He was supposed to have gone with her to the airport but wasn't around and Elisabeth decided against chasing him. Tomorrow she could deal with it. And she would have to, tomorrow. Going to trial with your instructing solicitor giving you the silent treatment was not the ideal position in which to find yourself.
Eminent neurosurgeon, Dr William Liu, was waiting on the terminal pavement when she pulled into the pickup zone. On the lookout, he saw her immediately and barely allowed her to pull to a halt before opening the near rear door and sliding his briefcase onto the seat. Climbing in beside her he said hello and pulled the door closed. As he found the seatbelt and strapped himself in Elisabeth rejoined the traffic and followed the line of vehicles around the one-way exit to the main road. 'I hope you didn't have any difficulty getting away.'
'No emergencies,' he said. 'Or I wouldn't be here.'
Elisabeth glanced at him. 'I'm glad you are.'
'How's our patient?'