the question coming, Itsuki swallowed her food, wiped her lips, and answered before anyone could ask. "History."

Ichika nodded and finally looked at Miku. "And you, Miku?"

Miku hesitated for a moment, meeting Ichika's gaze before answering softly, "Physical education."

"Physical education?" Nino echoed, raising an eyebrow as she glanced at Miku with a touch of sympathy. "Oof. Sorry about that."

Miku frowned slightly. "It's not that bad." she muttered, though her voice lacked conviction.

"It is," Nino stated bluntly. "You suck at PE."

"Hey..." Miku protested, her expression darkening.

"Am I wrong?" Nino pressed, using the moment to start lecturing. "And do you know why? It's because you don't exercise. You should really change that habit." Despite her sharp words, it was clear there was no malice, just the usual big sister advice.

"Actually, Nino's got a point," Yotsuba chimed in, her face full of concern but quickly lighting up. "And I can help you! We can exercise together!"

Miku shifted uncomfortably, clearly not interested in the attention. "There's no need for that..." she muttered, trying to brush it off.

"There is a need," Nino insisted, her eyes flicking to Miku's drink. "You don't exercise, and you're always drinking soda. It's no wonder your PE performance is so bad."

"You're not one to talk," Miku shot back, frustration leaking into her voice. "It's not like your performance is any better."

Nino's eyes narrowed. "...Well, it's different. I don't want to get better." she said, though her voice wavered slightly.

"Sounds like an excuse to me." Miku retorted, raising her can of soda for another sip.

Nino huffed, crossing her arms. "At least I don't nearly pass out when I exercise," she countered, before shooting another disapproving glance at the soda can. "And didn't I just tell you about those sodas?"

"I already bought it," Miku said flatly. "I'm not wasting it."

"Buying it was the waste," Nino snapped back. "I don't even get why you like that stuff. Matcha soda? Seriously?"

"It's good." Miku defended, though her tone was less certain now.

"It's tea, Miku," Nino said, as if that were the most absurd thing in the world. "Tea soda. Really?"

"Have you ever actually tried it?" Miku asked, now fully on the defensive.

"Yeah, there are tons of those cans at home," Nino replied with a shrug. "And they taste awful. What's the appeal?"

Megumi frowned slightly as their chatter continued, trying to tune out their argument, but it was hard given their proximity.

He glanced at Nino, who grimaced at Miku's can before shifting his gaze to Miku.

The constant pressure from Nino made Miku falter. She stared at her can of matcha, her confidence fading. "It's just… my taste..." she mumbled, her voice softening.

Miku's tone made Nino pause. She watched as Miku slowly pulled the can away from her lips and set it on the table, giving the impression she was giving up on it, her lips forming a small pout.

Megumi noticed Miku's sudden change in demeanor as well. It struck him as odd. He had expected a comeback or some defensive remark like Miku usually made, but nothing came.

Nino's expression softened slightly when she realized Miku was genuinely upset. She sighed, reaching for Miku's can and examining the label.

"I don't want to upset you or anything, this is just sisterly advice," she began, her tone more gentle. "This stuff is really bad for your body, especially from this company. You've seen the allegations, right? I'm sure you have."

"I think we're done questioning our sister's habits, okay?" Ichika interjected, her tone light yet firm. "We all have bad habits, and that's fine! It's what makes us who we are." she added with a wise smile.

"Yeah, and you have some pretty terrible habits yourself," Nino shot back, turning her attention to Ichika. "Like not cleaning your damn room."

Ichika grinned shamelessly and shrugged. "It's more comfortable that way." she replied, unfazed.

"…It's not," Yotsuba chimed in. "There are so many clothes scattered all over the floor. What if you trip and hurt yourself? That place is a disaster!"

"Aw, come on…" Ichika muttered, her voice tinged with mock exasperation. "Are you all going to gang up on me now?"

"It's just sisterly advice!" Yotsuba echoed, feigning wisdom. "Your room is in dire need of a cleanup, and I'm more than willing to help you sort it out!" she exclaimed brightly, flashing a wide smile.

"No, you are not. Let this sloth handle it on her own," Nino reprimanded with a stern look at Yotsuba. "Helping her only encourages her bad habits."

"Hey!" Ichika protested with a playful pout. "Of course you should help me! We are sisters, after all!"

"Yes, but bailing you out every time doesn't teach you anything," Nino countered. "You're always going on about being the eldest, but you act like a child."

"Ouch…" Ichika placed a hand over her heart in mock pain. "You're really hurting my feelings now."

Nino rolled her eyes, opting not to grace Ichika with yet another reply. But as her gaze shifted, it landed on Itsuki—and lingered.

The youngest sister had been unusually quiet, not uttering a word since she started her meal. To Nino's surprise, she wasn't even eating anymore.

Itsuki sat with her cheek resting on one hand, her eyes focused on her plate, though her food remained mostly untouched. She held her fork in her free hand but only poked at the food occasionally, not bothering to take a bite.

This wasn't normal, not at all.

But before Nino could comment, Yotsuba followed her gaze and beat her to it.

"Can't finish your meal?" Yotsuba asked, eyeing Itsuki curiously.

It took a moment for Itsuki to register the question. She eventually looked up at her sister and replied, "Oh... I'm just not hungry."

Yotsuba frowned. "Didn't like the food? I thought it looked great when I picked it up."

"No, that's not it..." Itsuki muttered, setting her fork down. "I'm just really not hungry."

"Bullshit," Nino's voice cut in, sharp and direct, causing Itsuki to freeze. "What's going on? Spill it."

Harsh? Maybe. Abrupt? Definitely. But this was Nino. If one of her sisters was upset and hiding something, she'd demand answers, no sugarcoating.

Itsuki hesitated, her eyes flickering briefly toward Megumi before she turned back to Nino. "I don't know what you're talking about..." she mumbled, her voice unsure.

Nino's eyes narrowed. "Don't play dumb. I can see something's bothering you."

Itsuki shook her head, her expression growing tense. "I'm fine, Nino. You're imagining things."

That only fueled Nino's frustration.

"Actually, I noticed something too," Ichika chimed in, her eyes dropping from the ceiling to focus on Itsuki. "You barely took any food today, and..." she gestured to the plate. "You haven't even finished it."

"Plus, you've been quieter than usual," Yotsuba added, her concern evident. "Are you feeling sick? Should we call Ebata-san to take you home?"

Itsuki's cheeks flushed under the sudden spotlight. Even Miku, who had been somewhat detached, was now fully tuned in.

"Uh..." Itsuki fumbled for words, her anxiety growing as she looked down at her tray to avoid their stares. "I just didn't eat much... Is that really so weird?"

A chorus of "yes," "definitely," and "for sure" echoed around the table, causing Itsuki's cheeks to burn brighter as she slouched further into her seat.

Nino's scowl deepened as she continued to stare at Itsuki, her patience wearing thin. "Answer the question, Itsuki," she commanded, her tone firm.

Itsuki bit her lower lip, reluctantly lifting her eyes to meet Nino's gaze. She knew lying to Nino was pointless, but she didn't want to burden anyone with something she thought was already resolved.

"You know you can tell us anything, right?" Ichika added gently, hoping to make Itsuki feel more at ease. "We're family."

Megumi, sitting nearby, couldn't help but frown. He felt completely out of place in this conversation. His gaze shifted uncomfortably; he already had a suspicion about why Itsuki was acting like this. Maybe those two boys' words had affected her more than she'd let on.

"I swear, it's nothing..." Itsuki began, trying once again to brush it off. But Nino's frustrated growl cut her off.

"Seriously, what's with all of you?" Nino snapped. "Never saying what's on your mind... Don't you trust us?"

Itsuki's eyes widened slightly at the accusation, and she quickly waved her hands defensively. "No! It's not that!"

"Then tell us what's bothering you!" Nino's voice softened, almost pleading now. "You're acting weird, did you really think we wouldn't notice?"

Itsuki's tense expression wavered. Her shoulders sagged, and she let out a soft sigh, biting the inside of her cheek. "It's just…" her voice faded.

She glanced one more time at Megumi, clearly hesitating. The situation involved him, whether she liked it or not, and she didn't want to bring it up without his consent. Even under pressure, she wasn't about to make things worse by dragging him into it.

Glancing at Megumi again was a big mistake.

Her eyes turned back to Nino, but she froze when she saw her sister's intense expression.

"Why do you keep looking at Fushiguro?" Nino demanded, her tone sharpening.

Itsuki swallowed hard at the sudden shift in tone.

"Does he have something to do with this?" Nino pressed, her voice growing more intense.

Now Itsuki knew she had messed up.

Megumi shot Nino a tired, exasperated look. Couldn't she give it a rest?

"Chill, Nino," Ichika muttered, frowning. "It's probably just a coincidence."

"No, it's not!" Nino insisted, her eyes locked onto Itsuki. "This is the third time she's done that. What happened back there? What took you so long?"

Itsuki stayed silent, feeling her body stiffen further. This was beyond embarrassing now.

"Calm down, Nino," Yotsuba chimed in, hoping to ease the tension. "Nothing happened. I was there too, remember?"

Nino paused, her eyebrows raised as she glanced at Yotsuba. "Right... Where were they, exactly?"

"They were in their classroom," Yotsuba answered with a nod. "There was nothing strange when I walked in."

Nino took a moment to process this, her eyes flicking to Itsuki, who watched her with obvious unease, and then back to Yotsuba. "The classroom? Why were they still there so late? Were any teachers around?"

Yotsuba thought for a second, tapping her chin. Then, with her usual cheerfulness, she smiled and shook her head. "Nope! They were alone."

And that was where she went wrong.

"Alone!?" Nino burst out, eyes wide in shock.

"Alone!?" Ichika echoed, though her reaction was far different—her grin spread from ear to ear. She quickly turned to Itsuki.

Itsuki flinched, grimacing. Yotsuba really didn't think before she spoke, did she?

Megumi let out a silent sigh, rubbing his forehead. He could already tell where this was headed.

"Haha, now it all makes sense!" Ichika teased, placing both hands on Itsuki's shoulders, her face lit with pure amusement.

Itsuki recoiled, instinctively leaning back to escape her older sister's grip, but there wasn't much room to move.

"So that's why it took you so long to get here! You had better things to do!" Ichika teased, her expression gleeful. "And it explains why you're not hungry—"

"ICHIKA!" Itsuki shouted, cutting her off, her face now as red as her hair.

But Ichika wasn't done. "Oh wow, you've grown up so fast!" she said dramatically, shaking Itsuki playfully, reveling in her sister's mortification. "Don't worry, Itsuki-chan! Your big sister fully supports your relationship!"

"She's not dating that guy!" Nino snapped, her expression twisting into anger as she glared at Ichika. "And stop shaking her like that, dumbass!"

Ichika's grin faltered momentarily as she shot Nino a narrowed look before turning back to Itsuki. "Don't mind her," she said with a smirk. "She's just jealous because no one wants her."

"Stop it!" Itsuki practically begged, her voice cracking from embarrassment.

"H-hey, calm down, everyone!" Yotsuba interjected, finally realizing that her careless phrasing had set off this chaos. "I told you, nothing weird was going on! Seriously, nothing!"

"Of course there wasn't! Itsuki would never!" Nino snapped, turning her frustration toward Yotsuba now. "But I still want to know what they were doing!"

"If you believe nothing weird was happening, then why do you care what they were doing?" Miku muttered quietly from the side.

Nino shot her a brief glance but remained resolute. "Because I need to hear it from her!" she insisted, folding her arms defiantly.

Itsuki, still mortified, slumped in her seat, wishing desperately that the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

As Nino's gaze returned to her, she realized that escape was nowhere in sight.

Megumi remained silent throughout, but inside, he regretted agreeing to join them. He glanced around, noticing that their commotion was attracting curious looks from nearby students.

"Now tell me!" Nino demanded, her tone authoritative. "What were you guys doing there? Why are you acting this way? And what does Fushiguro have to do with it?"

Itsuki's lower lip trembled slightly under the scrutiny, her cheeks still blazing with embarrassment. It had been ages since she felt this flustered, and it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

Itsuki's lower lip trembled slightly under the scrutiny, her cheeks still blazing with embarrassment. It had been ages since she felt this flustered, and it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I want to know too!" Ichika chimed in, her smirk widening. "Unless it's… too descriptive?"

Ichika's teasing only made things worse for Itsuki.

"Enough with the jokes, Ichika!" Nino gritted her teeth at her older sister before turning back to Itsuki. "And don't even think about dodging the question! I want answers!"

Itsuki flinched again under Nino's unwavering determination to uncover what had happened. The pressure made her feel small and vulnerable in comparison to her fierce sister.

Before Itsuki could find a way to defuse the situation once more, Nino's voice cut through. "No excuses! Just tell the truth!"

All eyes shifted to Itsuki, and she felt completely overwhelmed. Her gaze drifted toward Megumi, silently pleading for reassurance on whether she could share what had transpired to ease the tension.

Megumi met her gaze, understanding her unspoken question. With an internal sigh, he shrugged. There was no point in hiding the truth.

A sigh of relief escaped Itsuki as she gained his silent permission. She turned her attention back to Nino, who was still staring at her with an intensity that made her heart race. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she finally spoke. "There were two guys picking on me in the classroom, so it took me a while."

Silence fell over the table, Itsuki's revelation hanging in the air like a heavy cloud.

Nino's expression shifted slowly from impatience to shock. "…What?" she whispered, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Ichika's amusement vanished entirely, her grin replaced by a frown as she focused intently on Itsuki. "Picking on you?" she echoed, her voice tinged with concern.

Itsuki nodded slightly, feeling a bit more at ease now that she had confessed. Yet the weight of their attention felt even heavier, and the atmosphere turned tense.

Yotsuba's face fell as she processed Itsuki's words, a mixture of guilt and worry washing over her. "So… that's why…" she murmured, her brow furrowing. If she had arrived sooner, could she have intervened, just like Nino had done for her before?

Itsuki nodded slightly, her shoulders sagging under the weight of the conversation.

"What were they saying?" Ichika asked after a moment, her tone unexpectedly serious.

The youngest sister hesitated, glancing warily at Ichika before steeling herself mentally. "Just a few comments about how much I eat… and about our father."

Miku's expression darkened at this revelation. It was painful to be mocked for such personal things, and knowing that her little sister had endured that cruelty upset her deeply. People could be so callous.

Nino, snapping out of her initial shock, ignited in rage as Itsuki's words sank in. "Who are they?" she demanded, leaning forward over the table.

"I don't think you need to know," Itsuki replied quietly, pursing her lips. "It's already resolved…"

"That doesn't matter!" Nino snapped back, frustration evident in her voice. "They were bullying you! I want to know who they are!"

"You don't need to be afraid of us telling…" Ichika said earnestly, reaching out to squeeze Itsuki's shoulder. "We can handle this for you."

A small smile crept onto Itsuki's lips, and she glanced gratefully at Ichika before reiterating, "Like I said, it's already taken care of."

"Is it?" Miku muttered, trying not to sound pessimistic but struggling to fully believe Itsuki's reassurances.

"Come on, just tell us who those jerks are already!" Nino pressed, her tone shifting to a more pleading note.

"They won't bother me anymore," Itsuki asserted confidently. The look on Yoshida's face had made it clear he wouldn't dare pull anything with her or Megumi again.

"How can you be so sure?" Ichika asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did you tell the teacher or the principal about what happened?"

Itsuki shook her head.

"But where does Fushiguro fit into all of this?" Nino questioned suddenly, her voice shifting from accusatory to confused. She couldn't fathom Megumi being one of those picking on Itsuki, but how was he involved in this?

Itsuki glanced at Nino, her expression softening slightly. "He was the one who took care of the two guys," she said.

Once again, silence enveloped the table.

Megumi looked away, staring into the distance as his brow furrowed. He really didn't want to deal with this right now.

Nino's expression shifted dramatically, her eyes widening and mouth hanging open as she absorbed Itsuki's revelation.

Yotsuba's eyebrows shot up, and she shifted her gaze between Megumi and Itsuki before a tentative smile began to form on her lips. "He… did?" she asked in a low voice, feeling a surge of pride.

With Itsuki's confirmation, Ichika let out a short, relieved chuckle and turned her gaze to Megumi. "Is it true, Megumi-kun?" she asked rhetorically.

Megumi remained silent for a moment, his frown deepening before muttering a reluctant, "Yeah."

Miku fixed her eyes on Megumi's face, her expression softening slightly. So Itsuki didn't have to go through that alone. For that, she felt grateful.

However, her gaze returned to the matcha can, and her expression darkened again.

"Ha!" Ichika exclaimed, a wide smile adorning her features now. "Aren't you a gentleman? Did you kick their asses?" she demanded eagerly, making Megumi grimace.

"No, he didn't hit them…" Itsuki interjected, shooting a warning look at her sister.

"Ah…" Ichika muttered, her expression becoming a little less amused. It was a shame. She redirected her attention to Itsuki, curiosity piqued. "So how did he deal with them?"

Itsuki paused for a moment, recalling what had happened. Now that she thought about it, it was quite… unusual. He had simply squeezed Yoshida's shoulder to the point where the boy nearly fainted. As for how, she had no idea.

"I talked to them," Megumi said, finally breaking his detached gaze to meet Ichika's. "And asked them to stop."

That was the easiest way to explain it.

Ichika frowned, unable to suppress a smile of amusement. "That's all?" she asked. "I doubt it."

"Believe what you want..." Megumi muttered in response, trying to brush off the gratitude.

"Thank you, Fushiguro-san!" Yotsuba chimed in suddenly, flashing him a bright, toothy grin. She knew that beneath his indifferent exterior, he had a kind heart.

After a moment, her smile faltered, and she murmured, "I just wish I was there too…" Yotsuba rubbed her shoulder nervously, glancing apologetically at Itsuki. "It took me too long to find your classroom, Itsuki. I'm sorry."

Itsuki's heart swelled at Yotsuba's words, grateful for her unwavering support despite not being there. "It's okay, Yotsuba," she replied softly, attempting to reassure her sister. "You didn't know."

Yotsuba nodded, but guilt still lingered in her eyes. "Still, I feel like I should have been there for you."

A smile formed on Itsuki's lips. That was just so Yotsuba.

"It's okay, really," Itsuki reiterated. "Everything is fine now."

Nino slowly gathers herself, her gaze shifting from Itsuki to Megumi, who seems lost in thought, staring at his lap. She struggles to find the right words.

Her eyes return to Itsuki, and she opens her mouth to say something, only to groan softly and look down as well.

She is completely conflicted now.

On one hand, an irrational sense of gratitude wells up from the depths of her big sister instincts. After all, the boy helped her dear little sister, how could she not feel at least a little moved by that?

Nino knows she won't always be there for her sisters. She isn't omnipresent. The fact that, in one of those moments when she was absent, Itsuki still had someone to support her brings her relief, and a touch of embarrassment for how she initially reacted.

But on the other hand, caution lingers. A mix of frustration and wariness, stemming from past experiences—too frequent for comfort.

After all, everything always begins like this. In the end, though, all friendships seem superficial. They each learned this lesson the hard way: when they needed their so-called "friends" the most, they found themselves alone.

It's easy to be kind, easy to talk and have fun. But when it really matters, those "friends" reveal their true colors. Nino has been through this too many times to be fooled again, and lowering her guard could jeopardize her sisters' safety.

She grits her teeth at the memories. No more words escape her lips, and she has no intention of speaking again. For her, the matter is closed.

The sudden chime of the bell signaled the end of the break, drawing everyone's attention away from their conversation. Megumi let out a quiet sigh of relief at the thought of returning to the classroom.

Ichika, glancing up at the ceiling before turning to her sisters with a cheerful smile, broke the silence. "It took longer than I expected," she muttered, then stood up, adding, "Well, should we head back to our classrooms?"

Yotsuba was the next to spring up, a broad smile lighting up her face. She seemed about to say something but faltered as a thought struck her. Hastily grabbing her empty tray, she offered an apologetic glance to everyone. "I have to leave now. I promised to help the math teacher with her materials today. Sorry!" With that, she quickly made her way out.

Itsuki followed suit, lifting her tray and standing beside Ichika as they watched Yotsuba depart.

Ichika's laughter bubbled up. "She's such a nice girl, isn't she?" she remarked warmly.

Itsuki smiled faintly and nodded. "I just hope she doesn't end up overworking herself."

Ichika shot Itsuki an amused look. "Look who's talking…"

Miku lingered for a moment, her gaze following Nino as she stood up and retreated in silence. With a quiet sigh, Miku picked up her still-full can of matcha and stood as well. As she turned to leave, her eyes inadvertently met Megumi's.

She paused, momentarily taken by surprise by the intensity of his green eyes, swallowing nervously.

Megumi scrutinized her for a moment, narrowing his eyes as if assessing her state. He briefly glanced at Itsuki and Ichika, who were still engrossed in their conversation, before refocusing on Miku.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his tone maintaining a neutral balance—not overly warm, but not harsh either.

Miku's eyes widened slightly in surprise, caught off guard by the question. Did he notice something? No, it must just be politeness.

"I'm fine…" she replied curtly, her grip on the can tightening slightly. Without waiting for any further exchange, she turned and walked away, eager to escape.

Megumi watched Miku retreat in silence, a contemplative expression crossing his face. He wasn't sure if she was truly alright, but he wasn't one to pry.

A soft throat-clearing from his right caught his attention. He turned to find Itsuki standing there, her gaze meeting his.

"Let's head to class, Fushiguro-kun," she said steadily. "We shouldn't be late."

It took him a moment to process her words before he nodded slightly in response.

As Itsuki turned to carry her empty tray away, Megumi moved to follow, but Ichika, who had been lingering nearby, stepped in front of him with a playful smile.

"Got a second?" she asked casually. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

Hearing this, Itsuki froze, turning back with a frown. "What do you need to talk to him about, Ichika?" she asked, suspicion creeping into her voice.

Ichika had been a little too teasing lately, and the last thing Itsuki wanted was for her to embarrass her in front of Megumi again.

Ichika chuckled, glancing at her sister. "Oh, don't get jealous now," she teased, raising her hands as if in surrender.

"Ichika!" Itsuki protested, fully turning to face her. "I just know you too well!"

"Calm down, Itsuki-chan," Ichika replied with a mischievous grin. "I'm not about to flirt with your boyfriend! What kind of big sister would I be if I did that?"

"I-Ichika!" Itsuki's face flushed crimson, her grip tightening on the tray. "Stop saying things like that! You know what happened!"

Ichika laughed again, but her expression softened, and she gave her sister a more sincere look. "Seriously though, it's nothing like that," she reassured her. "I just want to talk to him for a moment."

Itsuki still looked at Ichika warily, but her expression gradually softened, and she let out a resigned sigh. "Alright," she murmured, shifting her gaze to Megumi. "I'll return this tray and wait for you in the hallway."

Megumi wasn't quite sure why she wanted to wait for him instead of just heading to class, but if that was what she wanted, so be it. He gave her a silent nod, not bothering to question it.

Itsuki cast one last look at Ichika, narrowing her eyes slightly. "No funny business." she warned.

Ichika nodded, an amused smile playing on her lips. "Promise." she replied, her tone light but sincere enough to ease Itsuki's concerns.

With a sigh of acceptance, Itsuki turned away, glancing back at Megumi and Ichika before walking off. "See you later, Ichika." she called over her shoulder.

"See ya!" Ichika waved cheerfully, watching her sister go. Megumi did the same, his eyes lingering on Itsuki's retreating figure before he turned his attention back to Ichika.

As Ichika gazed at him, her playful smile softened, giving way to something more sincere, more thoughtful. For a few moments, neither of them spoke, the air thick with unspoken thoughts. Finally, Ichika broke the silence, her voice gentle yet still carrying a hint of teasing. "You know I'm the older sister, right?"

Megumi hesitated, caught off guard by the shift in tone. He hadn't expected her to begin the conversation like this, but he quickly composed himself, his expression returning to its usual calm. "Yeah, I'm aware," he replied quietly, his tone measured. "You make that pretty clear."

Ichika laughed softly, her posture relaxing as she studied him. Her eyes searched his face, as if she were trying to find something beneath the surface. After a brief pause, she spoke again, her voice quieter and more thoughtful. "As the oldest, it's my job to protect my little sisters, right?"

Megumi nodded slightly, understanding the weight behind her words. Siblings protecting each other, that was how it should be.

Ichika's expression grew more reflective, her gaze turning distant as she continued. "And no matter how strong my sisters are, we all have our share of challenges." Her voice was almost a murmur, as if she were talking more to herself than to him.

Megumi knew all too well what she meant. He wasn't blind to the whispers that followed Itsuki in class, nor to the subtle glances and stares. Today had been the first time anyone had confronted her directly, but the weight of so many watching eyes was always there, suffocating and constant.

He knew this burden better than most.

"In this new environment," Ichika went on, her eyes locking with his once more, "I kind of expected things to get tougher."

Her expression darkened slightly, and her shoulders sagged as she sighed. "As unfair as it is, there are a lot of bad people out there."

Megumi's chest tightened at her words. He understood this reality far too well.

After all, you're one of those people.

The thought crept into his mind, casting a shadow over his expression. He quickly shook his head, banishing the intrusive notion. Composing himself, he finally spoke, his voice steady but laced with a hint of bitterness. "People can be… inappropriate sometimes."

Ichika raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a teasing smirk. "Is that a subtle jab at me?" she quipped, her tone light, though it caught Megumi off guard.

"...No," he stammered after a moment, furrowing his brow in confusion. "I didn't mean..." He trailed off as he caught the mischievous glint in Ichika's eyes, realizing she was just teasing him.

His expression hardened slightly, his eyes narrowing as he let out a resigned sigh and looked away, feeling foolish for falling into her trap so easily.

Ichika chuckled softly, covering her mouth to stifle the sound. After a few moments, she took a deep breath, her amusement still lingering as she continued, "Well, as I was saying... it was only a matter of time before some idiot tried to provoke one of us."

Megumi slowly composed himself, turning his gaze back to her and nodding in acknowledgment.

Ichika's eyes swept across the now-emptying cafeteria before settling on him again. Her voice softened, tinged with concern, "And it scares me to think that something like this happened to my little sister without me even knowing. I'm terrified that something worse might happen, and I won't be there to help them..." Her expression tightened, fear flickering in her eyes.

Megumi understood her worry too well. It echoed his own fears—the constant anxiety that something terrible could happen to Tsumiki, and he wouldn't be there to protect her.

And in the end, that's exactly what had happened.

Ichika's voice pulled him back to the present. A genuine smile crossed her lips as she said, "So knowing that you stood up for Itsuki-chan really relieves me. Thank you, Megumi-kun."

He was silent for a few moments, his mind drifting back to the earlier confrontation. The gratitude felt odd to him, almost like wearing a coat that didn't quite fit.

He almost brushed it off, thinking to say that it was technically part of his job, but quickly reminded himself that Ichika didn't know that. Instead, he simply replied, "I don't mind helping with something so simple."

Ichika nodded slowly, the smile still tugging at her lips. "That's good to hear," she replied, pausing for a moment as if in thought. "You know... Itsuki-chan is very sensitive. She tries to act composed and calm, but I can see through it. I'm her sister, after all."

Megumi had sensed as much. It had been clear from the look on Itsuki's face earlier, how shaken she was by the students' words. Beneath her composed exterior, the fear had been real.

"This girl... she's easily affected by what people do and say," Ichika said, her voice gentle yet firm. "But that applies to both the good and the bad." Her grin returned, a bit more playful this time. "So don't be surprised if her attitude changes for the better around you."

Megumi wasn't sure how to feel about that. He didn't want Itsuki to treat him better out of a sense of obligation.

Sensing his discomfort, Ichika quickly added, "Anyway, we should probably head to our classrooms, right?" She glanced around before looking back at him, a playful glint in her eyes. "And don't keep Itsuki waiting, okay?"

Megumi nodded slightly in acknowledgment. Ichika straightened up, giving him a final nod before turning to leave. "Well, I'll see you around!" she called over her shoulder, her voice light and cheerful. "And thanks again!"

Megumi watched her walk away, her hand raised in a brief wave before she focused her attention ahead. He couldn't help but feel a small sense of admiration for the way Ichika cared for her sisters.

After all, fraternal bonds were among the things Megumi valued most in the world.

With a quiet sigh, he turned and began making his way toward his own classroom. As he walked through the halls, the murmur of students faded into the background, and his thoughts gradually took over.

Rounding a corner, Megumi came face to face with Itsuki, who had indeed waited for him as promised. She looked up, recognition flashing in her eyes as she approached.

"Fushiguro-kun," she greeted politely, her gaze flicking to the rest of the hallway. "Let's hurry, okay?" she suggested, aware that their time was running short.

"Alright." Megumi agreed, falling into step beside her as they headed toward their classroom in silence. But the quiet didn't last long; soon, Itsuki glanced up at him, a hint of apprehension in her eyes.

"...She didn't say anything weird, did she?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Megumi found her unease mildly amusing. He shook his head slightly. "No, she just thanked me." he replied, noticing how her shoulders seemed to relax at his words.

"I see..." she murmured, clasping her hands in front of her as she stared ahead. After a brief pause, she added softly, "I thank you too."

"There's really no need," Megumi responded, feeling a growing discomfort with all the gratitude. "You got into that trouble because of me, after all."

Itsuki shot him a glance, her expression firm. "On my own," she corrected, then let out a small sigh and looked forward again. "...I tend to act without thinking sometimes."

"I noticed." he murmured, allowing the silence to fall between them once more.

Itsuki's gaze remained fixed ahead for a few moments, her thoughts drifting before she slowly turned to Megumi again. She bit her lower lip, contemplating how to express herself, then sighed quietly.

"Fushiguro-kun?" she called softly.

"Yes?" he replied.

"How many lessons a week should you teach?"

"Two." he said, not giving much thought to why she was asking.

"I see..." Itsuki murmured, fidgeting with her fingers. "Next week, you'll be teaching more lessons, right?"

"Yes." he confirmed.

"Hmmm..." Itsuki hummed, looking away again. Her expression grew shy for a moment as she gathered the courage to say what was on her mind.

Taking a deep breath and shaking her head, she looked up at him once more and said, "I'll join."

Megumi paused for a moment, casting a slightly surprised look at Itsuki. He hadn't expected her to change her mind based on what he'd done.

However, Ichika's words echoed in his mind, and he frowned.

"Please, don't join my lessons out of gratitude." he said, his tone serious.

Itsuki blinked, looking at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" she asked, genuinely puzzled.

"I want you to join because you believe in my work and, more importantly, because you feel comfortable around me." he explained simply, watching her expression soften.

"It's not out of obligation," she reassured him. "I genuinely think it's a good idea to give you a chance."

Although her decision had indeed been influenced by his help earlier, Itsuki realized that she had been hasty in refusing him without even trying the lessons, as Yotsuba had pointed out. She wanted to make amends for her earlier judgment and show that she was willing to keep an open mind.

Besides, he had helped her learn something today with just a simple note, so why not let him help her further?

As they walked, Itsuki's expression shifted to one of determination. She quickened her pace, taking a few steps ahead of Megumi before turning to face him. With her hands clasped behind her back, she offered him a sincere smile.

Megumi halted when she stopped in front of him, intrigued by her sudden display.

"Then believe me, Fushiguro-kun. I didn't say it on impulse," she stated resolutely, her smile radiant. "You helped me in chemistry class, and you proved yourself to be a genuine person. That was all I could ask for."

Itsuki's smile widened, and she quickly added, "So, I'll be in your hands now." Her voice carried a note of trust. "Do your best, and I will do mine." she promised.

Megumi absorbed her words, feeling a wave of relief at the sincerity in her eyes.

After a moment, he gave her a slight nod. "I appreciate that, Itsuki. I'll give my best."

Satisfied with his response, Itsuki nodded back before glancing toward the hallway ahead. "Well then, let's get to class," she said, lightly gesturing for him to follow. "We've already wasted enough time."

Megumi fell into step beside her again, his gaze growing distant as they walked. He wasn't sure if he felt a sense of accomplishment or something else entirely.

Knowing that Itsuki was studious, he realized she wouldn't skip lessons like Ichika and Yotsuba had. That meant he would really have to put in the effort. The thought made a tired expression cross his face, but he quickly shook it off. Of course, he would have to work hard.

As they approached the classroom, Megumi let out a quiet sigh. There were still two sisters left to convince. But that was a problem for another time. For now, he felt too exhausted from the day's events.


A/N: Thoughts on JJK final chapter?

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


