38.46% A Outsider of the World / Chapter 5: Ch-5 Aftermath (ARC-1)

章 5: Ch-5 Aftermath (ARC-1)

The duel had reached its end. Kyouku got some praise from his sensie Monomoto after the duel sensie just taught him about the angles in which he should use his katana to attack his opponent.

Katana is a tilted thin sharp blade it should be used with great care or it will break or get chipped every time you use it. Unlike the western swords it is not so strong but if used perfectly it can cut through anything said Monomoto. Kyouku, when we were having our duel you were using your katana harshly with every hit the chances of your sword breaking became higher and higher. This is the reason today I am going to tell you how to perfectly use the katana's strengths. I am going to teach you the theory with practice on some dummies and afterwards, we will do some physical exercise to increase your stamina this is all for today said Monomoto.

This is great in future it can really help me. I was a little worried about the sword breaking after all who wants their sword to just break when fighting a demon and your sword just breaks. Even if you come out from that situation if your swordsmith is like Haganezuka. He will surely be not very happy and stamina part will help too as from what I have seen demon slayers just walk or jog to their destinations thought Kyouku.

So, let's start said Monomoto in a cheerful tone! What happened afterward was very big lecture Kyouku would surely not call it boring but will regard it as very big but full of knowledge. What Monomoto described in that was how katana always should have some momentum while hitting something and it should not just hit with momentum but at proper angel if this this not done your sword has a possibility of getting chipped. In this lecture Kyouku thought that this is why demon slayers use wide moves to hit demons they will hit only flesh and bone and don't really have to worry about swords being chipped.

After that Monomoto taught Kyouku some slashes moves that he made him practice on dummies until he got sure that kyouku has learned them. After that was a gruelling stamina training of running 5 laps around the Tsugukuni masion (The approx distance around the mansion is like 1 km.) which he had to do while running after that he had to go through the town to a mountain. When going through the town he heard some women talking how a man was eaten when coming by the road some say he was a demon but one of them said that it was just a wild animal because how only some parts of his body was found and others were eaten. Kyouku thought to himself that because of a big wildlife and large forests in the whole of japan people basically think that people who are killed like this are animals not demon of some sort this is why demons are not known in japan very much.

Kyouku also had to run up and down the mountain too. Which was very difficult he thought as in anime it was for Tanjiro as the oxygen level gradually decreases when going up the mountain this is why it is so difficult and the body begin to make a natural grasp over breathing which helps manipulate or regulate it while learning breathing styles. A thought had begun running down kyouku's mind how will he learn breathing style he can for now only learn only one breathing style that from Urokodaki as he is the only one whose location is known to me.

After completing the stamina training Monomoto sensie told him how it is evening now and time passes by quickly and he should go and have some food to provide his body with energy now. Monomoto got to the mansion and started wondering around again until he noticed some faint smell of ramen coming from one room and he entered it in complete thought it was the kitchen. He saw a bunch of servants cooking or washing dishes under the supervision of his new mother Mito. She quickly noticed him and said ah your training is finished Kyouku you should have your dinner now go sit in the dining room your father is also there I am bringing the food with the servants.

He started to walk slowly thinking how he had founded the kitchen but how will he find the dining room and just afterwards he had saw a servant carrying clean dishes in a direction he started to follow him and after some time he had finally reached the dining room. He saw his new father here reading something. He sat just opposite to him.

After some time Kyouku's father put the parchment down from which he was reading. Seeing that he was free Kyouku asked him Father during my training session today while going through a jog through the town I heard some women talking about some sort of human eating demon. Do you think it is real? Kyouku's father looked at him and asked Can I ask you son from where did this question come out in your head? Just Curiosity replied Kyouku.

I see. Son there is a legend in our family that some of our ancestors worked as Slayers to kill demons but I personally think that they just wanted the next generation to think that they were very powerful and kind but just lived off the wealth of our family said Kyouku's father.

Soon after Mito entered the room with many servants behind her she sat near Kyouku's father and the servants started to put the dinner down. While in the middle of the dinner Kyouku's father asked him about his training schedule and if he likes his teacher or not on which Kyouku just replied that it was good and really helped him improve his skills.

After the dinner Kyouku went to his room which was only place in this whole mansion of a house he knows. When going to his room he glanced a peek at a paper and saw some numbers written on it in form date what he could see in it was 27/1/1922.

After reaching his room Kyouku planned to think about the future but when he laid on his bed he gave it up because of the severe exhaustion.

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Guys tell me which breathing style do you want Kyouku to learn the options are:

1. Flame Breathing

2. Thunder Breathing

3. Water Breathing

Vote in the form of comments.

Thanks For Reading.

Guts_Rathi Guts_Rathi

I was not able to upload he chapter because I got sick.

Sorry for that guys and I need to confirm one think and that is Kyouku's age is 14 which means 1 year older than Tanziro and Kyouko has the same poential as human Michikatsu.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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