40.44% A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) / Chapter 36: Chapter 30 (R-18)

章 36: Chapter 30 (R-18)

As I sit here, or rather, as I've been sitting here giving Kuroka a lap pillow the rest of the night and into the morning, I realize something truly tragic.

I barely get any lap pillow time myself!

In this case, I'll let it slide due to certain circumstances, but something to keep in mind for later.

Honestly, after the first hour passed, and Kuroka remained unconscious but still alive, I more or less stopped worrying so much.

Which has led me to sit here, thinking of completely random things.

Like how when Kuroka finally wakes up, I want to have her say that…one thing.

How'd it go again? Uh…

'Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?'

Yeah, there we go.

"N~Nyah~..." A mewling groan radiates from beneath me, snapping me out of my wandering thoughts.

Looking down, I find Kuroka belatedly opening her eyes only partway, staring up at me half-lidded.

"Mmm~? Good morning, darling~..." She murmurs weakly, "Or…is it morning? How long have I been out, nyah~?"

I nod slowly, "All night, it is morning now." I reach down, cupping and gently stroking her cheek with my hand.

She leans softly into my touch, purring as she does.

"So, how are you feeling?" I ask slowly.

"Mmm~!" Kuroka hums lightly, "Well, for starters, I can't feel my Demonic Power. At all." She starts with a sigh, and a shake of her head, "But in its place, there's something else there...but I can't…" she trails off wistfully.

"Yeah, your pieces didn't vacate your body, which means it's still doing…something, inside your soul." I shrug, putting a hand to and rubbing my chin in thought, "My bet? Your bishop pieces took the attribute of my purification. Which means you might have that now instead."

I give her an easy smile, "Though there's only one way to figure that out, isn't there~?"

"Nyah~!? Noooo~!" She cries out weakly, clinging to and burying her face in my robe, "I don't wanna train! No training~! Well…unless it's another kind of training~...?" She slowly pulls her head back, looking up at me with a lewd smirk.

I flick her on the nose.

"Nyah~!? Darrlliiinggg~!" She wiggles and whines, grabbing ahold of her nose in mock pain.

"Now Kuroka," I begin, chastisingly, "we need to know if you even can bring it out, or even confirm what it even is and if it'll hurt you."

"I know, I know…" she waves off, weakly, collapsing her head back onto my lap and closing her eyes, "it's just so much work, nyah~..."

I snort at that, "That's probably the first time you've ever outright admitted to wanting to be lazy."

"Well, it's not only that, darling." Kuroka continues with a huff, "My body feels…light. Not necessarily weaker, but…"

"Cleansed?" I supply, and after thinking for a moment, she nods in acceptance.

"That fits I suppose. It feels…weird." She wiggles in place, "It's like my entire body fell asleep, and doesn't want to wake up. As though there's parts that aren't getting blood anymore, because they don't exist, so my body doesn't know what to do…"

I lean down and kiss her on the forehead.

"Give it time," I advise, stroking her hair idily, "I think this might be akin to the reverse of the reincarnation process. Your body is likely adapting back to how it was before you became a Devil."

"Nyah~?" Kuroka opens one eye slightly, "So does that mean…?"

I chuckle, "No training…for now."

"Nyaaayyy~!" She throws her arms up and cheers, jubilantly.

"If," I suddenly continued, halting her, "you say something for me."

Kuroka tilts her head slightly, "Say…something?"

"Repeat after me," I clear my throat, "Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?"

Kuroka blinks at me.

Then smiles a small, wry smile.

"Can mew imyagine an imyaginyary mewnyageri mewnyager imyagining mewnyaging an imyaginyary mewnyagerie?"

I pump my fist as I let out a cackle, "Worth it!"

"Honestly, darling?" She rolls her eyes whimsically, "That's what you have me say? Though I'm surprised you didn't have me do this earlier."

"Wouldn't have counted then." I refute, bopping her lightly on the nose and drawing a light yelp from her, "Until recently, you were a Devil, not a cat."

Kuroka held up a finger.

Then slowly dropped it, before crossing her arms underneath her chest, and pouting.

"Still would have counted, nyah!" She denies, before looking down and pouting harder, "You covered me up!?"

She exclaimed, scandalized.

Ah. Only Kuroka would react opposite to the anime norm, huh?

"Yes," I confirm plainly, "what of it?"

"Does darling not like looking at my marshmallows~?" She asked hotly.

I stared down at her, resisting the urge to cringe at her calling them…marshmallows.

Even if that's a fairly accurate description of what they look and feel like.

"Kuroka. Look, if I had to look at your tits all night, I would have done something drastic." I emphasize huskily.

"And I wouldn't have minded it, you know~?" She pushed up her chest with her arms, causing her, "Especially if you recorded it to show me later? And promised to give a…repeat performance~?"

My eyebrow twitches.

"Maybe I didn't use enough purifying power?" I muse aloud, to most certainly no one in particular, "After all, someone seems particularly sinful still…"

And kinky. And a whole host of other sexual things.

Seriously, Kuroka, damn.

So I add casually, "I will remember that for tonight."

The speed at which Kuroka's mouth dropped and formed an 'O' at me was glorious.

Only for it to be ruined as her chest…vibrates?

"Hmm?" Kuroka blinked, before reaching down into her cleavage and pulling out a phone.

Just like that.

The speed at which my mouth formed an 'O' would have broken the sound barrier at that moment.

Seriously. How!?

That thing wasn't in her robe! It wasn't between her breasts either when I pulled her clothes over her!

When it went off, it shook her chest, which means it's not a pocket dimension!

I didn't sense her use any magic, or need any chakra either!

What is this power!?

Kuroka smirked, looking at me out of the corner of her eye and winking, "Women's secret darling~!"


Fortunately, my internal raving is cut off as Kuroka, eyeing her phone, smirks so damn wide even the Grinch would be concerned.

She quickly types something out in response, before shoving her phone back into her cleavage, it disappearing into the aether as it slides in between the cushions, so to speak.

Yes. I watched intensely.

No. I couldn't see anything beyond it simply vanishing.

One day…!

"Shirone is coming over~!" Kuroka suddenly announced, still smirking, "She has something she'd finally like to say to you, darling~!"

I deadpanned at her for that.

"We're doing this now, Kuroka? Really?" I huff, "You better not be pushing or forcing her."

"Pushing? Yup~!" Kuroka easily admits, "But forcing? Nope! Shirone has been trying to work up the courage to say something to you about you know what proper for a while! And after your two's date, well…" Kuroka chuckles slowly, "let's just say she's been getting more desperate, alright nyah~?"

"Besides!" She adds before I can say anything, reaching up and grasping at my collar as she does, "There's no better time than the present~!"

With that, she pulls down my robe, my yukata, with one short pull.

"And also, my body is still kind of out of it at the moment," she continues, "so there is no better time than now, alright darling~?" She bats her eyelashes at me, prompting a deep sigh from me, even as I feel Koneko's presence appear within the compound, likely via Kuroka's teleportation circle.

Huh. If it's a Devil circle, she's going to have to get that changed now, isn't she?

"I guess I'll go get Koneko, then." Right before moving to sit up, I give Kuroka one final look, "You're, helping~..." I intone huskily, looking her straight in the eyes.

My suddenness, the sheer lust behind my words, prompted Kuroka to flinch back, her face reddening.

"H-Helping~? Nyah? Darling?" I proceed to get up, "What do you mean by that? D-Darling? Hey! Darling!?"

Ignoring her cries of concern as I leave the room, a pep to my step and a light hum reverberating from my throat.

I know what Kuroka has been pushing for, and I know what Koneko wants, generally.

I know she thinks she's bad at lewd stuff, so to get anywhere in any relationship at all, she likely thinks she's got to jump straight to fucking, or something like that.

Kuroka probably hasn't been helping that notion, although it's not like I know for sure what those two say to each other.

Still. It's Kuroka. There isn't a doubt in my mind she's pushing Koneko in that direction.

So, the simple question is, does Koneko truly want to start with that? Or no?

I'm all for either, whatever the white cat girl is comfortable with, of course.

If she does want to push for sexy fun times, genuinely, then isn't it only fair for her dear older sister to help her out?

After all, she's new to this, and Kuroka has been pushing for it, no doubt.

Well, we'll see soon, I suppose…

~ A New Sun ~

It's a quick jog down to the room Koneko suddenly appeared in.

Sliding open the doors to find Koneko standing there, awkwardly, in her Kuoh Academy uniform was certainly an odd treat for my eyes.

Despite her generally petite appearance, she does have some meat and curves on those bones, which the short academy skirt reveals rather amply if you look closely enough.

She twitches as soon as my form reveals itself, her fluffy white cat ears and tail perking as a small red blush blossoms across her face.

"S-Senpai?" Koneko stammered, eyes immediately drawn to the fact my yukata was down to my waist.

I'm not sure what those two's original plan was if they even had one, but I don't think it involved me showing up damn near as soon as Koneko arrived, half-naked.

I'm also sure it didn't involve me picking up the small white cat and sweeping her off her feet.

"S-Senpai!" She gave a panicked hiss at me, prompting me to simply smirk as I turned around and carried her out.

"What is my cute little kouhai doing here, hmm?" I mutter slowly down at her, "Isn't it a school day?"

Koneko blinks at me, before pointedly looking away, huffing.

"You know," I continued gruffly, "as your senior, it wouldn't be right for me to just stand around and do nothing while my junior blatantly skips class." I lean down to her ear, whispering now, "I can't believe I have to say this, but is my cute little kouhai a naughty kitty? Does she require punishment?"

Koneko's eyes widen almost instantly, as she shivers in my grasp, "S-Senpai…" her breath hitches, "N-No…?"

"Someone doesn't sound all too sure herself, hmm?" I idly note, "Don't worry, I'll decide, so leave the tough decision-making to senpai, alright~?"

"A-Ahn? Nyah~!?" I give her cat ear a light kiss, prompting the girl to mew for the first time I've ever heard.

Her hands shoot up to cover her mouth as she sends me a scathing glare…that has absolutely zero heat to it.

I simply smirk right back at her, which causes her glare to shrivel up rather quickly, replaced by an awkward stare.

Oh, Koneko. She truly isn't the best at this, huh?

That's alright, just going to need to be very blunt with her then.

That's how our walk back to my room went. With me whispering lewd innuendos into her ear the whole time, and Koneko trying weakly to act mad before the facade crumbles and she flips the script.

Upon reaching my room, it's Kuroka's turn to perk up, scampering to the edge of the bed as she cries out.

"Shirroonnee! I'm sorry! He—"

Koneko, abruptly, cuts her off with a glare, and a flat and plain rebuke, "I hate you."

"Nyahh!? Shirone noooo!" Kuroka continued her crying, rolling around back and forth on the bed.

Koneko did not look amused.

I snorted, finally letting Koneko down and onto her feet.

With a few steps, I sit on the edge of the bed, reaching over and whacking the black cat to stop her from falling off the bed in her over-dramatics.

She yelps, before looking at me in sheer betrayal.

My deadpan look, however, quickly assuages her from continuing with the act as she looks down in shame.

"Now then," I clap my hands together, drawing the attention of both cat girls properly, "I'm not too sure what you two had planned for…this." I waved my hand between myself and Koneko, prompting the white-haired girl to erupt in a full-on blush, "But since Kuroka was involved, it likely wasn't good."

"H-Hey!" Kuroka objects behind me, only to be silenced as Koneko nods vehemently at my words.

I chuckle at the two sisters' antics, before looking intently at Koneko, and patting my lap.

"First things first, sit. I have some things I'd like to ask you." I command softly.

Koneko, after a moment, shuffles over and daintily takes a seat. Her ears droopy and her face scarlet, she doesn't look me in the eye.

Behind me, I feel Kuroka come up and place her hands on my shoulders, and her chest on my back, as she looks slightly over me to watch her sister.

"Now, Koneko." I start, prompting her ears to twitch, "How much has Kuroka told you? Do you know about us?"

I would hope she would at least tell her that much.

Thankfully, Koneko did indeed nod slowly at that, "I am aware, s-senpai…" she murmured, then shivered, "very aware."

I blink, slowly turning my head to look at Kuroka, who slowly moved down with a nervous smile to get out of my sight.

I turned back to Koneko with a sigh, "She was telling you stupid shit like how big I am or what have you, wasn't she?"

Koneko simply nodded up and down to that, face burning.

That sounds about right, fucking black cat.

Oh yeah, she's been halping has been my bet, but if this goes where I think it's going, then I'm going to make her help properly.

"If that's the case, then let's not beat around the bush alright?" I reach over, cupping her chin and making her look at me, her eyes going wide as they meet my own at last, "You like me, yeah? I think we share a bunch of common interests, you're really cute, and I like you as well. Do you want to do something more together?"

"A-Ah…l-like…?" Koneko fumbled over words, but at least she managed something at least.


"Make it official, if you want. Make you one of mine, if you're okay with the idea of being in a harem, that is." I add on.

"I…um…" she squeezed her eyes shut, "harems are normal in supernatural society, S-Senpai…I never thought I'd be in one, but…well…" she slowly opened up one of her eyes, "I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, I…g-guess?"

That is pretty much all I needed to hear.

In the next moment, I swoop down, claiming her thin lips with my own, while pulling her closer and holding her flush against myself.

Koneko seizes up, going completely still, until her brain finally catches up with current events and her body pretty much melts against me.

She wraps her arms around my torso, lightly holding on as she gives her best try at kissing back.

Honestly? It's not bad, it's cute. She's not nearly as passionate, or horny, as Kuroka is clearly, but she's got her charm.

Behind us, I can feel Kuroka shaking and holding herself back from squeeing and ruining the moment.

Props to her for having some sense at least.

After a few moments, we pull apart, albeit Koneko is still clinging to my torso.

She huffs lightly, once more not meeting my gaze, "You…i-idiot…senpai…"

"You know, you sound significantly less threatening saying that with a dopey little smile on your face." I point out.

She smushes her face against my chest, "S-Shut it…"

I chuckle at that, absentmindedly petting Koneko on the back of her head, and giving her ears little scratches.

She purrs against me, and I start feeling it, as she, in turn, starts grinding her hips against me.

Slowly and softly at first, although she doesn't go much harder, it does get more pronounced as time goes on.

Until eventually, she suddenly stops, going completely still for a moment before slowly looking up at me.

"Ah, s-senpai?" She asks gently, unsure, "Do we…um…do l-l-lewd things now?"

"Only if you want?" I respond softly, "Either way, I'm game."

Usually, I'd say something like, 'Isn't this a bit too fast?'

But I've long since accepted that sexual relations move incredibly fast here, in this world.

Or maybe Kuroka has severely gimped my perception of sex and the like.

Could be either, or both.

Probably both.

Fucking cat.

"A-Ahn~…" Koneko hums lightly, looking down, as she slowly starts grinding herself against me once more, "The original plan was to have big sister get you, um…ready…before I took over and…made the leap of faith, as it were."

Casually, my arm snapped out, my face unchanging even as I grabbed Kuroka by her kimono before she could scamper off the bed and escape.

She gave a whimpering cry as I slowly pulled her to us, but otherwise, neither I nor Koneko acknowledged her presence.

"I am…prepared…to do that, still…if you want?" She slowly finishes.

"I've made it abundantly clear that I consider you sexually attractive, kitty?" I patted her on the back, "But I asked you first."

"I…" Koneko muttered, "What was it that you said earlier?" She asked herself, before slowly looking back up at me, "I've been a…n-naughty kitty, skipping class and all…so…um, please punish me, s-senpai…?"

I'll take that as a yes, then.

My lips promptly come back down on hers like a hammer on the anvil, my free hand moving down and claiming an entire cheek of her ass under her skirt, filling my palm easily.

Koneko makes a noise between yelp, mewl, and a moan as I do, she pushes her entire body against me almost desperately.

If I didn't know any better, I say my white cat girl here is in her mating season now, but judging by the fact that Kuroka hasn't piped up to say that…

Speaking of, my black cat girl is trying weakly to wiggle out of my grasp, whimpering lightly at the show going on right next to her.

Ah. Right. She's supposed to be helping.

I pull my lips away from my desperate white cat girl and give her ass a little spank to grab her attention.

The way the flesh jiggles in the palm of my hand nearly makes Nori Junior burst out of my yukata.

I want to see it.

"Koneko. Kitten." I try, looking straight into her eyes, causing her pupils to dilate slightly and an atomic blush to spread from ear to ear, "Why don't you get up, and get out of your school uniform, make yourself more comfortable…and make sure we don't ruin it, yeah?"

Koneko nods vehemently in agreement, staggering after how quickly she slid out of my lap.

Meanwhile, I turn to Kuroka.

"Pet." I address her, causing Kuroka to freeze, and to my slight surprise, a blush spreads across her face as I think she finally realizes what I meant earlier by 'helping.'

"Get down on your knees, and start showing your little sister how it's done."

A simple command the perverted black cat understands pretty much instantly.

As she crawled off the bed and to her place in front of me, I watched any hesitation she had fall as quickly as her kimono did as she pulled it off whilst moving.

Even before Koneko could get completely out of her school uniform, Kuroka was already in her birthday suit, kneeling between my legs, her tails swaying in anticipation behind her.

Speaking of my kitten.

I will say this now, I've always been more of an ass or thighs man.

That sounds ironic considering I'm in titty anime land, but it's the truth.

I can say, with one hundred percent certainty, that Koneko has a far better ass than her sister.

It's smaller, sure, but that's only because Koneko herself is a small girl.

But the way it curves down to her plump thighs, the way it jiggles and bounces slightly as she walks?

Yeah, those are some breeding hips right there.

Koneko sees me looking at her, and shies away from my desiring gaze, instead looking down at her bare older sister.

I see the moment, in her eyes, when she starts comparing herself to her.

"Kitten," I call out, snapping her out of it before it can truly begin, "come here." I hold out my hand to her.

Slowly, Koneko does, and as soon as reaches my side I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into it.

"Watch closely, alright~?" I mutter into her ear, prompting a shiver, "Your sister is going to be useful for once and show you how to do lewd stuff, alright~?"

"O-Okay- Nyannn~!?"

I accidentally cut her off into a mewling moan, as I can't help it when my hand roams down her waistline, grabbing and squeezing her ample rear, my fingers sliding into her curves, and slowly going under her underwear…

That's where my hand stays, for now.

Kuroka meanwhile wasn't idle, as she grasped at the yukata around my waist, "That's right, Shirone~! Let your big sister show you how it's done…then you can work your needy senpai all you want~! Or, rather…" Kuroka, ever the dramatist, chose that moment to pull the rest of my clothing down, revealing a Nori Junior who was standing at complete attention to the world.

"He'll be working you, nyah~!" Kuroka finished with a sultry smirk.

Koneko audibly gulped next to me, "Y-You weren't lying…about…? How would that even…"

"Like…this~!" Kuroka started hotly before no words came anymore as she stuck out her tongue and started taking nice, long licks up and down my shaft.

I let out a low groan, deep in my throat, as Kuroka wraps her lips around the tip and swirls her tongue around it.

"You gotta get it nice and lubed up, make sure everything is silky smooth and wetted down~…" Kuroka continues her lecture, "Plus, he likes it quite a bit. See his face Shirone~?"

"Y~Yeah…I do— Nyan~!?" Koneko suddenly froze, and let out a shuddering moan, "S~Senpai~!?"

My hand moved again, my fingers finding her tight lower lips, and poking and prodding at them.

"Why don't you go down there, and try it out yourself, kitten~..." I suggest huskily.

"T-Try~...? Nyah~!" My finger slowly slips inside of her, "O~Okay~!"

Koneko wastes no time, bending over to join her sister.

Even Kuroka was surprised though, as Koneko went straight to wrapping her lips around the head and swirling her cute little tongue around it.

In turn, I push my finger as far as it can go inside her tightening folds, groaning as she moans and shudders around the tip.

"Very good Shirone~!" Kuroka praises, before moaning hotly around the base of my member and continuing damn near worshiping it, "Like this, we'll make him cum in no time~!"

She's not even wrong about that.

Koneko began pushing her head down my rod, her small mouth unfortunately unable to go past my head, but holy fuck if it wasn't tight.

She swirled her tongue wildly around the tip, almost desperately.

I pounded my finger into her folds in response, her back arching as she tried to take it, her shaking her ass in what I think is a plea for more.

Kuroka meanwhile, gave the root of my shaft a thorough cleaning with her tongue.

"Come on darling~..." Kuroka breathed out between laps, "Shirone seems pretty desperate to taste your seed, doesn't she~? Won't you be a good senpai and give it to her~?"

Fucking. Cat.

I didn't want to shove exorbitant amounts of cum down her throat during her first time, but with her lips clamped around the tip like this I don't think there's any other choice.

Kuroka, of course, helps me not be able to hold back.

So, with a final shuddering groan on my end, I reach what I know is only going to be my first climax of the day.

I do not doubt that if Koneko wasn't acting like a cap on the tip right now, my seed would be spraying out like some kind of geyser.

Instead, said cap suddenly perked up, her eyes widening considerably as I shot everything straight into her mouth.

Both Kuroka and I were shocked when she managed to take it all without the slightest drop coming out, without even the slightest gag.

Once my release finally ceased, Koneko pulled herself off my rod with a resounding pop.

"Mmm~...salty…" She touched her lip with a finger, before eyeing me as her tail swayed back and forth rapidly.

She reached around, grabbed my wrist, and pulled my finger out of her, causing her body to shudder.

Slowly, she turned around, and bent over the bed, her eyes locked onto mine, filled with desperate need as she shook her hips back and forth.

"Come on, senpai~...punish me~...please~..." she reached back, pulling her underwear down completely, before grabbing her cheeks and spreading them.

Well. Who am I to say no to such a clear invitation?

I stand up, almost smacking Kuroka in the face with my still throbbing hard rod, but she manages to avoid it in time.

I come right up behind Koneko, grabbing her hips to hold her in place and wasting no time as I slide my shaft right between her cheeks.

Koneko gasps loudly, her hands coming down to grasp the bed sheets tightly, her face digging into the covers as she shoves her ass up and out more.

Kuroka comes up behind me, she doesn't even say anything, just immediately starts rubbing her body up against my back.

She licks my neck and runs her chest up and down my back, so even before the tip of my member reaches Koneko's lips, the thing is already throbbing with need once more.

So, I lean back slightly, letting it slide down into the proper position, before slowly pushing myself forward.

My tip parts her excruciatingly tight and wet lips before being wrapped up and squeezed by her equally tight folds.

"Fuck~..." I groan, loudly, Koneko mirrors me by letting out her groan down into the sheets beneath her, and her entire body shudders to accompany it.

I lean my body slightly over her, hands holding myself up placed on either side of her head.

"You feeling alright down there~?" I huff out through gritted teeth.

"G~Grand~...N~Nyan~..." she shudders out, "You c~can move, senpai~...please move~...punish me~...! Nnnggh~!"

With a grunt, I push forward, hard.

"F~Fuck~! Y~Yes…like that~...!" She breathily mewls, her tongue sticking out of her mouth as she does so.

"Hmm~, naughty kitten with naughty language~..." I pull back, then pump forward once more, causing her to scream out with pleasure, "That's another thing to punish you for~..."

"Then f~fucking do it– Nyan~! Nyah~! Nnngggghh~!"

I promptly shut her naughty mouth by ceasing holding back.

My once slow, steady, thrust are replaced by wild, damn near primal or animalistic pistoning.

Hey. She's a Rook, no?

Better take advantage of that Rook durability.

In that same vein, I deliver a nice hard slap straight to her rear.

"Nyaaahh~!?" Koneko cries out once more, her body shuddering, "A~Again~! Senpai~! Again~!"

"Ho? Naughty kitten is also perverted?" I muse, "Another thing to punish you for!"

"I'm~ I'm not~!" Her attempt at denial is cut off with a whimper as I spank her once more, "Nyann~!? I'm sworrryy~! I'm sworry I'm a naughty perverted kitten senpai~!"

"That's more like it~..." I gruffly growl out, prompting a shudder from both cat girls as I put my hand on Koneko's head, pushing her head down further, "Senpai has got a gift for you, kitten~! You aren't allowed to say no to it~!"

Unfortunately, Koneko can't say much of anything beyond giving muffled moans of broken ecstasy, her eyes halfway rolled up into her head.

Fortunately, I don't need her to say anything.

"Here it comes~...!" I grunt out hoarsely, and on some level, I think Koneko knows what exactly it is.

As her body suddenly locks up as soon as I say those words, her folds tighten to extreme degrees as her core seems to pulse, her climax hitting her just before mine does.

Like a one-two punch, my release kicks in straight after, causing her to gasp loudly for breath as she all of a sudden finds her depths being filled to the brim.

"S~S~Senpai~...!" She manages a single word as she lets out a shuddering breath, her mouth agape.

I take a deep breath, my cock twitching as I slowly pull out of her, leaving a small stream of white the same color as her hair to trickle out.

"Now, kitten~?" I reach down, giving her ass a light spank, "You better not be done yet, after all, your sister still needs help with her turn~..."

Kuroka, who was furiously fingering herself right behind me, suddenly perks up.

"Nyah~? Darling~?" She exclaims, worried.

She should be, to be fair.

"I~I'll…I'll try, senpai~..." Koneko mutters, "But no promises, okay~...?"

My hand shoots out, grabbing Kuroka's tails as she tries to scamper away, pulling her back with a yelp while a smile graces my face.

"That's alright, Koneko, take your time~..." I ease her.

After all, I'm going to be taking my time with this fucking cat as well~!

Something must have shown on my face, as Kuroka starts to panically exclaim, "Ah~!? Darling, can we talk about this~? Please~?"

I make a show of thinking about it.


There wasn't much talking to be ahead after that, so it turns out.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


