39.81% A Legacy Continued / Chapter 43: Chapter 41 - Weighing of the wands pt. 2

章 43: Chapter 41 - Weighing of the wands pt. 2

***** Regular Chapter ***** A/N: Happy Mother's day! To all the mothers out there, you are amazing! <3 Sorry this is late, but I was spending the morning/lunch with my mom, and still needed to edit. Anyways, hope you all enjoy! *****

"Would you care to repeat yourself?" Khan asked Rita calmly, completely contrasting how he currently looked.

The group was silent as ever, as everyone could feel Khan's rage and magical power rolling off of him in waves of fury.

Both Harry and Bagman were reminded of Khan's magical power and combat prowess from the world cup, as they felt his magical power almost pressuring them physically.

Krum himself was in shock at the display. He wasn't expecting any real level of competition from the other champions initially.

Being a world-class seeker who also happened to be favored by the headmaster, he was used to competing and training against fully mature wizards and witches. He was personally tutored by the best teachers and masters at Durmstrang.

Simply put, he believed himself to be the best prepared. After all, how could anyone match that level of training as a student?

This resulted in him fully expecting to run away with this tournament.

However, with Khan's display just now, it appears it will not be that easy for Krum.

Fleur on the other hand, was quite red with her blushing, biting her bottom lip, staring at Khan unblinkingly.

While she had investigated her new friend previously, and heard rumors of his magical prowess and power, it was completely different feeling his power in person.

Not to mention, as a 1/4 Veela, she was especially sensitive and attracted to magical power in general.

Now Khan, was unconsciously displaying this strong magical power in defense of her honor?

" 'e will be mine..." Fleur promised herself.

While she had already decided previously, that she would go on the aggressive and make her claim to Khan early.... this display she was currently watching, only increased her urgency.

She knew that if/when Khan displayed his magical power like this, witches would be flocking to him, even moreso than usual.

And with the upcoming tournament, it was only a matter of time, before his magical power would be displayed in front of all 3 schools.

Feeling her slightly damp panties, she grew even more determined. If she herself was reacting like this, she could only imagine how other women would react when they finally felt his magical power.... he was already popular enough, if his female posse was anything to go by. Any more popular, and these sluts would be throwing open their legs for him one after the other....

Fleur couldn't let that happen, not without her staking her claim to Khan first.

Rita meanwhile, realized she had just offended someone who should not be offended, if the magical power she felt rolling off of him is any indication.

Normally she was quite careful with how she conducted herself in public.

Being who she was, naturally she had offended a lot of powerful witches and wizards. However, it was never to their face or in person, rather, it was through her various articles in the paper.

And its not that she was scared of offending powerful wizards.... She had even recently wrote an article about Dumbledore in which she called him an 'obsolete dingbat'.

No.... in fact if you asked her, she would say she lives for offending powerful wizards, and digging up their secrets.

But it was only ever through her various articles.

Rita was quite smart and careful as to never directly offend various powerful wizards/witches in person - she cared too much for her own life for that -

Even if they offended her, she would bide her time and wait. Research, and discover all their little secrets, and eventually destroy them and their reputation through her various articles.

She never fought magically, but she was nonetheless effective in her propaganda-based tactics, and had successfully cultivated a reputation for herself.

But coming here to Hogwarts for this Triwizard's Tournament, she had slipped up and made a mistake.

Not bothering to research any of the other Champions, she was mainly concerned with the 4th Champion, Harry Potter, as she expected all the competitors to be students.

Being students, naturally Rita did not care to offend them, as they could do little to nothing to her in retaliation normally.

However, seeing Khan's reaction, and feeling his magical power rolling off of him in waves, naturally Rita came to her senses and realized she would need to employ similar methods to how she dealt with Death-Eaters and Neutral Head of Houses; focus on survival, and investigate in secret until you have enough to blackmail/destroy them socially.

"My apologies... I was emotional and spoke out of turn." Rita hurriedly apologizes hoping to placate the powerful young man, letting go of Harry's arm in the process and stepping away from the classroom door.

"It is not I who you should be apologizing to." Khan states authoritatively, indicating a blushing Fleur beside him.

"Yes, of course!" Rita quickly bows in apology to Fleur, who is looking on haughtily. "I am sorry Madame."

"Hmpf!" Fleur looked off to the side quickly, chin jutting out in rejection of Rita, not paying attention to her bow.

She then turned to Khan slowly and seductively, meeting his eyes, and said "I will defer to you, Lord Khan."

Looking to follow his lead, Fleur was attempting to act like a little house-wife.

She was clearly enjoying Khan's defense of her, and further decided to take advantage of the situation, by grabbing on to Khan's arm, further releasing her Allure in waves of increasing power, matching Khan's output subconsciously.

The two of them stood there, magical power coming off of Khan, and Allure coming off of Fleur, like 2 beacons of contrasting magical auras, battling for control.

Harry, Krum and Bagman could feel their control slowly slipping away.

The allure coming off of Fleur passively, was already hard enough to ignore for most normal male students; Harry, and Krum having stronger than average mentalities, were regularly able to resist her normal output. However, now that she was subconsciously matching Khan's magical output, they too were having trouble now resisting.

Compound that from the pressure they felt physically, from Khan's magical power and aura alone..... Needless to say, but they were all struggling to stay in control of themselves.

Rita meanwhile was regretting her previous outburst, and starting to sweat, while still bowing in place. She had heard what the female champion had said and had to clarify to ensure she did not mishear....

"I'm sorry.... but did you just say Lord Khan?" She clarified, as she looked up from her bowed position. "As in the old Noble Khan family?"

Fleur nods.

Rita was relatively familiar with extinct houses, having regularly done research into various family histories. So while she recognized the name, she also remembered a few details she was confused by. "But aren't they an extinct house? I thought they disappeared in the late 19th century due to-"


"FORMERLY extinct!" Dumbledore jovially comments, as he walks in through the now open classroom door, leading the rest of the judges, as well as Mr Olivander inside. "Young Lord Khan here has resurrected the Ancient and Noble House!"

The pressure from the 2 auras immediately dissipated, as Khan and Fleur reeled in their power with the appearance of the Headmasters.

They still had respect for authority after all.

Rita, thankful for the timely save, quickly escaped to settle herself down in a corner, slipping parchment out of her bag, and quickly scribbling down some notes.

She now had a name and a House to research. A formerly extinct house, recently resurrected by a young lord still in school....

Rita was certain there were secrets to uncover regarding their disappearance the past 100 years.

The rest of the judges, having no idea of what had just occurred a few minutes prior to their arrival, were quite eager to get started with the ceremony, and hurried to their seats after Dumbledore had unlocked the classroom door.

"Alright champions, everyone have a seat!" Dumbledore announced to the still standing champions. "The Weighing of the Wands will begin momentarily!"

Dumbledore's subsequent appearance and announcement surprised both Krum and Harry out of their currently shocked state, and they hurriedly rushed to take a seat.

Khan meanwhile was still standing by the fireplace, Fleur still holding on to his arm, by his side, still eying the furiously scribbling Rita in the corner of the classroom.

'I should keep an eye on her.....' Khan mumbles to himself, as he leads Fleur to their seats alongside Harry and Krum. 'She seems like she's going to be trouble.'

Khan could only imagine what she would go on to uncover and eventually write in revenge for today.

Finally reaching their seats, they both sat down.

Unfortunately, sitting down, Fleur had to let go of Khan's arm, lest she act improperly in front of Madame Maxime.

While she could play off holding on to his arm as him acting as a noble gentleman, escorting her to her seat, it would be quite improper to remain clutching Khan's arm in front of the headmasters, especially if they weren't in a formal relationship.

"May I introduce Mr. Ollivander?" Dumbledore said, taking his place at the judges' table, addressing the now seated champions. "He will be checking your wands to ensure that they are in good condition before the tournament."

Khan observed the new guest with a fond smile. He remembered Mr Ollivander from his own time, helping him to craft that Ancient magic wand out of the Keeper's Legacy relics, to access to final repository under Hogwarts.

This Ollivander looked quite similar to the one her knew from his time. Just as old, and appearing just as kind and eccentric, he was only missing his unique beard, as this Ollivander appeared cleanshaven.

"Mademoiselle Delacour, ladies first, if you please!" Mr Ollivander announced, stepping into the empty space in the middle of the room.

Fleur gracefully rose out of her seat, and swept over the Mr. Ollivander, handing him her wand in the process.

"Hmmmmm...." He mumbled to himself as he examined the wand closely.

He twirled it between his long boney fingers, like a baton, before waving it around, as it emitted a number of pink and gold sparks.

"Yes.... 9 1/2 inches.... inflexible." Holding it closer to his eyes to examine it carefully, he mumbled aloud. "Rosewood and containing..... dear me... is that-"

"A 'air from ze 'ead of a veela!" Fleur finished off proudly. "One from my Grandmuzzer!"

"Yes.... I've never used veela hair myself of course." Mr Ollivander replied. "I find it makes for rather temperamental wands.... however to each his own I always say.... and this wand appears to rather suit you!"

He then muttered "Orchideous!" causing a bunch of flowers to burst from the wand tip.

"Very good, very good!" He said happily. "It is in fine working order!"

He handed the wand, along with the flowers, back to Fleur, before calling up the next champion. "Mr Krum! You next!"

Fleur glided back to her seat gracefully, smiling at Khan the whole way, carrying the flowers as if she was a bride walking down the aisle at her wedding.

Krum meanwhile, got up from his seat, slouched as usual, and marched himself towards Ollivander, thrusting out his wand when he got there. He then stood there scowling, hands in the pockets of his robes.

"Hmmmm...." Ollivander said. "This is a Gregorovitch creation! A very fine wand-maker, though the styling is not one which I find personally aesthetically pleasing....."

"Hornbeam and Dragon heartstring?" he lifted the wand to his eyes, examining it minutely, scanning over every detail. "Rather thicker than usual, and quite rigid.... 10 1/4 inches... 'Avis!'"


Krum's wand let off a blast sounding like a canon, and a number of small birds flew out of the end.

"Appears to be in working order!" Ollivander said happily, handing the wand back to Krum, who slouched back to his seat afterwards. "Mr Potter, if you please!"

Harry got to his feet nervously, and walked up to Ollivander, handing over his wand.

"Aaaah yes!" Ollivander said, eyes gleaming in excitement and memory. "Yes, yes, yes. How well I remember..."

"Holly, 11 inches long....." Ollivander spoke excitedly. "Containing a single feather from a Phoenix.... quite curious as I recall...."

Harry remembered what was so curious..... it was that this wand's brother belonged to Voldemort himself.

He had never told anyone this, even Hermione. He was quite fond of his wand, and as far as he was concerned, its relation to Voldemort's wand was similar to his relation to Aunt Petunia; something that couldn't be helped.

Ollivander spent quite a bit of time examining Harry's wand, before making a fountain of wine shoot out of it and handing it back to Harry happily, announcing it was still in perfect condition.

"That leaves..... Mr Khan, you next please!"

Khan rose gracefully out of his seat, and marched over to Ollivander, presenting his trusty wand.

"This...." Ollivander appeared quite shocked at the wand he was holding. "This is a wand my Grandfather custom created."

"I would recognize his work anywhere..... My father told me he was probably one of the best custom wand-makers in our family." He was holding Khan's wand quite carefully and gingerly. "I studied many of his wands growing up, as I was learning the family craft."

"14.5 inches, unyielding...." Ollivander was holding it up to his twinkling eyes, excited to see another one of his Grandfather's custom creations. "Phoenix feather core with- Wait..."

He takes a sniff of the wand.

"Is this elder wood?"

Khan nodded in confirmation.

Ollivander was stunned..... this wand theoretically shouldn't be possible.

Elder wood has a strong connection with death. And Phoenixes, the opposite; They have a strong connection with life and rebirth.

And while opposite nature wand combinations, like Harry's Holly and Phoenix feather wand, were possible in current wandlore, they were a difficult combination to create a wand with, let alone find a partner for.

But such an extremely opposite combination, such as life and death, should theoretically be impossible. These were two universal forces after all.

But he was holding such a wand in his hands..... and from the magic he felt running through it, the wand was the most powerful he hand ever witnessed.

Ollivander felt like he could cast his spells with twice his original power with this wand, and this wasn't even his partnered wand.

But wouldn't that mean....

"This wand is equivalent to the mythical elder wand?" Ollivander whispered to himself in awe of his Grandfather's creation.

Sudoku Sudoku

In my Legacy game, I did actually make the elder wands for my characters, just with the different cores lol. In this story however, while the wand ingredients are similar to the elder wand, Khan's wand's power comes more from its contrasting nature being able to be controlled by his ancient magic. The Elder wand's power comes more from Elder wood and Thestral hair both having strong cultural connotations with death, and the wand itself being created by death.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C43
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


