64.04% A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) / Chapter 57: Chapter 50

章 57: Chapter 50

With an exaggerated sigh, I plop down on my couch, the morning sun washing over my form from the window as I do.

I'm not necessarily physically tired, so much as I am mentally at this point.

One can only deal with Odin's bullshit for so long, and I am no exception.

I was right in assuming he wanted to 'make up for lost time' after all that, even though we didn't lose much time at all.

The whole ordeal over the night barely lasted half an hour. The dick-measuring contest with Vali and his team took longer than the fight with Loki!

I give a disappointed huff, and turn onto my side, staring at the couch cushions discontentedly.

Vali better be a decent fight to make up for it. I'll probably have to let him go into Juggernaut Drive to get it, but that would be fine.

It's pretty much the only thing I have to look forward to tonight.

Well, that, and celebrations for a job well done and a week well suffered.

That should be fun.

O' Kami-sama…

I still, completely. Whatever train of thought I was going to have next cut completely off.

As a deity, I hear prayers, that's kind of a given. At this point, anyone who prays either to me specifically or to Kagutsuchi, I hear.

It got kind of annoying, hearing say, the old man blacksmith, in the back of my head whenever I was blowing my cats back out.

So, I devised a system, a priority system. Now most prayers, from people I don't know, I don't hear directly anymore.

Important pleas I hear more strongly, but not so much as to be forefront in my mind, but anyone can send those to get my attention more directly.

Then there are specific people whom, no matter what, I hear from directly if they pray to me.

One of those people is Suza, of course.

This servant would like to service her Lord…directly, should he be available~...

My body shivers in its entirety once more.

Once more, another prayer so sexually charged, pushing all my buttons like that…

My pants already feel several leagues too small.

I let out a dark chuckle and deep husky sigh as I stand up, off the couch.

I have to wonder why she's giving me a booty call now. She specified the celebrations later for this, right?

Well. Not like I'd say no to doing this earlier than expected.

Kuroka is still asleep, and poor Rose knocked herself out pretty much as soon as I laid her down on her bed, so no worries there.

The girls wouldn't even know I was gone.

Now, as for how to get there in a timely manner?

I've got some deity bullshit for that.

I close my eyes and focus in the direction of the Himejima Clan Compound.

My sensing range doesn't extend that far, unfortunately, but even then I don't need it too.

Almost like a beacon of fire atop a mountain, I see it, feel it, through the haze beyond my sensing range.

My Holy Spirit Power. Not all of it, of course, just a mere fraction, a spark.

The spark I left behind to power one of Kagutsuchi's shrines, the one dedicated to him that's within the clan's compound.

I reach for it, feel myself pulling toward it, willing it so…and as I open my eyes?

I am there.

I blink several times as golden sparkles flicker around me, and take a moment to look around the small shrine building dedicated to…I suppose me, right now.

Luckily, there's no one else around…because if there was, and I, the Arahitogami, just appeared with a full mast in his pants in front of a bunch of worshipers or some such…

Yeah. I'd rather not deal with the questions that'd bring up.

It seems that, in general, most of the Clan isn't up and around, probably because they're all tired as hell and asleep themselves.

That made it a pretty quick and easy fly over to the main building where Suzaku resides, undetected.

Mostly, because Suzaku felt me coming, and blocked the window before I could fly through it with a big Five Phases magic barrier.

…Fair enough. Going through the door like a normal horny guy.

So I walk through the front door…which has no guards in the front, or anywhere, it's just Suzaku in there again.

I wonder why?

When I reach Suzaku's bedroom door, I don't even hesitate to push it open, no knocking, I simply barge in like I own the place.

I stop a mere step into the room, as I behold the sight right before her bed.

Suzaku standing in front of her bed, bent over and leaning forward it…with her shrine maiden outfit kicked up over her waist, completely exposing her round, doughy, and nude ass.

There was barely thing left on top either, with just the barest of cloth left not pulled down, hiding what little it could of her frankly massive bust.

The girl had a small sheepish smile, paired with an absolutely atomic blush from ear to ear.

"A-Ah~? My Lord? My…you came over quick, didn't you?" She gives me a soft and nervous giggle as she shimmies her hips side to side, "Someone's excited, aren't they~...?"

I nearly slam the door behind me as I step in, causing the girl to flinch slightly.

Her eyes widen minutely as I stride forward, probably from the sheer hunger I'm letting show clearly in my gaze.

I'm a predator, she's my fucking meal, she set herself up as such, and she can feel that.

I'm going to wait until after to ask why she moved this up. Too horny to think straight right now.

The last of my brain cells that have not been consumed by horni energons instead manage out a rough, "One chance. Suza." She perks up as I continue, "If you're too scared, or you're thinking of changing your mind…this is your chance to back out.

"But if you mean to go through with this, I will claim you, and there will be no coming back from that." I state, plainly, right on the table as it were.

Suza, while still looking nervous, didn't hesitate to shake her head, "I've been thinking for a while now about doing this…I'm not about to back down now…"

I give a primal huff and nod at that.

Thus, my last brain cells succumbed.

"Say it then." I almost growl out, walking straight up to her.

"Huh? S-Say what?" She sputtered in confusion.

I reach over, grab her by her ponytail, and pull her body right up against me, a primal growl leaving my lips and straight into her ear as I elaborate.

"Exactly what you want your god to do with your obscene body…"

She let out a breathy gasp as her entire body trembled. Before she could say anything, her body was already telling, as she instantly went and pushed her bare ass right up against the tent in my pants.

She ground her hips into my own, making sure her plush cheeks enveloped as much of the bulge as possible.

"I~I~..." She gulped in anticipation before looking directly into my eyes with her hazy red ones, "I want you to sate your lust on my obscene body~..." She ground out breathlessly, "Use me as a servant should be used~!" Before finishing with an almost desperate moan.

Well, there's only one way to respond to that.

I drag her down to her knees by her ponytail, and while I do that, I unwrap my robe and open it up.

Suzaku had only barely turned her head, before suddenly, my member was just there.

The poor girl gasped as she beheld the rod of throbbing meat, letting out a shaky yet sultry breath at it.

I give one single command down at her in a husky mutter, "Get it ready."

She perks and doesn't hesitate to swirl around, facing me entirely now. As soon as she's in position, she practically pounces on my manhood.

Her luscious lips start dotting kisses across the shaft, interspaced with long soft licks to mix up.

I can't help the groan of pleasure that rumbles up from the back of my throat as she continues tenderly servicing me, her eyes locked up at me, filled with desire, and something like adoration or devotion.

That thought sends another groan out of my throat, which only hitches as Suzaku wraps her lip around the head, and slowly goes down.

"Oommm~!" She hums out pleasantly, her tongue swirling around my cock as she begins sucking it.

She doesn't start slowly either, she immediately starts booping her head up and down, uncaring as the rest of her miko outfit finally slips off her and to the floor completely.

I can see the eagerness in her eyes, which only increases as I stare down at her, along with the speed at which she fulfills her order.

Eventually, I take her by her ponytail again and pull her lips and tongue off my rod.

"Good little miko," I grumble out, prompting another satisfied shiver from her, "I think that's enough worship for now, yeah~?"

She nods, almost frantically, "Yes, Lord~..."

I huff, pulling her back up to her feet…only to promptly throw her onto the bed, right on her stomach.

As much as I would love to play with the absolute melons on her right this instance, I've got a promise I made to myself a while ago to fulfill.

So, I clamber onto the bed, following her, but over top of her.

She looks behind her at me, biting her lip as she raises her ass preemptively.

I send her a dark primal smirk, drawing another shiver from her, as I grab her hips.

Looking down, I can already see the poor girl's soaked…and besides, I'll make up for my lack of foreplay later.

She said she wanted to be used, so use her I shall.

That, and this bed sorely requires an impression of her fucked in it for her teasing antics all those months ago.

With that in mind, I take a second to line myself up properly, and then I don't hesitate to plunge straight in without saying a single word, only grunting to acknowledge just how wet and hot she is inside.

Suzaku, meanwhile, has something else to say.

"O~Oh~! My~! Mmmm~!" She shivers and gasps out, "M~My Lord~...!"

I settle down right on top of her, pushing and holding her down on the bed with my weight alone. I fall to my elbows, and wrap an arm around her throat to hold her still…and get easy access to her ear.

"M~May L~Loard~?" She starts slurring in confusion, and I haven't even started thrusting yet.

"Just to keep you still," I explain ruefully into her ear, "after all…I'm not going to be gentle with you, you teasing little minx of a miko…" I finish with a growl.

For a second, more confusion etched across her face, before snapping into realization.

The snap to a look of 'oh no, I'm in danger' was truly delicious.

As was her first squeal as I drove my hips up, and then straight back down, hard.

"MMMM~!" Suza squealed out her moan, "M~Muhh~! Lard~!"

I didn't so much as begin thrusting down into her, haha! No, no…I start jackhammering down into her.

She's a big strong clan head, her ass can take it.

"OH~! O~OH~! OHNNN~! L~LORD~! NNNNN~!" She moaned and groaned through hitched gasps.

"Who owns this body~? Who owns this ass~?" I grunt out in response.

"Y~YOU! YOOUU~! NNNNNN~! OH~!" She manages between breaths.

Unfortunately, I'm not satisfied with that answer.

With my free arm, I lance down, striking one of her ass cheeks, and drawing a deep shivering moan from her core.

"Again." I command with a rough grunt into her.

"AHHAHHNN~! Y~YOU! LORD~! YOU! I SERVE~! NNN~! YOU W~WITH~! MY ALL~! MMM~!" She, sort of, manages to elaborate further.

Hmm. Good enough for now.

I let out a satisfied growl, before getting lost entirely in just…pounding an impression of her into the sheets.

I could say which was louder at this point, the bed as it rocked and creaked from the ferocious fucking, Suzaku's moans, or the sounds of flesh beating against flesh.

But eventually, even I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Here comes your god's first load," I groan out deeply into her ear, "get~ ready~!"

"Y~YESSS~ MY LORD~! PLEASE GIVE THIS~! MMM~! OBSCENE SERVANT YOUR PLEASURE~!" She cried out wantonly, without an ounce of hesitation.

So I didn't hesitate to act upon her words, and slam down, pushing as deep as I could physically go before bottoming out inside her and finishing.

"OOO~OOOOHH~! Ooohh~! Nnnnhh~!" Suzaku, rather than crying out, actually clamps her mouth shut as her body starts seizing and trembling, twitching almost along with the rhythm of my rod's throbs.

I let out a long, low, groan, taking deep breaths I didn't know I needed right after.

Before I forget, I make sure to make my load sterile.

Fun fact, deities, any deity, can ensure they are fertile or virile, but only deities of fertility or life can go the mile beyond and ensure others are such ways.

Neat little thing. Also, something Kuroka must never find out. For now.

Suzaku slowly looked behind her as my arm around her neck slackened, straight at me.

She was gasping for breath, not because I was choking her out - I made sure my arm wasn't that tight - but simply because I didn't give her much of a chance to breathe.

To that effect, her mouth was drooped open, tongue almost following, a near nigh perfect ahegao. Besides that, she also had flaming hearts in her eyes.

Okay. That has to be magic. At this point, I'm being fucked with.

Lucky for her I'm not anywhere near done, hmm?

I slowly pull out of her, prompting a sigh from her…only to flip grab her, and flip her around so she's facing up, at me.

The squeak that left her lips was cute, but paled in comparison to the look of trepidation on her face as she looked down…and saw my cock, still rock hard, positioned right above her entrance.

"U~Uhm~...my Lord~? K-Kami-sama~?" She stumbled and gave a nervous chuckle to me, "W~What are you~..."

"That was only the first load." I replied, reiterating with just a tad more emphasis on one particular word there.

"E~Eh~? Oh~...Oh, no~..."

Ah, now she's getting it~!

"Mercy~?" She nervously inquires.

I think about it for a second. Hope ignited in her red eyes for just a moment.


Then I grab her legs, lift them back, and plunge right back in.


She really should have chosen her words better earlier!

~ A New Sun ~

A few hours later, I can safely say I've made a Suzaku-shaped indent in her bed.

In fact, it's such a big indent, we had to change spots…luckily, the bed is so big, we could easily slide off the pretty much broken part and continue freely.

Turns out, magical fire resistance beds are also insanely durable on principle as well, so it took a little bit…but I managed.

Much to Suzaku's chagrin.

Currently, we lay side by side in her bed, the girl in question against my side, with one of her hands slowly stroking my shaft up and down.

Meanwhile, I have one arm wrapped behind her back, hand grasping her ass to keep her against my side, while the other massages one of her tits, playing with it, squeezing it…in I'll admit, a tad bit of wonder.

Her chest is simply so big that one of my hands can't grasp one of her breasts in its entirety.

It's insane! They are legitimately melon-sized! The second biggest I've ever seen, only beaten out by Yasaka!

Suzaku giggles playfully into my ear, "Are you having fun, Kami-sama~?"

"Yes," I admit easily, smiling at her in equal parts childlike joy and desire, "seriously, is your back okay with these things…?"

Another playful giggle, "Hmm, if my body wasn't as strong as it was, it probably wouldn't be…even then though," she gave me an accusatory hum, "shouldn't you be asking about my…everything below the waist?"

I give a helpless shrug, "I'm not sorry, you asked to be used."

She huffs haughtily, albeit weakly, her atomic blush beginning to manifest once more, "I will admit…I wasn't aware I had that kind of button myself until it just…came out."

I resist the urge to laugh at the easy joke and instead nod along, "Same…sort of. I always enjoyed being dominant. In control. But that…?" I couldn't suppress the shiver that rose from there.

If I had less self-control, if I cared less about people…that feeling…that feeling of dominating someone so completely, in mind, body, and soul, and being worshiped and praised as I do.

That's dangerous. I could easily be another god or even a dragon with that type of fetish.

I'm lucky I've got that human half, that part that is flesh, and bone, and blood…whole, I am complete.

And also not the second coming of Zeus, thank fuck.

I shake my head of that train of thought, and adopt a teasing smirk, "Who would have thought, hmm? The woman who fights against tradition so hard has a fetish for submitting entirely to the traditional 'always obey the gods' attitude."

She pouts at me, "It's not like that! Well…at least, not quite the same." She looks off into the distance, concerned, and in a little disbelief, "Mostly…?"

I finally let go of one of her mammaries, taking one side of her face in my palm to guide her gaze back toward me.

"Hey now," I start, softly, "don't start having a crisis now…a thing you like sexually doesn't mean you like that thing normally. The two can be separate."

"Ah…well." She closes her eyes and leans into my hand, "I suppose you're right…I just…I guess I'm surprised? I never really got to explore all, this, before."

I nod in understanding, "It'll pass. You're still the same woman I nearly broke through the bed with earlier, you just learned a little something new about yourself, is all."

Her eyes slowly open with a deadpan at that reminder, meeting my very silly grin.

I get the feeling she'd smack my chest if she could, but one hand still hasn't stopped giving me a hand, and the other is comfortably against the bed.

Eventually, Suzaku scoffs and jerks away from my hand as I chuckle.

For the moment, there is mostly silence, until Suzaku suddenly speaks up once again.

"Did you…mean what you said earlier?" She asks, all of a sudden nervous.

I blink in confusion.

"...what specifically?" I ask in return, because, haha! I said a lot of shit over the past few hours.

Most of it was calling her names, to be fair, fairly debasing names relating to how she's my private miko cock sleeve and such.

But still.

"Claiming…me." She says, slowly, remembering my words, and giving me clarity in turn.

"Well. Yeah." I state with a raise of the eyebrow, as if it was obvious, "You're one of my girls now. I know you've been talking with Kuroka about this, and she's been pushing you for this."

She flinched at that, then turned to look at me wide-eyed.

I simply deadpan stared at her right back, "I'm not a dense idiot, Suza. I saw the signs. I was waiting for you to be ready for this before doing anything."

Granted, I didn't think 'this' would be straight to kinky fetish revealing sex, but really, what with the way this world is I should probably have expected it.

"Ah…" She looks away again, "I-I see…"

I give her a second to process that, which is about all it takes before she turns back to me, clearing her throat.

"I…want to know." She started, uneasily, "Did you do this because of my body, or because you…" her blush went full atomic at this point, and she shuddered as she trailed off instead of finishing.

I gave her a reassuring smile, before coming up and rubbing the side of her face, "I'll say this. I wouldn't have come at all, flirted with you back at all, if I didn't feel something there at all."

Suzaku flinched before stilling, barely managing to ask, "Y-You…since…when?"

"A little after the time the whole thing with…Slash/Dog happened." I answer, not easily, but honestly, before shrugging, "I wouldn't consider anything with a girl already in love with someone else after all."

I'm speaking, of course, of Tobio here…but he would be kind of odd to bring up now of all times by name, at least.

Suzaku simply stared at me for a moment, I think she was trying to find any deceit, but she found none where there wasn't any.

With that, she smiles brightly, her eyes filling with equal parts joy and desire.

Suddenly, her motions stroking my hard-on increased, growing faster but not rougher, what with her hand being so soft.

I groan, and as I do, I'm caught off guard by her face leaning down into my my, and her luscious lips falling upon mine.

It was a chaste kiss, a very chaste kiss, but it was still very sweet.

As she pulled away, she smiled sultry, and got up onto her knees, crawling down between my legs.

There, she finally let go of my rod, letting him breathe, only to immediately smother him between her two massive melon-like mounds.

"Oh~...fuck~..." I groaned out lowly, as Suzaku started bouncing.

"Just remember, Kami~sama~!" She smiled, "I'll always be here when you need me~...for anything, alright~?"

Yeah, I got the picture…

I need to take her out sometime, just the two of us, on an official date.

It kinda irks me how every girl I've gotten, the relationship pretty much starts with sex!

Well, except Shirone, but that one still officially started with sex!

~ A New Sun ~

Several more hours later.

Suzaku eventually passed out, not everyone is a freak of nature in that regard like me, recall.

Even still, she lasted a surprisingly long time. Long then the cat sisters combined in fact.

Still not long enough to make me miss a nice extremely hot shower before night fell, though.

I sit now on a bridge, the Ujibashi Bridge, the one bridge leading the Grand Ise Shrine complex.

It's a beautiful wooden bridge, even in the moonlight, I can see it all so clearly.

So peaceful. There's no one out here but me. Odin and Rose went to the Shrine Complex themselves, the guard was no longer needed with there being several Shinto Gods present at the Shrine.

Inari, Uzume, and a few others that I don't recognize the power of…probably all fellow Earthly Kami though.

I pull out a talisman from my robe, preemptively preparing it.

I throw this down? And whoever's around me will get transferred to a location fighting for no holding back battle, far from here.

That's also part of the reason I'm alone out here, be kind of bad if others got caught along and dragged into the battlefield with me.

I eye the moon, my internal senses clicking into place, and suddenly, I know it's time.

At that moment, Holy Spirit Power radiates from the Shrine, enveloping it completely, almost becoming it, as though it was possessed.

I don't turn to look, I've felt her power gaze upon me before.

Looks like my mother arrived, right on time.

Following that though, another unfamiliar power grows…the moon seems to glow brighter, and the wind picks up, whistling past me…

"Have fun, little nephew…"

A soft, but assuredly masculine voice, whispers into my ear with the wind.

I hear footsteps behind me, walking across the bridge, and yet as I turn…nothing.

No one is there.

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips.

"You as well, overdramatic uncle." I respond, nodding in the moon's direction.

Well, at least he's not crazy, like Susanoo.

I hope, anyway.

It wasn't long after that a magic circle appeared a few feet away from me, not Devil, but it looked like the same one Vali's Team used to leave last time, so…

I rise to my feet and brush myself off.

I'll try not to end what little fun I'll probably have until the Hero Faction reers their moronic heads too quickly…

Karmic_Wizard Karmic_Wizard

Uwwuuugggg! Flame bird seggs! Reeeee!

Alright, now that that's out of the way. To those of you who missed my announcement, or are reading this on a platform where I can even send such things, this chapter is coming out Friday because I moved the schedule around. Thursday, it turns out, hates me.

As do the Aztecs and Mayans because their sun gods won't accept my sacrifices anymore.

Already like a better posting time, doesn't it? Maybe because it's not hours before the next day?

Anyhow, next up, the first part of the Vali Team fight.

I'd pray for their safety this time around. A few more chapters and that'll wrap up the Norse arc.

Until that's all done though, I don't think I'm gonna have much else to say.

So, until then?

Peace, ya'll.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C57
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


